
英语Ⅰ(1) 阶段性综合评测1(Unit 6)答案
题目:Choose the correct answer. 听录音,通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。5540_11.mp3
1. Xiaoyan wants {A; B; C}  about the flat in the newspaper.
A:Polly to phone
B:to phone
C:Polly to talk
2. Xiaoyan is {A; B; C} the phone when she doesn’t understand things very well.
A: interested  in
B:happy on
C:nervous on
3. An estate agent has got flats to {A; B; C} .
4. Polly hopes that Xiaoyan talks to an estate agent {A; B; C} .
A:on the phone
B:through email
C:face to face
5. Xiaoyan is {A; B; C} to an estate agent.
A:not interested in going
B:happy to go
C:nervous to go"
题目:Listen and choose the correct answers. 听录音,通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。2540_11.mp3
1. Peter usually gets up at {A; B; C}  from Monday to Friday.
2. He is {A; B; C} in a big company.
A:an IT manager
B:a deputy IT manager
C:a worker
3. He {A; B; C} has lunch in the canteen.
4. Peter {A; B; C} finishes early on Friday.
5. Peter and his {A; B; C} sometimes go to a bar in the evening.
题目:Listen and choose the correct answers. 听录音,通过题干后的下拉框选择题目的正确答案。3540_11.mp3
1. Xiaoyan is now in {A; B; C} .
2. David’s office is on {A; B; C} floor.
A:the ground
B:the 2nd
C:the top
3. Xiaoyan’s London office is on {A; B; C} floor.
A:the 2nd
B:the 3rd
C:the 4th
4. There are {A; B; C} in her office.
A:two desks
B:three chairs
C:four computers
5. There is a coffee machine {A; B; C} .
A:near the pants
B:in the corner
C:near the door"
"题目:____ name is Jane. ____ is from the USA.
: Her, She
; She’s, She
; Her, Her"
"题目:_____ a coffee machine in the room?
: Are there
; Is there
; Have there"
"题目:_____ people are my friends. _____ people are my husband’s friends.
: These, Those
; This, That
; Here, There"
"题目:_____ would you like, tea or coffee?
: How
; Why
; What"
"题目:A: _____ you like a drink? Wine? Beer?
B: A beer, please.
: Could
; Would
; Do"
I sometimes go to the pub _____ Friday _____ my colleagues.
A. on, with
B. at, to
C. in, for
"题目:A: __________________
B: Hi. My name’s Rose. Are you from London?
: Hello, I’m Paul. What’s your name?
; Hello, who are you? What’s your name?
; Where are you from?"
"题目:A: ____________________
B: She works in the Oxford University.
: What does your mother do ?
; What do your parents do?
; What are your parents doing at the moment?"
"题目:A: ________________________?
B: My father is a manager. My mother is a nurse.
: Where are your parents
; What do your parents do
; What are your parents doing right now"
"题目:A: ______________?
B: Yes, I’d like to. Thanks.
: Would you like something
; Would you like to come to the shop one day
; Would you like coming to the shop one day"
"题目:A: _______?
B: She is talking to Mary.
: What is she doing right now
; What does she do
; What is she talking about"
"题目:A: _____, David?
B: An orange juice.
: What do you like
; What would you like
; Would you like an orange juice"
"题目:A: _____?
B: Yes, I do. My mother and father live in Oxford.
: Do you have any family
; Where are your father and mother
; Have you any family"
"题目:A: Are there two men in the room?
B: ______.
: No, there are one
; No, there’s only one
; Yes, there is one"
"题目:A: Could you ring them up please? I’m sometimes quite nervous on the phone.
B: ____________________.
: Are you? I am fine.
; Yes, why don’t you call them?
; Yes, of course. I will phone them for you."
"题目:A: Hello, Linda, how are you?
B: ______________________
: Very good. Are you good?
; Very well, thank you. And you?
; Hello, Rose, how do you do?"
"题目:A: Hello, Xiaoyan, How are you?  And how are  things?
B: _________________. Everybody is very nice and helpful.
: I am well. Thanks
; I am good. Thank you
; Great. I am fine"
"题目:A: Hello. I’m David Manning. Nice to meet you.
B: ______________________________.
: I’m nice, too
; Fine, thank you
; Nice to meet you , too. I’m Xiaoyan"
"题目:A: How about seeing a film this evening?
B: Yes, _____________.
: that’s a good idea
; please
; that’s right"
"题目:A: The shower isn’t working.
B: _____________________.
: I come to call the plumber.
