leveldb源码分析之log 写文件代码

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5 篇文章 0 订阅


enum RecordType {
  // Zero is reserved for preallocated files
  kZeroType = 0,

  kFullType = 1,

  // For fragments
  kFirstType = 2,
  kMiddleType = 3,
  kLastType = 4
static const int kMaxRecordType = kLastType;

static const int kBlockSize = 32768;

// Header is checksum (4 bytes), length (2 bytes), type (1 byte).
static const int kHeaderSize = 4 + 2 + 1;


  WritableFile* dest_;  //写文件的对象
  int block_offset_;   //当前文件的偏移量


Writer::Writer(WritableFile* dest) : dest_(dest), block_offset_(0) {

Writer::Writer(WritableFile* dest, uint64_t dest_length)
    : dest_(dest), block_offset_(dest_length % kBlockSize) {


Status Writer::AddRecord(const Slice& slice) {
  const char* ptr = slice.data();//记录的内容
  size_t left = slice.size();//记录的长度

  Status s;
  bool begin = true;
  do {
    const int leftover = kBlockSize - block_offset_; //当前文件的偏移量
    assert(leftover >= 0);
    if (leftover < kHeaderSize) { //判断当前文件剩余空间是否小于Header大小(7)
      // Switch to a new block
      if (leftover > 0) {
        // Fill the trailer (literal below relies on kHeaderSize being 7)
        static_assert(kHeaderSize == 7, "");
        dest_->Append(Slice("\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00", leftover));
      block_offset_ = 0;

    // Invariant: we never leave < kHeaderSize bytes in a block.
    assert(kBlockSize - block_offset_ - kHeaderSize >= 0); 

    const size_t avail = kBlockSize - block_offset_ - kHeaderSize;//计算当前填写内容的空间大小
    const size_t fragment_length = (left < avail) ? left : avail;

    RecordType type;
    const bool end = (left == fragment_length);//判断剩余空间是否能够将所有内容填写完
    if (begin && end) { //判断写入的文件内容的type
      type = kFullType;
    } else if (begin) {
      type = kFirstType;
    } else if (end) {
      type = kLastType;
    } else {
      type = kMiddleType;

    s = EmitPhysicalRecord(type, ptr, fragment_length); //调用私有函数进行内容的写入
    ptr += fragment_length;
    left -= fragment_length;
    begin = false;
  } while (s.ok() && left > 0);
  return s;


Status Writer::EmitPhysicalRecord(RecordType t, const char* ptr,
                                  size_t length) {
  assert(length <= 0xffff);  // Must fit in two bytes
  assert(block_offset_ + kHeaderSize + length <= kBlockSize);

  // Format the header
  char buf[kHeaderSize];
  buf[4] = static_cast<char>(length & 0xff);
  buf[5] = static_cast<char>(length >> 8);
  buf[6] = static_cast<char>(t);

  // Compute the crc of the record type and the payload.
  uint32_t crc = crc32c::Extend(type_crc_[t], ptr, length);
  crc = crc32c::Mask(crc);  // Adjust for storage
  EncodeFixed32(buf, crc);

  // Write the header and the payload
  Status s = dest_->Append(Slice(buf, kHeaderSize));
  if (s.ok()) {
    s = dest_->Append(Slice(ptr, length));
    if (s.ok()) {
      s = dest_->Flush();
  block_offset_ += kHeaderSize + length;
  return s;


class LEVELDB_EXPORT WritableFile {
  WritableFile() = default;

  WritableFile(const WritableFile&) = delete;
  WritableFile& operator=(const WritableFile&) = delete;

  virtual ~WritableFile();

  virtual Status Append(const Slice& data) = 0;  //添加内容
  virtual Status Close() = 0;//关闭文件
  virtual Status Flush() = 0;//刷新文件
  virtual Status Sync() = 0;//同步文件


lass PosixWritableFile final : public WritableFile {
  PosixWritableFile(std::string filename, int fd)
      : pos_(0),
        dirname_(Dirname(filename_)) {}

