
#ifndef __STRING_H__
#define __STRING_H__

#ifndef NDEBUG
#define DEBUG 1

#ifdef _WIN32
#endif //!_WIN32

#define DEBUG 0
#endif // !NDEBUG

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdlib>

#define BUFFSIZE 4096

class String
	static size_t string_total;
	mutable char *buffer;
	mutable size_t real_len;
	mutable size_t capacity;

	char *auto_alloc(const char *str1, const char *str2 = nullptr, bool is_free = true) const;
	char *auto_alloc(const int strlen1,const int strlen2 = 0,bool is_free = true) const;

	String &string_subtraction(const char *str);
	class iterator {
		iterator(const iterator &iter);
		iterator(char *pointer);
		iterator(iterator &&right);
		char &operator*() const;
		iterator &operator=(const iterator &iter);
		bool operator!=(const iterator &iter);
		const iterator operator++(int);
		iterator &operator++();
		const iterator operator--(int);
		iterator &operator--();
		iterator operator+(int i) const;
		iterator operator-(int i) const;
		char *get_pointer() const;
		char *pointer;
	using const_iterator = const iterator;
	class reverse_iterator {
		reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator &riter);
		reverse_iterator(char *pointer);
		reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator &&right);
		char &operator*() const;
		reverse_iterator &operator=(const reverse_iterator &iter);
		bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator &iter);
		const reverse_iterator operator++(int);
		reverse_iterator &operator++();
		const reverse_iterator operator--(int);
		reverse_iterator &operator--();
		reverse_iterator operator+(int i) const;
		reverse_iterator operator-(int i) const;
		char *get_pointer() const;
		char *pointer;
	using const_reverse_iterator = const reverse_iterator;
	constexpr static size_t npos = ~0U;

	String::iterator begin();
	String::iterator end();

	String::reverse_iterator rbegin();
	String::reverse_iterator rend();

	static const size_t get_string_total();

	explicit String(const size_t capacity);
	String(const char ch);
	String(const char *str);
	String(const String &str);
	String(String &&right);

	String &append(const char *str);
	String &append(const char *str,size_t count);
	String &append(const char ch);
	String &append(size_t count, const char ch);
	String &append(const String &str);
	String &append(const String &str,size_t count);
	String &assign(const char *str);
	String &assign(const size_t count, const char ch);
	String &assign(const char *str, const size_t count);
	String &assign(const String &str, const size_t offset, const size_t count);
	String &assign(const String &str);
	String &assign(const String &&str);

	String &replace(const String::iterator first,const String::iterator last,const char *str);
	String &replace(const String::iterator first, const String::iterator last, const char *str,const size_t count);
	String &replace(const String::iterator first, const String::iterator last, size_t count, const char ch);
	int compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const char *str);
	int compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const char *str, const size_t count);
	int compare(const char *str) const;
	int compare(const String &str) const;
	int compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const String &str) const;
	int compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const String &str, const size_t roff, const size_t ron) const;

	size_t find(const char ch, const size_t start = 0U) const;
	size_t find(const char *str, const size_t start = 0U) const;
	size_t find(const String &str, const size_t start = 0U) const;
	/*string::find 3个参数的没看懂是什么意思,下面的是自己随便写的*/
	size_t find(const char *str,const size_t start,const size_t str_start);

	size_t find_first_not_of(const char ch, const size_t start = 0U) const;
	size_t find_first_not_of(const char *str, const size_t start = 0U) const;
	size_t find_first_not_of(const String &str, const size_t start = 0U) const;
	size_t find_first_not_of(const char *str, const size_t start, const size_t str_start);

	void pop_back();
	void push_back(const char ch);
	const char &at(const size_t size) const;
	String substr(const size_t off = 0U, const size_t count = ~0U);
	char &back();
	char &back() const;
	char &front();
	char &front() const;
	size_t max_size() const;
	void clear();
	void swap(String &str);
	size_t copy(char *buffer, size_t count, size_t off = 0U);

	const char *data() const;
	const char *c_str() const;

	bool empty() const;

