source $TELENV
### User Preferences section
### This section is computer generated.
### Please do not modify to the end of the file.
### Place your hand edits above this section.
set padpath = "E:/F/CADENCE/Allegro PCB Design GXL (legacy) Libraries/pad/"
set psmpath = "E:/F/CADENCE/Allegro PCB Design GXL (legacy) Libraries/psm/"
set ads_sdart = gerber
set autosave
funckey ~R iangle 45
funckey ' ' iangle 90
funckey c copy
funckey C copy
funckey m move
funckey M move
funckey h change
funckey H change
funckey s slide
funckey S slide
funckey v vertex
funckey V vertex
Allegro PCB Design GXL (legacy) - Cadence\SPB_Data\pcbenv\env(备份自用)
于 2021-07-16 18:07:48 首次发布