
tf.nn.conv2d:给定input和4D filters张量计算2D卷积。

    input, filters, strides, padding, data_format='NHWC', dilations=None, name=None

输入input张量可以具有秩4或更高,其中,形状维度[:-3] 被认为是批量维度(batch_shape)。

给定shape的输入张量 batch_shape + [in_height, in_width, in_channels]和shape的过滤器/内核张量[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]batch_shape 为图片的数量,in_height为图片高度,in_width为图片宽度,in_channels为图片的通道数,灰度图该值为1,彩色图为3;其中 filter_height为卷积核高度,filter_width为卷积核宽度,in_channels是输入通道数 ,和 inputin_channels要保持一致,out_channels是输出通道数,即卷积核数量。此op执行以下操作:

  1. 将过滤器展平为形状为[filter_height * filter_width * in_channels, output_channels]的二维矩阵 。
  2. 从输入张量中提取图像补丁以形成形状为[batch, out_height, out_width, filter_height * filter_width * in_channels]虚拟 张量。
  3. 对于每个补丁,将滤波器矩阵和图像补丁向量右乘。


output[b, i, j, k] =
    sum_{di, dj, q} input[b, strides[1] * i + di, strides[2] * j + dj, q] *
                    filter[di, dj, q, k]

必须有strides[0] = strides[3] = 1。对于最常见的水平和垂直步幅相同的情况,strides = [1, stride, stride, 1]


input一个Tensor。必须是下列类型之一: halfbfloat16float32float64。等级至少为4的张量。维度顺序根据data_format的值进行解释。所有内部的3个维度都用作批次维度。有关详情,请参见下文。 
filters一个Tensor。必须具有与input相同的类型。形状为[filter_height, filter_width, in_channels, out_channels]的4D张量 
padding任一string "SAME""VALID"表示使用的填充算法来类型,或一个列表表示在每个维度的开始和结束的明确填充。如果使用显式填充,而data_format是"NHWC",则应采用形式 [[0, 0], [pad_top,pad_bottom], [pad_left, pad_right], [0, 0]]。如果使用显式填充,并且data_format是"NCHW",则应采用形式[[0, 0], [0, 0],[pad_top, pad_bottom], [pad_left, pad_right]]。表示的是卷积的形式,是否考虑边界。"SAME"是考虑边界,不足的时候用0去填充周围,"VALID"则不考虑
data_formatstring来自"NHWC","NCHW"的可选内容。默认为 "NHWC"。指定输入和输出数据的数据格式。使用默认格式“ NHWC”,数据按以下顺序存储:batch_shape + [height, width, channels] 。或者,格式可以是“ NCHW”,数据存储顺序为:batch_shape + [channels, height, width] 。
dilations一个int或ints列表具有长度12或者4,默认为1。对input的各个维度的扩张因子。如果给出单个值,则将其复制到HW维度中。默认情况下,NC维度设置为1。如果设置为k> 1,则该维度上每个过滤器元素之间将又k-1个跳过单元格。维度顺序由data_format的值确定,有关详细信息,请参见上文。如果4-d张量必须为1,则批量和深度维度的膨胀。 




import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np

x_in = np.array([[
    [[2], [1], [2], [0], [1]],
    [[1], [3], [2], [2], [3]],
    [[1], [1], [3], [3], [0]],
    [[2], [2], [0], [1], [1]],
    [[0], [0], [3], [1], [2]], ]])

kernel_in = np.array([
    [[[2, 0.1]], [[3, 0.2]]],
    [[[0, 0.3]], [[1, 0.4]]], ])

x = tf.constant(x_in, dtype=tf.float32)
kernel = tf.constant(kernel_in, dtype=tf.float32)

# out = tf.nn.conv2d(x, kernel, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
# 输出结果是一个[1, 4, 4, 2]的张量:
# Tensor("Conv2D:0", shape=(1, 4, 4, 2), dtype=float32)
# [[[[10.         1.9      ]
#    [10.         2.2      ]
#    [ 6.         1.6000001]
#    [ 6.         2.       ]]
#   [[12.         1.4000001]
#    [15.         2.2      ]
#    [13.         2.7000003]
#    [13.         1.7      ]]
#   [[ 7.         1.7      ]
#    [11.         1.3000001]
#    [16.         1.3000001]
#    [ 7.         1.       ]]
#   [[10.         0.6      ]
#    [ 7.         1.4000001]
#    [ 4.         1.5000001]
#    [ 7.         1.4000001]]]]

