Special effects creation tool

Special effects creation tool

User's Guide

Version 2.0

Beijing Meishe Network Technology Co., Ltd.




This tool serves Meishe SDK and Meishe Cloud Editing. Provide them with video special effects materials, allowing users to get rid of scripted special effects writing. With this tool, special effects can be produced quickly. Version information and instructions.


Special effects creation tool


User's Guide


Version 2.0



Beijing Meishe Network Technology Co., Ltd.






This tool serves Meishe SDK and Meishe Cloud Editing. Provide them with video special effects materials, allowing users to get rid of scripted special effects writing. With this tool, special effects can be produced quickly. Version information and instructions.



Version Information

Version number


Production range


Adaptation system

Win7、Recommend win10


Material package types that can be made


Material package suffix




Already supported



Already supported

Caption package


Already supported

Flower Word Package


Already supported


Release Notes


Special Effects Creation Tool Basic Edition。


Add 1:Keyframe curve。Page 11。

Add 2:Copy and paste function。Page 16


Added the function of adding music tracks

Add track rename function

Add more overlay mode

Add keyframe curve

Optimize the overall operating experience

Add trick description


Add caption user’s guide



Table of Contents



Special effects creation tool 6

1、Start the software. 6

2、Software structure introduction. 7

3、Material library introduction. 9

4、Introduction to Track Panel 10

4.1、Multi-frame filter production. 10

4.2、Preview track. 11

4.3、Track operation. 12

4.3、Keyframe. 16

5、Introduction to the preview window.. 18

6、Introduction to special effects window.. 20

7、Export settings. 21

8、Caption function. 21

9. Start to enter the caption production module. 23

10、Caption track. 24

11、Caption properties panel 24

12、Introduction to Flower Word Making. 29

12.1、Making interface. 29

12.2、Interface introduction. 30

12.2.1、Interface introduction. 30

12.2.2、Edit interface. 31

12.2.3、Preview button. 31

12.3、Editing process introduction. 31

12.3.1、Default attributes. 31

12.3.2、Property setting panel 32

12.3.3、Use and export. 33

13、Border caption production. 34

14、Stretchable background caption. 35

14.1、Stretchable caption. 35

14.2、Introduction to Stretching Elements. 36

14.2.1、Baseline. 37

14.2.2、Element change. 37

14.2.3、Lattice interpretation. 38

14.2.4、Other effects. 39

15、Shortcut key. 40

16、Explanation of making frame and coordinates. 41

17、Detailed explanation of special effect parameters. 43

17.1、Transformation. 43

17.2、ALPHA channel 44

17.3、Surround. 44

17.4、Blur-fast blur. 45

17.5、Blur-Gaussian blur. 46

17.6、Blur-direction blur. 46

17.7、Blur-zoom blur. 47

17.8、Blur-rotation blur. 48

17.9、Blur-particle blur. 49

17.10、Dark part noise. 49

17.11、Distortion-horizontal distortion. 50

17.12、Distortion-vertical distortion. 51

17.13、Edge enhancement. 51

17.14、LUT. 52

17.15、Vignetting. 53

17.16、Sharpen. 54

17.17、Linear. 54

17.18、Grille. 55

17.19、Water ripples. 56

17.20、Color difference separation. 57

17.21、Split screen trick. 58

17.22、Texture blur. 59

17.23、Mosaic. 59

17.24、Optical compensation. 60

17.25、Chroma noise. 61

17.26、Noise distortion. 62

17.27、Wave distortion. 62

17.28、Texture. 63

17.29、Texture distortion. 64

17.30、Lens distortion. 64

18、knowledge base. 65





Special effects creation tool



1、Start the software

A. Unzip the tool compression package and double-click the NvStoryboardCreator.exe file inside to start the software. During the startup process, if prompted by anti-virus software, please allow it.

B. After opening, the boot menu appears. Select [New Production] and enter the project name. Select [Material Type] and click [Create] to enter the production page.


Note: The album function is completed by filters, just select [Album] when exporting.



2、Software structure introduction

After entering the production page, you will see an overview of the software. The software is divided into 5 areas


Area division

A. Upper navigation bar

Some shortcut operations to help users create, save, previous step, next step, etc.

B. Material bar

Display the materials in the special effects production, the materials uploaded locally will be displayed in the material bar

C. Preview window

Preview the effect of material production, and edit in this window

D. Track effects window

The special effects on the selected track are shown here. Can add, edit, delete, etc.

E. Track operating area

Can be presented, all operating tracks. For each track, you can edit

3、Material library introduction



Store and display all the materials in production. Currently supports import formats, including JPG, PNG, CAF and other formats. In a filter, use related materials. First import the material library, and then add to the track from the material library. (Knowledge 1-CAF)



Click the [+Add] button to import one or more local pictures into the material library


Click on the imported material, preview the material at the top, and understand the resolution and size of the material


After clicking the material, click the [Delete] button to delete it from the material library.

Shortcut key: [Delete].

PS: If the material has been applied in the track, it will not be affected by deleting it from the material library.


Drag the material to the track to apply

4、Introduction to Track Panel


The track panel is the core part of this tool. The material is placed on the track and operated to form a filter package. Meishe special effects tool, its track format, followed the mainstream video packaging software. The difference is that there is a preview track in the Meishe track, which is fixed at the bottom of the track panel. The role is to simulate the input source (video screen and imported video, etc.) when the user uses it. If the video screen itself is processed, use the method of [add reference: 1 input source]. Later, each part will be introduced step by step.

4.1、Multi-frame filter production


This tool makes various filter forms such as color tones, borders, foregrounds, and special effects. It should be noted that for borders and foreground animation filters, different frames, styles and expressions may be different. So it needs to be produced in multiple formats. Currently supports the following 7 formats such as 16:9/9:16/1:1. Each frame is made independently, and finally forms a filter package, which contains filters for multiple frames. If you only write a few of them, the final special effects package will only contain the tracks you wrote (Knowledge 2-frame adaptation)

4.2、Preview track



Input source track is a unique concept of Meishe SDK,, unique concepts, and simulate the role of content input sources, allowing you to see the effect more clearly. It can't directly apply special effects. If special effects are needed, process the picture itself and add reference tracks to realize it. After quoting, there will be a track that can be edited. Add toning, distortion, etc. on this. If you want to achieve effects such as split screen, you can quote multiple times. Preview the track and adjust the screen size to achieve the effect.


A. Generally, Input source track needs to be input, and the application effect is not added, and the screen cannot be seen.


B. Multiple input source tracks can be added. In actual application, the same video content will be displayed.


C. The input source track defaults to 4S. If you need the same filter and display the video screen, you need to set the loop.



1. Add reference track

Turn the user's input source into an editable reference track, just like a normal track

2. Replace the video

Replace the video or photo, as the input source, preview, only play a preview role. In the actual filter no added。

3. Background on/off

Whether to display the bottom of the track when applying filter effects. The input source video, if there is already a full-screen reference track, can be closed. After closing, the filter effect will not be affected, and the efficiency will be improved. For the same reason, if the background is turned off, the actual filter material does not cover the full screen. When the filter is applied, you will see that the background is black


4.3、Track operation



The overall design of the track is similar to mainstream video production tools. On the left is the information and special effects operations of each track; on the right is the track timeline part. The following is a step-by-step introduction, the function of track operation


Overall operation of the left area

1.Select the frame

Select the top frame, each frame is independent and will not affect each other.

2. Add track

Drag one from the material library to add a track to the material. You can also click on the preview track below to add one and enter the source track

3. Add input source track

Click [Add input source track] to add, there is no difference between the input source track and the normal track, and all the operations of the track can be performed.

4. Replace the video

Click [Replace Video], select local video, simulate input screen for preview, replace all input source tracks, and present the same content.


The purpose of this function is to facilitate the preview, and the exported filter package does not contain the video.

5. Add music

You can add a piece of music for use in the preview. If the final output is an album package during production, the added music will be automatically exported into the background music of the album.


 the track

Select a track and click [Delete] to delete, or right click on the selected track to delete

7. Rename track

Click [Select Track] to rename the track for easy viewing in editing.

8.Show/hide tracks

Click the [eye] button in front to show or hide the track. Hidden tracks will not appear in the material package during final output

9.Special effects expand/collapse

After clicking the arrow in front of the name, expand or collapse the special effects on each track. Each track has a default transformation, and ALPHA channel map effects, which cannot be deleted. Other special effects. After selecting the track, add it in the effect panel on the right side of the preview window. Please refer to the concept of Alpha channel (Knowledge 3-alpha channel)

10.Remove trick

Select the trick on the track, right click to delete it, or click [Delete] to delete.

