RFC 文档(1-500)

RFC 目录总纲

RFC-0001 主机软件 (Host Software )

RFC-0002 主机软件 (Host Software 2)

RFC-0003 文档约定 (Documentation conventions)

RFC-0004 网络时间表 (Network timetable)

RFC-0005 解码编码语言 (Decode Encode Language)

RFC-0006 与鲍勃·卡恩的对话 (Conversation with Bob Kahn)

RFC-0007 主机-IMP接口 (Host-IMP interface)

RFC-0008 ARPA网络功能规范 (ARPA Network Functional Specifications)

RFC-0009 主机软件 (Host Software 3)

RFC-0010 文档约定 (Documentation conventions 2)

RFC-0011 GORDO中Host-Host软件程序的实现 (Implementation of the Host - Host Software Procedures in GORDO)

RFC-0012 IMP-Host 接口流程图 (IMP-Host interface flow diagrams)

RFC-0013 零文本长度 EOF 消息 (Zero Text Length EOF Message)

RFC-0015 分时主机的网络子系统 (Network subsystem for time sharing hosts)

RFC-0016 M.L.T (M.L.T)

RFC-0017 关于主机-IMP协议的一些问题 (Some questions re: Host-IMP Protocol)

RFC-0018 IMP-IMP 和 HOST-HOST 控制链接 (IMP-IMP and HOST-HOST Control Links)

RFC-0019 减少交换绑定节点拥塞的两个协议建议 (Two protocol suggestions to reduce congestion at swap bound nodes)

RFC-0020 用于网络交换的 ASCII 格式 (ASCII format for network interchange)

RFC-0021 网络会议 (Network meeting)

RFC-0022 主机-主机控制消息格式 (Host-host control message formats)

RFC-0023 多个控制消息的传输 (Transmission of Multiple Control Messages)

RFC-0024 文档约定 (Documentation Conventions 3)

RFC-0025 没有高链接数 (No High Link Numbers)

RFC-0027 文档约定 (Documentation Conventions 4)

RFC-0028 时间标准 (Time Standards)

RFC-0029 对 RFC 28 的回应 (Response to RFC 28)

RFC-0030 文档约定 (Documentation Conventions 5)

RFC-0031 计算机中的二进制消息形式 (Binary Message Forms in Computer)

RFC-0032 关于 SRI 提议的实时时钟的一些想法 (Some Thoughts on SRI's Proposed Real Time Clock)

RFC-0033 新的主机-主机协议 (New Host-Host Protocol)

RFC-0034 关于增强研究中心时钟的一些简要说明 (Some Brief Preliminary Notes on the Augmentation Research Center Clock)

RFC-0035 网络会议 (Network Meeting 2)

RFC-0036 协议注解 (Protocol Notes)

RFC-0037 网络会议结语等 (Network Meeting Epilogue, etc)

RFC-0038 NWG/RFC 对 #36 网络协议的注解 (Comments on Network Protocol from NWG/RFC)

RFC-0039 对于 NWG/RFC 关于#38 协议注解的回复 (Comments on Protocol Re: NWG/RFC)

RFC-0040 关于未来协议的更多注解 (More Comments on the Forthcoming Protocol)

RFC-0041 IMP-IMP电传通信 (IMP-IMP Teletype Communication)

RFC-0042 消息数据类型 (Message Data Types)

RFC-0043 拟议会议 (Proposed Meeting)

RFC-0044 对 NWG/RFC 33 和 36 的注解 (Comments on NWG/RFC 33 and 36)

RFC-0045 新协议来临 (New Protocol is Coming)

RFC-0046 ARPA 网络协议说明 (ARPA Network protocol notes)

RFC-0047 BBN 对 NWG/RFC #33 的注解 (BBN's Comments on NWG/RFC #33)

RFC-0048 可能的协议平台 (Possible protocol plateau)

RFC-0049 与 S. Crocker 的对话 (Conversations with S. Crocker)

RFC-0050 对迈耶提案的注解 (Comments on the Meyer Proposal)

RFC-0051 网络交换语言提案 (Proposal for a Network Interchange Language)

RFC-0052 更新的通讯组列表 (Updated distribution list)

RFC-0053 官方协议机构 (Official protocol mechanism)

RFC-0054 官方协议提供 (Official Protocol Proffering)

RFC-0055 NCP 的原型实现 (Prototypical implementation of the NCP)

RFC-0056 第三级协议:记录器协议 (Third Level Protocol: Logger Protocol)

RFC-0057 对 NWG/RFC 54 的思考和反思 (Thoughts and Reflections on NWG/RFC 54)

RFC-0058 逻辑消息同步 (Logical Message Synchronization)

RFC-0059 流量控制 - 固定与按需分配 (Flow Control - Fixed Versus Demand Allocation)

RFC-0060 简化的 NCP 协议 (A Simplified NCP Protocol)

RFC-0061 资源共享计算机网络中进程间通信的注意事项 (Note on Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer Network)

RFC-0062 资源共享计算机网络中的进程间通信系统 (Systems for Interprocess Communication in a Resource Sharing Computer Network)

