
APIENC.H文件   //

* Module Header
*  Identification:   APIENC.H - Library Record Definitions
*  Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Symbol Technologies, Inc.
* Edit History:      
*  $Log: APIENC.H $
*  Revision 1.3  1997/12/19 22:23:38  Anne
*  Added field  for disable Macro Character Substitution in app params 
*  data structure.
*  Revision 1.2  1997/11/26 01:09:16  Anne
*  Moved defines for style bare and style naked from micropdf.h into this 
*  file.  Added field for code128 emulation mode to AppParams data structure 
*  and changed return value for EncodeTC, EncodeNum and EncodeBin 
*  from Bool to unsigned int in order to return the number of bytes encoded.
*  Revision 1.1  1997/02/18 15:26:10  toml
*  Initial revision
*  Description:      Header file which contains structures and definitions
*                    which are internal to the API.
*                    NOTE: This header requires PDFAPI.H.
#ifndef  __APIENC_H_
#define  __APIENC_H_

   Output driver (formatting routines) operations
#define  DRIVER_ISTYPE           1     /* return installed driver id */
#define  DRIVER_QUERYLEN         2     /* get length of barcode image output */
#define  DRIVER_BUILDIMAGE       3     /* generate barcode image */
#define  DRIVER_QUERYDPI         4     /* current DPI setting for output */
#define  DRIVER_QUERYSCALE       5     /* current scale factor for output */
#define  DRIVER_VERIFYWPARAM     6     /* assert value of wParam with driver */
#define  DRIVER_VERIFYLPARAM     7     /* assert value of lParam with driver */

#define  DRIVERTYPE_NULL         0
#define  DRIVERTYPE_CODEWORDS    1     /* codeword output - each line is a PDF row */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_PATTERNS     2     /* bar/space patterns - each line is a PDF row */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_TIFF         3     /* Tagged Image File Format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_PCX          4     /* ZSoft Paintbrush format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_EPS          5     /* Encapsultaed PostScript format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_DIBMEM       6     /* Windows DIB - memory image format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_DIBFILE      7     /* Windows DIB - file format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_WMF          8     /* Windows MetaFile format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_PCL          9     /* HP Printer Command Language (HP Laser printer) */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_PS10xx      10     /* Symbol PS10xx family of printers */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_ZPL         11     /* Zebra graphic format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_ZSF         12     /* Zebra Soft-Font format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_EPSON9       13       /* Epson 9-pin format */
#define  DRIVERTYPE_EPSON24      14        /* Epson 24-pin format */

#ifndef NULL
#define  NULL  (void *)0

#define DriverQueryIOType( lpApp )                                \
            (*(lpApp)->lpfnFilter)( DRIVER_ISTYPE, NULL, NULL,    \
                  (lpApp)->lparam, (lpApp)->wparam )

#define DriverQueryLen( lpApp, lpnLen )                           \
            (*(lpApp)->lpfnFilter)( DRIVER_QUERYLEN,              \
               (LPPDFObject)(LPVOID)lpnLen,                       \
               (LPEncodeInfoRec)((lpApp)->if_buf),                \
               (lpApp)->lparam, (lpApp)->wparam )

#define DriverBuildImage( lpApp, lpObj )                          \
            (*(lpApp)->lpfnFilter)( DRIVER_BUILDIMAGE, lpObj,     \
                  (LPEncodeInfoRec)((lpApp)->if_buf),             \
                  (lpApp)->lparam, (lpApp)->wparam )

#define DriverQueryDPI( lpApp )                                   \
            (uint16)((*(lpApp)->lpfnFilter)( DRIVER_QUERYDPI, NULL, NULL,  \
                  (lpApp)->lparam, (lpApp)->wparam ))

#define DriverQueryScale( lpApp )                                 \
            (uint16)((*(lpApp)->lpfnFilter)( DRIVER_QUERYSCALE, NULL, NULL,\
                  (lpApp)->lparam, (lpApp)->wparam ))

#define DriverVerifyWParam( lpfnDriver, wParam )                  \
            ((*lpfnDriver)( DRIVER_VERIFYWPARAM, NULL, NULL, 0L, wParam ))

#define DriverVerifyLParam( lpfnDriver, lParam )                  \
            ((*lpfnDriver)( DRIVER_VERIFYLPARAM, NULL, NULL, lParam, 0 ))

#ifndef CWREC
#define CWREC
typedef struct s_cwrec {
   uint16 n;         /* number of codewords in data array */
   uint16 max_data;  /* maximum limit for 'n' -- leaves room in data[] */
   uint16 max_len;   /* maximum number that array can hold */
   CW data[1];       /* variable length data array */
} CWRec;
typedef CWRec FAR *LPCWRec;