11.Cycle parameters

In some special effects productions such as filters, there are often parameters for looping. For example: snow falling back and forth, decorations in reciprocating motion, etc. Since it is not possible to predict the actual duration of the filter, it is necessary to set a loop for some reciprocating tracks. The default is not loop, and it can be modified to loop. After setting, according to the current setting, the loop will be played. At the same time, the interval time of each cycle can be set.

12.Overlay method

There are many ways to superimpose the track of Meishe, which can be set. The default is standard, and there are multiply, subtract, filter, add, and exclude

13.CAF cycle setting

CAF is a kind of sequence frame animation used by Meishe in the material package. When using CAF as a track, if the current track length is greater than its own CAF length, it needs to be set


1. None: the sequence animation will be played only once

2. Default: use the loop mode set in the CAF format

3. Repeat: the sequence animation will be played repeatedly

4. Mirroring: the sequence animation will be played back and reverse again, and so on

5. Repeat the last frame: the sequence animation will be played once, and then continue to play the last frame

14. Size

The size setting is the size of the currently imported track and material. The default is the size of the file itself. If you need to perform operations such as stretching, you need to change it. For example: You want to add a white background to cover the full screen without importing a white picture and zooming in. Instead, import it directly, a small picture of a few pixels, and then set the picture size to the length and width of the current frame, so that's it (the default frame is 720P, for example, 16:9 is 1280X720)

15. Add group

In the blank space of the track, right-click to add a group, which is a virtual concept. Bind some tracks to the group and follow the group to move

16.Group connection

Each track can be added to a group, the track is in the order, only below the group


Drag the track, you can do it, sort the track up and down

18. Curve switch

The track area on the right becomes the curve mode, showing the curve of the currently selected trick.

19. Expand/Collapse All

Click the button in the lower left corner to expand/collapse all trick.


Track editing operations

1.Duration cutting

Modify the duration of the track by dragging the in and out points of the track

2.Drag the track position

Press and hold the timeline on the right to drag the track

3.Special effects editor

After unfolding a track, you can see all the special effects in the track, drag or input the value of the special effect to perform the corresponding special effect operation.


Click the [Stopwatch] function before the effect to start the Keyframe of the effect. The operation is similar to AE, drag to the corresponding position, modify the value, and keyframe the special effect. The current special effects tool supports linear keyframes. The next version will add curve keyframes.

5.Step frame

Step frame is a special effect definition. Generally speaking, special effects packages are produced at 25 frames per second. But on the mobile terminal, video preview, or output, there may be 30 frames per second. When playing, something will happen. Although the Keyframe animation is switched between two frames in the special effect design, the actual number of playing frames has increased. For example, when changing, the middle screen appears. In order to avoid this situation, stepping frames are added between the frame animations so that some jump effects can appear. Specific operation: Select a Keyframe, right-click, and the [Add Step Frame] button will pop up. After adding, enter the step value, it will ensure that the step effect will appear in any case when playing the animation

6.Special effects add files

In each special effect, special effects such as AlphaPatten and LUT can be realized only by importing the corresponding file. Among them, LUT special effects need to be imported, the MSLUT file of Meishe (Knowledge 4-LUT file)

7. Set preview range

You can set the preview range by dragging the preview slider at the top. Once set, the entire playback will only be in the preview area.

Shortcut key B: You can quickly move the starting position of the preview area to the current time code position.

Shortcut key N: You can quickly move the end position of the preview area to the current time code position.

8. Zoom time code line

Use the [slider] at the bottom left of the track to zoom in and out the time code line.


Shortcut key 1: Reduce the time code line.

Shortcut key 2: Enlarge the time code line.


Keyframe curve definition

After adding a Keyframe, click the curve interface button to open the curve. The curve changes, according to the rule of Bezier curve.



Overall operation


Open / close curve interface

Select the trick and click the curve button on the left side of the track to open the Keyframe curve page, as shown in the red box above the position marked.

Curve display

After opening, the track page position on the right becomes a curve display. The ordinate is the curve value, the abscissa is the time, and each parameter in the special effect has an independent line performance. For example, position, green represents Y value, red represents X value.


Perform the following operations to accurately adjust the curve area:

A: Ctrl + scroll wheel, zoom curve interface;

B: Scroll the wheel to adjust the curve interface to view more values.

Add a Keyframe

To add a Keyframe to the curve, the operation is as follows:

Ctrl + left mouse button, click on a certain position of the curve to Add the Keyframe (only when the mouse is on the curve).

Click keyframe

Click a Keyframe, and handles will appear on the left and right of the Keyframe. Drag the handle to adjust the Keyframe curve.

There is only one handle on both sides of the Keyframe, and the middle Keyframe has two handles.

Handle operation

Drag the handle to adjust the curve. When there are two handles, the two handles change the curve on both sides in linkage.

Single handle operation

Operate a handle on the left and right of the Keyframe to change the curve on one side.

The specific operation is as follows: hold down Shift + drag the handle.

Delete Keyframe

In the current curve mode, select the Keyframe and click the Delete button to delete it.

5、Introduction to the preview window



Preview window: The window for viewing special effects. Click play to preview in real time. The created special effects can also be used for other operations on the track material.


Coordinate system definition

The Meishe coordinate system takes the picture as the center point, as the (0,0) point. During the production process, the frame size is 720P, that is, in the case of 16:9, the screen resolution is 1280x720P. So the actual upper left corner coordinates are (-640,360), which is different from AE. When positioning the position, you must first convert it before using it.


Overall operation


Reference line

Move the mouse near the ruler and when the icon turns white, add a reference line. Drag the reference line back to the ruler to delete


Drag the material on the preview window to have an adsorption effect. The adsorption effect includes the adsorption to the reference line and the adsorption to the edge

Play function

The bottom center of the screen is the overall playback operation

D. Play/Pause button: special effect preview and pause

E. Previous frame/next frame, switch button: the stride to the previous frame or the next frame, when switching, the current time code line will also move accordingly

F. Start/End button: switch to the current track, the first frame and the last frame

Time display

The blue number on the left shows the time of the current time code. The top is seconds: frames, and the bottom is milliseconds. Quickly switch to the specified time by clicking

Mouse position

The mouse position is displayed on the right side of the play button. Real-time display, current mouse position

Window ratio

The default display is 100%, adjust or drag the mouse wheel to adjust the window display ratio

Screen background

The screen background, which is not expected outside the screen area, is gray by default. Adjust the background color through the upper navigation bar

Screen operation


Click to select

Click on the material of the screen to select the corresponding track

Drag operation

Drag the selected material to move the position of the material

Zoom Operation

Drag the four corners of the material envelope to perform zoom operations, hold down shift and drag to perform equal scaling (on the track, hold down shift to drag, and zoom any value, and also perform zoom operations)

Rotate operation

Press and hold the CTRL button, move the mouse, select the four corners of the material, you can perform rotation operations

Anchor point and center point

After the material is selected, the center point and anchor point of the material are displayed. The center point is the center of the material rectangle. The anchor point is the point of rotation. It is currently not possible to change the anchor position on the screen, it will be supported later

6、Introduction to special effects window




Special effects window, view all special effects of the currently selected track. And proceed, adding and deleting special effects




Add special effects

Click the add button in the lower left corner to add special effects

Delete effect

After selecting a special effects, click the delete button, or click the [Delete] button to delete

Parameter modification

Drag or click the number to modify specific parameters


Just like the track, the special window can also be used to add Keyframe animations to cooperate with the track time code line to operate


7、Export settings



After the material design is completed, click Generate Special Effect to generate the special effect package. Currently can generate two kinds of special effects packages: filters and albums




Export ID

The unique ID of the special effect will be inconsistent every time a new project is generated. If you need to generate, the ID you have before can be modified

Chinese name

The Chinese name of the current special effects package, used to write in the special effects package

English name

The English name of the current special effects package, used to write in the special effects package

version number

Meishe SDK has a special effect upgrade mechanism for customers to update. Special effects packages with the same ID are especially useful when downloading and distributing. For example, a certain special effect has been downloaded by the user. If you want to update this special effect package, you can judge by the version number. Similarly, when generating, if it is an upgraded version of a special effect, it needs to be judged according to the version number of the special effect package.


8、Caption function

In version 2.0, caption effects are added. Currently, the caption that can be made are shown in the table below, and the subsequent iterations support more. 12. 13 and 14 topics introduce the production of common caption.