RFC-0063 迟来的网络会议报告 (Belated Network Meeting Report)

RFC-0064 摆脱标记 (Getting rid of marking)

RFC-0065 对主机/主机协议文档的注解 (Comments on Host/Host Protocol document)

RFC-0066 NIC - 第三级想法和其他噪音 (NIC - third level ideas and other noise)

RFC-0067 提议更改主机/IMP 规范以消除标记 (Proposed Change to Host/IMP Spec to Eliminate Marking)

RFC-0068 内存分配控制命令注释:CEASE、ALL、GVB、RET、RFNM (Comments on Memory Allocation Control Commands: CEASE, ALL, GVB, RET, and RFNM)

RFC-0069 MIT 的分发列表更改 (Distribution List Change for MIT)

RFC-0070 填充注意事项 (Note on Padding)

RFC-0071 输入错误时的重新分配 (Reallocation in Case of Input Error)

RFC-0072 提议暂停更改网络协议 (Proposed Moratorium on Changes to Network Protocol)

RFC-0073 对 NWG/RFC 67 的回应 (Response to NWG/RFC 67)

RFC-0074 UCSB在线系统网络使用规范 (Specifications for Network Use of the UCSB On-Line System)

RFC-0075 网络会议 (Network Meeting 3)

RFC-0076 按名称连接:面向用户的协议 (Connection by name: User oriented protocol)

RFC-0077 网络会议报告 (Network meeting report)

RFC-0078 NCP 状态报告:UCSB/Rand (NCP Status Report: UCSB/Rand)

RFC-0079 记录器协议错误 (Logger Protocol error)

RFC-0080 协议和数据格式 (Protocols and Data Formats)

RFC-0081 涉及信息的请求 (Request for Reference Information)

RFC-0082 网络会议笔记 (Network Meeting Notes)

RFC-0083 用于数据重新配置的语言机 (Language-machine for data reconfiguration)

RFC-0084 NWG/RFC 1-80 列表 (List of NWG/RFC's 1-80)

RFC-0085 网络工作组会议 (Network Working Group meeting)

RFC-0086 用于控制图形显示的数据流的网络标准格式的建议 (Proposal for a Network Standard Format for a Data Stream to Control Graphics Display)

RFC-0087 下一次网络工作组会议讨论的主题 (Topic for Discussion at the Next Network Working Group Meeting)

RFC-0088 NETRJS:远程作业输入的第三级协议 (NETRJS: A third level protocol for Remote Job Entry)

RFC-0089 网络中的一些历史性时刻 (Some historic moments in networking)

RFC-0090 CCN作为网络服务中心 (CCN as a Network Service Center)

RFC-0091 提议的用户-用户协议 (Proposed User-User Protocol)

RFC-0093 初始连接协议 (Initial Connection Protocol)

RFC-0094 关于网络图形的一些想法 (Some thoughts on Network Graphics)

RFC-0095 通过 NIC 分发 NWG/RFC (Distribution of NWG/RFC's through the NIC)

RFC-0096 网络信息中心接入方式研究的交互式网络实验 (An Interactive Network Experiment to Study Modes of Access the Network Information Center)

RFC-0097 首先切入提议的 Telnet 协议 (First Cut at a Proposed Telnet Protocol)

RFC-0098 记录器协议提案 (Logger Protocol Proposal)

RFC-0099 网络会议 (Network Meeting 4)

RFC-0100 NWG/RFC 的分类和指南 (Categorization and guide to NWG/RFCs)

RFC-0101 1971 年 2 月 17 日在伊利诺伊州厄巴纳举行的网络工作组会议的说明 (Notes on the Network Working Group meeting, Urbana, Illinois, February 17, 1971)

RFC-0102 主机-主机协议故障清理委员会的输出 (Output of the Host-Host Protocol glitch cleaning committee)

RFC-0103 中断键的实现 (Implementation of Interrupt Keys)

RFC-0104 链接 191 (Link 191)

RFC-0105 UCSB 远程作业输入和远程作业输出检索的网络规范 (Network Specifications for Remote Job Entry and Remote Job Output Retrieval at UCSB)

RFC-0106 用户/服务器站点协议网络主机问卷 (User/Server Site Protocol Network Host Questionnaire)

RFC-0107 主机-主机协议故障清理委员会的输出 (Output of the Host-Host Protocol Glitch Cleaning Committee 1)

RFC-0108 1971 年 2 月 17 日至 19 日厄巴纳 NWG 会议的出席名单 (Attendance list at the Urbana NWG meeting, February 17-19, 1971)

RFC-0109 林肯实验室 360/67 主机的 III 级服务器协议 (Level III Server Protocol for the Lincoln Laboratory 360/67 Host)

RFC-0110 使用 IBM 2741 终端作为访问网络服务器主机的用户控制台的约定 (Conventions for Using an IBM 2741 Terminal as a User Console for Access to Network Server Hosts)

RFC-0111 来自主席的压力 (Pressure from the Chairman)

