
    *  @Copyright (c) , All rights reserved.
    *  @file:       myLSD.hpp
    *  @version:    ver 1.0
    *  @author:     闹闹
    *  @brief:      LSD线段检测
    *  @change:
    *  @email:
    *  Date             Version    Changed By      Changes 
    *  2021/5/11 11:46:37    1.0       闹闹            create
* modify_author:			闹闹
* modify_time:      2021年5月12日16:22:14
* modify_content:	修改bug
* modify_reference:
* modify_other:
参考链接:       //理论参考部分
* modify_version:  

#ifndef __MYLSD_H__
#define __MYLSD_H__
#pragma once

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <float.h>
namespace nao{
	namespace algorithm{
		namespace lsd {

			/** ln(10) */
			#ifndef M_LN10
			#define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402
			#endif /* !M_LN10 */

			/** PI */
			#ifndef M_PI
			#define M_PI   3.14159265358979323846
			#endif /* !M_PI */

			#ifndef FALSE
			#define FALSE 0
			#endif /* !FALSE */

			#ifndef TRUE
			#define TRUE 1
			#endif /* !TRUE */

			/** Label for pixels with undefined gradient. */
			#ifndef NOTDEF
			#define NOTDEF -1024.0

			/** 3/2 pi */
			#ifndef M_3_2_PI
			#define M_3_2_PI 4.71238898038

			/** 2 pi */
			#ifndef M_2__PI
			#define M_2__PI  6.28318530718

			/** Label for pixels not used in yet. */
			#ifndef NOTUSED	
			#define NOTUSED 0
			/** Label for pixels already used in detection. */
			#ifndef USED 	
			#define USED    1
			/* -------------------------- 外部接口 ----------------------------------------
			/** LSD Full Interface
			@param  n_out      输出线段的指针		 
			@param  img       图像的数据  at coordinates (x,y) is obtained by img[x+y*X].			 
			@param  X         图像的宽度			 
			@param  Y         图像的高度				 
			@param scale      当参数不为1时,使用高斯核对图像进行缩放,建议参数设置为0.8             
			@param sigma_scale   影响sigma_scale,参数建议设置为0.6			  
			@param quant      绑定到梯度范数上的量化误差。建议设置为2.0
			@param ang_th     区域增长中的梯度角公差误差,以度为单位。 建议设置为22.5
			@param log_eps     Suggested value: 0.0
			- -1.0 gives an average of 10 false detections on noise
			-  0.0 gives an average of 1 false detections on noise
			-  1.0 gives an average of 0.1 false detections on nose
			-  2.0 gives an average of 0.01 false detections on noise
			@param density_th Suggested value: 0.7
			@param n_bins     梯度的伪排序中使用的仓数模量。建议设置为1024
			@param reg_img     Suggested value: NULL
			@param reg_x      Suggested value: NULL
			@param reg_y       Suggested value: NULL
			- x1,y1,x2,y2,width,p,-log10(NFA)
			'out[7*n+0]' to 'out[7*n+6]'.
			double * LineSegmentDetection(int * n_out,double * img, int X, int Y,double scale, double sigma_scale, double quant,double ang_th, double log_eps, double density_th,int n_bins,int ** reg_img, int * reg_x, int * reg_y);

			double * lsd_scale_region(int * n_out,double * img, int X, int Y, double scale,int ** reg_img, int * reg_x, int * reg_y);

			double * lsd_scale(int * n_out, double * img, int X, int Y, double scale);

			//返回为7个数的double的数组指针,个数为n_out个。 - x1,y1,x2,y2,width,p,-log10(NFA)
			//'out[7*n+0]' to 'out[7*n+6]'.
			double * lsd(int * n_out, double * img, int X, int Y);

			/*---------------------------------------------- 内部实现 ----------------------------------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     坐标链表,与  点坐标或像素值
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:15
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			struct coorlist{
				int x, y;
				struct coorlist * next;
			struct point { int x, y; };

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    向stderr输出一条信息,然后退出.
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:15
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			static void error(char * msg){
				fprintf(stderr, "LSD Error: %s\n", msg);

			/// Doubles relative error factor 双精度误差比较因子
			#define RELATIVE_ERROR_FACTOR 100.0
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    Compare doubles by relative error.误差比较
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:11
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:
			static int double_equal(double a, double b){
				double abs_diff, aa, bb, abs_max;
				/* trivial case */
				if (a == b) return TRUE;
				abs_diff = fabs(a - b);
				aa = fabs(a);
				bb = fabs(b);
				abs_max = aa > bb ? aa : bb;

				/* DBL_MIN 是最小的浮点数
				   DBL_EPSILON , FLT_EPSILON 主要用于单精度和双精度的比较当中
				if (abs_max < DBL_MIN) abs_max = DBL_MIN;
				/* equal if relative error <= factor x eps */
				return (abs_diff / abs_max) <= (RELATIVE_ERROR_FACTOR * DBL_EPSILON);

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:   计算两点距离 point (x1,y1) and point (x2,y2).
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:14
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			static double dist(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2){
				return sqrt((x2 - x1)*(x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1)*(y2 - y1));

			/*----------------------- 'list of n-tuple' data type ------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    'list of n-tuple' data type
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:16
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    

			The i-th component of the j-th n-tuple of an n-tuple list 'ntl'
			is accessed with:

			ntl->values[ i + j * ntl->dim ]  第j个数组的第i个元素

			The dimension of the n-tuple (n) is: 数组的维度,指的是每个数组的大小


			The number of n-tuples in the list is:  容量


			The maximum number of n-tuples that can be stored in the  最大容量
			list with the allocated memory at a given time is given by:

			typedef struct ntuple_list_s{
				unsigned int size;     //数组的个数
				unsigned int max_size; //数组的最大容量,扩容时需要
				unsigned int dim;     //维度
				double * values;      //数组
			} *ntuple_list;

			/*-------------------------- 释放链表与内部数组  Free memory used in n-tuple 'in'.----------------------------------------*/
			static void free_ntuple_list(ntuple_list input){
				if (input == NULL || input->values == NULL)
					error("free_ntuple_list: invalid n-tuple input.");
				free((void *)input->values);
				free((void *)input);

			/*------------------------------------------- 新建链表 -------------------------------------------*/
			static ntuple_list new_ntuple_list(unsigned int dim){
				ntuple_list n_tuple;
				/* check parameters */
				if (dim == 0) error("new_ntuple_list: 'dim' must be positive.");

				/* get memory for list structure */
				n_tuple = (ntuple_list)malloc(sizeof(struct ntuple_list_s));
				if (n_tuple == NULL) error("not enough memory.");

				/* initialize list */
				n_tuple->size = 0;
				n_tuple->max_size = 1;
				n_tuple->dim = dim;

				/* get memory for tuples */
				n_tuple->values = (double *)malloc(dim*n_tuple->max_size * sizeof(double));
				if (n_tuple->values == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				return n_tuple;

			/*------------------------------------------- 扩充链表 -------------------------------------------*/
			static void enlarge_ntuple_list(ntuple_list n_tuple)
				/* check parameters */
				if (n_tuple == NULL || n_tuple->values == NULL || n_tuple->max_size == 0)
					error("enlarge_ntuple_list: invalid n-tuple.");

				/* duplicate number of tuples */
				n_tuple->max_size *= 2;

				/* realloc memory */
				n_tuple->values = (double *)realloc((void *)n_tuple->values,n_tuple->dim * n_tuple->max_size * sizeof(double));
				if (n_tuple->values == NULL) error("not enough memory.");

			/*------------------------------------------- 增加7个数字到链表中 -------------------------------------------*/
			static void add_7tuple(ntuple_list out, double v1, double v2, double v3,double v4, double v5, double v6, double v7){
				/* check parameters */
				if (out == NULL) error("add_7tuple: invalid n-tuple input.");
				if (out->dim != 7) error("add_7tuple: the n-tuple must be a 7-tuple.");

				/* if needed, alloc more tuples to 'out' */
				if (out->size == out->max_size) enlarge_ntuple_list(out);
				if (out->values == NULL) error("add_7tuple: invalid n-tuple input.");

				/* add new 7-tuple */
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 0] = v1;
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 1] = v2;
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 2] = v3;
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 3] = v4;
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 4] = v5;
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 5] = v6;
				out->values[out->size * out->dim + 6] = v7;
				/* update number of tuples counter */

			/*----------------------------- Image Data Types -----------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    图像数据类型
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:30
			* @InputParameter:  
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			char image data type

			The pixel value at (x,y) is accessed by:

			image->data[ x + y * image->xsize ]

			with x and y integer.
			typedef struct image_char_s{
				unsigned char * data;
				unsigned int xsize, ysize;  //宽度,高度
			} *image_char;

