让你的Textview 跳跃起来


在你的build.gradle 引入

compile 'com.android.support:support-annotations:23.1.1





1.让 Jumping 跳跃起来

    protected void onResume() {

        // those instead)
        final TextView textView1 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.jumping_text_1);
        jumpingBeans1 = JumpingBeans.with(textView1)


    protected void onPause() {


final TextView textView2 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.jumping_text_2);
        jumpingBeans2 = JumpingBeans.with(textView2)
                .makeTextJump(0, textView2.getText().toString().indexOf(' '))


public final class JumpingBeans {

    private static final String ELLIPSIS_GLYPH = "…";
    private static final String THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS = "...";
    private static final int THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS_LENGTH = 3;

    private final JumpingBeansSpan[] jumpingBeans;
    private final WeakReference<TextView> textView;

    private JumpingBeans(JumpingBeansSpan[] beans, TextView textView) {
        this.jumpingBeans = beans;
        this.textView = new WeakReference<>(textView);

     * Create an instance of the {@link net.frakbot.jumpingbeans.JumpingBeans.Builder}
     * applied to the provided {@code TextView}.
     * @param textView The TextView to apply the JumpingBeans to
     * @return the {@link net.frakbot.jumpingbeans.JumpingBeans.Builder}
    public static Builder with(@NonNull TextView textView) {
        return new Builder(textView);

     * Stops the jumping animation and frees up the animations.
    public void stopJumping() {
        for (JumpingBeansSpan bean : jumpingBeans) {
            if (bean != null) {


    private static void cleanupSpansFrom(TextView textView) {
        if (textView == null) {

        CharSequence text = textView.getText();
        if (text instanceof Spanned) {
            CharSequence cleanText = removeJumpingBeansSpansFrom((Spanned) text);

    private static CharSequence removeJumpingBeansSpansFrom(Spanned text) {
        SpannableStringBuilder sbb = new SpannableStringBuilder(text.toString());
        Object[] spans = text.getSpans(0, text.length(), Object.class);
        for (Object span : spans) {
            if (!(span instanceof JumpingBeansSpan)) {
                sbb.setSpan(span, text.getSpanStart(span), text.getSpanEnd(span), text.getSpanFlags(span));
        return sbb;

     * Builder class for {@link net.frakbot.jumpingbeans.JumpingBeans} objects.
     * <p/>
     * Provides a way to set the fields of a {@link JumpingBeans} and generate
     * the desired jumping beans effect. With this builder you can easily append
     * a Hangouts-style trio of jumping suspension points to any TextView, or
     * apply the effect to any other subset of a TextView's text.
     * <p/>
     * <p>Example:
     * <p/>
     * <pre class="prettyprint">
     * JumpingBeans jumpingBeans = JumpingBeans.with(myTextView)
     *   .appendJumpingDots()
     *   .setLoopDuration(1500)
     *   .build();
     * </pre>
     * @see JumpingBeans#with(TextView)
    public static class Builder {

        private static final float DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DUTY_CYCLE = 0.65f;
        private static final int DEFAULT_LOOP_DURATION = 1300;   // ms
        private static final int DEFAULT_WAVE_CHAR_DELAY = -1;

        private final TextView textView;

        private int startPos;
        private int endPos;

        private float animRange = DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DUTY_CYCLE;
        private int loopDuration = DEFAULT_LOOP_DURATION;
        private int waveCharDelay = DEFAULT_WAVE_CHAR_DELAY;
        private CharSequence text;
        private boolean wave;

        Builder(TextView textView) {
            this.textView = textView;

         * Appends three jumping dots to the end of a TextView text.
         * <p/>
         * This implies that the animation will by default be a wave.
         * <p/>
         * If the TextView has no text, the resulting TextView text will
         * consist of the three dots only.
         * <p/>
         * The TextView text is cached to the current value at
         * this time and set again in the {@link #build()} method, so any
         * change to the TextView text done in the meantime will be lost.
         * This means that <b>you should do all changes to the TextView text
         * <i>before</i> you begin using this builder.</b>
         * <p/>
         * Call the {@link #build()} method once you're done to get the
         * resulting {@link net.frakbot.jumpingbeans.JumpingBeans}.
         * @see #setIsWave(boolean)
        public Builder appendJumpingDots() {
            CharSequence text = appendThreeDotsEllipsisTo(textView);

            this.text = text;
            this.wave = true;
            this.startPos = text.length() - THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS_LENGTH;
            this.endPos = text.length();

            return this;

        private static CharSequence appendThreeDotsEllipsisTo(TextView textView) {
            CharSequence text = getTextSafe(textView);
            if (text.length() > 0 && endsWithEllipsisGlyph(text)) {
                text = text.subSequence(0, text.length() - 1);

            if (!endsWithThreeEllipsisDots(text)) {
                text = new SpannableStringBuilder(text).append(THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS);  // Preserve spans in original text
            return text;

        private static CharSequence getTextSafe(TextView textView) {
            return !TextUtils.isEmpty(textView.getText()) ? textView.getText() : "";

        private static boolean endsWithEllipsisGlyph(CharSequence text) {
            CharSequence lastChar = text.subSequence(text.length() - 1, text.length());
            return ELLIPSIS_GLYPH.equals(lastChar);

