- name: "AlexNet"
- layer {
- name: "forkdata"
- type: "Input"
- top: "data"
- input_param { shape: { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 227 dim: 227 } }#我们只输入一张图片,因此第一个参数(批次)为1,第二个参数表示图片为三通道的,第三地四个参数表示图片的width与height。
- }#之后部分和训练网络时使用的./caffe/forkrecognition/train_val.prototxt文件几乎一样,只是去掉了卷积层,全连接层的参数设置,详见代码
- layer {
- name: "conv1"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "data"
- top: "conv1"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 96
- kernel_size: 11
- stride: 4
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu1"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "conv1"
- top: "conv1"
- }
- layer {
- name: "norm1"
- type: "LRN"
- bottom: "conv1"
- top: "norm1"
- lrn_param {
- local_size: 5
- alpha: 0.0001
- beta: 0.75
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool1"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "norm1"
- top: "pool1"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 3
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv2"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "pool1"
- top: "conv2"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 256
- pad: 2
- kernel_size: 5
- group: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu2"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "conv2"
- top: "conv2"
- }
- layer {
- name: "norm2"
- type: "LRN"
- bottom: "conv2"
- top: "norm2"
- lrn_param {
- local_size: 5
- alpha: 0.0001
- beta: 0.75
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool2"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "norm2"
- top: "pool2"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 3
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv3"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "pool2"
- top: "conv3"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 384
- pad: 1
- kernel_size: 3
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu3"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "conv3"
- top: "conv3"
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv4"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "conv3"
- top: "conv4"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 384
- pad: 1
- kernel_size: 3
- group: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu4"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "conv4"
- top: "conv4"
- }
- layer {
- name: "conv5"
- type: "Convolution"
- bottom: "conv4"
- top: "conv5"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- convolution_param {
- num_output: 256
- pad: 1
- kernel_size: 3
- group: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu5"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "conv5"
- top: "conv5"
- }
- layer {
- name: "pool5"
- type: "Pooling"
- bottom: "conv5"
- top: "pool5"
- pooling_param {
- pool: MAX
- kernel_size: 3
- stride: 2
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "fc6"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "pool5"
- top: "fc6"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 4096
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu6"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "fc6"
- top: "fc6"
- }
- layer {
- name: "drop6"
- type: "Dropout"
- bottom: "fc6"
- top: "fc6"
- dropout_param {
- dropout_ratio: 0.5
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "fc7"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "fc6"
- top: "fc7"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 4096
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "relu7"
- type: "ReLU"
- bottom: "fc7"
- top: "fc7"
- }
- layer {
- name: "drop7"
- type: "Dropout"
- bottom: "fc7"
- top: "fc7"
- dropout_param {
- dropout_ratio: 0.5
- }
- }
- layer {
- name: "forkfc8"
- type: "InnerProduct"
- bottom: "fc7"
- top: "fc8"
- param {
- lr_mult: 1
- decay_mult: 1
- }
- param {
- lr_mult: 2
- decay_mult: 0
- }
- inner_product_param {
- num_output: 2
- }
- }#之前的部分和训练网络时使用的./caffe/forkrecognition/train_val.prototxt文件几乎一样,只是去掉了卷积层,全连接层的参数设置
- layer { #在使用训练好的模型时,不需要准确率层与损失层了,需要的是概率层,评估图片位于各个分类的概率。
- name: "prob"
- type: "Softmax"
- bottom: "fc8"
- top: "prob"
- }
- ---
- title: CaffeNet C++ Classification example
- description: A simple example performing image classification using the low-level C++ API.
- category: example
- include_in_docs: true
- priority: 10
- ---
- # Classifying ImageNet: using the C++ API
- Caffe, at its core, is written in C++. It is possible to use the C++
- API of Caffe to implement an image classification application similar
- to the Python code presented in one of the Notebook example. To look
- at a more general-purpose example of the Caffe C++ API, you should
- study the source code of the command line tool `caffe` in `tools/caffe.cpp`.
- ## Presentation
- A simple C++ code is proposed in
- `examples/cpp_classification/classification.cpp`. For the sake of
- simplicity, this example does not support oversampling of a single
- sample nor batching of multiple independant samples. This example is
- not trying to reach the maximum possible classification throughput on
- a system, but special care was given to avoid unnecessary
- pessimization while keeping the code readable.
- ## Compiling
- The C++ example is built automatically when compiling Caffe. To
- compile Caffe you should follow the documented instructions. The
- classification example will be built as `examples/classification.bin` #classfication.cpp已经编译好了,生成了classification.bin文件
- in your build directory.
- ## Usage
- To use the pre-trained CaffeNet model with the classification example,
- you need to download it from the "Model Zoo" using the following
- script:
- ```
- ./scripts/download_model_binary.py models/bvlc_reference_caffenet
- ```
- The ImageNet labels file (also called the *synset file*) is also
- required in order to map a prediction to the name of the class:
- ```
- ./data/ilsvrc12/get_ilsvrc_aux.sh
- ```
- Using the files that were downloaded, we can classify the provided cat
- image (`examples/images/cat.jpg`) using this command:
- ```
- ./build/examples/cpp_classification/classification.bin \ #在这里规定了调用分类器的方法
- models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/deploy.prototxt \
- models/bvlc_reference_caffenet/bvlc_reference_caffenet.caffemodel \
- data/ilsvrc12/imagenet_mean.binaryproto \
- data/ilsvrc12/synset_words.txt \
- examples/images/cat.jpg
- ```
- The output should look like this:
- ```
- ---------- Prediction for examples/images/cat.jpg ----------
- 0.3134 - "n02123045 tabby, tabby cat"
- 0.2380 - "n02123159 tiger cat"
- 0.1235 - "n02124075 Egyptian cat"
- 0.1003 - "n02119022 red fox, Vulpes vulpes"
- 0.0715 - "n02127052 lynx, catamount"
- ```
- ## Improving Performance
- To further improve performance, you will need to leverage the GPU
- more, here are some guidelines:
- * Move the data on the GPU early and perform all preprocessing
- operations there.
- * If you have many images to classify simultaneously, you should use
- batching (independent images are classified in a single forward pass).
- * Use multiple classification threads to ensure the GPU is always fully
- utilized and not waiting for an I/O blocked CPU thread.