			/*--------------------------------------------释放图像数据 --------------------------------------------*/
			static void free_image_char(image_char i){
				if (i == NULL || i->data == NULL)
					error("free_image_char: invalid input image.");
				free((void *)i->data);
				free((void *)i);

			static image_char new_image_char(unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize){
				image_char image;
				/* check parameters */
				if (xsize == 0 || ysize == 0) error("new_image_char: invalid image size.");

				/* get memory */
				image = (image_char)malloc(sizeof(struct image_char_s));
				if (image == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				image->data = (unsigned char *)calloc((size_t)(xsize*ysize),sizeof(unsigned char));
				if (image->data == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				/* set image size */
				image->xsize = xsize;
				image->ysize = ysize;

				return image;

			//initialized to the value 'fill_value'. 用fill_value的值 初始化图像
			static image_char new_image_char_ini(unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize,unsigned char fill_value){
				image_char image = new_image_char(xsize, ysize); 
				unsigned int N = xsize*ysize;
				unsigned int i;
				/* check parameters */
				if (image == NULL || image->data == NULL)
					error("new_image_char_ini: invalid image.");

				/* initialize */
				for (i = 0; i<N; i++) image->data[i] = fill_value;

				return image;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    int image data type    int 数据类型的图像数据
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:37
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			The pixel value at (x,y) is accessed by:
			image->data[ x + y * image->xsize ]
			with x and y integer.
			typedef struct image_int_s{
				int * data;
				unsigned int xsize, ysize;
			} *image_int;

			static image_int new_image_int(unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize){
				image_int image;
				/* check parameters */
				if (xsize == 0 || ysize == 0) error("new_image_int: invalid image size.");
				/* get memory */
				image = (image_int)malloc(sizeof(struct image_int_s));
				if (image == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				image->data = (int *)calloc((size_t)(xsize*ysize), sizeof(int));
				if (image->data == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				/* set image size */
				image->xsize = xsize;
				image->ysize = ysize;
				return image;

			//initialized to the value 'fill_value'. 用fill_value的值 初始化图像
			static image_int new_image_int_ini(unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize,int fill_value){
				image_int image = new_image_int(xsize, ysize); /* create image */
				unsigned int N = xsize*ysize;
				unsigned int i;
				/* initialize */
				for (i = 0; i<N; i++) image->data[i] = fill_value;
				return image;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     double image data type   double类型图像数据
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:39
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:
			The pixel value at (x,y) is accessed by:
			image->data[ x + y * image->xsize ]
			with x and y integer.
			typedef struct image_double_s{
				double * data;
				unsigned int xsize, ysize;
			} *image_double;

			/*--------------------------------------------释放图像数据 --------------------------------------------*/
			static void free_image_double(image_double i){
				if (i == NULL || i->data == NULL)
					error("free_image_double: invalid input image.");
				free((void *)i->data);
				free((void *)i);

			static image_double new_image_double(unsigned int xsize, unsigned int ysize){
				image_double image;
				if (xsize == 0 || ysize == 0) error("new_image_double: invalid image size.");
				image = (image_double)malloc(sizeof(struct image_double_s));
				if (image == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				image->data = (double *)calloc((size_t)(xsize*ysize), sizeof(double));
				if (image->data == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				image->xsize = xsize;
				image->ysize = ysize;
				return image;

			//initialized to the value 'data'. 用data的值 初始化图像
			static image_double new_image_double_ptr(unsigned int xsize,unsigned int ysize, double * data){
				image_double image;
				if (xsize == 0 || ysize == 0)error("new_image_double_ptr: invalid image size.");
				if (data == NULL) error("new_image_double_ptr: NULL data pointer.");
				image = (image_double)malloc(sizeof(struct image_double_s));
				if (image == NULL) error("not enough memory.");
				image->xsize = xsize;
				image->ysize = ysize;
				image->data = data;
				return image;

			/*----------------------------- Gaussian filter ------------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:   	计算高斯核, 高斯函数的方差为sigma ,均值为mean,
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:42
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    标准正太分布
			static void gaussian_kernel(ntuple_list kernel, double sigma, double mean){
				double sum = 0.0;
				double val;
				unsigned int i;
				if (kernel == NULL || kernel->values == NULL) error("gaussian_kernel: invalid n-tuple 'kernel'.");
				if (sigma <= 0.0) error("gaussian_kernel: 'sigma' must be positive.");
				if (kernel->max_size < 1) enlarge_ntuple_list(kernel);
				kernel->size = 1;
				for (i = 0; i<kernel->dim; i++){
					val = ((double)i - mean) / sigma;
					kernel->values[i] = exp(-0.5 * val * val);
					sum += kernel->values[i];
				if (sum >= 0.0) for (i = 0; i<kernel->dim; i++) kernel->values[i] /= sum;                    //归一化

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     通过高斯卷积核来缩放图像,
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 16:10
			* @InputParameter: intput,输入图像。scale,比例因子
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			static image_double gaussian_sampler(image_double input, double scale,double sigma_scale){
				image_double aux, out;
				ntuple_list kernel;
				unsigned int N, M, h, n, x, y, i;
				int xc, yc, j, double_x_size, double_y_size;
				double sigma, xx, yy, sum, prec;
				if (input == NULL || input->data == NULL || input->xsize == 0 || input->ysize == 0)	error("gaussian_sampler: invalid image.");							//检查参数 
				if (scale <= 0.0) error("gaussian_sampler: 'scale' must be positive.");
				if (sigma_scale <= 0.0) error("gaussian_sampler: 'sigma_scale' must be positive.");
				if (input->xsize * scale > (double)UINT_MAX ||input->ysize * scale > (double)UINT_MAX) error("gaussian_sampler: the output image size exceeds the handled size.");
				N = (unsigned int)ceil(input->xsize * scale);
				M = (unsigned int)ceil(input->ysize * scale);
				aux = new_image_double(N, input->ysize);                                                                                                                //第一次采样x轴方向
				out = new_image_double(N, M);																															//计算新图像大小,并得到内存
				sigma = scale < 1.0 ? sigma_scale / scale : sigma_scale;																								//高斯核的sigma大小
				/*选择内核的大小是为了保证第一个丢弃的项至少比中心值小10^prec倍。为此h 应该大于x,
				其中 e^(-x^2/2sigma^2) = 1/10^prec.
				x = sigma * sqrt( 2 * prec * ln(10) ). 根据对数公式计算得到
				prec = 3.0;
				h = (unsigned int)ceil(sigma * sqrt(2.0 * prec * log(10.0)));																							//h计算出来为3
				n = 1 + 2 * h; 
				kernel = new_ntuple_list(n);																															//核的大小为7
				double_x_size = (int)(2 * input->xsize);																												//辅助图像大小变量
				double_y_size = (int)(2 * input->ysize);

				for (x = 0; x<aux->xsize; x++){																														    //第一次采样x轴方向,x是新图像中的坐标。新图aux高度与原图一致,宽度缩放scale
					xx = (double)x / scale;																																//xx是原始尺寸图像中的相应x值。
					xc = (int)floor(xx + 0.5);																															//xc是整数值,即xx的像素坐标。坐标(0.0,0.0)在像素(0,0)的中心,因此xc = 0的像素的xx值从 - 0.5到0.5
					gaussian_kernel(kernel, sigma, (double)h + xx - (double)xc);																						//必须为每个x计算内核,因为精细偏移xx - xc在每种情况下都不同
					for (y = 0; y<aux->ysize; y++) {
						sum = 0.0;
						for (i = 0; i<kernel->dim; i++){
							j = xc - h + i;
							while (j < 0) j += double_x_size;                                                                                                            //对称边界条件
							while (j >= double_x_size) j -= double_x_size;
							if (j >= (int)input->xsize) j = double_x_size - 1 - j;
							sum += input->data[j + y * input->xsize] * kernel->values[i];
						aux->data[x + y * aux->xsize] = sum;
				for (y = 0; y<out->ysize; y++) {																															//y轴降采样,y是新图的y坐标
					yy = (double)y / scale;																																	//yy是原始图像中对应的y值
					yc = (int)floor(yy + 0.5);																																//yc是整数值,与xc同理
					gaussian_kernel(kernel, sigma, (double)h + yy - (double)yc);
					for (x = 0; x<out->xsize; x++){
						sum = 0.0;
						for (i = 0; i<kernel->dim; i++){
							j = yc - h + i;
							while (j < 0) j += double_y_size;
							while (j >= double_y_size) j -= double_y_size;
							if (j >= (int)input->ysize) j = double_y_size - 1 - j;

							sum += aux->data[x + j * aux->xsize] * kernel->values[i];
						out->data[x + y * out->xsize] = sum;
				return out;