Support situation


Normal caption package.

1.Ordinary caption.

2.Background stretch caption.

3.Border caption.


4. Word for word animated subtitles.

Not supported


Assembled caption-flower word.

1.Independent flower word effect.



Assembled caption-bubbles.

2. Bubble base picture for assembling subtitles。

Not supported


Assembled caption-combined animation.

1. Combined text animation of assembled caption.

Not supported


Assemble caption-into animation.

1. Assemble the text of the caption into the animation.

Not supported


Assemble caption-out animation.

1. Assemble the text of the caption into animation.

Not supported

9. Start to enter the caption production module

After opening the tool, a guide page pops up, click [Create New]-[Caption]-[Create] to enter the Caption creation page.

10、Caption track

After entering the caption production page, the structure of the caption production page and the filter production page are similar, with the following differences:


  1. Add caption track: The caption track is the track for caption text modification and movement. It cannot be deleted. Only one caption track is allowed.

  1. Cannot add [input source] track: The output of caption production is a caption package, and it is not allowed to add input source track.

The preview video can be replaced (the video will not be brought into the caption package).

  1. Caption properties panel: The caption track can set the trick of the original track, and you can also set the own properties of the caption, which will be described in detail below.

11、Caption properties panel

Click on the caption track, the text attribute panel appears on the right, as follows:





Enter the text and check the effect in the caption package. It will not be written into the caption package. The final applied caption content is still input by the user.

Default font

Add a font and the font will be written into the caption package. When applying the caption in the SDK, if the same font is installed on the device, the font effect will be used.


The text is displayed in italics.


The text is bold, the default is not bold.


The thickness of the text, the default is 100, and the maximum is 900.


  1. Thickness and bolding are mutually exclusive.
  2. After setting the thickness, the system will match and find a suitable one. In extreme cases, after some fonts are set to the thickest, if the font has no relevant thickness, it will be matched to other fonts. Use this function with caution.

Font size

Set the size of the text, but the definition is different for normal caption and border caption

  1. Normal caption: set the size of the current text
  2. Border caption: In the case of border caption, the size of the border caption will be automatically scaled according to the amount of text, so the text size is set to the maximum size of the text in the case of border caption

Text color

Used to set the color of the text, providing a variety of methods such as color wheel and input value for setting

Text alignment

Used to set the alignment of the text, divided into left alignment, center alignment, and right alignment. When the input text is multi-line, you can see the related effects

Word spacing

Used to adjust the space between text

Line spacing

Used to adjust the text spacing between each line when multi-line text

Draw shadow

Function on: After clicking on, you can determine whether the text is shaded

Color: Set the shadow color.

Feather: Set the degree of shadow feathering, which can be used as shadow blur.

Offset: used to set the x, y offset of the shadow and the text itself, the unit is pixel

Draw stroke

Function on: After clicking on, you can add a stroke effect to the text

Color: used to formulate the color of the stroke

Width: used to specify the width of the stroke

Background color

Function on: After clicking on, you can add a background color to the text, the default background color is white

Color: You can set the color value of the background color

Ground color rounded corners: refers to the rounded corners of the ground color

Lateral extension

It is used to set the content extension method after text input. There are three cases of extension to the right, extension to both sides and extension to the left, as follows

  1. Extend to the right: After entering text, the leftmost position of the entire text remains unchanged, and the text will increase to the right
  2. Extend to the left: After entering the text, the rightmost position of the entire text remains unchanged, and the text will increase to the left
  3. Extend on both sides: After entering text, the position of the center of the text remains unchanged, and the text will increase evenly on both sides


Note 1: The extension method is best to be specified before adjusting the position of the subtitle screen, because changing this value will change some offset of the text


Note 2: The change of the extension method will also change the rotation anchor point of the text, and the change of the horizontal extension method will affect the anchor point X position of the entire text box

Longitudinal extension

It is used to set the content extension method after multi-line text input. There are three cases of extending downward, extending on both sides and extending upward, as follows

  1. Extend downwards: After entering multiple lines, the position of the first line remains unchanged, and the text extends downwards
  2. Extend upward: After entering multiple lines, the position of the last line remains unchanged, and the text extends upwards
  3. Extend on both sides: After multiple lines are entered, the center of the text position remains unchanged, and the text extends to the upper and lower sides


Note 1: The extension method is best to be specified before adjusting the position of the subtitle screen, because changing this value will change some offset of the text


Note 2: The change of the extension method will also change the rotation anchor point of the text. The change of the vertical extension method will affect the Y position of the anchor point of the entire text frame.

Flower word edit

Flower word editing is a special mode in the entire caption. It allows the text to be assembled from multiple effects to design better artistic effects. Here are a few points to pay attention to

1. Flower word can be used as a part of Captionstyle or exported as an independent flower word package

2. Once the flower word is used, the original caption color and stroke function will be disabled, please pay attention

There will be a special chapter on flower word to introduce flower word editing

Border caption

Border caption are another form of caption. In the case of ordinary caption, the text will increase in length as the input increases. However, if border caption are used, the caption will be controlled within a fixed border. After increasing the number of texts, it will automatically shrink and wrap the caption. Later we will have a detailed chapter on border caption

Stretch caption

Stretchable caption are another way to allow caption to cooperate with other material tracks to achieve the background stretching effect. When it is not turned on, no matter how much caption are input, other tracks are fixed, and when the stretch is turned on, other The track can be turned into a background stretching element to realize the stretching change that affects the background as the number of text changes, which will be introduced in specific chapters later

12、Introduction to Flower Word Making

12.1、Making interface

After entering the editing interface, you can see the default caption track. In the caption attribute area on the right, click the [Flower Word Editing] button to enter the flower Word making interface。



In the Flower Word making interface, you can see the following parts, which are introduced in topic 12.2.


12.2、Interface introduction

12.2.1、Interface introduction

Switch background color, adjust text size, preview caption effect in real time.


background color

Color switch, auxiliary Preview

Zoom in and out

Size change, auxiliary preview

12.2.2、Edit interface

The Flower Word editing and making window will be described in detail later.

12.2.3、Preview button

Switch to the preview window to preview the real package. Simulate display of text size and background color to verify the production effect.


12.3、Editing process introduction

12.3.1、Default attributes

Before entering Flower Word editing, in the caption properties, you can set the default text, text size, and text font. After entering the Flower Word editing window, the default attributes are used for editing.


Note: The font size set in the outer layer is automatically brought into the Flower Word package as the caption text size. If not set, the system default font size is 72.

12.3.2、Property setting panel、Properties panel

The red box on the right.、Panel function


Base color

When using the Flower Word package, the set color and the reference color are offset and compared in the HSV space. Then apply the offset to other variable colors to achieve the relevant color change.

font size

The text size when editing is not modifiable, which affects the default text size in the Flower Word package.

Layer list

There is one text layer by default, and more than one can be set. The order of the text layer from top to bottom is consistent with the rendering order, and the order can be adjusted by dragging.

Delete layer

Select the layer and click the [Delete] button on the right to delete the layer.

Layer type

There are 4 types in total: body, outline, body and outline, soild body and outline.

Four attribute descriptions:

1. Body: This layer only has text body.

2. Outline: This layer has only text outline.

3. Body and outline: This layer contains body and outline, and the color of body and outline is the same.

4. Soild body and outline: This layer can set the color of the body and the outline separately, but can not set the feather [blur] effect, the color can only be a pure color.

Fill mode

There are four types: solid color, gradient, texture, and mask.

The texture can be filled with multiple images, and the final rendering will be rendered in order.

Color mode

Sets whether the current color is affected by the base color.

1. No matter how the color is set, it will not change.

2. Variable: if the Flower Word color is set, the color will change according to the offset of the base color.

Adjustment mode

There are two types: relief and feathering. Only one of them can be used. Feathering is used to achieve a blur effect.

Position offset

The offset of each layer relative to the x-axis and y-axis is calculated in pixels. Flower Word used to make multi-layer offset effects.


The opacity value, the value ranges from 0 to 1.

12.3.3、Use and export

After editing, there are two results:

  1. Click [Export Independent] to export the flower word package with Captionrenderer suffix.

  1. Click the [OK] button to import CaptionStyle for use.



Note: After using flower word editing, the color and drawing stroke functions are not available.

Delete the flower word package and continue to use the previous parameter


13、Border caption production

Border caption, control the caption display range, the text will not exceed the range for display, and automatically adjust the text size and line break according to the number of texts.


Opening function

Switch to border caption mode without opening the normal caption state.

Font size

The maximum value of the text in the border.