out = tf.nn.conv2d(x, kernel, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果是一个[1, 5, 5, 2]的张量:
# Tensor("Conv2D:0", shape=(1, 5, 5, 2), dtype=float32)
# [[[[10.          1.9       ]
#    [10.          2.2       ]
#    [ 6.          1.6000001 ]
#    [ 6.          2.        ]
#    [ 2.          1.        ]]
#   [[12.          1.4000001 ]
#    [15.          2.2       ]
#    [13.          2.7000003 ]
#    [13.          1.7       ]
#    [ 6.          0.3       ]]
#   [[ 7.          1.7       ]
#    [11.          1.3000001 ]
#    [16.          1.3000001 ]
#    [ 7.          1.        ]
#    [ 0.          0.3       ]]
#   [[10.          0.6       ]
#    [ 7.          1.4000001 ]
#    [ 4.          1.5000001 ]
#    [ 7.          1.4000001 ]
#    [ 2.          0.70000005]]
#   [[ 0.          0.        ]
#    [ 9.          0.6       ]
#    [ 9.          0.5       ]
#    [ 8.          0.5       ]
#    [ 4.          0.2       ]]]]

with tf.Session() as sess:

import tensorflow as tf

# case 1
# 输入是1个 3*3 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 1*1 大小,数量是1
# 步长是[1,1,1,1]最后得到一个 3*3 的feature map
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,3,3,1] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 3, 3, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 1, 5, 1]))
op1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op2 ********************
# [[[[ 2.1436303 ]
#    [ 2.0738544 ]
#    [-0.17929938]]
#   [[-2.0726924 ]
#    [-1.5222    ]
#    [ 1.3480619 ]]
#   [[ 0.59065   ]
#    [ 4.6908927 ]
#    [-2.7029667 ]]]]

# case 2
# 输入是1个 3*3 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 2*2 大小,数量是1
# 步长是[1,1,1,1]最后得到一个 3*3 的feature map
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,3,3,1] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 3, 3, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([2, 2, 5, 1]))
op2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op2 ********************
# [[[[-2.726498  ]
#    [ 4.578858  ]
#    [-4.247362  ]]
#   [[-4.46906   ]
#    [ 2.0851839 ]
#    [ 0.12348425]]
#   [[-0.16621417]
#    [-3.6783643 ]
#    [ 1.403814  ]]]]

# case 3
# 输入是1个 3*3 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 3*3 大小,数量是1
# 步长是[1,1,1,1]最后得到一个 1*1 的feature map (不考虑边界)
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,1,1,1] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 3, 3, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 5, 1]))
op3 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op3 ********************
# [[[[-14.692696]]]]

# case 4
# 输入是1个 5*5 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 3*3 大小,数量是1
# 步长是[1,1,1,1]最后得到一个 3*3 的feature map (不考虑边界)
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,3,3,1] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 5, 5, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 5, 1]))
op4 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op4 ********************
# [[[[  7.8252077]
#    [ -6.8241425]
#    [ -4.5439234]]
#   [[  5.2957616]
#    [ -2.3116708]
#    [-10.82259  ]]
#   [[ -2.663844 ]
#    [  2.8965201]
#    [  3.1595905]]]]

# case 5
# 输入是1个 5*5 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 3*3 大小,数量是1
# 步长是[1,1,1,1]最后得到一个 5*5 的feature map (考虑边界)
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,5,5,1] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 5, 5, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 5, 1]))
op5 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op5 ********************
# [[[[ 3.446119  ]
#    [ 6.889248  ]
#    [-0.74263513]
#    [-5.5886226 ]
#    [-4.0011005 ]]
#   [[-7.598516  ]
#    [-2.5811138 ]
#    [-5.9887714 ]
#    [-2.423468  ]
#    [ 3.302377  ]]
#   [[-4.1364555 ]
#    [-1.5923785 ]
#    [-0.2860764 ]
#    [ 1.7675163 ]
#    [ 7.9709225 ]]
#   [[ 4.975916  ]
#    [ 3.2795277 ]
#    [-1.8256065 ]
#    [-4.5424066 ]
#    [ 3.1844525 ]]
#   [[-0.63261276]
#    [-3.9194276 ]
#    [-6.0611115 ]
#    [-6.9680305 ]
#    [-2.8860292 ]]]]

