


  1. 放在系动词后面做表语
  2. 放在宾语之后做补语
  3. 放在名词前面做定语



  1. 副词做状语, 修饰实义动词, 形容词, 副词和整个句子

    He smiles sweetly.(副词修饰动词)

    He looks pretty sweet. (状语修饰形容词)

    He smiles especially sweetly.(副词修饰副词)

    Actually, he smiles sweetly. (副词修饰整个句子)


状语就是在一句话当中修饰实义动词, 形容词, 副词和句子的成分, 就是状语.

定语修饰名词, 状语修饰除名词外的所有成分


  1. 副词/副词短语: She smiles sweetly. I tried again and again.
  2. 介词短语: He runs fast like a crazy dog.
  3. 非谓语动词: He leaves, crying.
  4. 从句: I will return the book as soon as I have read it.



状语的位置随便放, 当是, 当状语放在句首或句中通常要用逗号隔开(当然也可以不加)

  1. In Chongqing, I am now working.
  2. I am now working in Chongqing.
  3. Now, in Chongqing, I am working.
  4. I now am in Chongqing working.


状语从句的引导词是按照引导词本身的词意分的类, 一共把引导词分成9类


定语从句的种类按照先行词的种类分类, 后来又按照引导词的方式分类





(连词): when, as, while, once, as soon as, before , after, since, until/till..., not … until, by the time, each time/every time, the next time

when, as, while 都翻译成 当…的时候

since 自从

as soon as 一…就

once 一旦

(名词短语) the moment, every time, the day, the instant

(副词) immediately, directly, no sooner… than, hardly…when, scarcely…when

when, while, as 的区别
  • when 引导的从句, 其谓语动词可延续可短暂

    When the teacher came in, we stopped talking. (短暂性动词)

    When I lived in the countryside, I used to live a tough life.(延续性动词)

  • while 延续性

    While my mother was reading the newspaper, I was watching TV.

  • as 延续性, 表示"一边…一边", 一般用于主句和从句动词同时发生; as 也可以表示伴随

    As families moved away from their stable community, the informal flow of information is cut off.

until 和 not … until的区别
  • I will wait here until you come.
  • I will not leave until you come.

区别在于: wait 和 leave

until 是延续性动词

not … until 是短暂性动词

看主句的谓语动词是瞬间动词还是延续性动词, 如果是瞬间动词就用 not … until, 如果是延续性动词就用 until

知道我有了自己的女儿, 我才意识到母亲的伟大

意识: 瞬间动词, 用 not … until

I did not realize the greatness of mother until I had my own daughter.


  1. 引导词: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere


    The tree grows well in wet places.

    The tree grows well where it is wet.

    充当地点的状语通常都是介词短语, 而不是从句.

  2. where 引导的状语从句和定语从句

区别: 看 where 是否指代前面的先行词

I find my phone where I had lost it.(状语)

This is the house where I lived two years ago.(定语)

只需要看 where 前面的这个单词, 如果他是一个表示地点名词(并且该名词需要被明确限定范围)就是定语从句并且充当从句的成分, 如果不是则是状语从句


because, since, as, for..., now that

seeing that, now that, in that, considering that, given that, as much as, so much as


because of , due to, owing to , thanks to, for the sake of, as a result of + N/Ving


Because he was careless, he had a car accident yesterday.

Because of his carelessness, ~


so that, in order that...

翻译成 : 为了/以便

动词不定式: to , in order to, so as to

都翻译成 为了是, 或者 目的是

We climb higher in order to see farther.

We climb higher so that We see farther.

so that 后面需要接上主语, 而 in order to 后面接动词, to Ving, 动词不定式, 主语已经在前面了, 不需要再加个

so as to 不能放在句首 == in order to

so that 可以引导 目的 和 结果 状语从句, 如果 so that 后面有情态动词, 那么就是目的状语, 否则就是结果状语


so that, so...that(中间adj)..., such...that(中间跟N)...

to the degree that, to the extent that …

so that , so … that 和 such … that 的区别

  • so that 引导目的状语(与情态动词连用)和结果状语从句

I hurried through my work so that I could be on time for the TV.

We moved to the country so that we were away from the noisy city.

  • so … that 的区别

so + adj/adv + that

The movie was so boring that I gave up watching it halfway though.

只要用到形容词或者副词的地方都可以考虑写成 so … that

so + 形容词 + a/an + 可数名词单数 + that

Zhanglili is so nice a teacher that everyone loves and respects her.