	String::iterator erase(String::const_iterator first, String::const_iterator last);
	const size_t get_capacity() const;
	const size_t get_length() const;

	void reserve(size_t new_size = 0U);

	String &operator=(const String &str);
	String &operator=(const char *str);
	String &operator=(const char ch);

	String &operator+=(const String &str);
	String &operator+=(const char *str);
	String &operator+=(const char ch);

	String operator+(const String &str);
	String operator+(const char *str);
	String operator+(const char ch);

	String operator-(const String &str);
	String operator-(const char *str);
	String operator-(const char ch);

	String &operator-=(const String &str);
	String &operator-=(const char *str);
	String &operator-=(const char ch);

	String operator*(const size_t count) const;
	String &operator*=(const size_t count);

	bool operator==(const String &str);
	bool operator==(const char *str);

	bool operator>(const String &str);
	bool operator>(const char* str);
	bool operator<(const char *str);
	bool operator<(const String &str);
	/*explicit关闭隐式转换,可强制类型转换为(wchar_t *)记得自动手动释放内存*/
	explicit operator wchar_t *() const;
	explicit operator size_t() const;
	explicit operator int() const;
	char &operator[](const size_t count);
	const char &operator[](const size_t count) const;

	friend std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const String &str);
	friend std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, String &str);

	friend String operator+(const char *ch,const String &str);
	friend String operator+(const char ch, const String &str);

	friend String operator-(const char *ch, const String &str);
	friend bool operator==(const String &str1, const String &str2);
/*直接调用String * size_t */
String operator*(const size_t count, const String &str);

#endif // !__STRING_H__
#include "String.h"

size_t String::string_total = 0;

char *String::auto_alloc(const char *str1, const char *str2, bool is_free) const
	char *buffer = nullptr;
		if (!this->buffer && str1 && !str2)
			this->real_len = strlen(str1) + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			strcpy(buffer, str1);
		else if (this->buffer && str1 && !str2)
			this->real_len = strlen(str1) + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			strcpy(buffer, str1);
			if (is_free) 
				delete[] this->buffer;
		else if (!this->buffer && !str1 && str2)
			this->real_len = strlen(str2) + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			strcpy(buffer, str2);
		else if (this->buffer && !str1 && str2)
			this->real_len = strlen(str2) + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			strcpy(buffer, str2);
			if (is_free) 
				delete[] this->buffer;
		else if (this->buffer && str1 &&str2)
			this->real_len  = strlen(str1) + strlen(str2) + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			strcpy(buffer, str1);
			strcat(buffer, str2);
			if (is_free) 
				delete[] this->buffer;
			std::cout << "Found the condition isn't satisfied" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "this->buffer:" << this->buffer << std::endl;
			std::cout << "str1:" << str1 << std::endl;
			std::cout << "str2:" << str2 << std::endl;
	} while (false);
	this->capacity = this->real_len;
	return buffer;

char *String::auto_alloc(const int str1, const int str2, bool is_free) const
	char *buffer = nullptr;
		if (!this->buffer && str1 && !str2)
			this->real_len = str1 + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
		else if (this->buffer && str1 && !str2)
			this->real_len = str1 + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			if (is_free)
				delete[] this->buffer;

		else if (!this->buffer && !str1 && str2)
			this->real_len = str2 + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
		else if (this->buffer && !str1 && str2)
			this->real_len = str2 + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			if (is_free)
				delete[] this->buffer;
		else if (this->buffer && str1 &&str2)
			this->real_len = str1 + str2 + 1;
			buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			if (!buffer)
			if (is_free)
				delete[] this->buffer;
			std::cout << "Found the condition isn't satisfied" << std::endl;
			std::cout << "this->buffer:" << this->buffer << std::endl;
			std::cout << "str1:" << str1 << std::endl;
			std::cout << "str2:" << str2 << std::endl;
	} while (false);
	this->capacity = this->real_len;
	return buffer;