# case 6
# 输入是1个 5*5 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 3*3 大小,数量是7
# 步长是[1,1,1,1]最后得到一个 5*5 的feature map (考虑边界)
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,5,5,7] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 5, 5, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 5, 7]))
op6 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op6 ********************
# [[[[-3.0840011e+00  1.2335920e-01 -4.5059223e+00 -2.1750627e+00
#     -2.7304339e+00 -5.1604855e-01  1.3690400e+00]
#    [ 4.7401037e+00 -6.0819392e+00 -3.0767975e+00  2.6486878e+00
#     -6.2960935e+00 -1.0540801e+01  3.0819988e+00]
#    [ 1.7505054e+00  5.4914937e+00 -1.0307097e+00 -4.4227147e+00
#      4.4376817e-01  3.7327261e+00 -2.4275784e+00]
#    [-4.3396387e+00  3.7363658e+00 -1.0957268e+00  4.5229203e-01
#      2.0793560e+00  9.6609974e-01 -5.0022750e+00]
#    [ 1.1345127e+00  1.9144246e-01 -3.1545307e-02 -4.1797557e-01
#     -1.0004331e+00  6.3729405e-01  4.8672795e-02]]
#   [[ 4.9904194e+00 -2.6558199e+00 -3.3613873e-01  3.5926490e+00
#      2.0895982e+00  2.3332577e+00  5.3478036e+00]
#    [-4.6558094e+00  3.3834887e+00 -2.0608113e+00 -7.6377983e+00
#      5.3955240e+00  7.0295696e+00 -7.2131968e+00]
#    [-1.7864041e+00 -7.0538968e-01  1.5037076e+01  2.4281028e-01
#     -4.6876159e+00 -1.1438875e+00  2.5164890e+00]
#    [ 2.8490059e+00 -3.0830842e-01  1.1872043e-01  6.8919549e+00
#      1.7080204e+00  1.7034137e+00  2.3760687e-01]
#    [ 2.2561960e+00  3.4825525e+00 -1.4772111e+01 -1.0685290e+01
#     -6.5574465e+00  7.2971749e+00 -1.4437375e+00]]
#   [[ 4.2684340e+00 -4.3361559e+00  1.0803232e+00  3.5441415e+00
#      8.9037914e+00  7.2594132e+00  7.2638750e+00]
#    [-6.8646002e-01 -8.9739448e-01  5.8036337e+00  7.4364100e+00
#      1.1704000e+01  4.4205704e+00  3.0446523e-01]
#    [-2.8831110e+00 -5.2022009e+00  7.9378448e+00 -3.2306526e+00
#      7.3811979e+00  6.2627382e+00 -4.6261063e+00]
#    [-6.3880229e-01 -1.0363024e+01  7.0129766e+00  8.6191149e+00
#      1.2183407e+01  7.0540304e+00 -2.1471415e+00]
#    [ 1.6519511e-01  9.4482350e-01  3.3437994e+00  1.7440913e+00
#      1.0958947e+01 -6.3905849e+00  7.7824841e+00]]
#   [[-5.9248290e+00  7.9262257e-03 -3.4675770e+00  2.5212393e+00
#      4.6964250e+00 -1.2980299e+01  6.6482816e+00]
#    [ 1.6509128e-01  1.3398497e+01 -1.6516523e+01 -5.0966377e+00
#      3.5735250e+00  4.7559333e+00 -1.3719524e+00]
#    [ 5.6323524e+00 -1.7552935e+01  6.5047069e+00  2.4060578e+00
#     -6.7384124e+00 -4.1142387e+00  8.3369007e+00]
#    [ 1.1545516e+01  4.2000041e+00  3.6326356e+00  3.3518002e+00
#     -5.8180132e+00 -8.6836344e-01  6.1310697e+00]
#    [-6.1742949e+00  2.8111699e+00  4.4471732e-01 -1.3193527e+00
#     -5.4388676e+00 -1.3804424e+00 -4.0689611e-01]]
#   [[-1.9953527e+00  3.3288798e+00 -4.4504986e+00  6.2108145e+00
#      4.2928514e+00 -1.0003451e+01 -3.9065666e+00]
#    [ 1.3419192e+00  7.2219830e+00 -6.9047012e+00  3.3905752e+00
#     -5.0909300e+00  1.3293836e+01 -7.6556101e+00]
#    [-7.3027096e+00  4.5334468e+00 -2.6074278e-01 -1.0191909e+01
#      3.3845627e+00 -7.1441424e-01 -1.0066732e+00]
#    [ 2.2974596e+00 -4.5104642e+00  9.2605171e+00  3.9580934e+00
#      3.9759703e+00 -7.4361342e-01  1.2278461e+00]
#    [ 3.2552500e+00 -7.5348072e+00 -9.5567679e-01  2.1697264e+00
#     -3.3733122e+00  2.1065104e+00 -2.6742821e+00]]]]

