
well,i have to think about which thing i should do first.i have to finish two compositions,i have to finish many verbal articles,well i think maybe it is not accurate to say verbal articles,it is like a small speech,so maybe i can call it little speech.and i have to finish the homework of my Philippine English speaking teacher. actually it is also about speech,but i have to write it down.so i have to finish three things.which one should be the first.

well,let us do the easiest one.i have to say the English language is so silly, if we want to say some words which means the most,we should use that kind of est words,like best,easiest,happiest and so on. it is so silly,why don’t just use the most.they just make this kind of special pattern of  some easy words,but when we are going to use some difficult words,we should use the most,like the most important,the most difficult.you know sometimes when i am writing the articles i mean this kind of English practices,i do not use that f word.you know what i mean,i do not use that f word.i don’t know why,maybe i don’t want others to see this word,but actually nobody will see these articles.and i even don’t know if it is correct to use the word ,article

article,essay,paragraph, what is the difference. it is too difficult,it is too complicated.

and what is the difference between complicated and complex,i have to search some information again.f word.

well, i know it now.the complicated means the system have many steps,but actually it is easy,for example,it is easy for us to do the addition in ten,but if we have to do it for one hundred time,it is too complicated.so maybe it means tiresome.

but the complex means the problem is not easy to deal with.

f word,i just found some people have different explanations.anyway,we just use the complex and complicated.i think it is quite similar,maybe some English speakers also cannot differentiate these words.

anyway, which thing is the easiest or simplest.i think it might be the homework of speech.i mean that foreign lesson,i don’t want to type that country’s name.it is so complex.

well,i am going to open the file of homework.let me check the topic.well it is about daily routine and lifestyle,i even don’t know what does daily routine mean. i think maybe it means something you usually do in your daily life.it should be.it is obvious.well,i have checked it ,it is similar to my imagination. daily routine means daily life and day work.

well,now i have to talk about my daily routine and lifestyle.you know these days i mean recently i just stay at home and preparing for the exam.i study everyday just like nerd,i never go outside,i never do any sports.i know it is not good for my health.but i just have to prepare for the exam.i hope i can pass it by doing it only one time.i almost forgot to sign up on my apps.i have to sign up on three apps.that the thing i do everyday.i have done it for about three months.so i hope i can stick to it.it is not so interesting,i just want keep the number of signing up.i usually do something because of this reason.for example,i don’t want to cut my hairs,because i think i have spent much time on this,so i have to stick on it.maybe it is stupid.

well i just found i have nothing to say about this topic.f word,you know ,most topics of this exam are so abnormal and uncommon.i mean nobody will talk about these kinds of topics in daily life.for example,people will not talk about how do you think about global warming, how do you think about your hometown, what the fuck, who will talk about these fucking topics.well,it is my first time to use fuck.finally i use it. but i must not use it.because if i use it too often, i am likely to say this word in the exam. it is quite likely to happen.i should not say this word anymore.

well,let’s continue to talk about daily routine.

well,today i get up not too late,about 9 o’clock,so i have to be hardworking today i mean i have to study hard today.so let’s begin.and i will have a lesson later.so in this hour,i must study hard too.and let’s continue to talk about daily routine.

well.i think maybe they will ask some questions like what do you usually do at home or something like that.and maybe the part 2 will be,well it is so difficult to guess.i will do the speech.no i will do the making sentences. it may help me to prepare for the speaking speech.

a night owl

a night owl means a person who usually stay up late.i think maybe i am a night owl,but not very much. i usually go to sleep at twelve.so it is not too late.i think there are many people who go to sleep maybe after one am. well actually sometimes i stay up to one but i try not to stay up too late.because it is not healthy.well recently i get up about 9,so i have 8 or 9 hours to sleep.i think that is enough.generally a person needs 8 to 10 hours of sleep.so i think my sleeping time is enough. well let’s think about what questions would be ask in the part 2.well,forget it.i will make sentences.

an early bird.well,actually these words are so boring,i am not an early bird,i get up late,i mean i don’t get up too early like 6 or 7 o’clock.not that kind of early.well we get three ways to describe tired,i mean when we are very tired we can say,i feel shattered,i feel exhausted,i feel drained.the shattered means break,so it is like the fatigue has broken one’s body,so it means very tired.and exhausted means consume or expend,so it is like the fatigue has consumed all the energy or the fatigue has expended all the energy,so that means very tired.well,similarly, the drained means all the energy has flowed away.so it also means very tired.

now it is hectic,it means busy,so maybe we can say i was so hectic today or today is s hectic.now we get several ways to say hurry,like to be in a hurry and to be in a rush.so we can say we write these words down in a hurry,so it is like we write these words down quickly.and we cay say we go downstairs in a rush,or we go upstairs in a rush.that means very quick.very fast.

pocket money,i have to check this word means some coins and some small money or it means the money that parents give to children.i think it will be the first one.unbelievable, it is the second meaning.so it is like some money for children.and children can use these pocket money to buy something they like.and some children save their pocket money to do something they want.it is interesting.so this time i remember the pocket money is for children.

monthly allowance,i think this kind of allowance is for old people,so maybe it is similar to pension.well,let me check.well,i have searched it.it is not pension,it just means allowance,so some employees can get monthly allowance,some workers can get monthly allowance,and even some students or some old people also can get monthly allowance,so it is not pension,it is just allowance,a kind of money about subsidy, about allowance, about assistance.

a budget,this is a plan of how can use money,so a person can have a budget, a company can have a budget and a government can have a budget.

compare prices,it is easy,when we but somethings,we should compare prices,but firstly we should considerate the quality.nowadays there are many products have a low quality,so we should pay more attention to the quality.

to work out,this word group involve a meaning exercise,but i think we usually use it as a meaning like deal with,so we can say let’s work out this problem.

disposable income,it is a useful word,disposable income means after we pay some bills ,pay our rent, pay insurance bills and so on,we get some money that we can use it to do what we want.so they are real money that we can use.

dirt cheap,dirt is a noun,so i don’t know why we can say dirt cheap,i think it is a set phrase,so it is like a idiom in china.it means very cheap.so maybe we can say my new clothes is dirt cheap.

to borrow, well actually there is nothing to say about borrow,it is just borrow,so maybe we can say can i borrow you book for a while.







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