RFC-0112 用户/服务器站点协议:网络主机问卷 (User/Server Site Protocol: Network Host Questionnaire)

RFC-0113 网络活动报告:UCSB Rand (Network activity report: UCSB Rand)

RFC-0114 文件传输协议 (File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0115 一些网络信息中心处理文件的政策 (Some Network Information Center policies on handling documents)

RFC-0116 5 月 NWG 会议的结构 (Structure of the May NWG Meeting)

RFC-0117 对官方协议的一些注解 (Some comments on the official protocol)

RFC-0118 对设施文件的建议 (Recommendations for facility documentation)

RFC-0119 网络 Fortran 子程序 (Network Fortran Subprograms)

RFC-0120 网络PL1子程序 (Network PL1 subprograms)

RFC-0121 网络在线运营商 (Network on-line operators)

RFC-0122 UCSB 的 Simple-Minded File System 的网络规范 (Network specifications for UCSB's Simple-Minded File System)

RFC-0123 提供官方ICP (Proffered Official ICP)

RFC-0124 RFC 107 中的排版错误 (Typographical error in RFC 107)

RFC-0125 对 RFC 86 的回应:图形数据流的网络标准格式提案 (Response to RFC 86: Proposal for Network Standard Format for a Graphics Data Stream)

RFC-0126 艾姆斯研究中心的图形设施 (Graphics Facilities at Ames Research Center)

RFC-0127 对 RFC 123 的评论 (Comments on RFC 123)

RFC-0128 字节 (Bytes)

RFC-0129 请求对套接字名称结构的评论 (Request for comments on socket name structure)

RFC-0130 对 RFC 111 的回应:来自主席的压力 (Response to RFC 111: Pressure from the chairman)

RFC-0131 对 RFC 116:5 月 NWG 会议的回应 (Response to RFC 116: May NWG meeting)

RFC-0132 RFC 107 中的排版错误 (Typographical Error in RFC 107)

RFC-0133 文件传输和错误恢复 (File Transfer and Error Recovery)

RFC-0134 网络图形会议 (Network Graphics meeting)

RFC-0135 对 NWG/RFC 110 的回应 (Response to NWG/RFC 110)

RFC-0136 主机记账和管理程序 (Host accounting and administrative procedures)

RFC-0137 Telnet 协议 - 提议的文件 (Telnet Protocol - a proposed document)

RFC-0138 关于提议的数据重新配置服务的状态报告 (Status report on proposed Data Reconfiguration Service)

RFC-0139 Telnet协议讨论 (Discussion of Telnet Protocol)

RFC-0140 5 月 NWG 会议议程 (Agenda for the May NWG meeting)

RFC-0141 对 RFC 114:文件传输协议的评论 (Comments on RFC 114: A File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0142 主机-主机协议中的超时机制 (Time-Out Mechanism in the Host-Host Protocol)

RFC-0143 关于提供的官方 (Regarding proffered official)

RFC-0144 计算机网络上的数据共享 (Data sharing on computer networks)

RFC-0145 初始连接协议控制命令 (Initial Connection Protocol Control Commands)

RFC-0146 对计算机网络数据共享相关问题的看法 (Views on issues relevant to data sharing on computer networks)

RFC-0147 套接字的定义 (Definition of a socket)

RFC-0148 对 RFC 123 的评论 (Comments on RFC 123)

RFC-0149 最好的计划 (Best Laid Plans)

RFC-0150 IPC 设施的使用:工作文件 (Use of IPC Facilities: A Working Paper)

RFC-0151 对提供的官方 ICP:RFC 123、127 的评论 (Comments on a proffered official ICP: RFCs 123, 127)

RFC-0152 SRI人工智能状态报告 (SRI Artificial Intelligence status report)

RFC-0153 SRI ARC-NIC 状态 (SRI ARC-NIC status)

RFC-0154 显示风格 (Exposition Style)

RFC-0155 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network mailing lists)

RFC-0156 伊利诺伊州站点的状态:对 RFC 116 的响应 (Status of the Illinois site: Response to RFC 116)

RFC-0157 受邀参加第二届数据通信系统优化问题研讨会 (Invitation to the Second Symposium on Problems in the Optimization of Data Communications Systems)

RFC-0158 Telnet 协议:提议的文件 (Telnet Protocol: A Proposed Document)

RFC-0160 RFC简表 (RFC brief list)

RFC-0161 ICP中竞争条件的解决方案 (Solution to the race condition in the ICP)

RFC-0162 网虫3 (NETBUGGER3)

RFC-0163 数据传输协议 (Data transfer protocols)

RFC-0164 网络工作组会议纪要,5/16 至 5/19/71 (Minutes of Network Working Group meeting, 5/16 through 5/19/71)

RFC-0165 提供官方初始连接协议 (Proffered Official Initial Connection Protocol)

RFC-0166 数据重配置服务:实现规范 (Data Reconfiguration Service: An implementation specification)

RFC-0167 重新考虑套接字约定 (Socket conventions reconsidered)