# case 7
# 输入是1个 5*5 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 3*3 大小,数量是7
# 步长是[1,2,2,1]最后得到7个 3*3 的feature map (考虑边界)
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[1,3,3,7] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([1, 5, 5, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 5, 7]))
op7 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op7 ********************
# [[[[  0.293367    -6.8127875    0.72176373  -4.609955     0.29551882
#       4.215855    -0.9913437 ]
#    [  0.36416888  11.682545     4.806132    -7.0474143    4.167954
#       2.4354155   -2.5111024 ]
#    [ -0.55445254  -6.615763    -2.0677602   -1.5091647   -7.727282
#     -11.306014     2.890195  ]]
#   [[ -0.28828835  -0.80325335   1.7683787    6.4272923   -4.341469
#       0.8893982    0.39250994]
#    [  3.596493    -0.8119854   -3.97007     -2.0908122   -1.1287336
#      -0.3859545   -7.195946  ]
#    [ -5.793783     6.1878567   15.109923     0.6127636   -3.6183724
#       1.4538065  -10.928911  ]]
#   [[  7.3411665   -4.1733685   -3.3012686   -3.3117685   -0.5984683
#       0.8338492   -1.9214034 ]
#    [ -0.5107512  -12.7436285    1.8505284   -1.0571606    0.7512574
#       4.2915535    9.583618  ]
#    [  2.5063615    5.879011     4.90127     -0.07179046   2.8028073
#      -0.05491097  -5.3217688 ]]]]

