maven 漏洞扫描

dependency-check-maven 插件

添加以下 Maven 插件,第一次 check 会很慢,因为需要下载漏洞包


将以下 jsrepository.json 文件粘贴到 maven 仓库依赖目录下 dependency-check-data/9.0 和 dependency-check-utils/9.0.9 中

在右侧maven 插件 点击 check 后,运行完毕,在项目 target 会出现 dependency-check-report.html 报告

	"retire-example": {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "0.0.2",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-XXXX-XXXX" ],
					"bug" : "1234",
					"summary" : "bug summary"
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func" : [ "retire.VERSION" ],
			"filename" : [ "retire-example-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "/\\*!? Retire-example v(§§version§§)" ],
			"hashes" : { "07f8b94c8d601a24a1914a1a92bec0e4fafda964" : "0.0.1" }

	"jquery": {
		"bowername": [ "jQuery" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.6.3",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2011-4969" ],
					"summary": "XSS with location.hash"
				"info" : [ "" , "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.9.0b1",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2012-6708" ],
					"bug": "11290",
					"summary": "Selector interpreted as HTML"
				"severity": "medium",
				"info" : [ "" , "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.4.0",
				"below" : "1.12.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "2432",
					"summary": "3rd party CORS request may execute",
				        "CVE": [ "CVE-2015-9251" ]
				"severity": "medium",
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.12.3",
				"below" : "3.0.0-beta1",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "2432",
					"summary": "3rd party CORS request may execute",
				        "CVE": [ "CVE-2015-9251" ]
				"severity": "medium",
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.8.0",
				"below" : "1.12.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2015-9251" ],
					"issue" : "11974",
					"summary": "parseHTML() executes scripts in event handlers"
				"severity": "medium",
				"info" : [ "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.12.2",
				"below" : "2.2.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2015-9251" ],
					"issue" : "11974",
					"summary": "parseHTML() executes scripts in event handlers"
				"severity": "medium",
				"info" : [ "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.2.2",
				"below" : "3.0.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2015-9251" ],
					"issue" : "11974",
					"summary": "parseHTML() executes scripts in event handlers"
				"severity": "medium",
				"info" : [ "", "", "" ]
				"below" : "3.4.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2019-11358" ],
					"summary": "jQuery before 3.4.0, as used in Drupal, Backdrop CMS, and other products, mishandles jQuery.extend(true, {}, ...) because of Object.prototype pollution"
				"severity" : "low",
				"info" : [ "", "", "" ]
				"below" : "3.5.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2020-11022" ],
					"summary": "Regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter sometimes may introduce XSS"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "3.5.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2020-11023" ],
					"summary": "Regex in its jQuery.htmlPrefilter sometimes may introduce XSS"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [
								"(window.jQuery || window.$ || window.$jq || window.$j).fn.jquery",
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/jquery(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "jquery-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
								"/\\*!? jQuery v(§§version§§)", "\\* jQuery JavaScript Library v(§§version§§)",
								"\\* jQuery (§§version§§) - New Wave Javascript", "// \\$Id: jquery.js,v (§§version§§)",
								"/\\*! jQuery v(§§version§§)",
                "[^a-z.]jquery:[ ]?\"(§§version§§)\"",
			"filecontentreplace" : [
				"/var [a-z]=[a-z]\\.document,([a-z])=\"(§§version§§)\",([a-z])=.{130,160};\\3\\.fn=\\3\\.prototype=\\{jquery:\\1/$2/"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery-migrate" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.2.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"release": "jQuery Migrate 1.2.0 Released",
					"summary": "cross-site-scripting"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "1.2.2",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"bug": "11290",
					"summary": "Selector interpreted as HTML"
				"info" : [ "" , "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"filename"		: [ "jquery-migrate-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "/\\*!?(?:\n \\*)? jQuery Migrate(?: -)? v(§§version§§)" ],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery.validator" : {
		"bowername": [ "jquery-validator" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "jQuery.validation.version" ],
			"filename"		: [ "jquery.validation-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/jquery.validation(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "/\\*!?(?:\n \\*)? jQuery Validation Plugin v(§§version§§)" ],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery-mobile" : {
		"bowername": [ "jquery-mobile", "jquery-mobile-min", "jquery-mobile-build", "jquery-mobile-dist", "jquery-mobile-bower" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.0RC2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"osvdb": ["94563", "93562", "94316", "94561", "94560"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.0.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"osvdb": ["94317"]},
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "1.1.2",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue": "4787",
					"release": "",
					"summary": "location.href cross-site scripting"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.2.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue": "4787",
					"release": "",
					"summary": "location.href cross-site scripting"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "100.0.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "open redirect leads to cross site scripting"
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "1.3.0",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "Endpoint that reflect user input leads to cross site scripting"
				"info": [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "" ],
			"filename"		: [ "§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "/\\*!?(?:\n \\*)? jQuery Mobile(?: -)? v(§§version§§)" ],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery-ui-dialog" : {
		"bowername": [ "jquery-ui", "jquery.ui" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove": "1.8.9",
				"below" : "1.10.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2010-5312" ],
					"bug": "6016",
					"summary": "Title cross-site scripting vulnerability"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.12.0",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2016-7103" ],
					"bug": "281",
					"summary": "XSS Vulnerability on closeText option"
				"info" : [ "", "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "jQuery.ui.dialog.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*!? jQuery UI - v(§§version§§)(.*\n){1,3}.*jquery\\.ui\\.dialog\\.js",
				"/\\*!?[\n *]+jQuery UI (§§version§§)(.*\n)*.*\\.ui\\.dialog",
				"/\\*!?[\n *]+jQuery UI Dialog (§§version§§)",
				"/\\*!? jQuery UI - v(§§version§§)(.*\n){1,3}\\* Includes: .* dialog\\.js"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery-ui-autocomplete" : {
		"bowername": [ "jquery-ui", "jquery.ui" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [ ],
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "jQuery.ui.autocomplete.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*!? jQuery UI - v(§§version§§)(.*\n){1,3}.*jquery\\.ui\\.autocomplete\\.js",
				"/\\*!?[\n *]+jQuery UI (§§version§§)(.*\n)*.*\\.ui\\.autocomplete",
				"/\\*!?[\n *]+jQuery UI Autocomplete (§§version§§)",
				"/\\*!? jQuery UI - v(§§version§§)(.*\n){1,3}\\* Includes: .* autocomplete\\.js"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery-ui-tooltip" : {
		"bowername": [ "jquery-ui", "jquery.ui" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove": "1.9.2",
				"below" : "1.10.0",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2012-6662" ],
					"bug": "8859",
					"summary": "Autocomplete cross-site scripting vulnerability"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "jQuery.ui.tooltip.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*!? jQuery UI - v(§§version§§)(.*\n){1,3}.*jquery\\.ui\\.tooltip\\.js",
				"/\\*!?[\n *]+jQuery UI (§§version§§)(.*\n)*.*\\.ui\\.tooltip",
				"/\\*!?[\n *]+jQuery UI Tooltip (§§version§§)"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jquery.prettyPhoto" : {
		"bowername": [ "jquery-prettyPhoto" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "3.1.5",
				"severity" : "high",
				"identifiers" : { "CVE" : [ "CVE-2013-6837" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "3.1.6",
				"severity" : "high",
				"info" : [ "", "" ]