  ~PosixWritableFile() override {
    if (fd_ >= 0) {
      // Ignoring any potential errors

  Status Append(const Slice& data) override {
    size_t write_size = data.size();
    const char* write_data = data.data();

    // Fit as much as possible into buffer.
    size_t copy_size = std::min(write_size, kWritableFileBufferSize - pos_);
    std::memcpy(buf_ + pos_, write_data, copy_size);
    write_data += copy_size;
    write_size -= copy_size;
    pos_ += copy_size;
    if (write_size == 0) {
      return Status::OK();

    // Can't fit in buffer, so need to do at least one write.
    Status status = FlushBuffer();
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;

    // Small writes go to buffer, large writes are written directly.
    if (write_size < kWritableFileBufferSize) {
      std::memcpy(buf_, write_data, write_size);
      pos_ = write_size;
      return Status::OK();
    return WriteUnbuffered(write_data, write_size);

  Status Close() override {
    Status status = FlushBuffer();
    const int close_result = ::close(fd_);
    if (close_result < 0 && status.ok()) {
      status = PosixError(filename_, errno);
    fd_ = -1;
    return status;

  Status Flush() override { return FlushBuffer(); }

  Status Sync() override {
    // Ensure new files referred to by the manifest are in the filesystem.
    // This needs to happen before the manifest file is flushed to disk, to
    // avoid crashing in a state where the manifest refers to files that are not
    // yet on disk.
    Status status = SyncDirIfManifest();
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;

    status = FlushBuffer();
    if (!status.ok()) {
      return status;

    return SyncFd(fd_, filename_);

  Status FlushBuffer() {
    Status status = WriteUnbuffered(buf_, pos_);
    pos_ = 0;
    return status;

  Status WriteUnbuffered(const char* data, size_t size) {
    while (size > 0) {
      ssize_t write_result = ::write(fd_, data, size);
      if (write_result < 0) {
        if (errno == EINTR) {
          continue;  // Retry
        return PosixError(filename_, errno);
      data += write_result;
      size -= write_result;
    return Status::OK();

  Status SyncDirIfManifest() {
    Status status;
    if (!is_manifest_) {
      return status;

    int fd = ::open(dirname_.c_str(), O_RDONLY | kOpenBaseFlags);
    if (fd < 0) {
      status = PosixError(dirname_, errno);
    } else {
      status = SyncFd(fd, dirname_);
    return status;

  static Status SyncFd(int fd, const std::string& fd_path) {

    if (sync_success) {
      return Status::OK();
    return PosixError(fd_path, errno);

  // Returns the directory name in a path pointing to a file.
  // Returns "." if the path does not contain any directory separator.
  static std::string Dirname(const std::string& filename) {
    std::string::size_type separator_pos = filename.rfind('/');
    if (separator_pos == std::string::npos) {
      return std::string(".");
    // The filename component should not contain a path separator. If it does,
    // the splitting was done incorrectly.
    assert(filename.find('/', separator_pos + 1) == std::string::npos);

    return filename.substr(0, separator_pos);

  // Extracts the file name from a path pointing to a file.
  // The returned Slice points to |filename|'s data buffer, so it is only valid
  // while |filename| is alive and unchanged.
  static Slice Basename(const std::string& filename) {
    std::string::size_type separator_pos = filename.rfind('/');
    if (separator_pos == std::string::npos) {
      return Slice(filename);
    // The filename component should not contain a path separator. If it does,
    // the splitting was done incorrectly.
    assert(filename.find('/', separator_pos + 1) == std::string::npos);

    return Slice(filename.data() + separator_pos + 1,
                 filename.length() - separator_pos - 1);

  // True if the given file is a manifest file.
  static bool IsManifest(const std::string& filename) {
    return Basename(filename).starts_with("MANIFEST");

  // buf_[0, pos_ - 1] contains data to be written to fd_.
  char buf_[kWritableFileBufferSize];
  size_t pos_;
  int fd_;

  const bool is_manifest_;  // True if the file's name starts with MANIFEST.
  const std::string filename_;
  const std::string dirname_;  // The directory of filename_.

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