# case 8
# 输入是10 个 5*5 大小的张量,输入张量通道数是5,卷积核是 3*3 大小,数量是7
# 步长是[1,2,2,1]最后每张图得到7个 3*3 的feature map (考虑边界)
# 最后输出就是一个 shape为[10,3,3,7] 的张量
input = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([10, 5, 5, 5]))
filter = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([3, 3, 5, 7]))
op8 = tf.nn.conv2d(input, filter, strides=[1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')
# 输出结果:
# ******************** op8 ********************
# [[[[-1.50972009e+00  3.28846717e+00  2.56372422e-01 -2.70064521e+00
#      4.40395069e+00  8.26167464e-01 -7.68952465e+00]
#    [-1.46069360e+00  1.66591525e+00  4.58909464e+00  2.48840261e+00
#      1.63206520e+01 -5.99188614e+00  1.35770631e+00]
#    [ 4.75995207e+00  7.77311897e+00 -2.12295747e+00  4.07630301e+00
#     -3.84346151e+00 -1.19016916e-01  1.87570047e+00]]
#   [[ 8.78928661e+00  8.35301638e-01 -7.33191681e+00  4.09586620e+00
#      8.46557617e-01  8.00785637e+00 -2.03714895e+00]
#    [ 5.73713017e+00 -1.49388247e+01  3.70609355e+00  9.50882626e+00
#      1.17435322e+01  5.17303848e+00 -1.73004842e+00]
#    [-4.42001724e+00 -3.54912615e+00  7.96449041e+00 -3.40062141e-01
#      1.23415983e+00 -6.74519539e-02 -7.09112930e+00]]
#   [[ 6.89682722e-01  1.01104822e+01 -2.62892461e+00  6.52079821e+00
#     -1.58322823e+00 -6.27171707e+00  3.94091272e+00]
#    [ 5.16624117e+00  2.95724177e+00 -3.22336292e+00 -3.29455805e+00
#      7.71984863e+00  3.12455177e-01  1.52014565e+00]
#    [ 3.40628886e+00 -7.10564077e-01  7.25713825e+00 -2.20483243e-01
#      1.51156664e-01 -2.01525712e+00 -8.09532547e+00]]]
#  [[[ 2.34457016e+00 -2.26403069e+00  3.01330864e-01 -4.59966421e+00
#     -5.70768118e-01  3.28723526e+00  1.81965542e+00]
#    [-2.02637410e+00 -2.98199654e+00 -2.61881232e+00 -7.22932386e+00
#      3.42993617e+00  2.40504479e+00 -5.41764259e+00]
#    [ 2.87678647e+00  1.45507336e+00 -1.83620012e+00  2.49595642e+00
#     -5.10922480e+00  2.40312648e+00  1.78781736e+00]]
#   [[-1.33651924e+01  3.00249600e+00  9.26462364e+00  2.58863783e+00
#      3.29223633e+00 -5.51135063e+00  4.08538818e+00]
#    [ 6.96175003e+00  6.51313400e+00 -2.43331528e+00  3.99290252e+00
#      3.79648089e+00 -3.50887942e+00  3.35554075e+00]
#    [-2.33746815e+00  2.42192769e+00  3.05796742e+00 -2.99886394e+00
#     -4.59325254e-01 -9.66714096e+00 -3.06445456e+00]]
#   [[-4.99330187e+00 -3.59256339e+00  3.12972355e+00 -1.05485499e+00
#     -2.55326033e+00  4.25835180e+00 -6.87904644e+00]
#    [-6.78382349e+00  1.99727798e+00 -5.68853617e+00  1.16159916e+00
#     -6.48815918e+00  1.27502060e+00 -1.44755840e-02]
#    [-6.61731911e+00 -2.98836422e+00 -1.89204836e+00 -5.07599735e+00
#      1.98823047e+00  4.22331476e+00 -3.81494570e+00]]]
#  [[[ 6.55350590e+00  1.52602494e+00  2.64053488e+00  3.48391485e+00
#      1.15554178e+00  5.93114519e+00  8.92291641e+00]
#    [-7.22469378e+00  1.97034907e+00  2.99531627e+00 -4.34610367e+00
#     -3.67712796e-01 -3.64595604e+00 -7.84149694e+00]
#    [-7.76820278e+00  5.99960327e+00 -8.41420841e+00  2.29520798e+00
#      4.24104357e+00  9.19977474e+00 -4.61686659e+00]]
#   [[ 8.27398205e+00  2.88631511e+00 -5.95147419e+00  7.13959980e+00
#     -2.54925585e+00 -6.65015578e-01 -7.24622011e+00]
#    [ 5.36609936e+00 -2.25370550e+00 -1.00714719e+00  6.40559196e+00
#     -3.44093418e+00 -1.10686178e+01 -1.93581736e+00]
#    [ 6.08330536e+00  1.16270723e+01 -6.12922239e+00  1.02644575e+00
#     -8.62347031e+00 -4.47479963e+00  6.06679058e+00]]
#   [[-6.74393320e+00 -2.22659349e-01 -3.77906322e-01 -4.90764093e+00
#      2.15560746e+00  6.62665665e-01 -8.02735519e+00]
#    [ 6.33290350e-01  1.03738439e+00  1.54830575e-01 -1.13407755e+00
#      5.91823578e+00  1.70822430e+01 -4.38055634e-01]
#    [-2.77781868e+00 -5.48576641e+00  2.56255603e+00  6.71352196e+00
#      6.03837252e+00  3.98823690e+00  8.05403328e+00]]]
#  [[[-6.27049685e-01  1.15633488e+01 -6.36027515e-01  5.66315889e+00
#      