   PDFEncode Intermediate Format output structure
typedef struct s_matrix {
   uint16 rows;       /* data codeword rows */
   uint16 cols;       /* data codewords columns (excluding row indicators) */
} MatrixDim;
typedef MatrixDim FAR *LPMatrixDim;

typedef struct s_encodeinforec {
   uint16 nrows;           /* rows of codewords in data[] */
   uint16 ncols;           /* columns of codewords in data[] -- includes */
                           /* row indicators in column count             */
   uint16 ecc_level;       /* ECC level assigned to barcode */
   uint16 symtype;         /* normal/truncated/naked symbol type */
   uint16 nMicroSize;      /* for MicroPDF -- micro size code */
   uint16 mpdf_cws;        /* number of Macro PDF record codewords */
   uint16 pad_cws;         /* number of pad (900) codewords */
   uint16 data_cws;        /* data codewords (including length codeword) */
   uint16 mod_height,      /* module aspect ratio */
   MatrixDim dmatrix;      /* barcode data matrix dimensions */
      maximum data elements for PDF is 90 x 10:
         90 LeftRowIdicator + 90 RightRowIndicator + 900 Data --> 1080
   CW data[ 1080 ];    /* maximum PDF w/o start/stop bars */
} EncodeInfoRec;
typedef EncodeInfoRec FAR *LPEncodeInfoRec;

   PDFAPI Application control block
typedef struct s_appparamsrec {
   uint16 rows, cols;      /* user imposed maximums for row and/or cols */
   uint16 dimtype;         /* row,col values are fixed or limits? */
   uint16 pdf_aspect;      /* asect ratio for barcode - in hundreths */
   uint16 module_height,   /* aspect ratio for PDF element */
   Bool fEccFixed;         /* TRUE: use fixed level, FALSE: use percentage */
   Bool fPadWithECC;       /* Pad symbol using ECC not 900's */
   uint16 nEccLevel;       /* fixed ECC level */
   uint16 nEccPercent;     /* ECC as a percentage of barcode content */
   uint16 symtype;         /* normal/truncated/naked symbol type */
   int16 c128Emulation;    /* Code-128 emulation mode - C1 linked or unlinked, C0, C2 */ 
   Bool fNoMacroCharSub;   /* Disable Macro Character Substitution Feature of MicroPDF */
   Bool fBinaryOnly;       /* encode in binary mode only */

   Bool fEncodeActive;     /* active encoding input stream (MPDF) */

   LPFNPDFFILTER lpfnFilter;/* barcode output filter */
   uint32 lparam;          /* pointer parameter for filter */
   uint16 wparam;          /* word parameter for filter */
   uint16 nMicroSize;      /* for MicroPDF -- micro size code */
   uint16 nMicroECC;       /* Fixed ECC based upon micro size */

   LPCWRec   lpCw;         /* active barcode data record */
   struct s_mpdfrec FAR *lpMpdf; /* macro PDF info and module access */
      Allocate room for a PDF codeword record which will contain the data
      for the active barcode. This will be overlaid by the PdfCw structure
   uchar cw_buf[ sizeof(CWRec) + (928 * sizeof(CW)) ];
   uchar if_buf[ sizeof(EncodeInfoRec) ];
} AppParamsRec;
typedef AppParamsRec FAR *LPAppParamsRec;
typedef const AppParamsRec FAR *LPCAppParamsRec;

* Encoder Library Global Declaration
extern const char g_acDigitsStr[ 17 ];

* TC Encoding sub-mode values -- passed between EncodeTC() routine
typedef uint8 TCSUBMODE;
#define TC_ALPHA 0
#define TC_LOWER 1
#define TC_MIXED 2
#define TC_PUNCT 3

uint16 EncodeTC( LPPDFObject lpObj, uint16 numbytes, LPCWRec lpCw, TCSUBMODE FAR *tcsubmode );

uint16 EncodeNUM( LPPDFObject lpObj, uint16 numbytes, LPCWRec lpCw );
uint16 EncodeBIN( LPPDFObject lpObj, uint16 numbytes, LPCWRec lpCw, Bool encodeGS );
PDFSTATUS bcstats( LPCWRec lpCW, LPEncodeInfoRec lpEnc, LPCAppParamsRec lpAppParam );
PDFSTATUS bcbuild( LPCWRec lpCw, LPEncodeInfoRec lpEnc, LPCAppParamsRec lpAppParam );
PDFSTATUS encode_data( LPPDFObject lpObj, LPCAppParamsRec lpAppParam, LPCWRec lpCw );
PDFSTATUS setup_cwrec( LPCAppParamsRec lpAppParam, LPCWRec lpCw );
uint16 CalcPDFBitwidth( uint16 fSymbolType, uint16 cols );