RFC-0168 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network mailing lists)


RFC-0170 RFC 编号列表 (RFC List by Number)

RFC-0171 数据传输协议 (The Data Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0172 文件传输协议 (The File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0173 网络数据管理委员会会议公告 (Network Data Management Committee Meeting Announcement)

RFC-0174 UCLA - 计算机科学图形概述 (UCLA - Computer Science Graphics Overview)

RFC-0175 对“套接字约定重新考虑”的评论 (Comments on "Socket Conventions Reconsidered")

RFC-0176 对“连接的字节大小”的评论 (Comments on "Byte size for connections")

RFC-0177 与设备无关的图形显示说明 (Device independent graphical display description)

RFC-0178 网络图形关注处理 (Network graphic attention handling)

RFC-0179 链接编号分配 (Link Number Assignments)

RFC-0180 文件系统问卷 (File system questionnaire)

RFC-0181 对 RFC 177 的修改 (Modifications to RFC 177)

RFC-0182 相关站点报告清单的汇编 (Compilation of list of relevant site reports)

RFC-0183 EBCDIC 代码及其到 ASCII 的映射 (EBCDIC Codes and Their Mapping to ASCII)

RFC-0184 建议的图形显示模式 (Proposed graphic display modes)

RFC-0185 NIC 分发手册和手册 (NIC distribution of manuals and handbooks)

RFC-0186 网络图形加载器 (Network graphics loader)

RFC-0187 网络/440 协议概念 (Network/440 Protocol Concept)

RFC-0188 数据管理会议公告 (Data management meeting announcement)

RFC-0189 暂行 NETRJS 规范 (Interim NETRJS specifications)

RFC-0190 DEC PDP-10-IMLAC 通信系统 (DEC PDP-10-IMLAC communications system)

RFC-0191 增强研究中心的图形实现和概念化 (Graphics implementation and conceptualization at Augmentation Research Center)

RFC-0192 网络图形协议必须考虑的一些因素 (Some factors which a Network Graphics Protocol must consider)


RFC-0194 数据重配置服务——编译器/解释器实现说明 (The Data Reconfiguration Service -- Compiler/Interpreter Implementation Notes)

RFC-0195 数据计算机-数据描述和访问语言 (Data computers-data descriptions and access language)

RFC-0196 邮箱协议 (Mail Box Protocol)

RFC-0197 初始连接协议 - 审查 (Initial Connection Protocol - Reviewed)

RFC-0198 现场认证 - Lincoln Labs 360/67 (Site Certification - Lincoln Labs 360/67)

RFC-0199 网络数据平板图形协议的建议 (Suggestions for a Network Data-Tablet Graphics Protocol)

RFC-0200 按编号的 RFC 列表 (RFC list by number)

RFC-0202 ICP 中可能出现的死锁 (Possible Deadlock in ICP)

RFC-0203 实现可靠的通信 (Achieving reliable communication)

RFC-0204 使用中的套接字 (Sockets in use)

RFC-0205 NETCRT - 一种字符显示协议 (NETCRT - a character display protocol)

RFC-0206 初始实现的用户 TELNET 描述 (A User TELNET Description of an Initial Implementation)

RFC-0207 9 月网络工作组会议 (September Network Working Group meeting)

RFC-0208 地址表 (Address tables)

RFC-0209 主机/IMP 接口文档 (Host/IMP interface documentation)

RFC-0210 流量控制的改进 (Improvement of Flow Control)

RFC-0211 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network Mailing Lists)

RFC-0212 NWG 网络使用会议 (NWG meeting on network usage)

RFC-0213 IMP 系统变更通知 (IMP System change notification)

RFC-0214 网络检查点 (Network checkpoint)

RFC-0215 NCP、ICP 和 Telnet:终端 IMP 实现 (NCP, ICP, and Telnet: The Terminal IMP implementation)

RFC-0216 Telnet 访问 UCSB 的在线系统 (Telnet Access to UCSB's On-Line System)

RFC-0217 OLS、RJE/RJOR 和 SMFS 的规格变更 (Specifications changes for OLS, RJE/RJOR, and SMFS)

RFC-0218 更改 IMP 状态报告工具 (Changing the IMP status reporting facility)

RFC-0219 用户对数据计算机的看法 (User's View of the Datacomputer)

RFC-0221 邮箱协议:版本 2 (Mail Box Protocol: Version 2)

RFC-0222 主题:系统程序员工作坊 (Subject: System programmer's workshop)

RFC-0223 网络用户的网络信息中心时间表 (Network Information Center schedule for network users)

RFC-0224 邮箱协议评论 (Comments on Mailbox Protocol)

RFC-0225 Rand/UCSB 网络图形实验 (Rand/UCSB network graphics experiment)

RFC-0226 主机助记符标准化 (Standardization of host mnemonics)

RFC-0227 数据传输率(兰德/加州大学洛杉矶分校) (Data transfer rates (Rand/UCLA))

RFC-0228 澄清 (Clarification)

RFC-0229 标准主机名 (Standard host names)

