实例5 定义图像原点和间距
#include "itkImage.h"
// Function to simulate getting mouse click from an image
static itk::Image< unsigned short, 3 >::IndexType GetIndexFromMouseClick()
itk::Image< unsigned short, 3 >::IndexType LeftEyeIndex;
return LeftEyeIndex;
int main(int, char *[])
const unsigned int Dimension=3;
typedef itk::Image< unsigned short, Dimension > ImageType;
ImageType::Pointer image = ImageType::New();
const ImageType::SizeType size = {{ 200, 200, 200}}; //Size along {X,Y,Z}
const ImageType::IndexType start = {{ 0, 0, 0 }}; // First index on {X,Y,Z}
ImageType::RegionType region;
region.SetSize( size );
region.SetIndex( start );
image->SetRegions( region );
image->Allocate(true); // initialize buffer to zero
ImageType::SpacingType spacing;
spacing[0] = 0.33; // spacing along X X方向上相邻两像素中心的间距
spacing[1] = 0.33; // spacing along Y Y方向上相邻两像素中心的间距
spacing[2] = 1.20; // spacing along Z Z方向上相邻两像素中心的间距
//使用 SetSpacing( ) 方法指向数列spacing
image->SetSpacing( spacing );
//使用 GetSpacing( ) 方法可以从图像中得到间距信息, const 表示数列是不可修改的
const ImageType::SpacingType& sp = image->GetSpacing();
std::cout << "Spacing = ";
std::cout << sp[0] << ", " << sp[1] << ", " << sp[2] << std::endl;
ImageType::PointType newOrigin;
image->SetOrigin( newOrigin );
// GetOrigin( ) 方法可以从图像中读取原点
const ImageType::PointType & origin = image->GetOrigin();
std::cout << "Origin = ";
std::cout << origin[0] << ", "
<< origin[1] << ", "
<< origin[2] << std::endl;
ImageType::DirectionType direction;
image->SetDirection( direction );
const ImageType::DirectionType& direct = image->GetDirection();
std::cout << "Direction = " << std::endl;
std::cout << direct << std::endl;
//声明一个 itk::Point 类型。这个 Point 类型在用来表示坐标的类型和空间大小之上模块化
typedef itk::Point< double, ImageType::ImageDimension > PointType;
PointType point;
point[0] = 1.45; // x coordinate
point[1] = 7.21; // y coordinate
point[2] = 9.28; // z coordinate
//图像类型中定义的 IndexType 来对 index 对象进行实例化
ImageType::IndexType pixelIndex;
// Point 到 index 的映射和访问图像像素数据的像素 index 的用法
const bool isInside =
image->TransformPhysicalPointToIndex( point, pixelIndex );
if ( isInside )
ImageType::PixelType pixelValue = image->GetPixel( pixelIndex );
pixelValue += 5;
image->SetPixel( pixelIndex, pixelValue );
const ImageType::IndexType LeftEyeIndex = GetIndexFromMouseClick();
ImageType::PointType LeftEyePoint;
std::cout << "===========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "The Left Eye Location is " << LeftEyePoint << std::endl;
typedef itk::Matrix<double, Dimension, Dimension> MatrixType;
MatrixType SpacingMatrix;
SpacingMatrix.Fill( 0.0F );
const ImageType::SpacingType & ImageSpacing = image->GetSpacing();
SpacingMatrix( 0,0 ) = ImageSpacing[0];
SpacingMatrix( 1,1 ) = ImageSpacing[1];
SpacingMatrix( 2,2 ) = ImageSpacing[2];
const ImageType::DirectionType & ImageDirectionCosines =
const ImageType::PointType &ImageOrigin = image->GetOrigin();
typedef itk::Vector< double, Dimension > VectorType;
VectorType LeftEyeIndexVector;
LeftEyeIndexVector[0]= LeftEyeIndex[0];
LeftEyeIndexVector[1]= LeftEyeIndex[1];
LeftEyeIndexVector[2]= LeftEyeIndex[2];
ImageType::PointType LeftEyePointByHand =
ImageOrigin + ImageDirectionCosines * SpacingMatrix * LeftEyeIndexVector;
// Software Guide : EndCodeSnippet
std::cout << "===========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Spacing:: " << std::endl << SpacingMatrix << std::endl;
std::cout << "===========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "DirectionCosines:: " << std::endl << ImageDirectionCosines << std::endl;
std::cout << "===========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Origin:: " << std::endl << ImageOrigin << std::endl;
std::cout << "===========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "The Left Eye Location is " << LeftEyePointByHand << std::endl;
if ( (LeftEyePointByHand - LeftEyePoint).GetNorm() < 0.01F )
std::cout << "===========================================" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Two results are identical as expected!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "The Left Eye from TransformIndexToPhysicalPoint is " << LeftEyePoint << std::endl;
std::cout << "The Left Eye from Math is " << LeftEyePointByHand << std::endl;