MLS 和 TLS 的区别

文章来源于 TopoDOT 官网:The Differences between Mobile Laser Scanning and Terrestrial Laser Scanning

The Differences between Mobile Laser Scanning and Terrestrial Laser Scanning

With point cloud technology, geospatial data collection and analytics growing popular day by day, it has become essential for individuals and businesses to learn more about mobile laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning. Increasingly, they are doing exactly that, with many organisations starting to develop processes based on these two technologies for capturing accurate geospatial data. Over time, this trend will only continue.

Mobile laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning play a critical role in acquiring data about any specific object placed on the earth’s surface, however, to make them work for your organisation effectively, it’s important that you know exactly what they stand for and how they’re different from each other. In this blog post, we look at the crucial differences between mobile laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning.

What Is Mobile Laser Scanning?

Mobile Laser Scanning, or MLS, is an emerging data point collecting method that’s used for surveying numerous infrastructure corridors, such as railways and roads. Usually, the traditional rail and road surveying process takes a lot of time, interrupts the day-to-day traffic activities, and requires many on-site workers. The mobile laser scanning process can reduce this time duration and operational budget by a significant margin and produce 100% accurate results without any hassle.

In this method, the geospatial data about any object is collected with the help of a laser placed on a mobile vehicle, which is equipped with cameras, LiDAR and other remote sensors. This mobile vehicle can be a train, car, truck or any crewless aerial vehicle.

Mobile laser scanning comes in handy in emergency response situations to analyse ground conditions quickly, as well for mapping projects like Street View and Google Maps.

What Is Terrestrial Laser Scanning?

Terrestrial laser scanning is a surface-based active imaging method that acquires precise 3D point clouds of any object using laser range finding. Today, the applications of terrestrial laser scanning are on the rise, including its usage in the documentation of industrial plants, road networks, recording of cultural heritage sites and analysis of tree defoliation.

With this method, the terrestrial laser or contact-free measuring device is deployed on rail cars or road vehicles for collecting data points, which are given X, Y, Z coordinates for hassle-free data analysis.

Mobile Laser Scanning versus Terrestrial Laser Scanning

Both MLS and TLS seem similar at first, but as you learn more about them, you can easily identify the key differences. These include:

  • MLS is always moving, while TLS is static in nature. This makes TLS comparatively easier to position than MLS.
  • Mobile laser scanning shows a lower point density compared to terrestrial laser scanning when acquiring positioning data of any object on the earth’s surface. TLS is also more uniform than MLS.
  • Mobile laser scanning systems can typically produce high-quality point clouds at comparatively lower densities than TLS systems.
  • The TLS system cannot scan some objects or areas due to its limited accessibility. The MLS system can prove to be a great asset in such areas and provide you with more accurate results.

As we can see, mobile laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning have significant differences in application, but they both play a crucial role in capturing accurate geospatial positioning and imaging data from the earth’s surface. It’s vital to know these differences so that you can use either MLS or TLS according to your organisation’s needs.

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TLSTerrestrial Laser Scanning)和MLS(Mobile Laser Scanning)是两种常用的激光扫描技术,可以获取三维点云数据。个体树木的分割是激光扫描数据处理中的一个重要任务,其目的是将点云数据中的个体树木从环境中分离出来。 个体树木的分割通常包括以下步骤: 1. 数据预处理:首先需要对激光扫描数据进行预处理,包括滤波、去噪等。这样可以提高后续处理的效果。 2. 地面提取:在分割个体树木之前,需要先将地面点从点云数据中分离出来。可以使用地面滤波算法,如基于地面模型的分隔方法,以获得地面点云。 3. 生长区域划分:利用区域生长算法,根据点云数据的属性特征,将相邻的点分为不同的区域。根据树木的形状和密度,可以预先设置一些生长的阈值,加快算法的速度。 4. 特征提取:对每个划分的区域提取特征,例如高度、密度、形状等。这些特征可以用来判断该区域是否为树木。 5. 树木识别:根据特征提取的结果,使用分类算法或规则进行树木的识别。可以使用机器学习算法,如支持向量机(SVM),随机森林等。 6. 点云分割:根据树木的识别结果,将属于个体树木的点从整个点云数据中分割出来。可以利用点云的拓扑结构和相邻点的关系进行分割。 以上是从TLSMLS数据中进行个体树木分割的一般步骤。这个过程需要结合点云数据的特点和实际应用需求进行调整。目前,针对个体树木分割的算法和方法已经有很多研究,并且不断在优化和改进中。该技术在林业、城市规划等领域具有很高的应用潜力。


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