第四章 Decrease-and-Conquer
The bottom-up variation is usually implemented iteratively, starting with a solution to the smallest instance of the problem; it is called sometimes the incremental approach.
Three major variations of decrease-and-conquer:
Decrease by a constant
Decrease by a constant factor
Variable size decrease
4.1 Insertion Sort
4.1.1 介绍
如果我们已经找到了数组中n-2个元素的正确位置,那么第 A[n-1] 个元组放在哪呢?只需要在刚刚排好序的数组中,找到
Following the technique’s idea, we assume that the smaller problem of sorting the array A[0..n − 2] has already been solved to give us a sorted array of size n − 1: A[0]≤ . . . ≤ A[n − 2]. How can we take advantage of this solution to the smaller problem to get a solution to the original problem by taking into account the element A[n − 1]? Obviously, all we need is to find an appropriate position for A[n − 1] among the sorted elements and insert it there.
This is usually done by scanning the sorted subarray from right to left until the first element smaller than or equal to A[n − 1] is encountered to insert A[n − 1] right after that element.
Though insertion sort is clearly based on a recursive idea, it is more efficient to implement this algorithm bottom up, i.e., iteratively
4.1.2 伪代码:
代码实现或其他详细解析请参考: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36098284/article/details/98098798
4.1.4 时间复杂度分析
该算法的关键是每次的比较过程,即 A[j] 和 v 的大小
The basic operation of the algorithm is the key comparison A[j] > v.
比较的次数依赖于输入的数据,最坏的情况是,当序列恰巧是降序,而我们希望得到升序的时候,从i = 1 开始,需要比较该数字其前面的所有数字,并且需要依次进行移动。最坏的情况下,比较的次数和选择排序相同。
T e number of key comparisons in this algorithm obviously depends on the nature of the input. In the worst case, A[j]> v is executed the largest number of times, i.e., for every j = i − 1, . . . , 0. Since v = A[i], it happens if and only if A[j]> A[i] for j = i − 1, . . . , 0.Thus, in the worst case, insertion sort makes exactly the same number of comparisons as selection sort
选择排序可以参考: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_36098284/article/details/97812203
因此当出现这种情况的时候,时间复杂是 O(n^2)
Thus, for the worst-case input, we get A[0]>A[1] (for i = 1), A[1]> A[2] (for i = 2), . . . , A[n − 2]> A[n − 1]
最好的情况是,序列是 升序,同时我们也想要升序,时间复杂度是 n - 1
In the best case, the comparison A [j]> v is executed only once on every iteration of the outer loop. It happens if and only if A[i − 1]≤ A[i] for every
虽然平均效率是O(n^2) 使得,相对于其他的排序算法,还是比较脱出。
4.2 Topological Sort