		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "jQuery.prettyPhoto.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*(?:.*[\n\r]+){1,3}.*Class: prettyPhoto(?:.*[\n\r]+){1,3}.*Version: (§§version§§)",
				"\\.prettyPhoto[ ]?=[ ]?\\{version:[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")\\}"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"jPlayer" : {
		"bowername": [ "jPlayer" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "2.3.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-2023" ],
					"release" : "2.3.1",
					"summary" : "XSS vulnerability in actionscript/ in the Flash SWF component" },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "2.3.23",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-2022" ],
					"release": "2.3.23",
					"summary": "XSS vulnerabilities in actionscript/ in the Flash SWF component"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "2.2.20",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-1942" ],
					"release": "2.2.20",
					"summary": "XSS vulnerabilities in actionscript/ in the Flash SWF component"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "new jQuery.jPlayer().version.script" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*(?:.*[\n\r]+){1,3}.*jPlayer Plugin for jQuery(?:.*[\n\r]+){1,10}.*Version: (§§version§§)"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"knockout": {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "3.5.0-beta",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"summary": "XSS injection point in attr name binding for browser IE7 and older"},
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "ko.version" ],
			"filename"		: [ "knockout-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js"],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"\\* Knockout JavaScript library v(§§version§§)"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"sessvars": {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.01",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": {"summary": "Unsanitized data passed to eval()"},
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"filename"		: [ "sessvars-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js"],
			"filecontent"	: [ "sessvars ver (§§version§§)"],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"swfobject": {
		"bowername": [ "swfobject", "swfobject-bower" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "2.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"summary": "DOM-based XSS"},
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"filename"		: [ "swfobject_(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js"],
			"filecontent"	: [ "SWFObject v(§§version§§) "],
			"hashes"		: {}

