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原创 Pipe

pipesdeclare display-value transformations in your template HTML@Pipe decoratordefines a function that transforms input value to output value for display in a viewPipes API listpipe operator...

2020-03-07 17:14:51 132

原创 Data Binding

Add binding markup to the template HTMLto tell Angular how to connect both sidescomponent ----> DOM<li>{{hero.name}}</li>displays the component’s hero.name property value withi...

2020-03-07 10:14:50 159

原创 Angular template-syntax elements

directivesDirectives give instructions to Angular on how to render the templates to the DOMA directive can be defined in Angular as a class with the @Directive decoratorA component is a special ki...

2020-03-07 08:36:50 197

原创 Template

What is Templatea form of HTMLcompanies with a component’s viewtells Angular how to render the componentdefines the component’s host viewWhat is Viewsarranged hierachicallymodify, show or hi...

2020-03-07 08:23:30 138

原创 Angular Components

viewyou may divide your screen into multiple views, each one of them being controlled by a separate component.app.component.tsselector: ‘app-root’templateUrl: './app.component.html’specif...

2020-03-07 07:31:18 282

原创 Configuring Angular Application

Angular Material module: for designing the UI layouts. It provides us with a number of interesting layout components.Flex Layout: It is based upon the CSS flex layout, and enables us to do responsive...

2020-02-25 12:44:49 222

原创 Install Angular-CLIr

Install Angular-CLITo install angular-cli globally, type the following at the prompt:npm install -g @angular/cli@6.2.1Use sudo before npm on a Mac and Linux Angular CliThis will make the comma...

2020-02-21 13:55:43 101

原创 Node.js

how to install an npm mudulehow to use the lite server npm module to serve up the contents of our project folder (so that it can be viewed in a browser)set up .gitignore (come folders can be exclud...

2020-02-21 12:51:07 115

原创 Github command

Set the local Git repository to set its remote originAt the prompt, type the following to set up your local repository to link to your online Git repository:git remote add origin <repository UR...

2020-02-20 17:29:03 114

原创 Basic Git Commands

Basic Git CommandsAt a convenient location on your computer, create a folder named git-test.Open this git-test folder in your favorite editor.Add a file named index.html to this folder, and add t...

2020-02-20 17:20:23 132

原创 4. Deeper networks

Multiple hidden layersMulti-layer neural networksdef predict_with_network(input_data): # Calculate node 0 in the first hidden layer node_0_0_input = (input_data * weights['node_0_0']).sum()...

2019-12-22 15:57:35 750

原创 3.Activation functions

Applying an activation function in the hidden layers is to achieve the maximum predictive power of neural network.An activation function allows the model to capture non-linearitiesApplied to node i...

2019-12-22 07:56:15 163

原创 2. Forward propagation

Forward propagation algorithmIt is how neural networks use data to make decisionsThe forward-propagation algorithm will pass this information through the network to make a prediction in the output l...

2019-12-22 06:52:03 165

原创 1. Introduction to deep learning(Regression, layer)

Classical regression modelLinear regression modelLinear regression model is identifying the regressions between this part, and how they affect a back-end actiityModel with no interactions VS Model ...

2019-12-21 17:43:40 454

原创 Dictionary Word counter

Q:Here’s something to stop you from getting repetitive when writing essays. Write a program that reads multiple lines of plain text from the user, then prints out each different word in the input wit...

2019-12-20 21:44:39 142 1

原创 Dictionary Car colours

Q:You are curious about the most popular and least popular colours of cars and decide to write a program to calculate the frequency of car colours.Your program should read in the colour of each car ...

2019-12-20 20:50:51 143

原创 How many words

Q:You are learning a new language, and are having a competition to see how many unique words you know in it to test your vocabulary learning.Write a program where you can enter one word at a time, a...

2019-12-20 08:01:51 375

原创 Decoding

Q:In the war against Skynet, humans are trying to pass messages to each other without the computers realising what’s happening.To do this, they are using a simple code:They read the words in revers...