String &String::string_subtraction(const char *str)
	size_t pos = 0, len = strlen(str);
	for (char *ptr = this->buffer; *ptr != '\0'; ptr++, pos++)
		if (!strncmp(ptr, str, len))
			for (size_t i = pos; i < this->get_length() - 1; i++)
				if (i + len > this->get_length())
					this->buffer[i] = '\0';
					this->buffer[i] = this->buffer[i + len];
	return *this;

String::iterator String::begin()
	return String::iterator(this->buffer);

String::iterator String::end()
	return String::iterator(this->buffer + this->get_length());

String::reverse_iterator String::rbegin()
	return String::reverse_iterator(this->buffer + this->get_length() - 1);

String::reverse_iterator String::rend()
	return String::reverse_iterator(this->buffer - 1);

const size_t String::get_string_total()
	return string_total;

String::String() :buffer(nullptr), real_len(0)
	std::cout << "String::String()" << std::endl;

String::String(const char ch) :buffer(nullptr), real_len(0)
	std::cout << "String::String(const char ch)" << std::endl;
	char temp[2];
	temp[0] = ch;
	temp[1] = '\0';
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(temp);

String::String(const char *buffer) :buffer(nullptr), real_len(0)
	std::cout << "String::String(const char *buffer)" << std::endl;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(buffer);

String::String(const String & str) :buffer(nullptr), real_len(0)
	std::cout << "String::String(const String & str)" << std::endl;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(str.buffer);

String::String(String && right)
	std::cout << "String::String(String && right)" << std::endl;
	this->buffer = right.buffer;
	this->real_len = right.real_len;
	this->capacity = right.capacity;
	right.buffer = nullptr;
	right.real_len = 0;
	right.capacity = 0;

	std::cout << "String::~String()" << std::endl;
	if (buffer)
		delete[] buffer;
		buffer = nullptr;
		real_len = 0;

String::String(const size_t capacity):buffer(nullptr),real_len(0)
	std::cout << "String::String(const size_t capacity)" << std::endl;
	if (capacity > 0)
		this->buffer = this->auto_alloc(capacity);
		memset(this->buffer, 0x0, capacity);

String & String::append(const char * str)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, str);
	return *this;

String & String::append(const char * str, size_t count)
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[strlen(str) + 1];
	memset(temp, 0x0, strlen(str) + 1);
	strncpy(temp, str, count);
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, temp);
	delete[] temp;
	return *this;

String & String::append(const char ch)
	char temp[2];
	temp[0] = ch;
	temp[1] = '\0';
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, temp);
	return *this;

String & String::append(size_t count, const char ch)
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[count + 1];
	size_t i;
	for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
		temp[i] = ch;
	temp[i] = '\0';
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, temp);
	delete[] temp;
	return *this;

String & String::append(const String & str)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, str.buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::append(const String & str, size_t count)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) 
		this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, str.buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::assign(const char * str)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(str);
	return *this;

String & String::assign(const size_t count, const char ch)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(count + 1);
	memset(this->buffer, 0x0, count + 1);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
		this->buffer[i] = ch;
	return *this;

String & String::assign(const char * str, const size_t count)
	size_t size = strlen(str) * count + 1;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(size);
	memset(this->buffer, 0x0, size);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
	return *this;

String & String::assign(const String & str, const size_t offset, const size_t count)
	char *str_start = str.buffer + offset;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(count - offset + 1);
	memset(this->buffer,0x0,count - offset + 1);
	return *this;

String & String::assign(const String & str)
	if (this == &str)
		return *this;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(str.buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::assign(const String && str)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(str.buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::replace(const String::iterator first, const String::iterator last, const char * str)
	size_t pos = 0,len = strlen(str);
	for (String::iterator si = first; si != last; si++)
		if (*str)
			*si = *(str++);

	size_t i = 0;
	for (char *pointer = this->buffer + len; *pointer; pointer++)
		pointer[i] = pointer[i + pos];
	return *this;