#define  STYLE_NAKED         2   /* Carry-overs from older versions */
#define  STYLE_BARE          3



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* Module Header
*  Identification:   machine.h - Size Specific Type Definitions
*  Copyright (c) 1993-1997 Symbol Technologies, Inc.
* Edit History:      
*  $Log: MACHINE.H $
*  Revision 1.4  1997/11/26 22:37:00  Anne
*  Added defines for no MicroPDF and no Code 128 Emulation
*  Revision 1.3  1997/04/07 13:16:06  toml
*  Fixed error in PDFCALLBACK define for Windows, was not using
*  _export directive to setup DS correctly
*  Changed Bool def to int to be compatible for 16/32 bit env's
*  Revision 1.2  1997/04/01 07:30:00  toml
*  Update timestamps to reflect encoder version 2.30
*  Revision 1.1  1997/01/22 21:37:12  toml
*  Initial revision
*  Description:       Defines basic data types based on target machine.
#ifndef  __MACHINE_H__
#define  __MACHINE_H__

#ifndef _MSDOS
#define _MSDOS

#define  PDF_NOFILEIO       /* Excluded file input/output methods */
#define  PDF_NOBARPATTERN   /* Excluded Bar Pattern Output */
#define  PDF_NOMACROPDF     /* Exclude macro PDF files */
#define  NO_C128EMULATION   /* Exclude the Code128 Emulation feature of MicroPDF */
* Source Code Library Only
*  To restrict the modules are included in the library build, place one
*  or more of the following preprocessor directives in this file
*#define NO_MICROPDF         Exclude MicroPDF Symbology

#ifdef NO_MICROPDF        /* code 128 emulation must be excluded if MicroPDF is excluded */
#define NO_C128EMULATION

* Define system and library type codes
#define  PDF_E_WIN16    1
#define  PDF_E_WIN32    2
#define  PDF_E_DOS      4
#define  PDF_E_FLAT     8
#define  PDF_E_UNDEF    0

#define  PDF_L_DYNAMIC  1
#define  PDF_L_STATIC   2
#define  PDF_L_UNDEF    0

#define  PDF_E_WINMASK  3

/* 98.04.14 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32)                                */
/* 98.04.14 #define  WIN32_EXTRA_LEAN                                        */
/* 98.04.14 #define  WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN                                    */
/* 98.04.14 #include "windows.h"                                        */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 * We consider any build for a 32 bit system similar to a static libary                */
/* 98.04.14 * build. This differs from a 16 bit DLL enviroment since we had to concern                */
/* 98.04.14 * ourselves with a single, shared data segment among all processes attached                */
/* 98.04.14 * to the DLL                                            */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #  define   ENVTYPE        PDF_E_WIN32                                */
/* 98.04.14 #  define   LIBTYPE        PDF_L_STATIC                                */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #  ifndef PDFAPI                                            */
/* 98.04.14 #     define PDFAPI        __stdcall                                */
/* 98.04.14 #  endif                                                */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #  define   PDFCALLBACK    __stdcall                                */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #elif defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_Windows)                            */
/* 98.04.14 #  include <windows.h>                                        */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #  define   ENVTYPE        PDF_E_WIN16                                */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #  ifndef PDFAPI                                            */
/* 98.04.14 #     define PDFAPI        _far _pascal                                */
/* 98.04.14 #  endif                                                */
/* 98.04.14 #  define PDFCALLBACK   _far _pascal _export                            */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #elif defined(_MSDOS)                                        */

# if defined (_TLCS_)
#  define   ENVTYPE        PDF_E_DOS
#  define   LIBTYPE        PDF_L_STATIC

#  define PDFAPI        
#  define PDFCALLBACK   
#  define FAR           
# else
#  define   ENVTYPE        PDF_E_DOS
#  define   LIBTYPE        PDF_L_STATIC

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/* #  define PDFAPI        _far _pascal                                        */
/* #  define PDFCALLBACK   _far _pascal                                        */
/* #  define FAR           _far                                            */