2.28375840e+00  9.08275545e-01  1.16598463e+00]
#    [ 2.53564405e+00  8.72430134e+00 -1.99402618e+00  8.17446709e+00
#      2.74033046e+00  6.30941105e+00  9.17519188e+00]
#    [-3.74645138e+00 -8.57678294e-01 -2.83845067e+00 -3.27615452e+00
#      2.56140089e+00  5.98653507e+00 -1.09049511e+01]]
#   [[ 3.24537659e+00 -3.93446064e+00 -1.52721763e+00  5.86781311e+00
#     -1.97805035e+00  1.28334188e+00 -2.98240376e+00]
#    [-1.21900101e+01  1.25004463e+01  4.92444181e+00 -2.70350194e+00
#      7.81507492e+00 -9.05650043e+00  6.47177219e+00]
#    [-2.17206478e+00  2.71480703e+00 -9.16565228e+00  4.69869089e+00
#     -4.38394928e+00  5.74612093e+00  3.59565282e+00]]
#   [[-3.55511594e+00  2.76028395e+00 -3.60184312e+00  7.99856138e+00
#     -4.38458920e+00 -8.98869276e-01 -8.10075521e-01]
#    [ 8.20520210e+00 -2.68970108e+00 -9.29989719e+00 -1.22854757e+00
#     -5.82088470e+00 -5.44573784e+00 -8.23349571e+00]
#    [ 3.67080784e+00  1.18026161e+00 -2.92942858e+00 -7.73343849e+00
#      2.77626085e+00 -4.28008842e+00 -2.14514184e+00]]]
#  [[[ 2.12814093e+00 -7.68777609e-01 -8.84735203e+00  1.01067667e+01
#      4.76778126e+00  4.78147745e+00 -1.67699254e+00]
#    [ 4.97244644e+00  1.94252181e+00 -2.71501064e+00 -4.14783287e+00
#     -7.91691661e-01  3.18883848e+00 -7.51171255e+00]
#    [-2.92162299e+00 -2.16129565e+00  3.80590534e+00  5.97961855e+00
#      4.99147081e+00 -5.57082367e+00 -1.89473879e+00]]
#   [[ 2.64872313e+00 -6.40528393e+00 -1.62670207e+00  2.38367653e+00
#      3.88705778e+00  1.39000535e-01  1.55138087e+00]
#    [ 1.25824089e+01  4.76570749e+00 -7.49335003e+00  6.50031090e+00
#      1.96111858e+00 -4.04969454e+00  7.39542055e+00]
#    [ 1.88336353e+01  3.54755116e+00  7.74576569e+00  2.64947295e+00
#     -3.44345450e+00  7.32074857e-01  1.50061584e+00]]
#   [[-3.47981930e+00 -2.59158301e+00 -3.34343934e+00  8.46221507e-01
#      2.33314896e+00  3.76661897e+00 -2.47455430e+00]
#    [ 7.20970154e-01 -5.69754934e+00 -3.22284698e+00 -2.73109198e+00
#     -3.16789818e+00 -2.03302526e+00 -2.95625877e+00]
#    [-5.52691269e+00  4.82660437e+00  1.01005960e+00  2.21910906e+00
#      1.57971847e+00  3.68322039e+00  3.75630736e+00]]]
#  [[[ 5.41193104e+00 -5.60384941e+00  2.29562593e+00 -9.02732134e-01
#      5.91344452e+00 -2.84974337e+00 -8.05228114e-01]
#    [ 3.65591240e+00 -4.20973110e+00 -2.51142955e+00  3.83922720e+00
#     -4.78865433e+00  1.13573515e+00  4.27588224e+00]
#    [-7.49597371e-01 -8.19201112e-01 -2.69533873e+00 -2.92425513e-01
#     -9.61732864e-01 -1.60479331e+00 -2.03666830e+00]]
#   [[-1.37315083e+00 -9.93513107e+00 -9.46694183e+00 -4.27486229e+00
#      1.70914292e-01  4.13093662e+00 -1.33161507e+01]
#    [ 1.42857313e+00 -4.43079710e+00  1.07908468e+01  3.77378225e+00
#      3.78649712e+00 -6.18113041e+00 -4.32539082e+00]
#    [-3.15826833e-01 -3.38590169e+00 -6.04250371e-01 -4.27673054e+00
#     -2.64095235e+00  2.44551945e+00 -7.75257301e+00]]
#   [[ 1.18270099e+00 -8.82114220e+00 -1.65353990e+00 -7.77074385e+00
#      5.09965706e+00  1.26115513e+00  5.37919807e+00]
#    [-1.93771791e+00 -3.69820595e+00  9.32795525e+00  5.11645746e+00
#      7.01560497e+00  8.65833187e+00 -5.40101194e+00]
#    [-3.98796463e+00 -2.34203637e-02 -2.60023904e+00  1.02625144e+00
#      4.13492680e+00  1.92184746e+00  4.07373190e+00]]]
#  [[[-6.84364319e-01 -4.76772118e+00 -5.59659576e+00  2.59804058e+00
#     -4.45792150e+00  2.85404205e+00  4.37403154e+00]
#    [ 9.87957764e+00  4.24151230e+00 -5.65920019e+00  3.64386129e+00
#      6.02909446e-01  1.11303949e+01 -3.01928926e+00]
#    [-7.46744573e-01 -5.60856485e+00  1.99480343e+00 -9.92031753e-01
#      1.71692371e+00 -5.59550583e-01 -1.56595182e+00]]
#   [[ 9.75834179e+00  8.77900183e-01 -4.63732815e+00  4.03338528e+00
#      1.47323322e+00  1.23197660e+01  3.10974097e+00]
#    [-4.69103575e-01 -1.42769079e+01  4.73733187e+00  9.42406559e+00
#     -7.56288624e+00 -1.26075115e+01 -2.31584907e+00]
#    [ 6.94194674e-01 -3.53304219e+00  8.35210919e-01 -5.16879797e+00
#      5.44092989e+00 -5.92492199e+00  5.38006544e+00]]
#   [[-5.09272289e+00  5.69651365e-01  9.49377251e+00  4.91886139e+00
#     -4.38747263e+00 -1.27646389e+01  5.52901745e+00]
#    [-7.93955231e+00 -4.50405884e+00  1.59659004e+00 -8.24533939e+00
#     -1.65851283e+00 -5.41553068e+00 -8.03626060e+00]
#    [-3.18145752e+00  2.66282582e+00  9.36366320e-01 -1.10870361e+00
#     -4.80783844e+00 -2.30249023e+00 -5.55814934e+00]]]
#  [[[ 5.35861683e+00  2.81997848e+00 -2.70675421e-01 -1.49736440e+00
#     -2.72707272e+00  9.93852735e-01  2.10917950e+00]
#    [ 9.54258060e+00 -3.62865114e+00 -7.98306227e-01 -1.77635348e+00
#     -4.55513382e+00  6.12996149e+00 -7.45813084e+00]
#    [-3.70084548e+00  2.80985504e-01 -1.28691113e+00  5.09892893e+00
#      2.69848919e+00  4.83566880e-01  4.12019444e+00]]
#   [[-3.95883560e-01  1.04449043e+01  5.16901970e+00  5.41939878e+00
#      1.82462847e+00 -8.01707745e+00  2.00431228e+00]
#    [-1.88117683e-01  2.92954755e+00  4.14290667e+00  8.43845749e+00
#     -3.81140685e+00 -3.14104676e+00 -7.85914612e+00]
#    [-8.65340996e+00  1.11263824e+00  5.96140480e+00  1.93812943e+00
#      4.93798304e+00 -1.07395992e+01 -6.05933189e-01]]
#   [[ 1.68662715e+00  1.91131592e-01 -5.49581814e+00 -2.99100828e+00
#      3.26321900e-01  2.22558951e+00 -7.21933961e-01]
#    [-3.62809539e+00 -1.14094102e+00  7.86778629e-01 -3.37758040e+00
#      9.88929462e+00  1.51389647e+00 -7.54234600e+00]
#    [ 3.16409206e+00 -5.93904066e+00  5.72136593e+00  2.06540251e+00
#      1.19954090e+01  4.82101727e+00 -2.20609307e+00]]]
#  [[[ 1.04300761e+00  1.63646793e+00  6.86399341e-01  1.34852600e+00
#     -4.03470707e+00 -2.25256681e+00  3.33122182e+00]
#    [-1.46150219e+00  6.01696110e+00 -8.95973873e+00 -5.05144358e+00
#     -5.28098297e+00  6.84933281e+00 -3.63140082e+00]
#    [ 3.74540508e-01 -7.87882507e-01  3.23215270e+00 -2.20066023e+00
#     -4.33330297e-01  5.46882105e+00 -5.77409935e+00]]
#   [[ 6.64719820e-01  1.83429480e+00 -2.47371340e+00 -5.44579744e+00
#     -2.51808548e+00 -3.36716509e+00  7.91948617e-01]
#    [ 1.18216543e+01  7.04637825e-01  3.57614374e+00  3.26182246e-02
#     -7.08487892e+00 -1.53310990e+00  3.27570367e+00]
#    [-1.55577135e+00  2.11997604e+00 -4.86663532e+00  1.29599333e+00
#     -4.90606833e+00 -1.16319454e+00  2.90553045e+00]]
#   [[ 6.70130253e+00  3.28602600e+00  5.35130310e+00  1.09373245e+01
#     -1.68153787e+00 -5.31269217e+00  1.27796793e+01]
#    [ 2.71093917e+00  4.41750097e+00 -2.81792474e+00 -5.20114708e+00
#     -4.55729961e+00 -7.18441391e+00 -5.07527828e+00]
#    [ 1.90964675e+00  3.77511740e+00  2.33712316e+00 -7.08522856e-01
#      3.72151232e+00 -1.05427623e-01 -1.03531027e+00]]]
#  [[[ 2.04985380e+00 -6.48390770e+00  1.95798242e+00  6.57322884e+00
#      4.12863731e-01 -4.32278967e+00  4.89580631e+00]
#    [ 9.95611787e-01 -2.08505154e+00  5.77722263e+00 -4.75273275e+00
#      4.74745226e+00  2.42263794e+00  2.28105402e+00]
#    [ 4.28825855e+00 -8.90439606e+00  1.48928604e+01 -8.79860461e-01
#      7.60016537e+00 -3.02103829e+00  3.51416063e+00]]
#   [[-4.18446255e+00 -6.44563854e-01 -1.60029554e+00 -9.40447903e+00
#      2.96056366e+00  4.05623341e+00 -3.08270931e+00]
#    [ 5.90721655e+00  6.26168966e+00 -1.17052495e+00  1.20180407e+01
#     -2.22426128e+00  1.84180009e+00  5.88260651e+00]
#    [ 1.56474435e+00  5.05135679e+00 -3.33587337e+00  2.66880488e+00
#     -4.89722109e+00  7.00591683e-01  7.88860321e-01]]
#   [[ 3.55771160e+00 -8.34005165e+00  6.57881498e+00 -5.94304085e+00
#     -1.29626989e-02 -7.68445730e+00 -8.56293917e-01]
#    [-7.78887987e+00  2.45494366e+00  5.37120914e+00 -2.09734797e-01
#     -7.03242493e+00 -2.25485846e-01  3.39174938e+00]
#    [-5.31516409e+00 -4.23801708e+00  2.69230103e+00 -6.37099981e+00
#     -2.49476051e+00  8.04008389e+00 -7.84046292e-01]]]]