			/*--------------------------------- Gradient  梯度---------------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    在每个像素点处,计算基线方向,查找图像的角度和梯度。生成伪有序点的列表。降序排列
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 16:20
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 'modgrad':每个像素点的梯度大小。'list_p':梯度按照降序排列的列表, 'mem_p':列表所使用的指针,不用时请删除
			* @Returns:    带有每个像素点梯度角度的图像,未定义则为-1024
			* @Others:  
			A B
			C D
			com1 = D-A,  com2 = B-C.
			gx = B+D - (A+C)   垂直方向的差异
			gy = C+D - (A+B)   水平方向的差异
			com1 and com2 are just to avoid 2 additions.  只是为了避免加法算数
			static image_double ll_angle(image_double input, double threshold,struct coorlist ** list_p, void ** mem_p,image_double * modgrad, unsigned int n_bins){
				image_double g;
				unsigned int n, p, x, y, adr, i;
				double com1, com2, gx, gy, norm, norm2;
				int list_count = 0;																														//其余变量用于伪排序梯度幅度值
				struct coorlist * list;
				struct coorlist ** range_l_s; 																											//指向bin列表开始的指针数组
				struct coorlist ** range_l_e; 																											//指向bin列表开始的指针数组
				struct coorlist * start;
				struct coorlist * end;
				double max_grad = 0.0;
				if (input == NULL || input->data == NULL || input->xsize == 0 || input->ysize == 0) error("ll_angle: invalid image.");
				if (threshold < 0.0) error("ll_angle: 'threshold' must be positive.");
				if (list_p == NULL) error("ll_angle: NULL pointer 'list_p'.");
				if (mem_p == NULL) error("ll_angle: NULL pointer 'mem_p'.");
				if (modgrad == NULL) error("ll_angle: NULL pointer 'modgrad'.");
				if (n_bins == 0) error("ll_angle: 'n_bins' must be positive.");
				n = input->ysize;																														//图像尺寸
				p = input->xsize;
				g = new_image_double(input->xsize, input->ysize);																						//申请输出图像
				*modgrad = new_image_double(input->xsize, input->ysize);                                                                                //获取内存以存储梯度范数的图像

				list = (struct coorlist *) calloc((size_t)(n*p), sizeof(struct coorlist));																//获取“有序”像素列表的内存
				*mem_p = (void *)list;
				range_l_s = (struct coorlist **) calloc((size_t)n_bins,sizeof(struct coorlist *));
				range_l_e = (struct coorlist **) calloc((size_t)n_bins,sizeof(struct coorlist *));
				if (list == NULL || range_l_s == NULL || range_l_e == NULL)error("not enough memory.");
				for (i = 0; i<n_bins; i++) range_l_s[i] = range_l_e[i] = NULL;
				for (x = 0; x<p; x++) g->data[(n - 1)*p + x] = NOTDEF;                                                                                   //在下边界 右边界上“未定义”
				for (y = 0; y<n; y++) g->data[p*y + p - 1] = NOTDEF;
				for (x = 0; x < p - 1; x++) {																											 //计算剩余像素的梯度
					for (y = 0; y < n - 1; y++){
						adr = y*p + x;
						com1 = input->data[adr + p + 1] - input->data[adr];
						com2 = input->data[adr + 1] - input->data[adr + p];
						gx = com1 + com2;																												 // 梯度x分量 
						gy = com1 - com2;																												 // 梯度y分量 
						norm2 = gx*gx + gy*gy;
						norm = sqrt(norm2 / 4.0);																										 //梯度范数
						(*modgrad)->data[adr] = norm;																									 //存储梯度

						if (norm <= threshold)																											 // 范数太小,设置为未定义 */
							g->data[adr] = NOTDEF;																										 //梯度角度未定义
						else {
							g->data[adr] = atan2(gx, -gy);																								 //梯度角度计算
							if (norm > max_grad) max_grad = norm;																						 //寻找梯度范数最大值
				for (x = 0; x<p - 1; x++)																												//计算梯度值的直方图
					for (y = 0; y<n - 1; y++)
						norm = (*modgrad)->data[y*p + x];
						i = (unsigned int)(norm * (double)n_bins / max_grad);                                                                           //根据范数,在正确的bins中存储点
						if (i >= n_bins) i = n_bins - 1;
						if (range_l_e[i] == NULL)
							range_l_s[i] = range_l_e[i] = list + list_count++;
							range_l_e[i]->next = list + list_count;
							range_l_e[i] = list + list_count++;
						range_l_e[i]->x = (int)x;
						range_l_e[i]->y = (int)y;
						range_l_e[i]->next = NULL;
				for (i = n_bins - 1; i>0 && range_l_s[i] == NULL; i--);																					//降序排列
				start = range_l_s[i];
				end = range_l_e[i];
				if (start != NULL)
					while (i>0)
						if (range_l_s[i] != NULL)
							end->next = range_l_s[i];
							end = range_l_e[i];
				*list_p = start;
				free((void *)range_l_s);
				free((void *)range_l_e);
				return g;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:   点是否与角度对齐,精度达到prec
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 16:29
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Is point (x,y) aligned to angle theta, up to precision 'prec'?
			static int isaligned(int x, int y, image_double angles, double theta,double prec)
				double a;
				/* check parameters */
				if (angles == NULL || angles->data == NULL)
					error("isaligned: invalid image 'angles'.");
				if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= (int)angles->xsize || y >= (int)angles->ysize)
					error("isaligned: (x,y) out of the image.");
				if (prec < 0.0) error("isaligned: 'prec' must be positive.");

				/* angle at pixel (x,y) */
				a = angles->data[x + y * angles->xsize];

				/* pixels whose level-line angle is not defined
				are considered as NON-aligned */
				if (a == NOTDEF) return FALSE;  /* there is no need to call the function
												'double_equal' here because there is
												no risk of problems related to the
												comparison doubles, we are only
												interested in the exact NOTDEF value */

												/* it is assumed that 'theta' and 'a' are in the range [-pi,pi] */
				theta -= a;
				if (theta < 0.0) theta = -theta;
				if (theta > M_3_2_PI)
					theta -= M_2__PI;
					if (theta < 0.0) theta = -theta;

				return theta <= prec;

			/** Absolute value angle difference. 绝对值角度差。
			static double angle_diff(double a, double b){
				a -= b;
				while (a <= -M_PI) a += M_2__PI;
				while (a >   M_PI) a -= M_2__PI;
				if (a < 0.0) a = -a;
				return a;

			/** Signed angle difference.符号角度差。
			static double angle_diff_signed(double a, double b){
				a -= b;
				while (a <= -M_PI) a += M_2__PI;
				while (a >   M_PI) a -= M_2__PI;
				return a;

			/*----------------------------- NFA computation ------------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    用Lanczos近似计算x的伽马函数。 当x 小于15时,效果好
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:58
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:   
			Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of
			the gamma function of x using the Lanczos approximation.
			The formula used is
			\Gamma(x) = \frac{ \sum_{n=0}^{N} q_n x^n }{ \Pi_{n=0}^{N} (x+n) }
			(x+5.5)^{x+0.5} e^{-(x+5.5)}
			\log\Gamma(x) = \log\left( \sum_{n=0}^{N} q_n x^n \right)
			+ (x+0.5) \log(x+5.5) - (x+5.5) - \sum_{n=0}^{N} \log(x+n)
			q0 = 75122.6331530,
			q1 = 80916.6278952,
			q2 = 36308.2951477,
			q3 = 8687.24529705,
			q4 = 1168.92649479,
			q5 = 83.8676043424,
			q6 = 2.50662827511.
			static double log_gamma_lanczos(double x){
				static double q[7] = { 75122.6331530, 80916.6278952, 36308.2951477,
					8687.24529705, 1168.92649479, 83.8676043424,
					2.50662827511 };
				double a = (x + 0.5) * log(x + 5.5) - (x + 5.5);
				double b = 0.0;
				for (int n = 0; n<7; n++)
					a -= log(x + (double)n);
					b += q[n] * pow(x, (double)n);
				return a + log(b);

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     使用Windschitl 方法近似计算 x 的伽马函数   , 当x大于15时,效果好
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 15:55
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:
			Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of
			the gamma function of x using Windschitl method.