#  define PDFAPI        
#  define PDFCALLBACK   
#  define FAR           
/****************************************        B-N(仾)            *********************************/
# endif
/* 98.04.14 #elif defined(_FLAT)                                        */
/* 98.04.14 #  define   ENVTYPE        PDF_E_FLAT                                */
/* 98.04.14 #  define   LIBTYPE        PDF_L_STATIC                                */
/* 98.04.14                                                     */
/* 98.04.14 #  define PDFAPI                                             */
/* 98.04.14 #  define PDFCALLBACK                                        */
/* 98.04.14 #  define FAR                                            */

/* 98.04.14 #else                                                */
/* 98.04.14 #  error Unspecified library type (DOS/Windows)                            */
/* 98.04.14 #endif                                                */

* The following definitions are applicable to the source code version of
* the PDF Encoder library. Changing their values will have no effect on
* the DOS library or Windows DLL versions of the encoder.

* Newline terminated output (bar/space patterns or codeword) must know
* whether to expand newline characters to CR/LF. This only applies to
* DOS machines.
* This only applies to the output_dump() output filter.

* Some output filters need to know the byte ordering: big or little endian.
* By setting the INTEL_BYTE_ORDER variable you are specifying a byte order
* for a word of: LSB,MSB -- Intel 80x86 style ordering.

* To enable the use of _huge pointers (DOS based machines whose pointers
* can address more than 64K) set the following preprocessor variable.
#ifndef _TLCS_
#   define HUGE_PTRS
#   undef HUGE_PTRS
#   undef HUGE_PTRS

typedef unsigned char   uint8;
typedef unsigned short  uint16;
typedef unsigned long   uint32;
typedef signed char     int8;
typedef short           int16;
typedef long            int32;
typedef unsigned char   uchar;
typedef int16           Bool;



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* Module Header
*  Identification:   MEMFUNC.H - Memory/String Functions
*  Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Symbol Technologies, Inc.
* Edit History:      
*  $Log: MEMFUNC.H $
*  Revision 1.1  1997/01/20 15:15:04  toml
*  Initial revision
*  Description:      Memory/String functions defined through macros. These
*                    provide memory model independence from segmented
*                    memory model architectures by allowing a choice to
*                    substitute memory independent versions. For example:
*                       memcpy()    - Memory model dependent
*                       _fmemcpy()  - Model independent (Microsoft/Borland)
#ifndef  __MEMFUNC_H__
#define  __MEMFUNC_H__

* Note: lint -esym(534,...) turns off the "ignoring return value of
*       function" warning.

#  include <string.h>

/*lint -esym(534,strcpy,strcat,strchr,memset,memcpy) */

#  define  STRLEN( s )                (unsigned)strlen( s )
#  define  STRCPY( dst, src )         strcpy( dst, src )
#  define  STRCHR( str, chr )         strchr( str, chr )
#  define  STRCAT( str1, str2 )       strcat( str1, str2 )
#  define  MEMSET( src, data, len )   memset( src, data, len )
#  define  MEMCPY( dst, src, len )    memcpy( dst, src, len )

#elif (ENVTYPE == PDF_E_WIN16 )

#  include <string.h>

/*lint -esym(534,lstrcpy,lstrcat,_fstrchr,_fmemset,_fmemcpy) */

#  define  STRLEN( s )                (unsigned)lstrlen( (LPCSTR)(s) )
#  define  STRCPY( dst, src )         lstrcpy( (LPSTR)(dst), (LPCSTR)(src) )
#  define  STRCAT( str1, str2 )       lstrcat( (LPSTR)(str1), (LPCSTR)(str2) )
#  define  STRCHR( str, chr )         _fstrchr( (LPCSTR)(str), (int)(chr) )
#  define  MEMSET( src, data, len )   _fmemset( src, (int)(data), (size_t)(len) )
#  define  MEMCPY( dst, src, len )    _fmemcpy( dst, src, (size_t)(len) )

#elif (ENVTYPE == PDF_E_DOS)

#  include <string.h>

#ifdef _TLCS_

#  define  STRLEN( s )                (unsigned)strlen( s )
#  define  STRCAT( str1, str2 )       strcat( str1, str2 )
#  define  STRCPY( dst, src )         strcpy( dst, src )
#  define  STRCHR( str, chr )         strchr( str, chr )
#  define  MEMSET( src, data, len )   memset( src, (int)data, (size_t)len )
#  define  MEMCPY( dst, src, len )    memcpy( dst, src, (size_t)len )