	"tinyMCE" : {
		"bowername": [ "tinymce", "tinymce-dist" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.4.2",
				"severity" : "high",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "Static code injection vulnerability in inc/function.base.php",
					"CVE" : [ "CVE-2011-4825" ]
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.2.4",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers" : { "summary" : "xss issues with media plugin not properly filtering out some script attributes." },
				"info" : [ "" ]

				"below" : "4.2.0",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers" : { "summary" : "FIXED so script elements gets removed by default to prevent possible XSS issues in default config implementations" },
				"info" : [ "" ]

				"below" : "4.7.12",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers" : { "summary" : "FIXED so links with xlink:href attributes are filtered correctly to prevent XSS." },
				"info" : [ "" ]

		"extractors" : {
			"filecontent"	     : [ "// (§§version§§) \\([0-9\\-]+\\)[\n\r]+.{0,1200}l=.tinymce/geom/Rect." ],
			"filecontentreplace" : [
			"func" 				 : [ "tinyMCE.majorVersion + '.'+ tinyMCE.minorVersion" ]

	"YUI" : {
		"bowername": [ "yui", "yui3" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "3.5.0" ,
				"below" : "3.9.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4942" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "3.2.0" ,
				"below" : "3.9.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4941" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "3.0.0",
				"below" : "3.10.3",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4940" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "3.0.0" ,
				"below" : "3.9.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4939" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.8.0" ,
				"below" : "2.9.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2012-5883" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.5.0" ,
				"below" : "2.9.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2012-5882" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.4.0" ,
				"below" : "2.9.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2012-5881" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "2.9.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2010-4710" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.8.0" ,
				"below" : "2.8.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2010-4209" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.5.0" ,
				"below" : "2.8.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2010-4208" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.4.0" ,
				"below" : "2.8.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2010-4207" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "YUI.Version", "YAHOO.VERSION" ],
			"filename"		: [ "yui-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js"],
			"filecontent"	: [ "/*\nYUI (§§version§§)", "/yui/license.(?:html|txt)\nversion: (§§version§§)"],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"prototypejs" : {
		"bowername": [ "prototypejs", "prototype.js", "prototypejs-bower" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "1.6.0",
				"below" : "",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2008-7220" ] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ] },
				"below" : "",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2008-7220" ] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ] }
		"extractors" : {
			"func"    		: [ "Prototype.Version" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/prototype(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "prototype-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "Prototype JavaScript framework, version (§§version§§)",
								"Prototype[ ]?=[ ]?\\{[ \r\n\t]*Version:[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")" ],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"ember" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "1.8.0",
				"below" :"1.11.4",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2015-7565" ] },
				"info": [ "!topic/ember-security/OfyQkoSuppY" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.12.0",
				"below" :"1.12.2",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2015-7565" ] },
				"info": [ "!topic/ember-security/OfyQkoSuppY" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.13.0",
				"below" : "1.13.12",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2015-7565" ] },
				"info": [ "!topic/ember-security/OfyQkoSuppY" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.0.0",
				"below" : "2.0.3",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2015-7565" ] },
				"info": [ "!topic/ember-security/OfyQkoSuppY" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.1.0",
				"below" : "2.1.2",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2015-7565" ] },
				"info": [ "!topic/ember-security/OfyQkoSuppY" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "2.2.0",
				"below" : "2.2.1",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2015-7565" ] },
				"info": [ "!topic/ember-security/OfyQkoSuppY" ]
				"below" : "1.5.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2014-0046" ],
					"summary": "ember-routing-auto-location can be forced to redirect to another domain"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.3.0-*",
				"below" : "1.3.2",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2014-0046" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/1h6FRgr8lXQ" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.2.0-*",
				"below" : "1.2.2",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2014-0046" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/1h6FRgr8lXQ" ] },
				"atOrAbove" : "1.4.0-*",
				"below" : "1.4.0-beta.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2014-0013", "CVE-2014-0014"]},
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/2kpXXCxISS4", "!topic/ember-security/PSE4RzTi6l4" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.3.0-*",