			The formula used is
			\Gamma(x) = \sqrt{\frac{2\pi}{x}} \left( \frac{x}{e}
			\sqrt{ x\sinh(1/x) + \frac{1}{810x^6} } \right)^x
			\log\Gamma(x) = 0.5\log(2\pi) + (x-0.5)\log(x) - x
			+ 0.5x\log\left( x\sinh(1/x) + \frac{1}{810x^6} \right).
			This formula is a good approximation when x > 15.
			static double log_gamma_windschitl(double x)
				return 0.918938533204673 + (x - 0.5)*log(x) - x
					+ 0.5*x*log(x*sinh(1 / x) + 1 / (810.0*pow(x, 6.0)));

			/** Computes the natural logarithm of the absolute value of
			the gamma function of x. When x>15 use log_gamma_windschitl(),
			otherwise use log_gamma_lanczos().
			#define log_gamma(x) ((x)>15.0?log_gamma_windschitl(x):log_gamma_lanczos(x))

			/** Size of the table to store already computed inverse values.
			#ifndef TABSIZE
			#define TABSIZE 100000

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    基于总点数计算NFA值,即一致的点数。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 16:33
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Computes -log10(NFA).

			NFA stands for Number of False Alarms:
			\mathrm{NFA} = NT \cdot B(n,k,p)

			- NT       - number of tests
			- B(n,k,p) - tail of binomial distribution with parameters n,k and p:
			B(n,k,p) = \sum_{j=k}^n
			p^{j} (1-p)^{n-j}

			The value -log10(NFA) is equivalent but more intuitive than NFA:
			- -1 corresponds to 10 mean false alarms
			-  0 corresponds to 1 mean false alarm
			-  1 corresponds to 0.1 mean false alarms
			-  2 corresponds to 0.01 mean false alarms
			-  ...

			Used this way, the bigger the value, better the detection,
			and a logarithmic scale is used.

			@param n,k,p binomial parameters.
			@param logNT logarithm of Number of Tests

			The computation is based in the gamma function by the following
			= \frac{ \Gamma(n+1) }{ \Gamma(k+1) \cdot \Gamma(n-k+1) }.
			We use efficient algorithms to compute the logarithm of
			the gamma function.

			To make the computation faster, not all the sum is computed, part
			of the terms are neglected based on a bound to the error obtained
			(an error of 10% in the result is accepted).
			static double nfa(int n, int k, double p, double logNT){
				static double inv[TABSIZE];   /* table to keep computed inverse values */
				double tolerance = 0.1;       /* an error of 10% in the result is accepted */
				double log1term, term, bin_term, mult_term, bin_tail, err, p_term;
				int i;

				/* check parameters */
				if (n<0 || k<0 || k>n || p <= 0.0 || p >= 1.0)
					error("nfa: wrong n, k or p values.");

				/* trivial cases */
				if (n == 0 || k == 0) return -logNT;
				if (n == k) return -logNT - (double)n * log10(p);

				/* probability term */
				p_term = p / (1.0 - p);

				/* compute the first term of the series */
				binomial_tail(n,k,p) = sum_{i=k}^n bincoef(n,i) * p^i * (1-p)^{n-i}
				where bincoef(n,i) are the binomial coefficients.
				bincoef(n,k) = gamma(n+1) / ( gamma(k+1) * gamma(n-k+1) ).
				We use this to compute the first term. Actually the log of it.
				log1term = log_gamma((double)n + 1.0) - log_gamma((double)k + 1.0)
					- log_gamma((double)(n - k) + 1.0)
					+ (double)k * log(p) + (double)(n - k) * log(1.0 - p);
				term = exp(log1term);

				/* in some cases no more computations are needed */
				if (double_equal(term, 0.0))              /* the first term is almost zero */
					if ((double)k > (double)n * p)     /* at begin or end of the tail?  */
						return -log1term / M_LN10 - logNT;  /* end: use just the first term  */
						return -logNT;                      /* begin: the tail is roughly 1  */

				/* compute more terms if needed */
				bin_tail = term;
				for (i = k + 1; i <= n; i++)
					term_i = bincoef(n,i) * p^i * (1-p)^(n-i)
					bincoef(n,i)/bincoef(n,i-1) = n-1+1 / i,
					term_i / term_i-1 = (n-i+1)/i * p/(1-p)
					term_i = term_i-1 * (n-i+1)/i * p/(1-p).
					1/i is stored in a table as they are computed,
					because divisions are expensive.
					p/(1-p) is computed only once and stored in 'p_term'.
					bin_term = (double)(n - i + 1) * (i<TABSIZE ?
						(inv[i] != 0.0 ? inv[i] : (inv[i] = 1.0 / (double)i)) :
						1.0 / (double)i);

					mult_term = bin_term * p_term;
					term *= mult_term;
					bin_tail += term;
					if (bin_term<1.0)
						/* When bin_term<1 then mult_term_j<mult_term_i for j>i.
						Then, the error on the binomial tail when truncated at
						the i term can be bounded by a geometric series of form
						term_i * sum mult_term_i^j.                            */
						err = term * ((1.0 - pow(mult_term, (double)(n - i + 1))) /
							(1.0 - mult_term) - 1.0);

						/* One wants an error at most of tolerance*final_result, or:
						tolerance * abs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT).
						Now, the error that can be accepted on bin_tail is
						given by tolerance*final_result divided by the derivative
						of -log10(x) when x=bin_tail. that is:
						tolerance * abs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT) / (1/bin_tail)
						Finally, we truncate the tail if the error is less than:
						tolerance * abs(-log10(bin_tail)-logNT) * bin_tail        */
						if (err < tolerance * fabs(-log10(bin_tail) - logNT) * bin_tail) break;
				return -log10(bin_tail) - logNT;

			/*--------------------------- Rectangle structure ----------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    Rectangle structure: line segment with width.   具有宽度的线段
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 16:40
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    

			struct rect{
				double x1, y1, x2, y2;  /* first and second point of the line segment */
				double width;        /* rectangle width */
				double x, y;          /* center of the rectangle */
				double theta;        /* angle */
				double dx, dy;        /* (dx,dy) is vector oriented as the line segment */
				double prec;         /* tolerance angle  公差角*/ 
				double p;            // 角度在“精确”范围内的点的概率 

			/*---------------------------- 复制线段 ------------------------------------------------*/
			static void rect_copy(struct rect * input, struct rect * out)
				/* check parameters */
				if (input == NULL || out == NULL) error("rect_copy: invalid 'in' or 'out'.");

				/* copy values */
				out->x1 = input->x1;
				out->y1 = input->y1;
				out->x2 = input->x2;
				out->y2 = input->y2;
				out->width = input->width;
				out->x = input->x;
				out->y = input->y;
				out->theta = input->theta;
				out->dx = input->dx;
				out->dy = input->dy;
				out->prec = input->prec;
				out->p = input->p;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     Rectangle points iterator. 结构体的迭代器
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 16:47
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others: 
			The integer coordinates of pixels inside a rectangle are
			iteratively explored. This structure keep track of the process and
			functions ri_ini(), ri_inc(), ri_end(), and ri_del() are used in
			the process. An example of how to use the iterator is as follows:
			struct rect * rec = XXX; // some rectangle
			rect_iter * i;
			for( i=ri_ini(rec); !ri_end(i); ri_inc(i) )
			// your code, using 'i->x' and 'i->y' as coordinates
			ri_del(i); // delete iterator

			The pixels are explored 'column' by 'column', where we call
			'column' a set of pixels with the same x value that are inside the
			rectangle. The following is an schematic representation of a
			rectangle, the 'column' being explored is marked by colons, and
			the current pixel being explored is 'x,y'.

			*   *
			*       *
			*           *
			*               ye
			*                :  *
			vx[0],vy[0]           :     *
			*              :        *
			*          x,y          *
			*        :              *
			*     :            vx[2],vy[2]
			*  :                *
			y                     ys              *
			^                        *           *
			|                           *       *
			|                              *   *
			+---> x                      vx[3],vy[3]

			The first 'column' to be explored is the one with the smaller x
			value. Each 'column' is explored starting from the pixel of the
			'column' (inside the rectangle) with the smallest y value.

			The four corners of the rectangle are stored in order that rotates
			around the corners at the arrays 'vx[]' and 'vy[]'. The first
			point is always the one with smaller x value.

			'x' and 'y' are the coordinates of the pixel being explored. 'ys'
			and 'ye' are the start and end values of the current column being
			explored. So, 'ys' < 'ye'.
			typedef struct
				double vx[4];  /* rectangle's corner X coordinates in circular order */
				double vy[4];  /* rectangle's corner Y coordinates in circular order */
				double ys, ye;  /* start and end Y values of current 'column' */
				int x, y;       /* coordinates of currently explored pixel */
			} rect_iter;

			/** Interpolate y value corresponding to 'x' value given, in
			the line 'x1,y1' to 'x2,y2'; if 'x1=x2' return the smaller
			of 'y1' and 'y2'.