/*lint -esym(534,_fstrcpy,_fstrcat,_fstrchr,_fmemset,_fmemcpy) */

/****************************************        B-N(伀)            *********************************/
/* #  define  STRLEN( s )                (unsigned)_fstrlen( s )                        */
/* #  define  STRCAT( str1, str2 )       _fstrcat( str1, str2 )                            */
/* #  define  STRCPY( dst, src )         _fstrcpy( dst, src )                            */
/* #  define  STRCHR( str, chr )         _fstrchr( str, chr )                            */
/* #  define  MEMSET( src, data, len )   _fmemset( src, (int)data, (size_t)len )                */
/* #  define  MEMCPY( dst, src, len )    _fmemcpy( dst, src, (size_t)len )                    */

#  define  STRLEN( s )                (unsigned)strlen( s )
#  define  STRCAT( str1, str2 )       strcat( str1, str2 )
#  define  STRCPY( dst, src )         strcpy( dst, src )
#  define  STRCHR( str, chr )         strchr( str, chr )
#  define  MEMSET( src, data, len )   memset( src, (int)data, (size_t)len )
#  define  MEMCPY( dst, src, len )    memcpy( dst, src, (size_t)len )

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   Undefined operating system for memory/string function: MEMFUNC.H

#endif /* __MEMFUNC_H__ */


* Module Header
*  Identification:   SESSION.H - Session Specific Allocations Header
*  Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Symbol Technologies, Inc.
* Edit History:      
*  $Log: SESSION.H $
*  Revision 1.1  1997/01/20 17:10:18  toml
*  Initial revision
*  Description:      
*  Notes:            Header requires PDFAPI.H and APIENC.H
#ifndef  __SESSION_H__
#define  __SESSION_H__

* Static library can only handle one encode session, therefore we share a common
* set of buffers for encode settings (recAppParams) and scratch buffer
#define  SESS_SCRATCHBUFSIZE     2048

extern char g_abSessionScratch[ SESS_SCRATCHBUFSIZE ];
extern AppParamsRec g_recAppParams;

#define  GetSessionSettings()       ((LPAppParamsRec)&g_recAppParams)
#define  GetSessionPDFObjBuf()      ((LPVOID)abObjBuf)
#define  GetSessionMPDFBuf()        ((LPVOID)abMPDFBuf)
#define  ReleaseSessionMPDFBuf()
#define  GetTempBuf( n )            ((LPVOID)g_abSessionScratch)
#define  ReleaseTempBuf( lp )
#define  GetTempBitRunRec()         ((LPVOID)abBitRunRec)
#define  ReleaseTempBitRunRec( lp )



#define  GetTempBuf( nBytes )          NewScratchBuf( nBytes )
#define  ReleaseTempBuf( lp )          ReleaseScratchBuf( lp )
#define  GetTempBitRunRec()            NewScratchBuf( sizeof(BitRunRec) )
#define  ReleaseTempBitRunRec( lp )    ReleaseScratchBuf( lp )

LPAppParamsRec GetSessionSettings( void );
LPVOID GetSessionPDFObjBuf( void );
LPVOID GetSessionMPDFBuf( void );
void ReleaseSessionMPDFBuf( void );
LPVOID NewScratchBuf( uint16 nBytes );
void ReleaseScratchBuf( LPVOID lpBuf );


#endif /* __SESSION_H__ */


* Module Header
*  Identification:   TCMAP.H - TC Mode Set Testing Macro
*  Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Symbol Technologies, Inc.
* Edit History:      
*  $Log: TCMAP.H $
*  Revision 1.1  1997/01/20 17:10:44  toml
*  Initial revision
*  Description:       
#ifndef  __TCMAP_H__
#define  __TCMAP_H__

* Flags which characters are members of the TC/NUM mode
#define  _PDFNUM      0x10
#define  _PDFALPHA    0x01
#define  _PDFLOWER    0x02
#define  _PDFMIXED    0x04
#define  _PDFPUNCT    0x08

extern const uchar g_pdftcset[ 256 ];

#define  isNUM(ch)        ( g_pdftcset[ (uchar)ch ] & _PDFNUM )
#define  isTC(ch)         ( g_pdftcset[ (uchar)ch ] & (_PDFALPHA|_PDFLOWER|_PDFMIXED|_PDFPUNCT) )
#define  isTcAlpha(ch)    ( g_pdftcset[ (uchar)ch ] & _PDFALPHA )
#define  isTcLower(ch)    ( g_pdftcset[ (uchar)ch ] & _PDFLOWER )
#define  isTcMixed(ch)    ( g_pdftcset[ (uchar)ch ] & _PDFMIXED )
#define  isTcPunct(ch)    ( g_pdftcset[ (uchar)ch ] & _PDFPUNCT )

#endif /* __TCMAP_H__ */

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