Horizontal alignment

Align left, right, and center.

Vertical alignment

Align top, bottom, and center.

Border size

Length and height, default [400,200], can be set, pixel is px.

Control box parameters

The control box is a unique concept of Meishe caption. The caption use the drag area, such as the blue box in the figure below, to set the four corner parameters, and use the relevant parameters when dragging.

The control frame is orange when it is dragged.

The base image and text are wrapped around the frame for a better experience.

14、Stretchable background caption

Special text matching with base image. After inputting different amount of text, the background is adjusted according to the actual length of text, for example:

14.1、Stretchable caption

The text length is changed, the base image is automatically stretched, and the caption track and related tracks are set.

Caption function

Function on

In the caption special effects panel, [Enable stretchable caption] option.


Related tracks

Track settings

After the track is imported, the default is the normal state. Select [Stretch Element] from the drop-down menu, the track becomes a stretch element and the original size becomes invalid.

Element size

After the track attribute is the stretched element, click the [Set] button, and a pop-up window will appear for setting.

14.2、Introduction to Stretching Elements

After checking as stretchable subtitles, set the stretch elements for other tracks. The specific steps are as follows:


  1. Drag the material to the track.


  1. The property of the material is set to [stretch element].


  1. Click the [Set] button to pop up the setting interface

The stretching element binds the four sides of the material on the track, the four sides of the text, and the two center lines. The material changes with the text and the size of the material changes. This is a deformation process.


As shown in the figure above, in the subtitles, there are six baselines: CL, CR, CT, CB, CVC, and CHC, which represent:


cl=left, cr=right, ct=top, cb=bottom, cvc=vertical center, chc=horizontal center.

Add stretch elements to the text, and bind the four sides of the material to 6 datums. Examples are as follows:


When the text changes horizontally and vertically in the middle, the four sides of the element are left=cl, right=cr, top=ct, and bottom=cb.

14.2.2、Element change

A、Normal element size:


B、Stretching elements:


C、After adding more text:


Become a background stretching element, providing a quick setting method for sudoku. When setting, click on a position in the sudoku to see the changes.

14.2.3、Lattice interpretation




Upper left

The upper left position of the text, the width and height will not be stretched.

Upper middle

The upper position of the text, the width stretches with the text, and the height does not change.

Upper right

At the top right of the text, the width and height will not be stretched.

Middle left

The width of the text remains at the middle left position, and the height is stretched with the text.


In the middle of the text, the width and height stretch with the text.

Middle right

The width of the text in the middle right position remains unchanged, and the height is stretched with the text.

Lower left

The width and height of the text at the lower left position will not be stretched.

Middle and lower

The lower and middle position of the text, the width stretches with the text, and the height does not change.

Lower right

The width and height of the text at the lower right position will not be stretched.


The above shortcut operations are more convenient to determine the attributes of the stretched element. You can also set the boundary to determine the stretch of the element.

14.2.4、Other effects

You can offset based on each boundary setting, and make the following effects:

A. No offset:

B. After offset:

C. Manually set the offset of the boundary, which is the horizontal and vertical center, and set the effect based on the center, such as the colorful line in the figure below:


The stretching element and the text movement together provide a function. The transformation attribute of the stretching element is the same as that of the caption, and the same caption effect can be achieved, and the defa

ult is synchronized state.

15、Shortcut key



Track copy paste

Select a main track, use Ctrl+C to copy this track, and use Ctrl+V to paste to the current frame or a different frame

Multiple choice track

Hold down Ctrl, you can select multiple tracks, and then copy and paste

Hold down Shift to select all the tracks contained in the middle of the tracks clicked twice

Special effects copy and paste

Select the trick in one track, then click Ctrl+C to copy, then select another track, and then click Ctrl+V to copy this trick to the current track, and the key frame of the trick will also be brought into it.

Copy and paste properties

On an attribute, such as the angle of rotation, ctrl+c can copy all key frames or selected key frames of this attribute, and ctrl+v can be pasted to the same frame or different frames.

Increase key frame

In the key frame opening mode of the effect, click [K] to add a key frame

Preview area shortcut keys

Shortcut key B: You can quickly move the starting position of the preview area to the current time code position

Shortcut key N: you can quickly move the end position of the preview area to the current time code position

Timeline zoom

Shortcut keys - and = respectively reduce and enlarge the time axis, alt+mouse wheel can also reduce and enlarge the time axis


[Delete], delete the key frame, track, effect selected by the effect tree.

delete, delete the selected material in the view

Play control

The shortcut keys for timeline playback control are as follows: Home key to go back to the first frame, left key to seek one frame forward, right key to seek one frame backward, End key to seek to the end, and space key to control playback and pause

Preview view drag

Hold down the middle mouse button to drag the view area

Time code line drag

Press the left mouse button in the time axis area, and the cursor will move to the click point of the mouse. Press the left mouse button in the time axis area to drag without releasing it, and the cursor will move with the mouse

Curve mode operation (under the curve interface)

Zoom curve interface

Ctrl+wheel: can zoom the curve interface

Rolling curve interface

Scroll wheel: scroll up and down the vertical curve interface to view more values

Add keyframe

Ctrl+left mouse button: You can add a key frame to the clicked curve position (must be on the curve to take effect)

Single handle operation

Press and hold Shift+drag the handle, operate a handle on the left and right of the key frame to change the curve on one side

Delete keyframes

Then click the Delete button to delete

16、Explanation of making frame and coordinates

For the particularity of different scenes, Meishe special effects can be produced in a special effects package for multi-frame special effects. For example, some foreground animations, borders and other effects, through designing different frames, in order to achieve the most perfect effect in use. There are various editing frames of the video itself. In the process of design and production, you can make typical frames. Inside the Meishe SDK, there is a compatible matching mechanism to ensure actual shooting and editing in different frame situations, allowing special effects to adapt.


Listed below are which ones need to be produced in multiple formats and which ones can be produced in one format


  1. Multi-frame production: frame filter, foreground animation type filter, split screen filter, album


  1. No need to multi-frame: color filter, special effect animation filter (depending on the specific form, there may be differences)


Frame coordinates of Meishe:

The Meishe coordinate system uses the center of the frame as the (0,0) point. For example: 1280x720 frame distance, the upper left corner of the screen is (-640, 360), the lower right corner of the screen is (640, -360), the coordinate origin of the material is the center point of the current material

17、Detailed explanation of special effect parameters


Parameter name




Anchor point

The fixed point on the material, the axis of rotation. The default value (0,0) is the center position of the current material




The zoom ratio of the material has two values, X and Y. Represents scaling in the X and Y directions respectively, the default value is 1, which represents the original size




The coordinate position of the material. The added track is added at the center of the screen by default, and the default position coordinate is (0,0)




The rotation angle of the current material. The default is 0, which means no rotation, if you enter 720, it means two rotations




The transparency of the current material. The default value is 1, which means completely opaque, and 0 means completely transparent



17.2、ALPHA channel

Parameter name





With or without, brightness process, brightness channel three modes, please refer to [alpha channel introduction]




The incoming alpha patten file, please refer to [alpha channel introduction]




Specific reference [alpha channel introduction]




Parameter name




Anchor point

The fixed point of the material, the axis of rotation, the default value (0,0), is the center position of the current material

Texture coordinates



The zoom ratio of the material has two values, X and Y, which represent the zoom in the X and Y directions respectively. The default value is 1, which represents the original size




The coordinate position of the material and the added track are added at the center of the screen by default, and the default position coordinates are (0,0)

Texture coordinates



The rotation angle of the current material, the default is 0, which means no rotation. If the input of the Keyframe is 720, it means two rotations




Three surround modes

D. Edge copy: copy and expand the last pixel of the edge

E. Repetition: Expanded from around the main screen, it is a repetition of the screen

  1. F. Mirror repeat: expand outward from the main screen, which is a mirror image relative to the previous screen



17.4、Blur-fast blur

Parameter name




Blur Radius

The range of blur values, representing the intensity of blur



17.5、Blur-Gaussian blur

Parameter name




Blur radius

The range of blur value represents the intensity of blur. Note: In theory, Gaussian Blur has no upper limit range. But too high will cause gridding problems. The ideal value range is 0-50



17.6、Blur-direction blur

Parameter name




Blur length

When setting the direction blur, the degree of blur



Blur angle

Set the blur angle when the direction is blurred



Fuzzy optimization

After opening, optimize the blur effect



17.7、Blur-zoom blur

Parameter name




Blur length

When setting the direction blur, the degree of blur



X axis blur center

X position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Y-axis blur center

Y position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Fuzzy optimization

After opening, optimize the blur effect



17.8、Blur-rotation blur

Parameter name




X axis blur center

X position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Y-axis blur center

Y position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Blur radius

The range of influence when rotating blur

Normalized coordinate


Degree of blur

The intensity of the rotation blur



Rotation angle

Rotate the blur angle



17.9、Blur-particle blur

Parameter name




Blur intensity

The intensity of the particle blur.



