#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
template<typename T>
struct Complex
Complex() { }
explicit // 告诉编译器这个constuctor需要明确调用, 不要给我自动隐式转换
Complex(const T r, const T i=0)
: re(r), im(i) { }
Complex operator+ (const Complex<T>& c)
return Complex<T>(re + c.re, im + c.im);
void show() const
{ std::cout << "(" << re << ", " << im << ")" << std::endl; }
T re;
T im;
template<typename T>
struct P
P(int a, int b) { cout << "P(int a, int b)" << endl; } // (1)
P(initializer_list<int>) { cout << "P(initailizer_list<int>)" << endl; } // (2)
P(int a, int b, int c) { cout << "P(int a, int b, int c)" << endl; } // (3)
int main()
Complex<int> c1(1,0); c1.show();
Complex<int> c2(2,0); c2.show();
cout << endl;
Complex<int> c3 = c1 + c2;
// 旧版版本 non explicit---one argument 的 constuctor才可以做隐式转换
// c1+2, c1是Complex类型,+的右边也是Complex类型,但这里不是,编译器把2自动转换成2 0i, 如果explcit,不会隐式转换
Complex<int> c4;
// 加了explicit, 2 不会被隐式转换成Complex类型
// c4 = c1 + 2; // error: no match for ‘operator+’ (operand types are ‘Complex<int>’ and ‘int’)
// 加了explicit, 在构造c5时,12不会被隐式转换, 不加就被隐式转换
// Complex<int> c5 = 12; // error: conversion from ‘int’ to non-scalar type ‘Complex<int>’ requested
cout << endl;
P<int> p1(77, 5);
P<int> p1(77, 5);
P<int> p2{77, 55};
P<int> p6 = {77, 55};
P<int> p3{77, 5, 42};
P<int> p4(77, 5, 42);
P<int> p5 = {77, 5, 42};
// output:
// (1, 0)
// (2, 0)
// (3, 0)
// (2, 0)
// P(int a, int b)
// P(initailizer_list<int>)
// P(initailizer_list<int>)
// P(initailizer_list<int>)
// P(int a, int b, int c)
// P(initailizer_list<int>)
return 0;
C++ new features 标准库 和 语言 -- explicit
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