RFC-0230 在 TIP 上实现基于小型机的终端的可靠运行 (Toward reliable operation of minicomputer-based terminals on a TIP)

RFC-0231 远程使用的服务中心标准:用户的视图 (Service center standards for remote usage: A user's view)

RFC-0232 推迟网络图形会议 (Postponement of network graphics meeting)

RFC-0233 主机呼叫字母的标准化 (Standardization of host call letters)

RFC-0234 网络工作组会议日程表 (Network Working Group meeting schedule)

RFC-0235 网站状态 (Site status)

RFC-0236 标准主机名称 (Standard host names)

RFC-0237 标准主机名的网卡视图 (NIC view of standard host names)

RFC-2038 DTP和FTP提案的评论 (Comments on DTP and FTP proposals)

RFC-0239 RFC 226(NIC 7625)提出的主机助理 (Host mnemonics proposed in RFC 226 (NIC 7625))

RFC-0240 网站状态 (Site Status)

RFC-0241 将计算机连接到MLC端口 (Connecting computers to MLC ports)

RFC-0242 用于共享数据的数据描述性语言 (Data Descriptive Language for Shared Data)

RFC-0243 网络和数据共享参考书目 (Network and data sharing bibliography)

RFC-0245 网络组会议的预订 (Reservations for Network Group meeting)

RFC-0246 网络图形会议 (Network Graphics meeting)

RFC-0247 提供的标准主机名集 (Proffered set of standard host names)

RFC-0249 购买设备和用品的协调 (Coordination of equipment and supplies purchase)

RFC-0250 关于文件转移的一些想法 (Some thoughts on file transfer)

RFC-0251 天气数据 (Weather data)

RFC-0252 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0253 第二个网络图形会议详细信息 (Second Network Graphics meeting details)

RFC-0254 使用ARPANET COPPERS的场景 (Scenarios for using ARPANET computers)

RFC-0255 网络主机的状态 (Status of network hosts)

RFC-0256 Impsys改变通知 (IMPSYS change notification)

RFC-0263 “非常遥远”的主机界面 ("Very Distant" Host interface)

RFC-0264 数据传输协议 (The Data Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0265 文件传输协议 (The File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0266 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0267 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0268 图形设施信息 (Graphics facilities information)

RFC-0269 一些文件传输经验 (Some Experience with File Transfer)

RFC-0270 校正BBN报告1822(NIC NO 7958) (Correction to BBN Report No. 1822 (NIC NO 7958))

RFC-0271 IMP系统更改通知 (IMP System change notifications)

RFC-0273 更多关于标准主机名 (More on standard host names)

RFC-0274 建立一个网络使用指南 (Establishing a local guide for network usage)

RFC-0276 NIC课程 (NIC course)

RFC-0278 修订邮箱协议 (Revision of the Mail Box Protocol)

RFC-0280 主机名的草稿 (A Draft of Host Names)

RFC-0281 建议添加到文件传输协议 (Suggested addition to File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0282 图形会议报告 (Graphics meeting report)

RFC-0283 netrjt:提示的远程作业服务协议 (NETRJT: Remote Job Service Protocol for TIPS)

RFC-0285 网络图形 (Network graphics)

RFC-0286 网络库信息系统 (Network Library Information System)

RFC-0287 网络主机的状态 (Status of Network Hosts)

RFC-0288 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0289 我们希望是一个官方主机名单 (What we hope is an official list of host names)

RFC-0290 计算机网络和数据共享:参考书目 (Computer networks and data sharing: A bibliography)

RFC-0291 数据管理会议公告 (Data Management Meeting Announcement)

RFC-0292 图形协议:级别仅为0 (Graphics Protocol: Level 0 only)

RFC-0293 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0294 在文件传输协议中使用“设置数据类型”事务 (The Use of "Set Data Type" Transaction in File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0295 1971年10月12日议定书研讨会的报告 (Report of the Protocol Workshop, 12 October 1971)

RFC-0296 DS-1显示系统 (DS-1 Display System)

RFC-0297 提示消息缓冲区 (TIP Message Buffers)

RFC-0298 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0299 信息管理系统 (Information Management System)

RFC-0300 ARPA网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network mailing lists)

RFC-0301 BBN IMP (#5) 和 NCC Schedule 1971 年 3 月 4 日 (BBN IMP (#5) and NCC Schedule March 4, 1971)

RFC-0302 锻炼阿帕网 (Exercising The ARPANET)

RFC-0303 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network mailing lists)

RFC-0304 ARPA网络数据管理系统提案 (Data Management System Proposal for the ARPA Network)

RFC-0305 未知主机号 (Unknown Host Numbers)

RFC-0306 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0307 使用网络远程作业输入 (Using network Remote Job Entry)

RFC-0308 ARPANET 主机可用性数据 (ARPANET host availability data)

RFC-0309 数据和文件传输研讨会公告 (Data and File Transfer Workshop Announcement)

RFC-0310 重新审视数据和文件传输协议 (Another Look at Data and File Transfer Protocols)