				"below" : "1.3.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2014-0013", "CVE-2014-0014"]},
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/2kpXXCxISS4", "!topic/ember-security/PSE4RzTi6l4" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.2.0-*",
				"below" : "1.2.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2014-0013", "CVE-2014-0014"]},
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/2kpXXCxISS4", "!topic/ember-security/PSE4RzTi6l4" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.1.0-*",
				"below" : "1.1.3",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2014-0013", "CVE-2014-0014"]},
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/2kpXXCxISS4", "!topic/ember-security/PSE4RzTi6l4" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-*",
				"below" : "1.0.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2014-0013", "CVE-2014-0014"]},
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/2kpXXCxISS4", "!topic/ember-security/PSE4RzTi6l4" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-rc.1",
				"below" : "1.0.0-rc.1.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4170" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/dokLVwwxAdM" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-rc.2",
				"below" : "1.0.0-rc.2.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4170" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/dokLVwwxAdM" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-rc.3",
				"below" : "1.0.0-rc.3.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4170" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/dokLVwwxAdM" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-rc.4",
				"below" : "1.0.0-rc.4.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4170" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/dokLVwwxAdM" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-rc.5",
				"below" : "1.0.0-rc.5.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4170" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/dokLVwwxAdM" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0-rc.6",
				"below" : "1.0.0-rc.6.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-4170" ] },
				"info" : [ "!topic/ember-security/dokLVwwxAdM" ]
				"below" : "",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "0.9.7",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"bug": "699",
					"summary": "Bound attributes aren't escaped properly"
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "Ember.VERSION" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(?:v)?(§§version§§)/ember(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "ember-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"Project:   Ember -(?:.*\n){9,11}// Version: v(§§version§§)",
				"// Version: v(§§version§§)(.*\n){10,15}(Ember Debug|@module ember|@class ember)",
				"Ember.VERSION[ ]?=[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"dojo" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "0.4",
				"below" : "0.4.4",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2010-2276", "CVE-2010-2272"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0",
				"below" : "1.0.3",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2010-2276", "CVE-2010-2274", "CVE-2010-2273"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.1",
				"below" : "1.1.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2010-2276", "CVE-2010-2274", "CVE-2010-2273"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.2",
				"below" : "1.2.4",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2010-2276", "CVE-2010-2274", "CVE-2010-2273"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.3",
				"below" : "1.3.3",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2010-2276", "CVE-2010-2274", "CVE-2010-2273"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.4",
				"below" : "1.4.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": ["CVE-2010-2276", "CVE-2010-2274", "CVE-2010-2273"]},
				"info" : [ "", "", "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.4.2",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2010-2275" ] },
				"info" : [ ""]
				"below" : "1.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2008-6681" ] },
				"info" : [ ""]
				"below" : "1.10.10",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "PR" : "307" },
				"info" : [ "" , ""]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.11.0",
				"below" : "1.11.6",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "PR" : "307" },
				"info" : [ "" , ""]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.12.0",
				"below" : "1.12.4",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "PR" : "307" },
				"info" : [ "" , ""]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.13.0",
				"below" : "1.13.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "PR" : "307" },
				"info" : [ "" , ""]
        "below" : "1.14",
        "severity": "medium",
        "identifiers": { "CVE": ["CVE-2018-15494"] },
        "info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"				 : [ "dojo.version.toString()" ],
			"uri"				 : [ "/(?:dojo-)?(§§version§§)/dojo(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"			 : [ "dojo-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontentreplace" : [ "/dojo.version=\\{major:([0-9]+),minor:([0-9]+),patch:([0-9]+)/$1.$2.$3/"],
			"hashes"			 : {
				"73cdd262799aab850abbe694cd3bfb709ea23627" : "1.4.1",
				"c8c84eddc732c3cbf370764836a7712f3f873326" : "1.4.0",
				"d569ce9efb7edaedaec8ca9491aab0c656f7c8f0" : "1.0.0",
				"ad44e1770895b7fa84aff5a56a0f99b855a83769" : "1.3.2",
				"8fc10142a06966a8709cd9b8732f7b6db88d0c34" : "1.3.1",
				"a09b5851a0a3e9d81353745a4663741238ee1b84" : "1.3.0",
				"2ab48d45abe2f54cdda6ca32193b5ceb2b1bc25d" : "1.2.3",
				"12208a1e649402e362f528f6aae2c614fc697f8f" : "1.2.0",
				"72a6a9fbef9fa5a73cd47e49942199147f905206" : "1.1.1"