			The following restrictions are required:
			- x1 <= x2
			- x1 <= x
			- x  <= x2
			static double inter_low(double x, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
				/* check parameters */
				if (x1 > x2 || x < x1 || x > x2)
					error("inter_low: unsuitable input, 'x1>x2' or 'x<x1' or 'x>x2'.");

				/* interpolation */
				if (double_equal(x1, x2) && y1<y2) return y1;
				if (double_equal(x1, x2) && y1>y2) return y2;
				return y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);

			/** Interpolate y value corresponding to 'x' value given, in
			the line 'x1,y1' to 'x2,y2'; if 'x1=x2' return the larger
			of 'y1' and 'y2'.

			The following restrictions are required:
			- x1 <= x2
			- x1 <= x
			- x  <= x2
			static double inter_hi(double x, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
				/* check parameters */
				if (x1 > x2 || x < x1 || x > x2)
					error("inter_hi: unsuitable input, 'x1>x2' or 'x<x1' or 'x>x2'.");

				/* interpolation */
				if (double_equal(x1, x2) && y1<y2) return y2;
				if (double_equal(x1, x2) && y1>y2) return y1;
				return y1 + (x - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);

			/** Free memory used by a rectangle iterator.
			static void ri_del(rect_iter * iter)
				if (iter == NULL) error("ri_del: NULL iterator.");
				free((void *)iter);

			/** Check if the iterator finished the full iteration.

			See details in \ref rect_iter
			static int ri_end(rect_iter * i)
				/* check input */
				if (i == NULL) error("ri_end: NULL iterator.");

				/* if the current x value is larger than the largest
				x value in the rectangle (vx[2]), we know the full
				exploration of the rectangle is finished. */
				return (double)(i->x) > i->vx[2];

			/** Increment a rectangle iterator.

			See details in \ref rect_iter
			static void ri_inc(rect_iter * i)
				/* check input */
				if (i == NULL) error("ri_inc: NULL iterator.");

				/* if not at end of exploration,
				increase y value for next pixel in the 'column' */
				if (!ri_end(i)) i->y++;

				/* if the end of the current 'column' is reached,
				and it is not the end of exploration,
				advance to the next 'column' */
				while ((double)(i->y) > i->ye && !ri_end(i))
					/* increase x, next 'column' */

					/* if end of exploration, return */
					if (ri_end(i)) return;

					/* update lower y limit (start) for the new 'column'.

					We need to interpolate the y value that corresponds to the
					lower side of the rectangle. The first thing is to decide if
					the corresponding side is

					vx[0],vy[0] to vx[3],vy[3] or
					vx[3],vy[3] to vx[2],vy[2]

					Then, the side is interpolated for the x value of the
					'column'. But, if the side is vertical (as it could happen if
					the rectangle is vertical and we are dealing with the first
					or last 'columns') then we pick the lower value of the side
					by using 'inter_low'.
					if ((double)i->x < i->vx[3])
						i->ys = inter_low((double)i->x, i->vx[0], i->vy[0], i->vx[3], i->vy[3]);
						i->ys = inter_low((double)i->x, i->vx[3], i->vy[3], i->vx[2], i->vy[2]);

					/* update upper y limit (end) for the new 'column'.

					We need to interpolate the y value that corresponds to the
					upper side of the rectangle. The first thing is to decide if
					the corresponding side is

					vx[0],vy[0] to vx[1],vy[1] or
					vx[1],vy[1] to vx[2],vy[2]

					Then, the side is interpolated for the x value of the
					'column'. But, if the side is vertical (as it could happen if
					the rectangle is vertical and we are dealing with the first
					or last 'columns') then we pick the lower value of the side
					by using 'inter_low'.
					if ((double)i->x < i->vx[1])
						i->ye = inter_hi((double)i->x, i->vx[0], i->vy[0], i->vx[1], i->vy[1]);
						i->ye = inter_hi((double)i->x, i->vx[1], i->vy[1], i->vx[2], i->vy[2]);

					/* new y */
					i->y = (int)ceil(i->ys);

			/** Create and initialize a rectangle iterator.

			See details in \ref rect_iter
			static rect_iter * ri_ini(struct rect * r)
				double vx[4], vy[4];
				int n, offset;
				rect_iter * i;

				/* check parameters */
				if (r == NULL) error("ri_ini: invalid rectangle.");

				/* get memory */
				i = (rect_iter *)malloc(sizeof(rect_iter));
				if (i == NULL) error("ri_ini: Not enough memory.");

				/* build list of rectangle corners ordered
				in a circular way around the rectangle */
				vx[0] = r->x1 - r->dy * r->width / 2.0;
				vy[0] = r->y1 + r->dx * r->width / 2.0;
				vx[1] = r->x2 - r->dy * r->width / 2.0;
				vy[1] = r->y2 + r->dx * r->width / 2.0;
				vx[2] = r->x2 + r->dy * r->width / 2.0;
				vy[2] = r->y2 - r->dx * r->width / 2.0;
				vx[3] = r->x1 + r->dy * r->width / 2.0;
				vy[3] = r->y1 - r->dx * r->width / 2.0;

				/* compute rotation of index of corners needed so that the first
				point has the smaller x.

				if one side is vertical, thus two corners have the same smaller x
				value, the one with the largest y value is selected as the first.
				if (r->x1 < r->x2 && r->y1 <= r->y2) offset = 0;
				else if (r->x1 >= r->x2 && r->y1 < r->y2) offset = 1;
				else if (r->x1 > r->x2 && r->y1 >= r->y2) offset = 2;
				else offset = 3;

				/* apply rotation of index. */
				for (n = 0; n<4; n++)
					i->vx[n] = vx[(offset + n) % 4];
					i->vy[n] = vy[(offset + n) % 4];

				/* Set an initial condition.

				The values are set to values that will cause 'ri_inc' (that will
				be called immediately) to initialize correctly the first 'column'
				and compute the limits 'ys' and 'ye'.

				'y' is set to the integer value of vy[0], the starting corner.

				'ys' and 'ye' are set to very small values, so 'ri_inc' will
				notice that it needs to start a new 'column'.

				The smallest integer coordinate inside of the rectangle is
				'ceil(vx[0])'. The current 'x' value is set to that value minus
				one, so 'ri_inc' (that will increase x by one) will advance to
				the first 'column'.
				i->x = (int)ceil(i->vx[0]) - 1;
				i->y = (int)ceil(i->vy[0]);
				i->ys = i->ye = -DBL_MAX;

				/* advance to the first pixel */

				return i;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     Compute a rectangle's NFA value.
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:01
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			static double rect_nfa(struct rect * rec, image_double angles, double logNT)
				rect_iter * i;
				int pts = 0;
				int alg = 0;
				/* check parameters */
				if (rec == NULL) error("rect_nfa: invalid rectangle.");
				if (angles == NULL) error("rect_nfa: invalid 'angles'.");
				/* compute the total number of pixels and of aligned points in 'rec' */
				for (i = ri_ini(rec); !ri_end(i); ri_inc(i)) /* rectangle iterator */
					if (i->x >= 0 && i->y >= 0 &&
						i->x < (int)angles->xsize && i->y < (int)angles->ysize)
						++pts; /* total number of pixels counter */
						if (isaligned(i->x, i->y, angles, rec->theta, rec->prec))
							++alg; /* aligned points counter */
				ri_del(i); /* delete iterator */
				return nfa(pts, alg, rec->p, logNT); /* compute NFA value */