Rotation angle

The angle of the particle blur.



17.10、Dark part noise

The dark noise is an independent special effect, no adjustment parameters, and no Keyframe support

17.11、Distortion-horizontal distortion

Parameter name




Twisting intensity

Intensity of the distortion parameter, 0 means no distortion



Twist curve

Adjust the way of the distortion curve, set the distortion degree, there is a distortion by default. You can press CTRL+left button on the twist icon to increase the twist position



17.12、Distortion-vertical distortion

Parameter name




Twisting intensity

Set the intensity of twist parameter, 0 is no twist state



Twist curve

Adjust the way of the distortion curve, set the distortion degree, there is a distortion by default. You can press CTRL+left button on the twist icon to increase the twist position



17.13、Edge enhancement

Parameter name




Edge  intensity

The displayed edge  intensity . After the display edge  intensity effect is turned on, this track only displays the edges, and the images that are not edges will become transparent



Edge width

Displayed edge width



Edge threshold

The display of weak edges, the smaller the value, the more edges are displayed, the larger the value, the fewer edges are displayed




Parameter name




File name

Used to import LUT files. Currently supports importing PNG, CUBE and MSLUT, which file format is




Apply the display intensity of the LUT file




Parameter name





The size of the vignetting




The color of the dark corners

Color wheel


Minimum feathering range Alpha

The alpha of the minimum value of vignetting feathering, the default is 0



Maximum feathering range Alpha

The alpha of the maximum value of vignetting feathering, the default is 1




Parameter name









Pixel radius of sharp edge area

Color wheel



Parameter name





Two linear processing styles, stripe and blur




The processing direction of linear effects, there are two kinds of 0 and 90 degrees




Processing degree of linear effect




Parameter name





Grid processing, there are three types, network, point and line




After the grid, the vibration amplitude of the screen



17.19、Water ripples

Parameter name




Add files

This special effect is quite special, allowing the screen to appear, with a simulated water ripple effect. Pass in a png picture, the picture is grayscale, simulating water ripples. Create water ripples through the black and white changing area, and then add ripple animation to the screen. The following is a sample image



17.20、Color difference separation

Parameter name




Mixed mode

The mixing mode between the separated layers, with or without, brightening, and darkening three mixing modes



Change mode

Set the change form of the color difference separation effect, with four modes: none, increasing, decreasing, and diffusing



Gray color difference separation

Set whether to separate grayscale and color difference, the default is no



R component X axis offset

X axis offset of the red channel



R component Y axis offset

Y-axis offset of the red channel



G component X axis offset

X-axis offset of the green channel



G component Y axis offset

Y-axis offset of the green channel



B component X axis offset

X-axis offset of the blue channel



B component Y axis offset

Y-axis offset of the blue channel




Set the blur effect radius of chromatic aberration separation



17.21、Split screen trick

Parameter name




Horizontal quantity

Number of frames in the horizontal direction



Vertical quantity

Number of frames in the vertical direction



Note: If the length and width of each screen is inconsistent with the original length and width after split screen, only the center area will be taken

17.22、Texture blur

Parameter name





Sets the blur degree of texture blur




Parameter name





Set mosaic particle size



17.24、Optical compensation






Set the type of optical compensation



Distortion Center

Set the reference coordinate center of the distortion, you can choose X, Y




Set the edge types of distortion compensation, including mirror, stack and repeat



Degree of distortion

Set the degree of distortion



17.25、Chroma noise

Parameter name




Texture image

Texture image of incoming noise




Choose whether the noise is monochromatic or multicolor




Set the intensity value of noise




Set the density of the entire noise



Texture intensity

If there is a noisy texture image, you can set the intensity of the texture



Texture scaling

If there is a noise texture image, you can set the size of the texture



Blur radius

Set the blur size of the noise itself



Red channel offset

Set the red channel offset value of the noise itself



Green channel offset

Set the green channel offset value of the noise itself



Blue channel offset

Set the blue channel offset value of the noise itself




Set the size of the noise itself



17.26、Noise distortion

Parameter name





Set the length of the noise




Set the amplitude between noises




Set the speed of noise




Set the intensity of noise



17.27、Wave distortion

Parameter name





Set whether the wave distortion is repeated



Start time

Set the start time of the first wave distortion




Set the interval period of wave distortion




Set the vibration amplitude of wave distortion




Set the threshold of wave distortion




Parameter name





Select a local texture image




Set the overlay  intensity  of texture image and picture




Set the zoom size of the texture image



17.29、Texture distortion

Parameter name





Select a local texture image



Brightness distortion X

Set the degree of distortion of the texture image in the X direction



Brightness distortion Y

Set the degree of distortion of the texture image in the Y direction



17.30、Lens distortion

Parameter name




Type of fill image boundary

Set the type of  fill image boundary  after twisting, including mirroring, repeating and stacking




Set the degree of distortion



Distortion Center X

Set the center X coordinate of the lens distortion



Distortion Center Y

Set the Y coordinate of the center of lens distortion



First order coefficient X

Set the X value of the first distortion stage



First order coefficient Y

Set the Y value of the first distortion stage



Second order coefficient X

Set the X value of the second distortion stage



Second order coefficient Y

Set the Y value of the second distortion stage



Third order coefficient X

Set the X value of the third  distortion stage



Third order coefficient Y

Set the Y value of the third  distortion stage



18、knowledge base

Knowledge base

Serial number



CAF: A set of sequence frame animation format defined by the Meishe SDK. The sequence frame animation exported by PS and other tools can be made into a CAF file and used in the beauty effect. This manual contains, CAF production help


Frame adaptation: In video production, there are often multiple frames. After putting in a special effects package, you will find the frame closest to it and use it. For example, when making a 16:9 video and applying special effects, if there is a 16:9 frame in the package, this frame design will be applied. However, the frames in the package often cannot cover all video frames. The SDK will automatically find the closest frame and adapt it. For example, there is an 18:9 frame design in the bag. When making a 17.5:9 video, the 18:9 frame will be used for adaptation so that the effect is appropriate


No frame adaptation is required. Case: Some filters can be compatible with all productions even if you only write one frame. For example, color filters and some special effects filters will not be affected by the frame. When making effects, you only need to make a default 16:9 ratio.


Introduction to Alpha channel diagram, there are special documents, please refer to the detailed document [Introduction to Alpha Channel]


LUT: Meishe supports the use of 3D LUT files for color matching. The file that supports import is mslut. Compared with the direct PNG LUT, MSLUT is a unique format of Meishe. Significantly reduce the size of the LUT file in order to reduce the special effects package. MSLUT is also a conversion tool we provide


Normalized coordinates: The screen coordinates are normalized, and the center point of the screen is (0,0). The range of X is -1 to 1, and the range of Y is -1 to 1. Under normalized coordinates, the coordinates of the four points are (-1,1), (1,1), (-1,-1), (1,-1), respectively, for the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right.