	"angularjs" : {
		"bowername": [ "angularjs", "angular.js" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.8.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "angular.js prior to 1.8.0 allows cross site scripting. The regex-based input HTML replacement may turn sanitized code into unsanitized one.",
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2020-7676" ] 
				"info" : [ "" ]	
				"below" : "1.7.9",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "Prototype pollution"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.5.0",
				"below" : "1.6.9",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "XSS through SVG if enableSvg is set"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.3.0",
				"below" : "1.5.0-rc2",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "The attribute usemap can be used as a security exploit"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "1.0.0",
				"below" : "1.2.30",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "The attribute usemap can be used as a security exploit"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "1.6.3",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "Universal CSP bypass via add-on in Firefox"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.6.3",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "DOS in $sanitize"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "1.6.5",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "XSS in $sanitize in Safari/Firefox"
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "angular.version.full" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/angular(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "angular(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*[ \n]+AngularJS v(§§version§§)",
			"hashes"		: {}
	"backbone.js" : {
		"bowername": [ "backbonejs", "backbone" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "0.5.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"release": "0.5.0",
					"summary": "cross-site scripting vulnerability"
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "Backbone.VERSION" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/backbone(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "backbone(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "//[ ]+Backbone.js (§§version§§)", "a=t.Backbone={}}a.VERSION=\"(§§version§§)\"" ],
			"hashes"		: {}
	"mustache.js" : {
		"bowername": [ "mustache.js", "mustache" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "0.3.1",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"bug": "112",
					"summary": "execution of arbitrary javascript"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "2.2.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"bug": "pull request 530",
					"summary": "weakness in HTML escaping"
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "Mustache.version" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/mustache(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "mustache(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "name:\"mustache.js\",version:\"(§§version§§)\"",
								"[^a-z]mustache.version[ ]?=[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")",
								"[ ]?=[ ]?\"mustache.js\";[\n ]*exports.version[ ]?=[ ]?(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\");"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"handlebars" : {
		"bowername": [ "handlebars", "handlebars.js" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.0.0.beta.3",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "poorly sanitized input passed to eval()"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.0.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "Quoteless attributes in templates can lead to XSS"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"below" : "4.0.13",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "A prototype pollution vulnerability in handlebars is exploitable if an attacker can control the template"
				"info" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"below" : "4.0.14",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "A prototype pollution vulnerability in handlebars is exploitable if an attacker can control the template"
				"info" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "4.1.0",
				"below" : "4.1.2",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "A prototype pollution vulnerability in handlebars is exploitable if an attacker can control the template"
				"info" : [
				"below" : "4.3.0",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "Disallow calling helperMissing and blockHelperMissing directly"
				"info" : [
				"below" : "4.5.3",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "Prototype pollution"
				"info" : [
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "Handlebars.VERSION" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/handlebars(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "handlebars(?:js)?-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"Handlebars.VERSION = \"(§§version§§)\";", "Handlebars=\\{VERSION:(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")",
				"this.Handlebars=\\{\\};[\n\r \t]+\\(function\\([a-z]\\)\\{[a-z].VERSION=(?:'|\")(§§version§§)(?:'|\")",
				"/\\*+![\\s]+(?:@license)?[\\s]+handlebars v(§§version§§)"
			"hashes"		: {}
	"easyXDM" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "2.4.18",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-5212" ] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "2.4.19",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2014-1403" ] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"uri"			: [ "/(?:easyXDM-)?(§§version§§)/easyXDM(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "easyXDM-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ " \\* easyXDM\n \\*\r|\n|.)+version:\"(§§version§§)\"",
								"@class easyXDM(?:.|\r|\n)+@version (§§version§§)(\r|\n)" ],
			"hashes"		: { "cf266e3bc2da372c4f0d6b2bd87bcbaa24d5a643" : "2.4.6"}