RFC-0311 USCB 主机的新控制台附件 (New Console Attachments to the USCB Host)

RFC-0312 IMP 到主机协议的拟议变更 (Proposed Change in IMP-to-Host Protocol)

RFC-0313 计算机教学 (Computer based instruction)

RFC-0314 网络图形工作组会议 (Network Graphics Working Group Meeting)

RFC-0315 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0316 ARPA 网络数据管理工作组 (ARPA Network Data Management Working Group)

RFC-0317 官方主机-主机协议修改:分配的链接号 (Official Host-Host Protocol Modification: Assigned Link Numbers)

RFC-0318 Telnet 协议 (Telnet Protocols)

RFC-0319 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0320 硬拷贝线图研讨会 (Workshop on Hard Copy Line Graphics)

RFC-0321 MITRE 的 CBI 网络活动 (CBI Networking Activity at MITRE)

RFC-0322 众所周知的套接字号 (Well known socket numbers)

RFC-0323 组建网络测量组 (NMG) (Formation of Network Measurement Group (NMG))

RFC-0324 RJE 协议会议 (RJE Protocol meeting)

RFC-0325 网络远程作业输入程序 - NETRJS (Network Remote Job Entry program - NETRJS)

RFC-0326 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0327 数据和文件传输研讨会笔记 (Data and File Transfer workshop notes)

RFC-0328 建议的 Telnet 协议更改 (Suggested Telnet Protocol Changes)

RFC-0329 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network Mailing Lists)

RFC-0330 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0331 IMP 系统变更通知 (IMP System Change Notification)

RFC-0332 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0333 建议的消息交换协议实验 (Proposed experiment with a Message Switching Protocol)

RFC-0334 5月8日网络使用 (Network Use on May 8)

RFC-0335 新界面 - IMP/360 (New Interface - IMP/360)

RFC-0336 0 级图形输入协议 (Level 0 Graphic Input Protocol)

RFC-0338 网络 RJE 的 EBCDIC/ASCII 映射 (EBCDIC/ASCII Mapping for Network RJE)

RFC-0339 MLTNET:Tenex 的“多 Telnet”子系统 (MLTNET: A "Multi Telnet" Subsystem for Tenex)

RFC-0340 提议的 Telnet 更改 (Proposed Telnet Changes)

RFC-0342 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0343 IMP 系统变更通知 (IMP System change notification)

RFC-0344 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0345 对混合整数规划的兴趣(CCN NIC 360/91 中的 MPSC) (Interest in Mixed Integer Programming (MPSX on NIC 360/91 at CCN))

RFC-0346 卫星注意事项 (Satellite Considerations)

RFC-0347 Echo 进程 (Echo process)

RFC-0348 Discard 进程 (Discard Process)

RFC-0349 建议的标准套接字编号 (Proposed Standard Socket Numbers)

RFC-0350 UCSB 在线系统的用户帐户 (User Accounts for UCSB On-Line System)

RFC-0351 ARPANET 图形资源笔记本的图形信息表 (Graphics information form for the ARPANET graphics resources notebook)

RFC-0352 提示站点信息表 (TIP Site Information Form)

RFC-0353 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0354 文件传输协议 (File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0355 对 NWG/RFC 346 的回应 (Response to NWG/RFC 346)

RFC-0356 ARPA网络控制中心 (ARPA Network Control Center)

RFC-0357 卫星链路的回波策略 (Echoing strategy for satellite links)

RFC-0359 新IMP系统发布情况(2600) (Status of the Release of the New IMP System (2600))

RFC-0360 提议的远程作业输入协议 (Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol)

RFC-0361 主机 106 上的守护进程 (Deamon Processes on Host 106)

RFC-0362 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0363 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network mailing lists)

RFC-0364 在 ARPANET 上为远程用户提供服务 (Serving remote users on the ARPANET)

RFC-0365 致所有 TIP 用户的信 (Letter to All TIP Users)

RFC-0366 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0367 网络主机状态 (Network host status)

RFC-0368 对“提议的远程作业进入协议”的评论 (Comments on "Proposed Remote Job Entry Protocol")

RFC-0369 1972 年 1 月至 3 月对 ARPANET 服务的评估 (Evaluation of ARPANET services January-March, 1972)

RFC-0370 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0371 国际计算机通信大会上的演示 (Demonstration at International Computer Communications Conference)

RFC-0372 与鲍勃·卡恩 (Bob Kahn) 在 ICCC 上的对话笔记 (Notes on a Conversation with Bob Kahn on the ICCC)

RFC-0373 任意字符集 (Arbitrary Character Sets)

RFC-0374 IMP系统公告 (IMP System Announcement)

RFC-0376 网络主机状态 (Network Host Status)

RFC-0377 通过 ARPA 网络虚拟终端使用 TSO (Using TSO via ARPA Network Virtual Terminal)

RFC-0378 流量统计(1972 年 7 月) (Traffic statistics (July 1972))

RFC-0379 在 CCN 使用 TSO (Using TSO at CCN)

RFC-0381 改善网络运营的三个辅助手段 (Three aids to improved network operation)