			/*---------------------------------- Regions ---------------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:  计算区域的角度作为区域的主惯性轴。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:02
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Compute region's angle as the principal inertia axis of the region.
			The following is the region inertia matrix A:
			A = \left(\begin{array}{cc}
			Ixx & Ixy \\
			Ixy & Iyy \\
			Ixx =   sum_i G(i).(y_i - cx)^2
			Iyy =   sum_i G(i).(x_i - cy)^2
			Ixy = - sum_i G(i).(x_i - cx).(y_i - cy)
			- G(i) is the gradient norm at pixel i, used as pixel's weight.
			- x_i and y_i are the coordinates of pixel i.
			- cx and cy are the coordinates of the center of th region.
			lambda1 and lambda2 are the eigenvalues of matrix A,
			with lambda1 >= lambda2. They are found by solving the
			characteristic polynomial:
			det( lambda I - A) = 0
			that gives:
			lambda1 = ( Ixx + Iyy + sqrt( (Ixx-Iyy)^2 + 4.0*Ixy*Ixy) ) / 2
			lambda2 = ( Ixx + Iyy - sqrt( (Ixx-Iyy)^2 + 4.0*Ixy*Ixy) ) / 2
			To get the line segment direction we want to get the angle the
			eigenvector associated to the smallest eigenvalue. We have
			to solve for a,b in:
			a.Ixx + b.Ixy = a.lambda2
			a.Ixy + b.Iyy = b.lambda2
			We want the angle theta = atan(b/a). It can be computed with
			any of the two equations:
			theta = atan( (lambda2-Ixx) / Ixy )
			theta = atan( Ixy / (lambda2-Iyy) )
			When |Ixx| > |Iyy| we use the first, otherwise the second (just to
			get better numeric precision).
			static double get_theta(struct point * reg, int reg_size, double x, double y,
				image_double modgrad, double reg_angle, double prec)
				double lambda, theta, weight;
				double Ixx = 0.0;
				double Iyy = 0.0;
				double Ixy = 0.0;
				int i;
				/* check parameters */
				if (reg == NULL) error("get_theta: invalid region.");
				if (reg_size <= 1) error("get_theta: region size <= 1.");
				if (modgrad == NULL || modgrad->data == NULL)
					error("get_theta: invalid 'modgrad'.");
				if (prec < 0.0) error("get_theta: 'prec' must be positive.");
				/* compute inertia matrix */
				for (i = 0; i<reg_size; i++)
					weight = modgrad->data[reg[i].x + reg[i].y * modgrad->xsize];
					Ixx += ((double)reg[i].y - y) * ((double)reg[i].y - y) * weight;
					Iyy += ((double)reg[i].x - x) * ((double)reg[i].x - x) * weight;
					Ixy -= ((double)reg[i].x - x) * ((double)reg[i].y - y) * weight;
				if (double_equal(Ixx, 0.0) && double_equal(Iyy, 0.0) && double_equal(Ixy, 0.0))
					error("get_theta: null inertia matrix.");
				/* compute smallest eigenvalue */
				lambda = 0.5 * (Ixx + Iyy - sqrt((Ixx - Iyy)*(Ixx - Iyy) + 4.0*Ixy*Ixy));
				/* compute angle */
				theta = fabs(Ixx)>fabs(Iyy) ? atan2(lambda - Ixx, Ixy) : atan2(Ixy, lambda - Iyy);
				/* The previous procedure doesn't cares about orientation,
				so it could be wrong by 180 degrees. Here is corrected if necessary. */
				if (angle_diff(theta, reg_angle) > prec) theta += M_PI;
				return theta;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     计算覆盖点区域的矩形。查找区域的边界旋转矩形。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:05
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Computes a rectangle that covers a region of points.
			static void region2rect(struct point * reg, int reg_size,
				image_double modgrad, double reg_angle,
				double prec, double p, struct rect * rec)
				double x, y, dx, dy, l, w, theta, weight, sum, l_min, l_max, w_min, w_max;
				int i;
				/* check parameters */
				if (reg == NULL) error("region2rect: invalid region.");
				if (reg_size <= 1) error("region2rect: region size <= 1.");
				if (modgrad == NULL || modgrad->data == NULL)
					error("region2rect: invalid image 'modgrad'.");
				if (rec == NULL) error("region2rect: invalid 'rec'.");
				/* center of the region:
				It is computed as the weighted sum of the coordinates
				of all the pixels in the region. The norm of the gradient
				is used as the weight of a pixel. The sum is as follows:
				cx = \sum_i G(i).x_i
				cy = \sum_i G(i).y_i
				where G(i) is the norm of the gradient of pixel i
				and x_i,y_i are its coordinates.
				x = y = sum = 0.0;
				for (i = 0; i<reg_size; i++)
					weight = modgrad->data[reg[i].x + reg[i].y * modgrad->xsize];
					x += (double)reg[i].x * weight;
					y += (double)reg[i].y * weight;
					sum += weight;
				if (sum <= 0.0) error("region2rect: weights sum equal to zero.");
				x /= sum;
				y /= sum;
				/* theta */
				theta = get_theta(reg, reg_size, x, y, modgrad, reg_angle, prec);
				/* length and width:
				'l' and 'w' are computed as the distance from the center of the
				region to pixel i, projected along the rectangle axis (dx,dy) and
				to the orthogonal axis (-dy,dx), respectively.
				The length of the rectangle goes from l_min to l_max, where l_min
				and l_max are the minimum and maximum values of l in the region.
				Analogously, the width is selected from w_min to w_max, where
				w_min and w_max are the minimum and maximum of w for the pixels
				in the region.
				dx = cos(theta);
				dy = sin(theta);
				l_min = l_max = w_min = w_max = 0.0;
				for (i = 0; i<reg_size; i++)
					l = ((double)reg[i].x - x) * dx + ((double)reg[i].y - y) * dy;
					w = -((double)reg[i].x - x) * dy + ((double)reg[i].y - y) * dx;
					if (l > l_max) l_max = l;
					if (l < l_min) l_min = l;
					if (w > w_max) w_max = w;
					if (w < w_min) w_min = w;
				/* store values */
				rec->x1 = x + l_min * dx;
				rec->y1 = y + l_min * dy;
				rec->x2 = x + l_max * dx;
				rec->y2 = y + l_max * dy;
				rec->width = w_max - w_min;
				rec->x = x;
				rec->y = y;
				rec->theta = theta;
				rec->dx = dx;
				rec->dy = dy;
				rec->prec = prec;
				rec->p = p;
				/* we impose a minimal width of one pixel
				A sharp horizontal or vertical step would produce a perfectly
				horizontal or vertical region. The width computed would be
				zero. But that corresponds to a one pixels width transition in
				the image.
				if (rec->width < 1.0) rec->width = 1.0;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    建立一个共享相同角度的像素区域,最大从点(x,y)开始的公差'prec'。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:06
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Build a region of pixels that share the same angle, up to a
			tolerance 'prec', starting at point (x,y).
			static void region_grow(int x, int y, image_double angles, struct point * reg,int * reg_size, double * reg_angle, image_char used,double prec){
				double sumdx, sumdy;
				int xx, yy, i;

				/* check parameters */
				if (x < 0 || y < 0 || x >= (int)angles->xsize || y >= (int)angles->ysize)
					error("region_grow: (x,y) out of the image.");
				if (angles == NULL || angles->data == NULL)
					error("region_grow: invalid image 'angles'.");
				if (reg == NULL) error("region_grow: invalid 'reg'.");
				if (reg_size == NULL) error("region_grow: invalid pointer 'reg_size'.");
				if (reg_angle == NULL) error("region_grow: invalid pointer 'reg_angle'.");
				if (used == NULL || used->data == NULL)
					error("region_grow: invalid image 'used'.");

				/* first point of the region */
				*reg_size = 1;
				reg[0].x = x;
				reg[0].y = y;
				*reg_angle = angles->data[x + y*angles->xsize];  /* region's angle */
				sumdx = cos(*reg_angle);
				sumdy = sin(*reg_angle);
				used->data[x + y*used->xsize] = USED;

				/* try neighbors as new region points */
				for (i = 0; i<*reg_size; i++)
					for (xx = reg[i].x - 1; xx <= reg[i].x + 1; xx++)
						for (yy = reg[i].y - 1; yy <= reg[i].y + 1; yy++)
							if (xx >= 0 && yy >= 0 && xx<(int)used->xsize && yy<(int)used->ysize &&
								used->data[xx + yy*used->xsize] != USED &&
								isaligned(xx, yy, angles, *reg_angle, prec))
								/* add point */
								used->data[xx + yy*used->xsize] = USED;
								reg[*reg_size].x = xx;
								reg[*reg_size].y = yy;

								/* update region's angle */
								sumdx += cos(angles->data[xx + yy*angles->xsize]);
								sumdy += sin(angles->data[xx + yy*angles->xsize]);
								*reg_angle = atan2(sumdy, sumdx);

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    尝试一些矩形变化以提高NFA值。 只有在矩形没有意义(即log_nfa <= log_eps)。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:07
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Try some rectangles variations to improve NFA value. Only if the
			rectangle is not meaningful (i.e., log_nfa <= log_eps).
			static double rect_improve(struct rect * rec, image_double angles,double logNT, double log_eps){
				struct rect r;
				double log_nfa, log_nfa_new;
				double delta = 0.5;
				double delta_2 = delta / 2.0;
				int n;

				log_nfa = rect_nfa(rec, angles, logNT);

				if (log_nfa > log_eps) return log_nfa;

				/* try finer precisions */
				rect_copy(rec, &r);
				for (n = 0; n<5; n++)
					r.p /= 2.0;
					r.prec = r.p * M_PI;
					log_nfa_new = rect_nfa(&r, angles, logNT);
					if (log_nfa_new > log_nfa)
						log_nfa = log_nfa_new;
						rect_copy(&r, rec);

				if (log_nfa > log_eps) return log_nfa;