Material package types that can be made


Material package suffix




Already supported



Already supported

Caption package


Already supported

Flower Word Package


Already supported


Release Notes


Special Effects Creation Tool Basic Edition。


Add 1:Keyframe curve。Page 11。

Add 2:Copy and paste function。Page 16


Added the function of adding music tracks

Add track rename function

Add more overlay mode

Add keyframe curve

Optimize the overall operating experience

Add trick description


Add caption user’s guide


Table of Contents

Special effects creation tool 6

1、Start the software. 6

2、Software structure introduction. 7

3、Material library introduction. 9

4、Introduction to Track Panel 10

4.1、Multi-frame filter production. 10

4.2、Preview track. 11

4.3、Track operation. 12

4.3、Keyframe. 16

5、Introduction to the preview window.. 18

6、Introduction to special effects window.. 20

7、Export settings. 21

8、Caption function. 21

9. Start to enter the caption production module. 23

10、Caption track. 24

11、Caption properties panel 24

12、Introduction to Flower Word Making. 29

12.1、Making interface. 29

12.2、Interface introduction. 30

12.2.1、Interface introduction. 30

12.2.2、Edit interface. 31

12.2.3、Preview button. 31

12.3、Editing process introduction. 31

12.3.1、Default attributes. 31

12.3.2、Property setting panel 32

12.3.3、Use and export. 33

13、Border caption production. 34

14、Stretchable background caption. 35

14.1、Stretchable caption. 35

14.2、Introduction to Stretching Elements. 36

14.2.1、Baseline. 37

14.2.2、Element change. 37

14.2.3、Lattice interpretation. 38

14.2.4、Other effects. 39

15、Shortcut key. 40

16、Explanation of making frame and coordinates. 41

17、Detailed explanation of special effect parameters. 43

17.1、Transformation. 43

17.2、ALPHA channel 44

17.3、Surround. 44

17.4、Blur-fast blur. 45

17.5、Blur-Gaussian blur. 46

17.6、Blur-direction blur. 46

17.7、Blur-zoom blur. 47

17.8、Blur-rotation blur. 48

17.9、Blur-particle blur. 49

17.10、Dark part noise. 49

17.11、Distortion-horizontal distortion. 50

17.12、Distortion-vertical distortion. 51

17.13、Edge enhancement. 51

17.14、LUT. 52

17.15、Vignetting. 53

17.16、Sharpen. 54

17.17、Linear. 54

17.18、Grille. 55

17.19、Water ripples. 56

17.20、Color difference separation. 57

17.21、Split screen trick. 58

17.22、Texture blur. 59

17.23、Mosaic. 59

17.24、Optical compensation. 60

17.25、Chroma noise. 61

17.26、Noise distortion. 62

17.27、Wave distortion. 62

17.28、Texture. 63

17.29、Texture distortion. 64

17.30、Lens distortion. 64

18、knowledge base. 65



1、Start the software

A. Unzip the tool compression package and double-click the NvStoryboardCreator.exe file inside to start the software. During the startup process, if prompted by anti-virus software, please allow it




10、Caption track

After entering the caption production page, the structure of the caption production page and the filter production page are similar, with the following differences:


  1. Add caption track: The caption track is the track for caption text modification and movement. It cannot be deleted. Only one caption track is allowed.


  1. Cannot add [input source] track: The output of caption production is a caption package, and it is not allowed to add input source track.

The preview video can be replaced (the video will not be brought into the caption package).

  1. Caption properties panel: The caption track can set the trick of the original track, and you can also set the own properties of the caption, which will be described in detail below.

11、Caption properties panel

Click on the caption track, the text attribute panel appears on the right, as follows:






Enter the text and check the effect in the caption package. It will not be written into the caption package. The final applied caption content is still input by the user.

Default font

Add a font and the font will be written into the caption package. When applying the caption in the SDK, if the same font is installed on the device, the font effect will be used.


The text is displayed in italics.


The text is bold, the default is not bold.


The thickness of the text, the default is 100, and the maximum is 900.


  1. Thickness and bolding are mutually exclusive.
  2. After setting the thickness, the system will match and find a suitable one. In extreme cases, after some fonts are set to the thickest, if the font has no relevant thickness, it will be matched to other fonts. Use this function with caution.

Font size

Set the size of the text, but the definition is different for normal caption and border caption

  1. Normal caption: set the size of the current text
  2. Border caption: In the case of border caption, the size of the border caption will be automatically scaled according to the amount of text, so the text size is set to the maximum size of the text in the case of border caption

Text color

Used to set the color of the text, providing a variety of methods such as color wheel and input value for setting

Text alignment

Used to set the alignment of the text, divided into left alignment, center alignment, and right alignment. When the input text is multi-line, you can see the related effects

Word spacing

Used to adjust the space between text

Line spacing

Used to adjust the text spacing between each line when multi-line text

Draw shadow

Function on: After clicking on, you can determine whether the text is shaded

Color: Set the shadow color.

Feather: Set the degree of shadow feathering, which can be used as shadow blur.

Offset: used to set the x, y offset of the shadow and the text itself, the unit is pixel

Draw stroke

Function on: After clicking on, you can add a stroke effect to the text

Color: used to formulate the color of the stroke

Width: used to specify the width of the stroke

Background color

Function on: After clicking on, you can add a background color to the text, the default background color is white

Color: You can set the color value of the background color

Ground color rounded corners: refers to the rounded corners of the ground color

Lateral extension

It is used to set the content extension method after text input. There are three cases of extension to the right, extension to both sides and extension to the left, as follows

  1. Extend to the right: After entering text, the leftmost position of the entire text remains unchanged, and the text will increase to the right
  2. Extend to the left: After entering the text, the rightmost position of the entire text remains unchanged, and the text will increase to the left
  3. Extend on both sides: After entering text, the position of the center of the text remains unchanged, and the text will increase evenly on both sides


Note 1: The extension method is best to be specified before adjusting the position of the subtitle screen, because changing this value will change some offset of the text


Note 2: The change of the extension method will also change the rotation anchor point of the text, and the change of the horizontal extension method will affect the anchor point X position of the entire text box

Longitudinal extension

It is used to set the content extension method after multi-line text input. There are three cases of extending downward, extending on both sides and extending upward, as follows

  1. Extend downwards: After entering multiple lines, the position of the first line remains unchanged, and the text extends downwards
  2. Extend upward: After entering multiple lines, the position of the last line remains unchanged, and the text extends upwards
  3. Extend on both sides: After multiple lines are entered, the center of the text position remains unchanged, and the text extends to the upper and lower sides


Note 1: The extension method is best to be specified before adjusting the position of the subtitle screen, because changing this value will change some offset of the text


Note 2: The change of the extension method will also change the rotation anchor point of the text. The change of the vertical extension method will affect the Y position of the anchor point of the entire text frame.

Flower word edit

Flower word editing is a special mode in the entire caption. It allows the text to be assembled from multiple effects to design better artistic effects. Here are a few points to pay attention to

1. Flower word can be used as a part of Captionstyle or exported as an independent flower word package

2. Once the flower word is used, the original caption color and stroke function will be disabled, please pay attention

There will be a special chapter on flower word to introduce flower word editing

Border caption

Border caption are another form of caption. In the case of ordinary caption, the text will increase in length as the input increases. However, if border caption are used, the caption will be controlled within a fixed border. After increasing the number of texts, it will automatically shrink and wrap the caption. Later we will have a detailed chapter on border caption

Stretch caption

Stretchable caption are another way to allow caption to cooperate with other material tracks to achieve the background stretching effect. When it is not turned on, no matter how much caption are input, other tracks are fixed, and when the stretch is turned on, other The track can be turned into a background stretching element to realize the stretching change that affects the background as the number of text changes, which will be introduced in specific chapters later

12、Introduction to Flower Word Making

12.1、Making interface

After entering the editing interface, you can see the default caption track. In the caption attribute area on the right, click the [Flower Word Editing] button to enter the flower Word making interface。




In the Flower Word making interface, you can see the following parts, which are introduced in topic 12.2.



12.2、Interface introduction

12.2.1、Interface introduction

Switch background color, adjust text size, preview caption effect in real time.


background color

Color switch, auxiliary Preview

Zoom in and out

Size change, auxiliary preview

12.2.2、Edit interface

The Flower Word editing and making window will be described in detail later.

12.2.3、Preview button

Switch to the preview window to preview the real package. Simulate display of text size and background color to verify the production effect.



12.3、Editing process introduction

12.3.1、Default attributes

Before entering Flower Word editing, in the caption properties, you can set the default text, text size, and text font. After entering the Flower Word editing window, the default attributes are used for editing.


Note: The font size set in the outer layer is automatically brought into the Flower Word package as the caption text size. If not set, the system default font size is 72.


12.3.2、Property setting panel、Properties panel

The red box on the right.、Panel function


Base color

When using the Flower Word package, the set color and the reference color are offset and compared in the HSV space. Then apply the offset to other variable colors to achieve the relevant color change.

font size

The text size when editing is not modifiable, which affects the default text size in the Flower Word package.

Layer list

There is one text layer by default, and more than one can be set. The order of the text layer from top to bottom is consistent with the rendering order, and the order can be adjusted by dragging.

Delete layer

Select the layer and click the [Delete] button on the right to delete the layer.

Layer type

There are 4 types in total: body, outline, body and outline, soild body and outline.

Four attribute descriptions:

1. Body: This layer only has text body.

2. Outline: This layer has only text outline.

3. Body and outline: This layer contains body and outline, and the color of body and outline is the same.

4. Soild body and outline: This layer can set the color of the body and the outline separately, but can not set the feather [blur] effect, the color can only be a pure color.