RFC-0382 ARPA网络上的数学软件 (Mathematical Software on the ARPA Network)

RFC-0384 ARPA 网络中组织的官方网站标识 (Official site idents for organizations in the ARPA Network)

RFC-0385 文件传输协议评论 (Comments on the File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0386 给 TIP 用户的信-2 (Letter to TIP users-2)

RFC-0387 实现网络图形协议Level 0的一些经验 (Some experiences in implementing Network Graphics Protocol Level 0)

RFC-0388 NCP统计 (NCP statistics)

RFC-0389 加州大学洛杉矶分校ARPA网络校园计算网络联络员 (UCLA Campus Computing Network Liaison Staff for ARPA Network)

RFC-0390 TSO 场景 (TSO Scenario)

RFC-0391  流量统计(1972 年 8 月) (Traffic statistics (August 1972))

RFC-0392 传输网络数据的主机成本的测量 (Measurement of host costs for transmitting network data)

RFC-0393 对 Telnet 协议更改的评论 (Comments on Telnet Protocol Changes)

RFC-0394 对 IMP 主机协议的两项拟议更改 (Two Proposed Changes to the IMP-Host Protocol)

RFC-0395 IMP 和 TIP 上的切换设置 (Switch Settings on IMPs and TIPs)

RFC-0396 网络图形工作组会议 - 第二次迭代 (Network Graphics Working Group Meeting - Second Iteration)

RFC-0398 UCSB 在线图形 (UCSB Online Graphics)

RFC-0399 SMFS 登录和注销 (SMFS Login and Logout)

RFC-0400  流量统计(1972 年 9 月)(Traffic Statistics (September 1972))

RFC-0401 NGP-0 坐标到设备特定坐标的转换 (Conversion of NGP-0 Coordinates to Device Specific Coordinates)

RFC-0402 ARPA 网络邮件列表 (ARPA Network Mailing Lists)

RFC-0403 网络 1108 服务的可取性 (Desirability of a Network 1108 Service)

RFC-0404 涉及 Rand 和 ISI 的主机地址更改 (Host Address Changes Involving Rand and ISI)

RFC-0405 对 RFC 404 的更正 (Correction to RFC 404)

RFC-0406 预定的 IMP 软件版本 (Scheduled IMP Software Releases)

RFC-0407 远程作业输入协议 (Remote Job Entry Protocol)

RFC-0408 网上银行 (NETBANK)

RFC-0409 Tenex 与 UCSB 头脑简单的文件系统的接口 (Tenex interface to UCSB's Simple-Minded File System)

RFC-0410 消除主机上来时的 30 秒延迟 (Removal of the 30-Second Delay When Hosts Come Up)

RFC-0411 新的 MULTICS 网络软件功能 (New MULTICS Network Software Features)

RFC-0412 用户 FTP 文档 (User FTP Documentation)

RFC-0413 流量统计(1972 年 10 月) (Traffic statistics (October 1972))

RFC-0414 文件传输协议 (FTP) 状态和进一步注释 (File Transfer Protocol (FTP) status and further comments)

RFC-0415 Tenex 带宽 (Tenex bandwidth)

RFC-0416 ARC 系统将在感恩节期间无法使用 (ARC System Will Be Unavailable for Use During Thanksgiving Week)

RFC-0417 链接使用违规 (Link usage violation)

RFC-0418 NASA-Ames 研究中心 TSS/360 下的服务器文件传输 (Server File Transfer Under TSS/360 At NASA-Ames Research Center)

RFC-0419 致:网络联络员和站点代理 (To: Network liaisons and station agents)

RFC-0420 CCA ICCC天气演示 (CCA ICCC weather demo)

RFC-0421 网络用户软件咨询服务 (Software Consulting Service for Network Users)

RFC-0422 流量统计(1972 年 11 月)(Traffic statistics (November 1972))

RFC-0423 加州大学洛杉矶分校 ARPANET 校园计算网络联络员 (UCLA Campus Computing Network Liaison Staff for ARPANET)

RFC-0425 “但我的 NCP 每天要花费 500 美元” ("But my NCP costs $500 a day")

RFC-0426 重连协议 (Reconnection Protocol)

RFC-0429 字符生成器过程 (Character Generator Process)

RFC-0430 文件传输协议注解 (Comments on File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0431 SMFS 登录和注销更新 (Update on SMFS Login and Logout)

RFC-0432 网络逻辑图 (Network logical map)

RFC-0433 套接字编号表 (Socket number list)

RFC-0434 IMP/TIP 内存改造计划 (IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule)

RFC-0435 Telnet 问题 (Telnet issues)

RFC-0436 RJS 在 UCSB 的公告 (Announcement of RJS at UCSB)

RFC-0437 UCSB 的数据重配置服务 (Data Reconfiguration Service at UCSB)

RFC-0438 FTP 服务器-服务器交互 (FTP server-server interaction)

RFC-0439 帕里遇到医生 (PARRY encounters the DOCTOR)