				/* try to reduce width */
				rect_copy(rec, &r);
				for (n = 0; n<5; n++)
					if ((r.width - delta) >= 0.5)
						r.width -= delta;
						log_nfa_new = rect_nfa(&r, angles, logNT);
						if (log_nfa_new > log_nfa)
							rect_copy(&r, rec);
							log_nfa = log_nfa_new;

				if (log_nfa > log_eps) return log_nfa;

				/* try to reduce one side of the rectangle */
				rect_copy(rec, &r);
				for (n = 0; n<5; n++)
					if ((r.width - delta) >= 0.5)
						r.x1 += -r.dy * delta_2;
						r.y1 += r.dx * delta_2;
						r.x2 += -r.dy * delta_2;
						r.y2 += r.dx * delta_2;
						r.width -= delta;
						log_nfa_new = rect_nfa(&r, angles, logNT);
						if (log_nfa_new > log_nfa)
							rect_copy(&r, rec);
							log_nfa = log_nfa_new;

				if (log_nfa > log_eps) return log_nfa;

				/* try to reduce the other side of the rectangle */
				rect_copy(rec, &r);
				for (n = 0; n<5; n++)
					if ((r.width - delta) >= 0.5)
						r.x1 -= -r.dy * delta_2;
						r.y1 -= r.dx * delta_2;
						r.x2 -= -r.dy * delta_2;
						r.y2 -= r.dx * delta_2;
						r.width -= delta;
						log_nfa_new = rect_nfa(&r, angles, logNT);
						if (log_nfa_new > log_nfa)
							rect_copy(&r, rec);
							log_nfa = log_nfa_new;

				if (log_nfa > log_eps) return log_nfa;

				/* try even finer precisions */
				rect_copy(rec, &r);
				for (n = 0; n<5; n++)
					r.p /= 2.0;
					r.prec = r.p * M_PI;
					log_nfa_new = rect_nfa(&r, angles, logNT);
					if (log_nfa_new > log_nfa)
						log_nfa = log_nfa_new;
						rect_copy(&r, rec);

				return log_nfa;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    通过消除远离点的点来减小区域大小起点,直到导致右边的矩形区域满足点的密度,如果太小则丢弃该区域。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:08
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Reduce the region size, by elimination the points far from the
			starting point, until that leads to rectangle with the right
			density of region points or to discard the region if too small.
			static int reduce_region_radius(struct point * reg, int * reg_size,image_double modgrad, double reg_angle,double prec, double p, struct rect * rec,image_char used, image_double angles,double density_th)
				//double density,rad1,rad2,rad,xc,yc;
				double density;
				double radistance1;
				double radistance2;
				double rad;
				double xc;
				double yc;
				int i;

				/* check parameters */
				if (reg == NULL) error("reduce_region_radius: invalid pointer 'reg'.");
				if (reg_size == NULL)
					error("reduce_region_radius: invalid pointer 'reg_size'.");
				if (prec < 0.0) error("reduce_region_radius: 'prec' must be positive.");
				if (rec == NULL) error("reduce_region_radius: invalid pointer 'rec'.");
				if (used == NULL || used->data == NULL)
					error("reduce_region_radius: invalid image 'used'.");
				if (angles == NULL || angles->data == NULL)
					error("reduce_region_radius: invalid image 'angles'.");

				/* compute region points density */
				density = (double)*reg_size /
					(dist(rec->x1, rec->y1, rec->x2, rec->y2) * rec->width);

				/* if the density criterion is satisfied there is nothing to do */
				if (density >= density_th) return TRUE;

				/* compute region's radius */
				xc = (double)reg[0].x;
				yc = (double)reg[0].y;
				radistance1 = dist(xc, yc, rec->x1, rec->y1);
				radistance2 = dist(xc, yc, rec->x2, rec->y2);
				rad = radistance1 > radistance2 ? radistance1 : radistance2;

				/* while the density criterion is not satisfied, remove farther pixels */
				while (density < density_th)
					rad *= 0.75; /* reduce region's radius to 75% of its value */

								 /* remove points from the region and update 'used' map */
					for (i = 0; i<*reg_size; i++)
						if (dist(xc, yc, (double)reg[i].x, (double)reg[i].y) > rad)
							/* point not kept, mark it as NOTUSED */
							used->data[reg[i].x + reg[i].y * used->xsize] = NOTUSED;
							/* remove point from the region */
							reg[i].x = reg[*reg_size - 1].x; /* if i==*reg_size-1 copy itself */
							reg[i].y = reg[*reg_size - 1].y;
							--i; /* to avoid skipping one point */

					/* reject if the region is too small.
					2 is the minimal region size for 'region2rect' to work. */
					if (*reg_size < 2) return FALSE;

					/* re-compute rectangle */
					region2rect(reg, *reg_size, modgrad, reg_angle, prec, p, rec);

					/* re-compute region points density */
					density = (double)*reg_size /
						(dist(rec->x1, rec->y1, rec->x2, rec->y2) * rec->width);

				/* if this point is reached, the density criterion is satisfied */
				return TRUE;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    角度公差的估计是通过点的角度的标准偏差进行的在该地区的起点附近。 然后,从同一点开始生长一个新区域,但是使用 估计的角度公差。 如果这样无法产生具有正确密度的区域点的矩形,调用“ reduce_region_radius”以尝试满足此条件。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:09
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			Refine a rectangle.

			For that, an estimation of the angle tolerance is performed by the
			standard deviation of the angle at points near the region's
			starting point. Then, a new region is grown starting from the same
			point, but using the estimated angle tolerance. If this fails to
			produce a rectangle with the right density of region points,
			'reduce_region_radius' is called to try to satisfy this condition.
			static int refine(struct point * reg, int * reg_size, image_double modgrad,
				double reg_angle, double prec, double p, struct rect * rec,
				image_char used, image_double angles, double density_th)
				double angle, ang_d, mean_angle, tau, density, xc, yc, ang_c, sum, s_sum;
				int i, n;

				/* check parameters */
				if (reg == NULL) error("refine: invalid pointer 'reg'.");
				if (reg_size == NULL) error("refine: invalid pointer 'reg_size'.");
				if (prec < 0.0) error("refine: 'prec' must be positive.");
				if (rec == NULL) error("refine: invalid pointer 'rec'.");
				if (used == NULL || used->data == NULL)
					error("refine: invalid image 'used'.");
				if (angles == NULL || angles->data == NULL)
					error("refine: invalid image 'angles'.");

				/* compute region points density */
				density = (double)*reg_size /
					(dist(rec->x1, rec->y1, rec->x2, rec->y2) * rec->width);

				/* if the density criterion is satisfied there is nothing to do */
				if (density >= density_th) return TRUE;

				/*------ First try: reduce angle tolerance ------*/

				/* compute the new mean angle and tolerance */
				xc = (double)reg[0].x;
				yc = (double)reg[0].y;
				ang_c = angles->data[reg[0].x + reg[0].y * angles->xsize];
				sum = s_sum = 0.0;
				n = 0;
				for (i = 0; i<*reg_size; i++)
					used->data[reg[i].x + reg[i].y * used->xsize] = NOTUSED;
					if (dist(xc, yc, (double)reg[i].x, (double)reg[i].y) < rec->width)
						angle = angles->data[reg[i].x + reg[i].y * angles->xsize];
						ang_d = angle_diff_signed(angle, ang_c);
						sum += ang_d;
						s_sum += ang_d * ang_d;
				mean_angle = sum / (double)n;
				tau = 2.0 * sqrt((s_sum - 2.0 * mean_angle * sum) / (double)n
					+ mean_angle*mean_angle); /* 2 * standard deviation */

											  /* find a new region from the same starting point and new angle tolerance */
				region_grow(reg[0].x, reg[0].y, angles, reg, reg_size, &reg_angle, used, tau);

				/* if the region is too small, reject */
				if (*reg_size < 2) return FALSE;

				/* re-compute rectangle */
				region2rect(reg, *reg_size, modgrad, reg_angle, prec, p, rec);

				/* re-compute region points density */
				density = (double)*reg_size /
					(dist(rec->x1, rec->y1, rec->x2, rec->y2) * rec->width);

				/*------ Second try: reduce region radius ------*/
				if (density < density_th)
					return reduce_region_radius(reg, reg_size, modgrad, reg_angle, prec, p,
						rec, used, angles, density_th);

				/* if this point is reached, the density criterion is satisfied */
				return TRUE;