Fill mode

There are four types: solid color, gradient, texture, and mask.

The texture can be filled with multiple images, and the final rendering will be rendered in order.

Color mode

Sets whether the current color is affected by the base color.

1. No matter how the color is set, it will not change.

2. Variable: if the Flower Word color is set, the color will change according to the offset of the base color.

Adjustment mode

There are two types: relief and feathering. Only one of them can be used. Feathering is used to achieve a blur effect.

Position offset

The offset of each layer relative to the x-axis and y-axis is calculated in pixels. Flower Word used to make multi-layer offset effects.


The opacity value, the value ranges from 0 to 1.

12.3.3、Use and export

After editing, there are two results:

  1. Click [Export Independent] to export the flower word package with Captionrenderer suffix.


  1. Click the [OK] button to import CaptionStyle for use.



Note: After using flower word editing, the color and drawing stroke functions are not available.

Delete the flower word package and continue to use the previous parameter


13、Border caption production

Border caption, control the caption display range, the text will not exceed the range for display, and automatically adjust the text size and line break according to the number of texts.


Opening function

Switch to border caption mode without opening the normal caption state.

Font size

The maximum value of the text in the border.

Horizontal alignment

Align left, right, and center.

Vertical alignment

Align top, bottom, and center.

Border size

Length and height, default [400,200], can be set, pixel is px.

Control box parameters

The control box is a unique concept of Meishe caption. The caption use the drag area, such as the blue box in the figure below, to set the four corner parameters, and use the relevant parameters when dragging.


The control frame is orange when it is dragged.

The base image and text are wrapped around the frame for a better experience.

14、Stretchable background caption

Special text matching with base image. After inputting different amount of text, the background is adjusted according to the actual length of text, for example:



14.1、Stretchable caption

The text length is changed, the base image is automatically stretched, and the caption track and related tracks are set.

Caption function

Function on

In the caption special effects panel, [Enable stretchable caption] option.



Related tracks

Track settings

After the track is imported, the default is the normal state. Select [Stretch Element] from the drop-down menu, the track becomes a stretch element and the original size becomes invalid.


Element size

After the track attribute is the stretched element, click the [Set] button, and a pop-up window will appear for setting.

14.2、Introduction to Stretching Elements

After checking as stretchable subtitles, set the stretch elements for other tracks. The specific steps are as follows:


  1. Drag the material to the track.


  1. The property of the material is set to [stretch element].


  1. Click the [Set] button to pop up the setting interface


The stretching element binds the four sides of the material on the track, the four sides of the text, and the two center lines. The material changes with the text and the size of the material changes. This is a deformation process.



As shown in the figure above, in the subtitles, there are six baselines: CL, CR, CT, CB, CVC, and CHC, which represent:


cl=left, cr=right, ct=top, cb=bottom, cvc=vertical center, chc=horizontal center.

Add stretch elements to the text, and bind the four sides of the material to 6 datums. Examples are as follows:


When the text changes horizontally and vertically in the middle, the four sides of the element are left=cl, right=cr, top=ct, and bottom=cb.

14.2.2、Element change

A、Normal element size:



B、Stretching elements:



C、After adding more text:


Become a background stretching element, providing a quick setting method for sudoku. When setting, click on a position in the sudoku to see the changes.


14.2.3、Lattice interpretation




Upper left


The upper left position of the text, the width and height will not be stretched.

Upper middle


The upper position of the text, the width stretches with the text, and the height does not change.

Upper right


At the top right of the text, the width and height will not be stretched.

Middle left


The width of the text remains at the middle left position, and the height is stretched with the text.



In the middle of the text, the width and height stretch with the text.

Middle right


The width of the text in the middle right position remains unchanged, and the height is stretched with the text.

Lower left


The width and height of the text at the lower left position will not be stretched.

Middle and lower


The lower and middle position of the text, the width stretches with the text, and the height does not change.

Lower right


The width and height of the text at the lower right position will not be stretched.


The above shortcut operations are more convenient to determine the attributes of the stretched element. You can also set the boundary to determine the stretch of the element.


14.2.4、Other effects

You can offset based on each boundary setting, and make the following effects:

A. No offset:


B. After offset:


C. Manually set the offset of the boundary, which is the horizontal and vertical center, and set the effect based on the center, such as the colorful line in the figure below:



The stretching element and the text movement together provide a function. The transformation attribute of the stretching element is the same as that of the caption, and the same caption effect can be achieved, and the defa

ult is synchronized state.


15、Shortcut key



Track copy paste

Select a main track, use Ctrl+C to copy this track, and use Ctrl+V to paste to the current frame or a different frame

Multiple choice track

Hold down Ctrl, you can select multiple tracks, and then copy and paste

Hold down Shift to select all the tracks contained in the middle of the tracks clicked twice

Special effects copy and paste

Select the trick in one track, then click Ctrl+C to copy, then select another track, and then click Ctrl+V to copy this trick to the current track, and the key frame of the trick will also be brought into it.

Copy and paste properties

On an attribute, such as the angle of rotation, ctrl+c can copy all key frames or selected key frames of this attribute, and ctrl+v can be pasted to the same frame or different frames.

Increase key frame

In the key frame opening mode of the effect, click [K] to add a key frame

Preview area shortcut keys

Shortcut key B: You can quickly move the starting position of the preview area to the current time code position

Shortcut key N: you can quickly move the end position of the preview area to the current time code position

Timeline zoom

Shortcut keys - and = respectively reduce and enlarge the time axis, alt+mouse wheel can also reduce and enlarge the time axis


[Delete], delete the key frame, track, effect selected by the effect tree.

delete, delete the selected material in the view

Play control

The shortcut keys for timeline playback control are as follows: Home key to go back to the first frame, left key to seek one frame forward, right key to seek one frame backward, End key to seek to the end, and space key to control playback and pause


Preview view drag

Hold down the middle mouse button to drag the view area

Time code line drag

Press the left mouse button in the time axis area, and the cursor will move to the click point of the mouse. Press the left mouse button in the time axis area to drag without releasing it, and the cursor will move with the mouse

Curve mode operation (under the curve interface)

Zoom curve interface

Ctrl+wheel: can zoom the curve interface

Rolling curve interface

Scroll wheel: scroll up and down the vertical curve interface to view more values

Add keyframe

Ctrl+left mouse button: You can add a key frame to the clicked curve position (must be on the curve to take effect)

Single handle operation

Press and hold Shift+drag the handle, operate a handle on the left and right of the key frame to change the curve on one side

Delete keyframes

Then click the Delete button to delete

16、Explanation of making frame and coordinates

For the particularity of different scenes, Meishe special effects can be produced in a special effects package for multi-frame special effects. For example, some foreground animations, borders and other effects, through designing different frames, in order to achieve the most perfect effect in use. There are various editing frames of the video itself. In the process of design and production, you can make typical frames. Inside the Meishe SDK, there is a compatible matching mechanism to ensure actual shooting and editing in different frame situations, allowing special effects to adapt.


Listed below are which ones need to be produced in multiple formats and which ones can be produced in one format


  1. Multi-frame production: frame filter, foreground animation type filter, split screen filter, album


  1. No need to multi-frame: color filter, special effect animation filter (depending on the specific form, there may be differences)


Frame coordinates of Meishe:

The Meishe coordinate system uses the center of the frame as the (0,0) point. For example: 1280x720 frame distance, the upper left corner of the screen is (-640, 360), the lower right corner of the screen is (640, -360), the coordinate origin of the material is the center point of the current material


17、Detailed explanation of special effect parameters



Parameter name




Anchor point

The fixed point on the material, the axis of rotation. The default value (0,0) is the center position of the current material




The zoom ratio of the material has two values, X and Y. Represents scaling in the X and Y directions respectively, the default value is 1, which represents the original size




The coordinate position of the material. The added track is added at the center of the screen by default, and the default position coordinate is (0,0)




The rotation angle of the current material. The default is 0, which means no rotation, if you enter 720, it means two rotations




The transparency of the current material. The default value is 1, which means completely opaque, and 0 means completely transparent



17.2、ALPHA channel

Parameter name





With or without, brightness process, brightness channel three modes, please refer to [alpha channel introduction]




The incoming alpha patten file, please refer to [alpha channel introduction]




Specific reference [alpha channel introduction]





Parameter name




Anchor point

The fixed point of the material, the axis of rotation, the default value (0,0), is the center position of the current material

Texture coordinates



The zoom ratio of the material has two values, X and Y, which represent the zoom in the X and Y directions respectively. The default value is 1, which represents the original size