  • such … that 的用法

such + a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 + that

It was such a terrible show that none of us would pay for watching it again.

such + 形容词 + 不可数名词单数 + that


if once, unless

as/so long as, so long as, only if, providing/provided that, on condition that…

If love is a cup of poison, I will drink it up without hesitating.


though, although, even if, even though, while, however

让步就是话说的严重, 后面一部分要退一步, 说话要用让步, 说的很严重, 怕人生气, 挽回, 说好话

“盲目追星会影响到青少年正常工作和学习, 虽然他们工作的很努力(虽然他们长得很好看)”

as, while, no matter…, in spite of the fact that, whatever, whoever, wherever, whenever, however, whichever

Although/Though he failed again and again, he still adheres to pursuing his dream.

  1. 她是一个美女, 美女也有缺点

She is a beauty although she has a pair of small eyes.

  1. 宠物的确给我奶奶带来了很多快乐

Pets indeed bring much delight to my grandma although taking care of them needs enough time and energy.


as, as if, as though (好像;似乎)

介词: by, through, in… way, in…manner

  • She talks with me as she were my mother.

    说话的方式像… were 虚拟语气

  • I can still remember the whole thing in great detail as though it happened yesterday.


as, than

the more… the more…, more than…, more … than…, not so much … as…


You look younger than I (look).

他是状语从句, 所以 than 之后需要有一个完整的 句子, 所以后面是 I look 但是不美观, 所以 look省略了


A is to B what/as C is to D

A 对 B 来说, 就像 C 对 D 来说

Honesty is to humans as perfume is to a flower.

Confidence is to university students as water is to fish.

more than 的用法

He is more than a teacher. In fact, he writes some poems in his spare time.


more than 后面如果加的是名词或者是动词就翻译成 “不仅仅是”

Americans are more than hospitable when facing strangers.

more than + adj/adv 翻译成 very

I have more than 10 boyfriends.

more than + 数词 ==> 超过

more than + 动词 ==> 不仅仅是

not so much as == not even 甚至不/没有

He cannot so much as sing a song.

not so much A as B 与其说A, 倒不如说 B

He is not so much a teacher as a poet.

more A than B 与其说B, 不如说A

He is more a teacher than a poet.





Because I am fat, I feel delighted.

I feel delighted being fat.

这里需要区分下, 主语不一致就是独立主格, 如果主语一致就是伴随状语

工作结束后, 我们都各自回家了

After the job was finished , we went home respectively.

The job finished, we went home respectively.

只要出现逗号分开前后两句话, 只要把不重要的句子变成分词做状语就行

自信是一种积极的心态, 它能使很多奇迹降临

Self-confidence is an active mentality, it enable many miracles to happen.

Being an active mentality, self-confidence enable many miracles to happen.


  1. 去掉状语从句的引导词
  2. 把从句的谓语动词变成非谓语动词
  3. 看分词的主语是否和句子的主语一致, 如果一致分词主语省略, 如果不一致, 分词的主语保留



Setting off firecrackers can add the atmosphere.

Although quite a few individuals argue that it sounds too noisy(让步状语),setting off firecrackers, an ancient Chinese tradition with thousands of years (同位语),can add the
atmosphere of holidays and festivals (定语) when Chinese are gathering with their families or their friends at home (时间状语)


只要在句子中见到以下的一坨东西就一定是状语: 除了时间和地点可能是定语以外, 见到副词, 原因, 条件, 目的, 结果, 比较, 方式, 伴随, 让步一定是状语. 时间和地点看位置而定

如果名词后有时间或地点, 既像定语又像状语的时候, 定语优先原则, 只有翻译成定语特别恶心的时候, 才是状语

The Greeks assumed that the structure of language had some connection with the process of thought, which took root in Europe long before people realized how diverse languages could be.

荷兰人认为语言的结构和思想的过程有关, 在人们意识到语言的多样化之前, 在欧洲这种思想已经扎根

Social science is that branch of intellectual enquiry(知识探索) which seeks to study humans and their endeavors(努力) in the same reasoned, orderly, systematic, and dispassioned manner that natural scientists use for the study of natural phenomena.

When this practice first started decades ago, it was usually limited to freshmen, to give them a second chance to take a class in their first year if they struggled in their transition to college-level courses.

The history of the EEOB began long before its foundations were laid.

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