; I’ll call the plumber.
; I like calling the plumber."
"题目:A: What do you do?
B: _______________.
: I am washing the dishes now
; I am a policeman
; I do my homework"
"题目:A: What does your father do in the factory?
B: ___________________.
: He is responsible for the central computer system
; He works with another man
; He is in the office"
"题目:A: What does your mother do?
B: _______________________.
: She does shopping once a week
; She tells stories to my daughter every evening
; She is a clerk in a bank"
"题目:A: What TV programmes do you like?
B: I ______ London Lives.
: like watching
; like to watching
; like watch"
"题目:A: Where is David?
B: He is having lunch in _____ Chinese restaurant on _____ seventh floor.
: a ,a
; an ,the
; the ,the"
"题目:A: Why don’t you go to an estate agent, then, you’re talking face to face?
B: Well, __________________.
: I would like
; That’s a shame
; I don’t know"
"题目:David _____on a new database at the moment.
: currently work
; is currently working
; currently working"
"题目:David is _____ only accountant in my son’s company.
: the
; an
; a"
"题目:Does David ______?
: like flying
; likes fly
; likes to fly"
"题目:He often works in ______ evening.
: a
; /
; the"
"题目:I _____ this e-mail to tell you about my new office.
: am writing
; writing
; writes"
"题目:I am _____ engineer.
: a
; an
; /"
"题目:I am planning a new marketing campaign at the moment. __________________?
: What do you do
; What you are doing
; What are you doing"
"题目:I usually get up _____ 7 _____ the morning.
: past , on
; at ,in
; in ,in"
"题目:I’d _____ a beer, too .  Thank you.
: like having
; like to have
; like have"
"题目:I’ve got a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you _____ them?
: like to see
; like seeing
; like see"
"题目:Jane and Paul like good coffee, so go and get some good coffee for _____.
: they
; them
; their"
"题目:John: Linda, this is Rose, my wife. Rose, this is Linda, my new student from Beijing.
Rose: ____________________
Linda: Pleased to meet you, too.
: Hello, Linda! How are you?
; Hello, Linda! I am pleased to meet you.
; Good evening, Linda."
"题目:London is _____capital of Britain, and it is _____ great city, too.
: a , the
; the , /
; the, a"
"题目:Mary _____ brown eyes and golden hair.
: have
; have got
; has got"
"题目:Mr Green is now ____ a holiday.
: in
; with
; on"
"题目:Mr Manning _____ in Paris today and tomorrow.
: work
; working
; is working"
"题目:My aunt _____ for her friends at home.
: enjoy cooking
; enjoys cook
; enjoys cooking"
"题目:My cousin doesn’t _____ serious(严肃的) TV programmes on  weekends.
: like watch
; enjoy watching
; love watch"
"题目:My husband doesn’t _____, but I like it very much.
: like shopping
; like shop
; likes shopping"
"题目:My mother is a doctor. She is _____ medicine.
: from
; at
; in"
"题目:My uncle _____ in the IT Department. But now he _____ on a plan for the marketing department.
: works, is working
; work, is working
; is working, works"
"题目:Polly enjoys______ in a band in her free time.
: play the guitar
; to playing the guitar
; playing the guitar"
"题目:She __________________ the flat advertisement.
: has a problem with
; has a problem for
; has a problem of"
"题目:The rent is 700 pounds a month. It is a good price _____ the area.
: on
; for
; at"
"题目:There _____ three plants in the office.
: are
; is
; have"
"题目:This is his book. Could you give it _____ him?
: to
; with
; for"
"题目:This is where you work, Xiaoyan. That is your desk and this is _____.
: my desks
; mine
; desk of me"
"题目:We often have _____ supper at home.
: us
; ours
; our"
"题目:What’s ______ job? Are ____ British?
: your, your
; you, your
; your, you"
"题目:Why is she ______ lunch so early? It’s only 10 now.
: having
; have
; has"
"题目:A: Good morning, Madam.
B: Good morning, my name is Lin Xiaoyan. I have a reservation for a single room.
A: Could you spell your name, please?
B: Yes, of course. Lin-L-I-N Xiaoyan-X-I-AO-Y-A-N.
A: Ah yes, thank you. Reservation number 982. It’s room number 42. Could you tell me your car number, please?
B: I don’t have a car.
A: Your keys, Madam.
B: Thank you. Could you call me at a quarter to seven, please?
A: Certainly, Madam, would you like tea or coffee?
B: Oh, no, thank you.
A: Could you sign the register, please?
B: Yes, of course.