        @SuppressWarnings("SimplifiableIfStatement")                 // For readability
        private static boolean endsWithThreeEllipsisDots(CharSequence text) {
            if (text.length() < THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS_LENGTH) {
                // TODO we should try to normalize "invalid" ellipsis (e.g., ".." or "....")
                return false;
            CharSequence lastThreeChars = text.subSequence(text.length() - THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS_LENGTH, text.length());
            return THREE_DOTS_ELLIPSIS.equals(lastThreeChars);

         * Appends three jumping dots to the end of a TextView text.
         * <p/>
         * This implies that the animation will by default be a wave.
         * <p/>
         * If the TextView has no text, the resulting TextView text will
         * consist of the three dots only.
         * <p/>
         * The TextView text is cached to the current value at
         * this time and set again in the {@link #build()} method, so any
         * change to the TextView text done in the meantime will be lost.
         * This means that <b>you should do all changes to the TextView text
         * <i>before</i> you begin using this builder.</b>
         * <p/>
         * Call the {@link #build()} method once you're done to get the
         * resulting {@link net.frakbot.jumpingbeans.JumpingBeans}.
         * @param startPos The position of the first character to animate
         * @param endPos   The position after the one the animated range ends at
         *                 (just like in {@link String#substring(int)})
         * @see #setIsWave(boolean)
        public Builder makeTextJump(@IntRange(from = 0) int startPos, @IntRange(from = 0) int endPos) {
            CharSequence text = textView.getText();
            ensureTextCanJump(startPos, endPos, text);

            this.text = text;
            this.wave = true;
            this.startPos = startPos;
            this.endPos = endPos;

            return this;

        private static CharSequence ensureTextCanJump(int startPos, int endPos, CharSequence text) {
            if (text == null) {
                throw new NullPointerException("The textView text must not be null");

            if (endPos < startPos) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The start position must be smaller than the end position");

            if (startPos < 0) {
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The start position must be non-negative");

            if (endPos > text.length()) {
                throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The end position must be smaller than the text length");
            return text;

         * Sets the fraction of the animation loop time spent actually animating.
         * The rest of the time will be spent "resting".
         * @param animatedRange The fraction of the animation loop time spent
         *                      actually animating the characters
        public Builder setAnimatedDutyCycle(@FloatRange(from = 0f, to = 1f, fromInclusive = false) float animatedRange) {
            if (animatedRange <= 0f || animatedRange > 1f) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The animated range must be in the (0, 1] range");
            this.animRange = animatedRange;
            return this;

         * Sets the jumping loop duration.
         * @param loopDuration The jumping animation loop duration, in milliseconds
        public Builder setLoopDuration(@IntRange(from = 1) int loopDuration) {
            if (loopDuration < 1) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The loop duration must be bigger than zero");
            this.loopDuration = loopDuration;
            return this;

         * Sets the delay for starting the animation of every single dot over the
         * start of the previous one, in milliseconds. The default value is
         * the loop length divided by three times the number of character animated
         * by this instance of JumpingBeans.
         * <p/>
         * Only has a meaning when the animation is a wave.
         * @param waveCharOffset The start delay for the animation of every single
         *                       character over the previous one, in milliseconds
         * @see #setIsWave(boolean)
        public Builder setWavePerCharDelay(@IntRange(from = 0) int waveCharOffset) {
            if (waveCharOffset < 0) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("The wave char offset must be non-negative");
            this.waveCharDelay = waveCharOffset;
            return this;

         * Sets a flag that determines if the characters will jump in a wave
         * (i.e., with a delay between each other) or all at the same
         * time.
         * @param wave If true, the animation is going to be a wave; if
         *             false, all characters will jump ay the same time
         * @see #setWavePerCharDelay(int)
        public Builder setIsWave(boolean wave) {
            this.wave = wave;
            return this;

         * Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new
         * {@link net.frakbot.jumpingbeans.JumpingBeans} instance.
         * <p/>
         * Remember to call the {@link #stopJumping()} method once you're done
         * using the JumpingBeans (that is, when you detach the TextView from
         * the view tree, you hide it, or the parent Activity/Fragment goes in
         * the paused status). This will allow to release the animations and
         * free up memory and CPU that would be otherwise wasted.
        public JumpingBeans build() {
            SpannableStringBuilder sbb = new SpannableStringBuilder(text);
            JumpingBeansSpan[] spans;
            if (wave) {
                spans = buildWavingSpans(sbb);
            } else {
                spans = buildSingleSpan(sbb);

            return new JumpingBeans(spans, textView);

        @SuppressWarnings("Range")          // Lint bug: the if makes sure waveCharDelay >= 0
        private JumpingBeansSpan[] buildWavingSpans(SpannableStringBuilder sbb) {
            JumpingBeansSpan[] spans;
            if (waveCharDelay == DEFAULT_WAVE_CHAR_DELAY) {
                waveCharDelay = loopDuration / (3 * (endPos - startPos));

            spans = new JumpingBeansSpan[endPos - startPos];
            for (int pos = startPos; pos < endPos; pos++) {
                JumpingBeansSpan jumpingBean =
                        new JumpingBeansSpan(textView, loopDuration, pos - startPos, waveCharDelay, animRange);
                sbb.setSpan(jumpingBean, pos, pos + 1, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
                spans[pos - startPos] = jumpingBean;
            return spans;

        private JumpingBeansSpan[] buildSingleSpan(SpannableStringBuilder sbb) {
            JumpingBeansSpan[] spans;
            spans = new JumpingBeansSpan[]{new JumpingBeansSpan(textView, loopDuration, 0, 0, animRange)};
            sbb.setSpan(spans[0], startPos, endPos, Spanned.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE);
            return spans;



2 . JumpingBeansSpan

final class JumpingBeansSpan extends SuperscriptSpan implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener {

    private final WeakReference<TextView> textView;
    private final int delay;
    private final int loopDuration;
    private final float animatedRange;
    private int shift;
    private ValueAnimator jumpAnimator;

    public JumpingBeansSpan(@NonNull TextView textView,
                            @IntRange(from = 1) int loopDuration,
                            @IntRange(from = 0) int position,
                            @IntRange(from = 0) int waveCharOffset,
                            @FloatRange(from = 0, to = 1, fromInclusive = false) float animatedRange) {
        this.textView = new WeakReference<>(textView);
        this.delay = waveCharOffset * position;
        this.loopDuration = loopDuration;
        this.animatedRange = animatedRange;

    public void updateMeasureState(TextPaint tp) {
        tp.baselineShift = shift;

    public void updateDrawState(TextPaint tp) {
        tp.baselineShift = shift;

    private void initIfNecessary(float ascent) {
        if (jumpAnimator != null) {

        this.shift = 0;
        int maxShift = (int) ascent / 2;
        jumpAnimator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(0, maxShift);
        jumpAnimator.setInterpolator(new JumpInterpolator(animatedRange));

    public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator animation) {
        // No need for synchronization as this always runs on main thread anyway
        TextView v = textView.get();
        if (v != null) {
            updateAnimationFor(animation, v);
        } else {

    private void updateAnimationFor(ValueAnimator animation, TextView v) {
        if (isAttachedToHierarchy(v)) {
            shift = (int) animation.getAnimatedValue();

    private static boolean isAttachedToHierarchy(View v) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT) {
            return v.isAttachedToWindow();
        return v.getParent() != null;   // Best-effort fallback (without adding support-v4 just for this...)

    private void cleanupAndComplainAboutUserBeingAFool() {
        // The textview has been destroyed and teardown() hasn't been called
        Log.w("JumpingBeans", "!!! Remember to call JumpingBeans.stopJumping() when appropriate !!!");

    public void teardown() {
        if (jumpAnimator != null) {
        if (textView.get() != null) {

     * A tweaked {@link android.view.animation.AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator}
     * that covers the full range in a fraction of its input range, and holds on
     * the final value on the rest of the input range. By default, this fraction
     * is 65% of the full range.
     * @see JumpingBeans.Builder#DEFAULT_ANIMATION_DUTY_CYCLE
    private static class JumpInterpolator implements TimeInterpolator {

        private final float animRange;

        public JumpInterpolator(float animatedRange) {
            animRange = Math.abs(animatedRange);

        public float getInterpolation(float input) {
            // We want to map the [0, PI] sine range onto [0, animRange]
            if (input > animRange) {
                return 0f;
            double radians = (input / animRange) * Math.PI;
            return (float) Math.sin(radians);






当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