	"plupload" : {
		"bowername": [ "Plupload", "plupload" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.5.4",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2012-2401" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "1.5.5",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-0237" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "2.1.9",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {"CVE": [ "CVE-2016-4566" ] },
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "plupload.VERSION" ],
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/plupload(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "plupload-(§§version§§)(.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "\\* Plupload - multi-runtime File Uploader(?:\r|\n)+ \\* v(§§version§§)",
								"var g=\\{VERSION:\"(§§version§§)\",.*;window.plupload=g\\}"
			"hashes"		: {}

	"DOMPurify" : {
		"bowername": [ "dompurify", "DOMPurify" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "0.6.1",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "0.8.6",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { },
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "0.8.9",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": { "summary": "safari UXSS" },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "0.9.0",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": { "summary": "safari UXSS" },
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "DOMPurify.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"DOMPurify.version = '(§§version§§)';",
			"hashes"		: {}

	"react" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"atOrAbove" : "0.4.0", "below" : "0.4.2",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-7035" ] ,
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability can arise when using user data as a key"
				"info": [ "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "0.5.0", "below" : "0.5.2",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2013-7035" ],
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability can arise when using user data as a key"
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "0.14.0",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : { "summary":" including untrusted objects as React children can result in an XSS security vulnerability" },
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "16.0.0", "below" : "16.0.1",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2018-6341" ],
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "16.1.0", "below" : "16.1.2",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2018-6341" ],
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "16.2.0", "below" : "16.2.1",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2018-6341" ],
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "16.3.0", "below" : "16.3.3",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2018-6341" ],
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "16.4.0", "below" : "16.4.2",
				"severity" : "low",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE": [ "CVE-2018-6341" ],
					"summary":"potential XSS vulnerability when the attacker controls an attribute name"
				"info": [ "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func" : [
			"filecontent" : [
				"/\\*\\*\n +\\* React \\(with addons\\) ?v(§§version§§)",
				"/\\*\\*\n +\\* React v(§§version§§)",
				"\"\\./ReactReconciler\":[0-9]+,\"\\./Transaction\":[0-9]+,\"fbjs/lib/invariant\":[0-9]+\\}\\],[0-9]+:\\[function\\(require,module,exports\\)\\{\"use strict\";module\\.exports=\"(§§version§§)\"\\}",
				"ReactVersion\\.js[\\*! \\\\/\n\r]{0,100}function\\(e,t\\)\\{\"use strict\";e\\.exports=\"(§§version§§)\"",
				"expected a ReactNode.[\\s\\S]{0,1800}?function\\(e,t\\)\\{\"use strict\";e\\.exports=\"(§§version§§)\""

	"flowplayer" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "5.4.3",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "summary" : "XSS vulnerability in Flash fallback" },
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"uri"			    : [ "flowplayer-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "flowplayer-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ]

	"DWR" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "1.1.4",
				"severity": "high",
				"identifiers": { "CVE" : [ "CVE-2007-01-09" ] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"below" : "2.0.11",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "CVE" : ["CVE-2014-5326", "CVE-2014-5325"] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
				"above" : "3",
				"below" : "3.0.RC3",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": { "CVE" : ["CVE-2014-5326", "CVE-2014-5325"] },
				"info" : [ "", "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "dwr.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				" dwr-(§§version§§).jar"

	"moment.js" : {
		"bowername": [ "moment", "momentjs" ],
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "2.11.2",
				"severity": "low",
				"identifiers": { "summary":"reDOS - regular expression denial of service" },
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"func"			: [ "moment.version" ],
			"filecontent"	: [ "//! moment.js(?:[\n\r]+)//! version : (§§version§§)" ]