RFC-0440 定期网络软件维护 (Scheduled network software maintenance)

RFC-0441 实体间通信 - 一个实验 (Inter-Entity Communication - an experiment)

RFC-0442 IMPSYS 的当前流量控制方案 (Current flow-control scheme for IMPSYS)

RFC-0443 流量统计(1972 年 12 月) (Traffic statistics (December 1972))

RFC-0445 IMP/TIP 预防性维护计划 (IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule)

RFC-0446 建议考虑一个网络程序资源笔记本 (Proposal to consider a network program resource notebook)

RFC-0447 IMP/TIP 内存改造计划 (IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule)

RFC-0448 在 FTP 中打印文件 (Print files in FTP)

RFC-0449 IMPSYS 的当前流量控制方案 (Current flow-control scheme for IMPSYS)

RFC-0450 MULTICS 采样超时更改 (MULTICS sampling timeout change)

RFC-0451 统一用户级协议的暂定提案 (Tentative proposal for a Unified User Level Protocol)

RFC-0452 主机 LL 上的 TELNET 命令 (TELNET Command at Host LL)

RFC-0453 会议公告讨论网络邮件系统 (Meeting announcement to discuss a network mail system)

RFC-0454 文件传输协议 - 会议公告和新提议的文件 (File Transfer Protocol - meeting announcement and a new proposed document)

RFC-0455 流量统计(1973 年 1 月) (Traffic statistics (January 1973))

RFC-0456 备忘录:邮件会议的日期更改 (Memorandum: Date change of mail meeting)


RFC-0458 通过 FTP 检索邮件 (Mail retrieval via FTP)

RFC-0459 网络问卷 (Network questionnaires)

RFC-0460 网络控制协议调查 (NCP survey)

RFC-0461 Telnet 协议会议公告 (Telnet Protocol meeting announcement)

RFC-0462 响应用户需求 (Responding to user needs)

RFC-0463 FTP 注释和对 RFC 430 的响应 (FTP comments and response to RFC 430)

RFC-0464 资源笔记本框架 (Resource notebook framework)

RFC-0466 用于主机 LL-67 的 Telnet 记录器/服务器 (Telnet logger/server for host LL-67)

RFC-0467 对主机-主机协议的拟议更改:连接状态的重新同步 (Proposed change to Host-Host Protocol: Resynchronization of connection status)

RFC-0468 FTP数据压缩 (FTP data compression)

RFC-0469 网络邮件会议总结 (Network mail meeting summary)

RFC-0470 更改 TIP 新闻设施的套接字 (Change in socket for TIP news facility)

RFC-0471 多站点执行程序研讨会 (Workshop on multi-site executive programs)

RFC-0472 伊利诺伊州对 Maxwell 要求提供图形信息的回复 (NIC 14925) (Illinois' reply to Maxwell's request for graphics information (NIC 14925))

RFC-0473 MIX and MIXAL? (MIX and MIXAL?)

RFC-0474 NGWG会议公告:征文 (Announcement of NGWG meeting: Call for papers)

RFC-0475 FTP 和网络邮件系统 (FTP and Network Mail System)

RFC-0476 IMP/TIP 内存改造计划(修订版 2) (IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule (rev 2))

RFC-0477 UCSB 的远程工作服务 (Remote Job Service at UCSB)

RFC-0478 FTP服务器-服务器交互-II (FTP server-server interaction - II)

RFC-0479 NIC Journal 对 FTP 的使用 (Use of FTP by the NIC Journal)

RFC-0480 与主机相关的 FTP 参数 (Host-dependent FTP parameters)

RFC-0482 流量统计(1973 年 2 月) (Traffic statistics (February 1973))

RFC-0483 取消资源笔记本框架会议 (Cancellation of the resource notebook framework meeting)

RFC-0485 MIX and MIXAL at UCSB (MIX and MIXAL at UCSB)

RFC-0486 重新审视数据传输 (Data transfer revisited)

RFC-0487 免费文件传输 (Free file transfer)

RFC-0488 网络站点上的 NLS 课程 (NLS classes at network sites)

RFC-0489 对连接状态建议重新同步的评论 (Comment on resynchronization of connection status proposal)

RFC-0490 UCLA-CCN 的替代 RJS (Surrogate RJS for UCLA-CCN)

RFC-0491 什么是“免费”? (What is "Free"?)

RFC-0492 对 RFC 467 的响应 (Response to RFC 467)


RFC-0494 网络中 MIX 和 MIXAL 的可用性 (Availability of MIX and MIXAL in the Network)

RFC-0495 Telnet 协议规范 (Telnet Protocol specifications)

RFC-0496 TNLS快速参考卡可用 (TNLS quick reference card is available)

RFC-0497 流量统计(1973 年 3 月) (Traffic Statistics (March 1973))

RFC-0498 关于到 CCN 的邮件服务 (On mail service to CCN)

RFC-0499 哈佛网络 RJE (Harvard's network RJE)

RFC-0500 在计算机网络上集成数据管理系统 (Integration of data management systems on a computer network)

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