String & String::replace(const String::iterator first, const String::iterator last, const char * str, const size_t count)
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[count + 1];

	int start_offset =(int)first.get_pointer() - (int)this->buffer;
	size_t i = 0;
	for (char *start = this->buffer + start_offset; (int)start != (int)last.get_pointer(); start++,i++)
		(this->buffer + start_offset)[i] = temp[i];
	delete[] temp;
	return *this;

String & String::replace(const String::iterator first, const String::iterator last, size_t count, const char ch)
	size_t pos = 0;
	for (String::iterator si = first; si != last; ++si,pos++)
		if (pos < count) 
			*si = ch;
	size_t i = 0;
	for (char *pointer = this->buffer + count; *pointer; pointer++)
		pointer[i] = pointer[i + pos - count];

	return *this;

void String::pop_back()
	this->buffer[this->get_length() - 1] = '\0';
	this->real_len -= 1;

void String::push_back(const char ch)

const char & String::at(const size_t size) const
	return this->buffer[size];

String String::substr(const size_t off, const size_t count)
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow)char[count - off + 2];
	memset(temp, 0x0, count - off + 2);
	strncpy(temp, this->buffer + off, count);
	String str(temp);
	delete[] temp;
	return str;

char & String::back()
	return this->buffer[this->get_length() - 1];

char & String::back() const
	return this->buffer[this->get_length() - 1];

char & String::front()
	return *this->buffer;

char & String::front() const
	return *this->buffer;

size_t String::max_size() const
	return (~0 ) &0x7fffffff;

void String::clear()
	this->real_len = 0;

void String::swap(String & str)
	String temp = *this;
	*this = str;
	str = temp;

size_t String::copy(char * buffer, size_t count, size_t off)
	if (!buffer)
		return 0;

	if (count > get_length())
		count = get_length();

	if (off > get_length())
		off = get_length();

	bool flag = true;
	size_t i = 0;
	for (; i < count; i++)
			buffer[i] = this->at(off++);
		if (this->at(off) == '\0')
			flag = false;
	return i;

const char * String::data() const
	return this->buffer;

bool String::empty() const
	return !this->real_len || !this->get_length();

int String::compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const char *str)
	char *start = this->buffer + off;
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[on - off + 1];
	memset(temp, 0x0, on - off + 1);
	strncpy(temp, start, on - off);
	int result = strcmp(temp,str);
	delete[] temp;
	return result;

int String::compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const char *str, const size_t count)
	char *start = this->buffer + off;
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[on - off + 1];
	memset(temp, 0x0, on - off + 1);
	strncpy(temp, start, on - off);
	int result = strncmp(temp, str,count);
	delete[] temp;
	return result;

int String::compare(const char * str) const
	return strcmp(this->buffer, str);

int String::compare(const String & str) const
	return strcmp(this->buffer, str.buffer);

int String::compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const String & str) const
	char *start = this->buffer + off;
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[on - off + 1];
	memset(temp, 0x0, on - off + 1);
	strncpy(temp, start, on - off);
	int result = strcmp(temp, str.buffer);
	delete[] temp;
	return result;

int String::compare(const size_t off, const size_t on, const String & str, const size_t roff, const size_t ron) const
	char *this_start = this->buffer + off;
	char *temp = new(std::nothrow) char[on - off + 1];
	memset(temp, 0x0, on - off + 1);
	strncpy(temp,this_start, on - off);
	char *str_start = str.buffer + roff;
	int result = strncmp(temp, str_start, ron);
	delete[] temp;
	return result;

size_t String::find(const char ch, const size_t start) const
	size_t pos = 0;
	char *p = nullptr;
	for (p = this->buffer + start; *p; p++,pos++)
		if (*p == ch)
	return !*p ? ~0U : pos;

size_t String::find(const char * str, const size_t start) const
	size_t pos = 0,n = strlen(str);
	char *p = nullptr;
	for (p = this->buffer; *p; p++, pos++)
		if (!strncmp(p, str, n))
	return !*p ? ~0U : pos;

size_t String::find(const String & str, const size_t start) const
	return String::find(str.buffer, start);

size_t String::find(const char * str, const size_t start, const size_t str_start)
	return String::find(str + str_start, start);

size_t String::find_first_not_of(const char ch, const size_t start) const
	return *(this->buffer + start) == ch ? true : false;

size_t String::find_first_not_of(const char * str, const size_t start) const
	return size_t();

size_t String::find_first_not_of(const String & str, const size_t start) const
	return size_t();

size_t String::find_first_not_of(const char * str, const size_t start, const size_t str_start)
	return size_t();