A: Dinner is from 7 o’clock. Would you like to make a reservation for dinner in the restaurant this evening?
B: No, thank you, not this evening.
1. Where does this conversation take place?
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a café.
C. In a hotel.
2. When does this conversation take place?
A. Early in the morning.
B. In the evening.
C. Late in the afternoon.
3. What does Speaker A do?
A. A is a service girl in a restaurant.
B. A is Lin Xiaoyan’s colleague.
C. A is the receptionist.
4. What is Xiaoyan’s room number?
A. 42.
B. 982.
C. 98242.
5. What do we know about Xiaoyan’s dinner?
A. She has dinner at 7 o’clock.
B. She does not have dinner this evening.
C. She does not make a reservation for dinner in the restaurant.
提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分   您的答案是:1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____"
"题目:A: So as you can see, it’s a modern block, in excellent condition. The flat’s on the tenth floor, but there are two lifts. Ah, the lift isn’t working. I’ll call the lift company today. Here’s the other lift.
B: Tenth floor? Is there an entryphone?
A: Yes, usually. But, sorry, that isn’t working at the moment either. But I’ll repair it this week.
B: Okay. Does it have a viewer in it?
A: No, it doesn’t, but I’ll get one.
B: Good. Thank you.
A: This is the flat.
B: Oh dear, the hall’s dirty.
A: Yes, but it isn’t usually. The cleaners are new and they’re learning the job. I’ll talk to them. The flat is very nice inside.
A: Oh yes, it’s big and light. Great.
1. What do we know about Speaker A and B?
A. A is a landlord and B is flat-hunting (找公寓).
B. A is a colleague of B’s and is helping her with her flat-hunting.
C. A is a good friend of B’s and is helping her with her job-hunting (找工作).
2. Where is the flat?
A. On the tenth floor in an lift company.
B. On the tenth floor in a modern building.
C. On the tenth floor in an old building.
3. What do we know about the lifts?
A. 3 are working.
B. 2 are working.
C. 1 is working.
4. How is the hall?
A. It is big.
B. It is bright.
C. It is dirty.
5. How is the flat?
A. It’s big.
B. It’s small.
C. It’s dirty.
提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分   您的答案是:1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____"
"题目:Betty is from Italy. Now she lives in Edinburgh (爱丁堡) . But her parents still live in Italy. She is 25 years old. She is a teacher. She works in a high school in Edinburgh. She teaches science (科学) and she likes her work. Most of her students are 15 or 16 years old. They all like her. They think she is a great teacher and a beautiful girl with long golden hair. Betty has a boyfriend. His name is Ray. He is British. He is 30 years old. He likes books and music. He can play the piano very well. He is in IT. He works very hard. But he does not like his job. He likes traveling like Betty, and of course he likes staying with Betty.
1. Betty is British now.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
2. Betty has long beautiful hair.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
3. Ray likes his job.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
4. Both Betty and Ray like traveling.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
5. Betty can play the piano well.
A. Right.
B. Wrong.
C. Doesn’t say.
提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分   您的答案是:1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____"
"题目:Dear Mr. Manning,
I am Lin Xiaoyan, the Deputy IT Manager at the ABHK, Shanghai. My flight details – the plane leaves Shanghai at 18.25 and arrives in London at 20.50 (local time) next Tuesday. The flight number is CA 5027. My mobile phone number is: 13604076796.
Thank you. See you on Tuesday.
Lin Xiaoyan
1. Who is the receiver (收件人) of this e-mail?
A. Lin Xiaoyan.
B. Mr. Manning.
C. The airline (航空) company.
2. Who is sending this e-mail?
A. Lin Xiaoyan.
B. Mr. Manning.
C. The airline (航空) company.
3. How does Lin Xiaoyan get to London?
A. By bus.
B. By plane.
C. By train.
4. What is her flight number?
A. CA 5027.
B. 13604076796.
C. CA 2050.
5. Where is Xiaoyan from?
A. Shanghai.
B. London.
C. New York.
提示:请将正确答案的序号(大写字母ABC)填写在空白处,系统自动判分   您的答案是:1._____ 2._____ 3._____ 4._____ 5._____"
"题目:Every one has one or two things they like to do for fun. They do these things in their free time. Some people like to collect coins (硬币), stamps (邮票)or story books. Some people like dancing , singing, or shopping. Others like playing football, swimming or climbing the mountains.
David has many hobbies. He sometimes plays golf (高尔夫) with his son. He plays tennis(网球) with all the family. He likes

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