CAF introduction and tool manual

CAF introduction and tool manual


Version 1.0




CAF introduction



CAF is a sequence animation format used by the Meishe SDK. It is used to convert a series of sequence image into an animation that the Meishe SDK can support. CAF animation is widely used in many special effects of Meishe, such as Themes, filters, stickers, face props, etc.


CAF support

Supported sequence image format


  1. jpg/jepg
  2. png


Program support platform

Windows 7 and above


CAF production process description


1. Use PS/AE and other tools to make sequence image


Designers can use PS/AE and other software to output a set of sequence image. During the output process, the following points need to be paid attention to to avoid unnecessary errors in the actual production process:


A. All sequence images are guaranteed to have the same resolution

B. All sequence images are in a consistent format


2. Set numbers for all sequence diagrams

Name according to the sequence of the sequence image, starting from 0


3. Use CAF tools

A. First open NvCafCreator.exe in the CAF toolkit


B. Click "Load Input Image" in the upper right corner to find the sequence image folder, and then select any sequence imag in the folder to open it. At this point, drag the slider below to view the animation effect of the entire sequence image


C. Set the parameters of CAF animation. There are a total of several parameters such as Output Image Format, Output Image Width/Hight, Frame Rate, Default Loop Mode, Quality and so on. The meaning of these parameters will be introduced in detail below:


  1. Output image Format


It is used to set the image format when outputting. There are two types: PNG and JPG. PNG has a transparent channel, and JPG does not have a transparent channel. Generally, it will be automatically selected according to the imported image


  1. Output Image Width/Hight

It is used to set the resolution of the output CAF image; please ensure that the output aspect ratio is the same as that of the imported PNG image (you can zoom in and out in the same proportion, but do not change the ratio), otherwise CAF image distortion


  1. Frame Rate

The frame rate setting, the default is 15 frames per second, which means that the animation will play 15 frames in 1 second. You need to set this frame rate according to the frame rate when you export the sequence image, or the animation will become faster and Slow down,

But please note that in order to ensure efficiency, for general animations, 15-25 frames per second when exporting is a good result.


  1. Default Loop Mode

It is the loop mode of animation, which determines the loop mode of adding this CAF to the video. There are four modes: None, Repeat, Mirror, and Repeat Last Frame. The specific examples are as follows:

Use a CAF to make a sticker. The default animation of the sticker is 2 seconds. If the sticker is applied to the video and the display time exceeds the sticker duration, the four different modes are as follows:


None: The sticker will see the effect in the first 2 seconds, and disappear after 2 seconds


Repeat: The sticker animation will play in a loop,


Mirror: The sticker animation will be played in forward order first, then in reverse order, and so on


Repeat Last Frame: The sticker animation will play once, and then stop at the last frame


D. Set quality: If you use JPG mode, you can adjust the quality of the exported CAF


E. Export CAF: When all the above processes have been completed, you can export CAF, click Generate CAF file in the lower right corner, you can choose a location to export the CAF file


4. View CAF

After a CAF is made, you can also check whether the effect of the entire CAF is OK through the tools in the package. You need to open NvCafViewer.exe in the tool package, and then import the CAF file to check whether the entire CAF is correct.






























Generate a sticker with CAF

CAF is widely used in the entire Meishe material. Among them, the most used is the animated sticker material. Animated sticker is the sticker effect used in post-editing. Below we will introduce how to use CAF to make an animated sticker pack.


  1. Login website


2. Register a user


3. Go to the background and select the custom sticker function, and click Make Sticker


4. Click to upload material


5. After uploading, select no effect animation, and then click generate to generate a sticker. After success, you can see the sticker we have made in the produced one. After downloading, you can use it in your SDK





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