String::iterator String::erase(String::const_iterator first,String::const_iterator last)
	//"hello world,i am superman,i love chinaA"
	*此处不使用(int *)last.get_pointer() - (int *)first.get_pointer()
	*0x00C0A3AF - 0X00C0A388 = 0X27;
	*int *地址相减还会再/4(因为int *的步长为4字节),就相当于39/4,int除法运算只保留整数,所以就是9。
	int last_first_offset = (int)last.get_pointer() - (int)first.get_pointer();
	//std::cout << "offset:" << last_first_offset << std::endl;
	int start_offset = (int)first.get_pointer() - (int)this->buffer;
	size_t i = 0;
	for (char *p_offset = this->buffer + start_offset; *p_offset; p_offset++,i++)
		(this->buffer + start_offset)[i] = (this->buffer + start_offset)[i + last_first_offset];
	this->real_len -= last_first_offset;
	return String::iterator (last.get_pointer() - last_first_offset);

const size_t String::get_capacity() const
	return this->capacity;

const char * String::c_str() const
	return !this->buffer ? "" : this->buffer;

String & String::operator=(const String & str)
	std::cout << "String & String::operator=(const String & str)" << std::endl;
	if (this == &str)
		return *this;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(str.buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::operator=(const char * str)
	std::cout << "String & String::operator=(const char * str)" << std::endl;
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(str);
	return *this;

String & String::operator=(const char ch)
	char buffer[2];
	buffer[0] = ch;
	buffer[1] = '\0';
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::operator+=(const String & str)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, str.buffer);
	return *this;

String & String::operator+=(const char * str)
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, str);
	return *this;

String & String::operator+=(const char ch)
	char buffer[2];
	buffer[0] = ch;
	buffer[1] = '\0';
	this->buffer = auto_alloc(this->buffer, buffer);
	return *this;

String String::operator+(const String & str)
	return String(auto_alloc(this->buffer, str.buffer, false));

String String::operator+(const char * str)
	return String(auto_alloc(this->buffer, str, false));

String String::operator+(const char ch)
	char str[2];
	str[0] = ch;
	str[1] = '\0';
	return String(auto_alloc(this->buffer, str, false));

String operator+(const char *ch, const String &str)
	return String(str.auto_alloc(ch, str.buffer, false));

String operator+(const char ch, const String & str)
	char buffer[2];
	buffer[0] = ch;
	buffer[1] = '\0';
	return String (str.auto_alloc(buffer, str.buffer, false));

bool operator==(const String & str1, const String & str2)
	return !strcmp(str1.buffer, str2.buffer);

String operator-(const char * ch, const String & str)
	String s(ch);
	return s;
String String::operator-(const String & str)
	String s(this->buffer);
	return s;

String String::operator-(const char * str)
	String s(this->buffer);
	return s;

String String::operator-(const char ch)
	String s(this->buffer);
	size_t pos = 0;
	for (char *pointer = s.buffer; *pointer != '\0'; pointer++, pos++)
		if (*pointer == ch)
			for (size_t i = pos; i < s.get_length(); i++)
				s.buffer[i] = s.buffer[i + 1];
	return s;

String &String::operator-=(const String & str)
	return *this;

String &String::operator-=(const char * str)
	return *this;

String &String::operator-=(const char ch)
	size_t pos = 0;
	for (char *pointer = this->buffer; *pointer != '\0'; pointer++, pos++)
		if (*pointer == ch)
			for (size_t i = pos; i < get_length(); i++)
				this->buffer[i] = this->buffer[i + 1];
	return *this;