	"bootstrap": {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "4.3.1",
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "28236",
					"summary": "XSS in data-template, data-content and data-title properties of tooltip/popover",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2019-8331"]
				"severity" : "high",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "3.4.1",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "28236",
					"summary": "XSS in data-template, data-content and data-title properties of tooltip/popover",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2019-8331"]
				"severity" : "high",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.1.2",
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "20184",
					"summary": "XSS in data-target property of scrollspy",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2018-14041"]
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "3.4.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "20184",
					"summary": "XSS in data-target property of scrollspy",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2018-14041"]
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.1.2",
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "20184",
					"summary": "XSS in collapse data-parent attribute",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2018-14040"]
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "3.4.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "20184",
					"summary": "XSS in collapse data-parent attribute",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2018-14040"]
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.1.2",
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "20184",
					"summary": "XSS in data-container property of tooltip",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2018-14042"]
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "3.4.0",
				"identifiers": {
					"issue" : "20184",
					"summary": "XSS in data-container property of tooltip",
					"CVE" : ["CVE-2018-14042"]
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "2.1.0",
				"severity": "medium",
				"identifiers": {
					"summary": "cross-site scripting vulnerability"
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/bootstrap(\\.min)?\\.js", "/(§§version§§)/js/bootstrap(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "bootstrap-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
								"/\\*!? Bootstrap v(§§version§§)",
								"\\* Bootstrap v(§§version§§)",
								"/\\*! Bootstrap v(§§version§§)"
			"hashes"		: {}

	"ckeditor" : {
		"vulnerabilities": [
				"below" : "4.4.3",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.4.6",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.4.8",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.5.11",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info": [ "" ]
				"below" : "4.9.2",
				"atOrAbove" : "4.5.11",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS if the enhanced image plugin is installed"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info": [ "", "" ]
				"atOrAbove" : "4.0.0",
				"below" : "4.11.0",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS vulnerability in the HTML parser"
				"severity" : "medium",
				"info" : [
				"below" : "4.14.0",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "XSS"
				"severity" : "low",
				"info": [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"uri"			: [ "/(§§version§§)/ckeditor(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filename"		: [ "ckeditor-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
								"window.CKEDITOR=function\\(\\)\\{var [a-z]=\\{timestamp:\"[^\"]+\",version:\"(§§version§§)"
			"hashes"		: {},
			"func"			: [ "CKEDITOR.version" ]

	"vue" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below" : "2.5.17",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "potential xss in ssr when using v-bind"
				"info" : [ "" ]
				"below" : "2.4.3",
				"severity" : "medium",
				"identifiers" : {
					"summary" : "possible xss vector "
				"info" : [ "" ]
		"extractors" : {
			"uri"			: [
			"filename"		: [ "vue-(§§version§§)(\\.min)?\\.js" ],
			"filecontent"	: [
				"/\\*!\\n * Vue.js v(§§version§§)",
				"Vue.version = '(§§version§§)';",
				"'(§§version§§)'[^\\n]{0,8000}Vue compiler"
			"func"			: [ "Vue.version" ]

	"ExtJS" : {
		"vulnerabilities" : [
				"below"       : "6.6.0",
				"atOrAbove"   : "4.0.0",
				"severity"    : "high",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE"     : [
					"summary" : "XSS in Sencha Ext JS 4 to 6 via getTip() method of Action Columns"
				"info"        : [
				"below"       : "6.0.0",
				"severity"    : "high",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE"     : [
					"summary" : "Directory traversal and arbitrary file read"
				"info"        : [
				"below"       : "4.0.0",
				"atOrAbove"   : "3.0.0",
				"severity"    : "high",
				"identifiers" : {
					"CVE"     : [
					"summary" : "XSS vulnerability in ExtJS charts.swf"
				"info"        : [
		"extractors" : {
			"uri" : [
			"filename" : [
			"filecontent" : [
				"/*!\n * Ext JS Library (§§version§§)"
			"func"     : [
				"Ext && Ext.versions && Ext.versions.extjs.version",
				"Ext && Ext.version"

	"dont check" : {
		"extractors" : {
			"uri" : [


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