2019-12-20 07:59:46 323

原创 Python Introduction 1

User inputConverting data typescomparison operators in if statementsManipulating strings1. User inputinput always gives us back a string regardless of what the user enters1.1 Join messages toget...

2019-12-18 21:27:53 191


A SERIAL can be treated as an integer value in most circumstances, but is especially useful for creating tables and inserting new data.The SERIAL type is actually not a real type, but it can help to ...

2019-12-12 17:20:07 384

原创 SQL Mathematical Operators and String Operators

All of them can be directly used in any SELECT or WHERE clause.Mathematical OperatorsOperatorMeaningExampleResult+additionSELECT 10+212-subtractionSELECT 10-28*multipicatio...

2019-12-12 16:59:33 74

原创 Python sorting list, reverse list 和 lambda的使用

顺序排列 - sort()number = [1,45,67,3,7,2]number.sort()print (number)运行结果:[1, 2, 3, 7, 45, 67]逆序排列 - reverse()number = [1,45,67,3,7,2]number.reverse()print (number)运行结果:[2, 7, 3, 67, 45, 1]lamb...

2019-12-09 21:46:09 222

原创 Python scope test

java里不可以方法里嵌套方法,但是python可以global - myprogram.py      spam - “global spam”function - scope_test()      spam = “test spam”  &nb...

2019-12-09 21:02:35 356

原创 Python Loops (for in range)

underscoresingle underscore _private means you shouldnt use itdouble underscore on both sides _init__refers to special wordsFor Loopfor x in range(stop):for x in range(10): print (x)这里的x是变量...

2019-12-07 07:58:49 223

原创 Anaconda 如何迁移环境

写好了程序以后,如果要更换电脑,如何把已有程序迁移出去呢pip freeze > requirement.txt ##迁移requirement文档把requirement拷到新的电脑上,再输入pip install -r requirement.txt...

2019-06-02 14:27:40 5172

原创 Jupyter notebook 使用技巧

向上增加空白cell, A向下增加空白cell, B运行cell, 并将光标移动到下一个cell, shift+enter运行cell, ctrl+enter删除本cell, DD剪切本cell, X粘贴本cell, V合并两个cell, A将cell转为代码状态, Y将cell转为markdown状态,M将选中的几个cells合并, Shift+M打开/关闭行号, L...

2019-05-25 22:16:52 1126

原创 安装Tensorflow

注意:这里要进入中科镜像,否则容易出错打开Anaconda Prompt,输入:conda config --add channels https://mirrors.ustc.edu.cn/anaconda/pkgs/free/ conda config --set show_channel_urls yes 用Anaconda 3创建一个Python3.5的环境,环境名称为te...

2019-05-23 00:18:18 83

原创 Python几个常用的工具

1. 几个重要的工具import numpy as npimport scipyimport pandas as pdimport skleamimport Keras.backend as Kimport tensorflow as tf2. numpynumpy定义了python进行矩阵数值计算的基础np.Add(A,B)np.subtract(A,B)np.dot(C...

2019-05-18 23:20:59 328

原创 Python经典错误

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘pydotplus’指在现在的环境里缺少‘pydotplus’模块。解决办法:安装pydotpluspip install pydotplus

2019-05-18 15:05:04 366

原创 安装决策树可视化工具Graphviz


2019-05-17 23:35:52 665

原创 Python 环境配置:用Anaconda从Py3.6环境进入Py2.7版本

用Anaconda3同时管理Py2.7和Py3.61. 进入Anaconda Prompt2. 输入命令行,给Anaconda添加新的虚拟环境3. 激活python27环境4. 加入Kernal5. 为自己的Jupyter notebook加上环境1. 进入Anaconda Prompt2. 输入命令行,给Anaconda添加新的虚拟环境输入命令行:conda create -n py2...

2019-05-11 21:58:25 675


the images.zip is just for this project.



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