String String::operator*(const size_t count) const
	String str(this->real_len * count);
	for (size_t i = 0, pos = 0; i < count; i++)
		for (size_t j = 0; j < this->real_len - 1; j++)
			str.buffer[pos++] = this->buffer[j];
	return str;

String & String::operator*=(const size_t count)
		if (!this->real_len || !this->buffer || !count)

		size_t real_length = this->real_len;
		char *buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[real_length];
		if (!buffer)
		strcpy(buffer, this->buffer);
		delete[] this->buffer;
		this->real_len = this->get_length() * count + 1;
		this->buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
		if (!buffer)
			this->real_len = real_length;
			this->buffer = new(std::nothrow) char[this->real_len];
			strcpy(this->buffer, buffer);
			delete[] buffer;
		memset(this->buffer, 0x0, this->real_len);
		for (size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < this->get_length(); i++, j++)
			if (j == real_length - 1)
				j = 0;
			this->buffer[i] = buffer[j];
		delete[] buffer;
	} while (false);
	return *this;

String operator*(const size_t count, const String & str)
	/*调用String operator*(const size_t count) const;*/
	return str * count;

bool String::operator==(const String & str)
	return !strcmp(this->buffer, str.buffer);

bool String::operator==(const char * str)
	return !strcmp(this->buffer, str);

bool String::operator>(const String & str)
	return (strcmp(this->buffer, str.buffer) > 0);

bool String::operator>(const char * str)
	return (strcmp(this->buffer, str) > 0);

bool String::operator<(const char * str)
	return (strcmp(this->buffer, str) < 0);

bool String::operator<(const String & str)
	return (strcmp(this->buffer, str.buffer) < 0);

String::operator size_t() const
	return this->get_length();

String::operator int() const
	return (int)this->get_length();

String::operator wchar_t *() const
	wchar_t *_buffer = new(std::nothrow) wchar_t[this->real_len];
	if (!_buffer)
		return _buffer;
	size_t size = mbstowcs(_buffer, this->buffer, this->get_length());
	if (size != this->get_length())
		delete[] _buffer;
		_buffer = nullptr;
	return _buffer;

char & String::operator[](const size_t count)
	return this->buffer[count];

const char & String::operator[](const size_t count) const
	return this->buffer[count];

const size_t String::get_length() const
	return this->real_len == 0 ? 0 : this->real_len - 1;

void String::reserve(size_t new_size)
	this->capacity = new_size;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out, const String &str)
	if (!str.buffer)
		out << "";
		out << str.buffer;
	return out;

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &in, String &str)
	char buf[BUFFSIZE] = {};
	in.getline(buf, BUFFSIZE);
	str.buffer = str.auto_alloc(buf);
	strcpy(str.buffer, buf);
	return in;

String::iterator::iterator() :pointer(nullptr) 
	std::cout << "String::iterator::iterator()" << std::endl;

String::iterator::iterator(const iterator &iter) : pointer(nullptr)
	std::cout << "String::iterator::iterator(const iterator &iter)" << std::endl;
	this->pointer = iter.pointer;

String::iterator::iterator(char * pointer)
	std::cout << "String::iterator::iterator(char * pointer)" << std::endl;
	this->pointer = pointer;

String::iterator::iterator(iterator && right)
	std::cout << "String::iterator::iterator(iterator && right)" << std::endl;
	this->pointer = right.pointer;
	right.pointer = nullptr;

	std::cout << "String::iterator::~iterator()" << std::endl;
	this->pointer = nullptr;

char & String::iterator::operator*() const
	return *this->pointer;

String::iterator & String::iterator::operator=(const iterator &iter)
	this->pointer = iter.pointer;
	return *this;

bool String::iterator::operator!=(const iterator & iter)
	return (int *)this->pointer != (int *)iter.pointer;

const String::iterator String::iterator::operator++(int)
	String::iterator iter = *this;
	return iter;