The coordinate position of the material and the added track are added at the center of the screen by default, and the default position coordinates are (0,0)

Texture coordinates



The rotation angle of the current material, the default is 0, which means no rotation. If the input of the Keyframe is 720, it means two rotations




Three surround modes

D. Edge copy: copy and expand the last pixel of the edge

E. Repetition: Expanded from around the main screen, it is a repetition of the screen

  1. F. Mirror repeat: expand outward from the main screen, which is a mirror image relative to the previous screen



17.4、Blur-fast blur


Parameter name




Blur Radius

The range of blur values, representing the intensity of blur



17.5、Blur-Gaussian blur


Parameter name




Blur radius

The range of blur value represents the intensity of blur. Note: In theory, Gaussian Blur has no upper limit range. But too high will cause gridding problems. The ideal value range is 0-50



17.6、Blur-direction blur


Parameter name




Blur length

When setting the direction blur, the degree of blur



Blur angle

Set the blur angle when the direction is blurred



Fuzzy optimization

After opening, optimize the blur effect



17.7、Blur-zoom blur


Parameter name




Blur length

When setting the direction blur, the degree of blur



X axis blur center

X position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Y-axis blur center

Y position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Fuzzy optimization

After opening, optimize the blur effect



17.8、Blur-rotation blur


Parameter name




X axis blur center

X position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Y-axis blur center

Y position of zoom center

Normalized coordinate


Blur radius

The range of influence when rotating blur

Normalized coordinate


Degree of blur

The intensity of the rotation blur



Rotation angle

Rotate the blur angle



17.9、Blur-particle blur


Parameter name




Blur intensity

The intensity of the particle blur.



Rotation angle

The angle of the particle blur.



17.10、Dark part noise


The dark noise is an independent special effect, no adjustment parameters, and no Keyframe support

17.11、Distortion-horizontal distortion


Parameter name




Twisting intensity

Intensity of the distortion parameter, 0 means no distortion



Twist curve

Adjust the way of the distortion curve, set the distortion degree, there is a distortion by default. You can press CTRL+left button on the twist icon to increase the twist position



17.12、Distortion-vertical distortion


Parameter name




Twisting intensity

Set the intensity of twist parameter, 0 is no twist state



Twist curve

Adjust the way of the distortion curve, set the distortion degree, there is a distortion by default. You can press CTRL+left button on the twist icon to increase the twist position



17.13、Edge enhancement


Parameter name




Edge  intensity

The displayed edge  intensity . After the display edge  intensity effect is turned on, this track only displays the edges, and the images that are not edges will become transparent



Edge width

Displayed edge width



Edge threshold

The display of weak edges, the smaller the value, the more edges are displayed, the larger the value, the fewer edges are displayed





Parameter name




File name

Used to import LUT files. Currently supports importing PNG, CUBE and MSLUT, which file format is




Apply the display intensity of the LUT file





Parameter name





The size of the vignetting




The color of the dark corners

Color wheel


Minimum feathering range Alpha

The alpha of the minimum value of vignetting feathering, the default is 0



Maximum feathering range Alpha

The alpha of the maximum value of vignetting feathering, the default is 1





Parameter name









Pixel radius of sharp edge area

Color wheel




Parameter name





Two linear processing styles, stripe and blur




The processing direction of linear effects, there are two kinds of 0 and 90 degrees




Processing degree of linear effect





Parameter name





Grid processing, there are three types, network, point and line




After the grid, the vibration amplitude of the screen



17.19、Water ripples


Parameter name




Add files

This special effect is quite special, allowing the screen to appear, with a simulated water ripple effect. Pass in a png picture, the picture is grayscale, simulating water ripples. Create water ripples through the black and white changing area, and then add ripple animation to the screen. The following is a sample image



17.20、Color difference separation


Parameter name




Mixed mode

The mixing mode between the separated layers, with or without, brightening, and darkening three mixing modes



Change mode

Set the change form of the color difference separation effect, with four modes: none, increasing, decreasing, and diffusing



Gray color difference separation

Set whether to separate grayscale and color difference, the default is no



R component X axis offset

X axis offset of the red channel



R component Y axis offset

Y-axis offset of the red channel



G component X axis offset

X-axis offset of the green channel



G component Y axis offset

Y-axis offset of the green channel



B component X axis offset

X-axis offset of the blue channel



B component Y axis offset

Y-axis offset of the blue channel




Set the blur effect radius of chromatic aberration separation



17.21、Split screen trick


Parameter name




Horizontal quantity

Number of frames in the horizontal direction



Vertical quantity

Number of frames in the vertical direction



Note: If the length and width of each screen is inconsistent with the original length and width after split screen, only the center area will be taken

17.22、Texture blur


Parameter name





Sets the blur degree of texture blur





Parameter name





Set mosaic particle size



17.24、Optical compensation







Set the type of optical compensation



Distortion Center

Set the reference coordinate center of the distortion, you can choose X, Y




Set the edge types of distortion compensation, including mirror, stack and repeat



Degree of distortion

Set the degree of distortion



17.25、Chroma noise


Parameter name




Texture image

Texture image of incoming noise




Choose whether the noise is monochromatic or multicolor




Set the intensity value of noise




Set the density of the entire noise



Texture intensity

If there is a noisy texture image, you can set the intensity of the texture



Texture scaling

If there is a noise texture image, you can set the size of the texture



Blur radius

Set the blur size of the noise itself



Red channel offset

Set the red channel offset value of the noise itself



Green channel offset

Set the green channel offset value of the noise itself



Blue channel offset

Set the blue channel offset value of the noise itself




Set the size of the noise itself



17.26、Noise distortion


Parameter name





Set the length of the noise




Set the amplitude between noises




Set the speed of noise




Set the intensity of noise



17.27、Wave distortion


Parameter name





Set whether the wave distortion is repeated



Start time

Set the start time of the first wave distortion




Set the interval period of wave distortion




Set the vibration amplitude of wave distortion




Set the threshold of wave distortion





Parameter name





Select a local texture image




Set the overlay  intensity  of texture image and picture




Set the zoom size of the texture image



17.29、Texture distortion


Parameter name





Select a local texture image



Brightness distortion X

Set the degree of distortion of the texture image in the X direction



Brightness distortion Y

Set the degree of distortion of the texture image in the Y direction



17.30、Lens distortion


Parameter name




Type of fill image boundary

Set the type of  fill image boundary  after twisting, including mirroring, repeating and stacking




Set the degree of distortion



Distortion Center X

Set the center X coordinate of the lens distortion



Distortion Center Y

Set the Y coordinate of the center of lens distortion



First order coefficient X

Set the X value of the first distortion stage



First order coefficient Y

Set the Y value of the first distortion stage



Second order coefficient X

Set the X value of the second distortion stage



Second order coefficient Y

Set the Y value of the second distortion stage



Third order coefficient X

Set the X value of the third  distortion stage



Third order coefficient Y

Set the Y value of the third  distortion stage



18、knowledge base

Knowledge base

Serial number



CAF: A set of sequence frame animation format defined by the Meishe SDK. The sequence frame animation exported by PS and other tools can be made into a CAF file and used in the beauty effect. This manual contains, CAF production help


Frame adaptation: In video production, there are often multiple frames. After putting in a special effects package, you will find the frame closest to it and use it. For example, when making a 16:9 video and applying special effects, if there is a 16:9 frame in the package, this frame design will be applied. However, the frames in the package often cannot cover all video frames. The SDK will automatically find the closest frame and adapt it. For example, there is an 18:9 frame design in the bag. When making a 17.5:9 video, the 18:9 frame will be used for adaptation so that the effect is appropriate


No frame adaptation is required. Case: Some filters can be compatible with all productions even if you only write one frame. For example, color filters and some special effects filters will not be affected by the frame. When making effects, you only need to make a default 16:9 ratio.


Introduction to Alpha channel diagram, there are special documents, please refer to the detailed document [Introduction to Alpha Channel]


LUT: Meishe supports the use of 3D LUT files for color matching. The file that supports import is mslut. Compared with the direct PNG LUT, MSLUT is a unique format of Meishe. Significantly reduce the size of the LUT file in order to reduce the special effects package. MSLUT is also a conversion tool we provide


Normalized coordinates: The screen coordinates are normalized, and the center point of the screen is (0,0). The range of X is -1 to 1, and the range of Y is -1 to 1. Under normalized coordinates, the coordinates of the four points are (-1,1), (1,1), (-1,-1), (1,-1), respectively, for the upper left, upper right, lower left, and lower right.





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