			/*-------------------------- Line Segment Detector ---------------------------*/
			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    LSD full interface.
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:11
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			double * LineSegmentDetection(int * n_out,double * img, int X, int Y,double scale, double sigma_scale, double quant,double ang_th, double log_eps, double density_th,int n_bins,int ** reg_img, int * reg_x, int * reg_y)
				image_double image;
				ntuple_list out = new_ntuple_list(7);
				double * return_value;
				image_double scaled_image, angles, modgrad;
				image_char used;
				image_int region = NULL;
				struct coorlist * list_p;
				void * mem_p;
				struct rect rec;
				struct point * reg;
				int reg_size, min_reg_size, i;
				unsigned int xsize, ysize;
				double rho, reg_angle, prec, p, log_nfa, logNT;
				int ls_count = 0;																											// 线段个数

				if (img == NULL || X <= 0 || Y <= 0) error("invalid image input.");															//检查参数
				if (scale <= 0.0) error("'scale' value must be positive.");
				if (sigma_scale <= 0.0) error("'sigma_scale' value must be positive.");
				if (quant < 0.0) error("'quant' value must be positive.");
				if (ang_th <= 0.0 || ang_th >= 180.0)
					error("'ang_th' value must be in the range (0,180).");
				if (density_th < 0.0 || density_th > 1.0)
					error("'density_th' value must be in the range [0,1].");
				if (n_bins <= 0) error("'n_bins' value must be positive.");

				prec = M_PI * ang_th / 180.0;																								//角度阈值
				p = ang_th / 180.0;																											// contrario model中角度符合基线角度阈值的概率
				rho = quant / sin(prec);																									//梯度阈值
				image = new_image_double_ptr((unsigned int)X, (unsigned int)Y, img);														//创造图像
				if (scale != 1.0){
					scaled_image = gaussian_sampler(image, scale, sigma_scale);																//对图像进行尺度变换
					angles = ll_angle(scaled_image, rho, &list_p, &mem_p,&modgrad, (unsigned int)n_bins);									//计算每个点的方向
					angles = ll_angle(image, rho, &list_p, &mem_p, &modgrad,(unsigned int)n_bins);                                           //计算每个点的方向       
				xsize = angles->xsize;
				ysize = angles->ysize;

				/* Number of Tests - NT

				The theoretical number of tests is Np.(XY)^(5/2)
				where X and Y are number of columns and rows of the image.
				Np corresponds to the number of angle precisions considered.
				As the procedure 'rect_improve' tests 5 times to halve the
				angle precision, and 5 more times after improving other factors,
				11 different precision values are potentially tested. Thus,
				the number of tests is
				11 * (X*Y)^(5/2)
				whose logarithm value is
				log10(11) + 5/2 * (log10(X) + log10(Y)).
				logNT = 5.0 * (log10((double)xsize) + log10((double)ysize)) / 2.0 + log10(11.0);
				min_reg_size = (int)(-logNT / log10(p)); /* minimal number of points in region
														 that can give a meaningful event */

														 /* initialize some structures */
				if (reg_img != NULL && reg_x != NULL && reg_y != NULL) /* save region data */
					region = new_image_int_ini(angles->xsize, angles->ysize, 0);
				used = new_image_char_ini(xsize, ysize, NOTUSED);
				reg = (struct point *) calloc((size_t)(xsize*ysize), sizeof(struct point));
				if (reg == NULL) error("not enough memory!");

				/* search for line segments */
				for (; list_p != NULL; list_p = list_p->next)
					if (used->data[list_p->x + list_p->y * used->xsize] == NOTUSED &&
						angles->data[list_p->x + list_p->y * angles->xsize] != NOTDEF)
						/* there is no risk of double comparison problems here
						because we are only interested in the exact NOTDEF value */
						/* find the region of connected point and ~equal angle 找出位置相邻接且方向相近的点构成的区域*/
						region_grow(list_p->x, list_p->y, angles, reg, &reg_size,
							&reg_angle, used, prec);

						/* reject small regions */
						if (reg_size < min_reg_size) continue;  // 构造矩形,近似该区域

						/* construct rectangular approximation for the region */
						region2rect(reg, reg_size, modgrad, reg_angle, prec, p, &rec); // 检查矩形中点的密度,若小于阈值,则改进矩形表示。若仍旧不满足阈值条件,则清除该区域

						/* Check if the rectangle exceeds the minimal density of
						region points. If not, try to improve the region.
						The rectangle will be rejected if the final one does
						not fulfill the minimal density condition.
						This is an addition to the original LSD algorithm published in
						"LSD: A Fast Line Segment Detector with a False Detection Control"
						by R. Grompone von Gioi, J. Jakubowicz, J.M. Morel, and G. Randall.
						The original algorithm is obtained with density_th = 0.0.
						if (!refine(reg, &reg_size, modgrad, reg_angle,
							prec, p, &rec, used, angles, density_th)) continue;

						/* compute NFA value */
						log_nfa = rect_improve(&rec, angles, logNT, log_eps);
						if (log_nfa <= log_eps) continue;

						/* A New Line Segment was found! */
						++ls_count;  /* increase line segment counter */

									 The gradient was computed with a 2x2 mask, its value corresponds to
									 points with an offset of (0.5,0.5), that should be added to output.
									 The coordinates origin is at the center of pixel (0,0).
						rec.x1 += 0.5; rec.y1 += 0.5;
						rec.x2 += 0.5; rec.y2 += 0.5;

						/* scale the result values if a subsampling was performed */
						if (scale != 1.0)
							rec.x1 /= scale; rec.y1 /= scale;
							rec.x2 /= scale; rec.y2 /= scale;
							rec.width /= scale;

						/* add line segment found to output */
						add_7tuple(out, rec.x1, rec.y1, rec.x2, rec.y2,
							rec.width, rec.p, log_nfa);

						/* add region number to 'region' image if needed */
						if (region != NULL)
							for (i = 0; i<reg_size; i++)
								region->data[reg[i].x + reg[i].y * region->xsize] = ls_count;

				/* free memory */
				free((void *)image);   /* only the double_image structure should be freed,
									   the data pointer was provided to this functions
									   and should not be destroyed.                 */
				free((void *)reg);
				free((void *)mem_p);

				/* return the result */
				if (reg_img != NULL && reg_x != NULL && reg_y != NULL)
					if (region == NULL) error("'region' should be a valid image.");
					*reg_img = region->data;
					if (region->xsize > (unsigned int)INT_MAX ||
						region->xsize > (unsigned int)INT_MAX)
						error("region image to big to fit in INT sizes.");
					*reg_x = (int)(region->xsize);
					*reg_y = (int)(region->ysize);

					/* free the 'region' structure.
					we cannot use the function 'free_image_int' because we need to keep
					the memory with the image data to be returned by this function. */
					free((void *)region);
				if (out->size > (unsigned int)INT_MAX)
					error("too many detections to fit in an INT.");
				*n_out = (int)(out->size);

				return_value = out->values;
				free((void *)out);  /* only the 'ntuple_list' structure must be freed,
									but the 'values' pointer must be keep to return
									as a result. */

				return return_value;

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:     LSD外部接口程序,自定义高斯核缩放因子,与区域参数。
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:12
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			double * lsd_scale_region(int * n_out,double * img, int X, int Y, double scale,int ** reg_img, int * reg_x, int * reg_y){
				double sigma_scale = 0.6;																									// 高斯核的计算公式  sigma = sigma_scale/scale.						
				double quant = 2.0;																											//与梯度范数上的量化误差有关。
				double ang_th = 22.5;																										//梯度角公差,用角度表示 
				double log_eps = 0.0;																										//检测阈值 -log10(NFA) > log_eps     
				double density_th = 0.7;																									// 矩形中区域点的最小密度 
				int n_bins = 1024;																											//梯度模伪排序中的bins的个数                                 
				return LineSegmentDetection(n_out, img, X, Y, scale, sigma_scale, quant,ang_th, log_eps, density_th, n_bins,reg_img, reg_x, reg_y);

			* @FuncName:  
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:	  LSD外部接口程序,自己定义高斯核缩放因子
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:14
			* @InputParameter: 
			* @OutputParameter: 
			* @Returns:   
			* @Others:    
			double * lsd_scale(int * n_out, double * img, int X, int Y, double scale){
				return lsd_scale_region(n_out, img, X, Y, scale, NULL, NULL, NULL);

			* @FuncName:
			* @Author:    闹闹
			* @Brief:    LSD外部接口程序
			* @Version:
			* @Date:	  2021/5/11 17:14
			* @InputParameter:
			* @OutputParameter:
			* @Returns: 
			* @Others:
			double * lsd(int * n_out, double * img, int X, int Y){
				double scale = 0.8;																											// 高斯核缩放因子 
				return lsd_scale(n_out, img, X, Y, scale);
		}//namespace lsd
	}//namespace algorithm
}//namespace nao
#endif  //__MYLSD_H__
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------- (C) COPYRIGHT LEI *****END OF FILE-----------------------------------------------------------*/
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