一. 代码
using namespace std;
class Random {
Random(bool pseudo = true);
double random_real();
int random_integer(int low, int high);
int poisson(double mean);
void randomByAvg(double avg,int num);
int reseed(); // Re-randomize the seed.
int seed,multiplier,add_on;
// constants for use in arithmetic operations
Random::Random(bool pseudo)
Post: The values of seed, add_on, and multiplier are
initialized. The seed is initialized randomly only if pseudo == false.
if (pseudo) seed = 1;
else seed = time(NULL) % INT_MAX;
multiplier = 2743;
add_on = 5923;
int Random::reseed()
Post: The seed is replaced by a pseudorandom successor.
seed = seed * multiplier + add_on;