String::iterator & String::iterator::operator++()
	this->pointer = this->pointer + 1;
	return *this;

const String::iterator String::iterator::operator--(int)
	String::iterator iter = *this;
	return iter;

String::iterator & String::iterator::operator--()
	this->pointer = this->pointer - 1;
	return *this;

String::iterator String::iterator::operator+(int i) const
	String::iterator si = *this;
	si.pointer += i;
	return si;

String::iterator String::iterator::operator-(int i) const
	String::iterator si = *this;
	si.pointer -= i;
	return si;

char * String::iterator::get_pointer() const
	return this->pointer;

String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator() :pointer(nullptr) 
	std::cout << "String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator()" << std::endl;

String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator &riter) : pointer(riter.pointer)
	std::cout << "String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator(const reverse_iterator &riter)" << std::endl;

String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator(char * pointer):pointer(pointer)
	std::cout << "String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator(char * pointer,size_t length)" << std::endl;

String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator && right)
	std::cout << "String::reverse_iterator::reverse_iterator(reverse_iterator && right)" << std::endl;
	this->pointer = right.pointer;
	right.pointer = nullptr;

String::reverse_iterator &String::reverse_iterator::operator=(const reverse_iterator &riter)
	this->pointer = riter.pointer;
	return *this;

	std::cout << "String::reverse_iterator::~reverse_iterator()" << std::endl;
	this->pointer = nullptr;

char &String::reverse_iterator::operator*() const
	return *this->pointer;

bool String::reverse_iterator::operator!=(const reverse_iterator &iter)
	return (int *)this->pointer != (int *)iter.pointer;

const String::reverse_iterator String::reverse_iterator::operator++(int)
	String::reverse_iterator riter = *this;
	return riter;

String::reverse_iterator & String::reverse_iterator::operator++()
	this->pointer -= 1;
	return *this;

const String::reverse_iterator String::reverse_iterator::operator--(int)
	String::reverse_iterator riter = *this;
	return riter;

String::reverse_iterator &String::reverse_iterator::operator--()
	this->pointer += 1;
	return *this;

String::reverse_iterator String::reverse_iterator::operator+(int i) const
	String::reverse_iterator s = *this;
	s.pointer -= i;
	return s;

String::reverse_iterator String::reverse_iterator::operator-(int i) const
	String::reverse_iterator s = *this;
	s.pointer += i;
	return s;

char * String::reverse_iterator::get_pointer() const
	return this->pointer;


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C++中的string类是一个用于处理字符串的标准库类。它提供了一系列成员函数和操作符重载,使得字符串的操作更加方便和高效。 C++中的string类位于命名空间std中,因此在使用之前需要包含头文件< string >。 下面是一个简单的示例,展示了如何使用string类来创建、初始化和操作字符串: ```cpp #include <iostream> #include <string> int main() { // 创建一个空字符串 std::string str; // 初始化字符串 std::string greeting = "Hello, world!"; // 获取字符串长度 int length = greeting.length(); std::cout << "Length: " << length << std::endl; // 连接字符串 std::string name = "Alice"; std::string message = greeting + " My name is " + name; std::cout << "Message: " << message << std::endl; // 获取子串 std::string substring = message.substr(7, 5); std::cout << "Substring: " << substring << std::endl; // 查找子串 size_t position = message.find("world"); if (position != std::string::npos) { std::cout << "Found at position: " << position << std::endl; } else { std::cout << "Not found" << std::endl; } return 0; } ``` 上述示例中,我们首先创建了一个空字符串`str`,然后使用赋值运算符将字符串"Hello, world!"赋给了变量`greeting`。接着,我们使用`length()`函数获取了字符串的长度,并使用`+`运算符将多个字符串连接起来形成新的字符串。我们还使用`substr()`函数获取了字符串的子串,并使用`find()`函数查找了子串在原字符串中的位置。 除了上述示例中的操作,string类还提供了许多其他有用的成员函数和操作符重载,如插入、删除、替换、比较等。你可以参考C++的官方文档或其他相关资料来了解更多关于string类的详细信息。


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