init = tf.initialize_all_variables()
with tf.Session() as sess:
    print('*' * 20 + ' op1 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op2 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op3 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op4 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op5 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op6 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op7 ' + '*' * 20)
    print('*' * 20 + ' op8 ' + '*' * 20)

import tensorflow as tf

x = tf.constant([[1., 2., 3.],
                 [4., 5., 6.]])

x = tf.reshape(x, [1, 2, 3, 1])  # give a shape accepted by tf.nn.max_pool

valid_pad = tf.nn.max_pool(x, [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], padding='VALID')
same_pad = tf.nn.max_pool(x, [1, 2, 2, 1], [1, 2, 2, 1], padding='SAME')

with tf.Session() as sess:
    # Tensor("MaxPool:0", shape=(1, 1, 1, 1), dtype=float32)
    # Tensor("MaxPool_1:0", shape=(1, 1, 2, 1), dtype=float32)

    # (1, 1, 1, 1)
    # (1, 1, 2, 1)

    # [[[[5.]]]]
    # [[[[5.]
    #    [6.]]]]

max pooling窗口为2×2,两个维度的步长strides=2。第一次由于窗口可以覆盖,橙色区域做max pooling,没什么问题,如下:








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tf.nn.conv2d is a function in TensorFlow that performs a 2D convolution operation on a given input tensor and a set of filters. It is typically used in deep learning models for image processing and computer vision tasks. The function takes several arguments, including the input tensor, the filter tensor, the strides for the convolution operation, and the padding scheme. The output of the convolution operation is a new tensor that represents the result of applying the filters to the input tensor. Here is an example usage of tf.nn.conv2d: ``` import tensorflow as tf # Define input and filter tensors input_tensor = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 28, 28, 3]) filter_tensor = tf.Variable(tf.random_normal([5, 5, 3, 32])) # Perform a 2D convolution operation with strides of 1 and padding of 'SAME' conv = tf.nn.conv2d(input_tensor, filter_tensor, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='SAME') # Run the convolution operation within a TensorFlow session with tf.Session() as sess: # Define a sample input tensor input_data = np.random.rand(1, 28, 28, 3) # Run the convolution operation on the input tensor conv_result =, feed_dict={input_tensor: input_data}) ``` In this example, we define an input tensor with a shape of (None, 28, 28, 3), which represents a batch of 28x28 RGB images. We also define a filter tensor with a shape of (5, 5, 3, 32), which represents 32 5x5 filters that will be applied to the input tensor. We then call tf.nn.conv2d with the input and filter tensors, specifying a stride of 1 and a padding scheme of 'SAME'. This means that the output tensor will have the same spatial dimensions as the input tensor, and that the edges of the input tensor will be zero-padded to ensure that the filters can be applied to all pixels. Finally, we run the convolution operation within a TensorFlow session, providing a sample input tensor to test the operation. The resulting conv_result tensor will have a shape of (1, 28, 28, 32), representing a batch of 28x28 feature maps for each of the 32 filters applied to the input tensor.
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