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                { name: 'type', index: 'type', width: 20, align: "center", sorttype: "text", sortable: false },
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            sortable: true,
            sortorder: 'asc',
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            caption: "总体情况"

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            caption: "设备备件明细统计分析表"
    function AddData(type) {
        if (type == "总体情况") {
            $("#leftDivOnetable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                datatype: 'local',
                data: jqgrid_jsonZ[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据
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            $("#rightDowDivtable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                datatype: 'local',
                data: jqgrid_jsonM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

    function HandleFormat(typeArray, typename) {
        if (typename == "柱状图") {
            var tempbynameS = typeArray.substr(1, typeArray.length - 2).split(',');
            for (var i = 0; i < tempbynameS.length; i++) {
                tempbynameS[i] = tempbynameS[i].replace("\"", "").replace("\"", "");
            return tempbynameS;
        if (typename == "饼状图") {
            var reBenValue = "[";
            var tempbynameS = typeArray.split('=');
            var reValue = tempbynameS[0].split(';');
            var reName = tempbynameS[1].split(';');
            for (var j = 0; j < reValue.length; j++) {
                reBenValue += "{ value:" + reValue[j] + "," + "name:" + reName[j] + "},";
            reBenValue += reBenValue.substr(0, typeArray.length - 1);
            reBenValue += "]";
            return tempbynameS;


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Data;
using LitJson;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Linq;

public partial class WMS_WMS_BIONE : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)

    string id = Request["id"]; //如果不是通过ajax 请求提交数据 就不会取到这个id ,所以此时的id 为null。但是如果是通过ajax请求提交数据,因为提交数据中有提交id,所以就能够取到这个id ,此时的id就有值了。
    string bdtype = Request["bdtype"];
    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(id)) // 如果不是通过ajax 请求提交数据 就不会进入花括号来调用GetUserData(string id) 方法
            selectDa(id, bdtype); //如果是通过ajax请求提交数据,就会进入花括号来调用方法
/// <summary>
/// 初始化加载页面数据
/// </summary>
public void selectData()
    string jsonZ = "[]";
    string jsonM = "[]";
    string tempbytypeS = "[]";
    string tempbytypeN = "[]";
    string tempbynameS = "[]";
    string tempbynameN = "[]";
    string benbyZ = "[]";
    string benbyLY = "[]";
    #region 获取总体情况数据
    string sql = "select * from (select  \"DateTime\" as DateTime , '采购' as type ,sum( \"PurchaseQuantity\" ) Quantity ,sum(\"PurchaseMoney\")  Money from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '领用' as type1 ,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") OutStockQuantity ,sum(\"OutStockMoney\") OutStockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '在库' as type1 ,sum(\"StockQuantity\") StockQuantity ,sum(\"StockMoney\") StockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis group by \"DateTime\")tt where tt.DateTime = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM')";
    DataTable dt = ClassDB.db_select_all(sql);
    if (dt.Rows.Count>0)
        jsonZ = "[";
        jsonZ += "{\"totals\":\"8\",\"pages\":\"1\",\"recordss\":\"8\",\"rootlist\":[";
        for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
            jsonZ += "{\"DateTime\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["DateTime"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"type\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["type"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"Quantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Quantity"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"Money\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Money"]) + "\"},";
        jsonZ = jsonZ.Substring(0, jsonZ.Length - 1);
        jsonZ += "]}]";

    #region 获取明细数据
    string sqlM = "select \"DateTime\" as DateTime,    \"Equipment_Type\" as Equipment_Type,   \"Equipment_Name\" as Equipment_Name,   \"SpareParts_Name\" as SpareParts_Name,   \"SpareParts_Attribute\" as SpareParts_Attribute,   sum(\"PurchaseQuantity\") as PurchaseQuantity,   sum(\"PurchaseMoney\") as PurchaseMoney,   sum(\"StockQuantity\") as StockQuantity,  sum(\"StockMoney\") as StockMoney,  sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity,  sum(\"OutStockMoney\") as OutStockMoney   from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis   where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM')   group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\",\"Equipment_Name\",\"SpareParts_Name\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\"  order by \"Equipment_Type\"";
    DataTable dtM = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlM);
    if (dtM.Rows.Count>0)
         jsonM = "[";
        jsonM += "{\"totals\":\"8\",\"pages\":\"1\",\"recordss\":\"8\",\"rootlist\":[";
        for (int i = 0; i < dtM.Rows.Count; i++)
            jsonM += "{\"DateTime\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["DateTime"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"Equipment_Type\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Type"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"Equipment_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Name"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"SpareParts_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Name"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"SpareParts_Attribute\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Attribute"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"PurchaseQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"PurchaseMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseMoney"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"StockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"StockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockMoney"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"OutStockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                ",\"OutStockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockMoney"]) + "\"},";
        jsonM = jsonM.Substring(0, jsonM.Length - 1);
        jsonM += "]}]";

    string sqlbytype = "select  distinct  \"Equipment_Type\" Equipment_Type,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\" order by \"Equipment_Type\"";
    DataTable bytype = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbytype);
    if (bytype.Rows.Count>0)
         tempbytypeS = reArray(bytype, "Equipment_Type");
         tempbytypeN = reArray(bytype, "OutStockQuantity");

    string sqlbyname = "select  distinct  \"Equipment_Name\" Equipment_Name,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Name\" order by \"Equipment_Name\"";
    DataTable byname = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyname);
    if (byname.Rows.Count>0)
         tempbynameS = reArray(byname, "Equipment_Name");
         tempbynameN = reArray(byname, "OutStockQuantity");
     benbyZ = reBinArray(dt, "type", "Quantity");

    string sqlbyBen = "select  distinct  \"SpareParts_Attribute\" SpareParts_Attribute,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') group by \"DateTime\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\" order by \"SpareParts_Attribute\"";
    DataTable byBen = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyBen);
    if (byBen.Rows.Count >0)
         benbyLY = reBinArray(byBen, "SpareParts_Attribute", "OutStockQuantity");

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            ";var tempbytypeN=" + tempbytypeN + "" +
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            ";var tempbynameN=" + tempbynameN + "" +
            ";var benbyZ=" + benbyZ + "" +
            ";var benbyLY=" + benbyLY + "", true);


/// <summary>
///点击事件 ajax调用此函数请求数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="id">点击的模块</param>
/// <param name="bdtype">查询的参数</param>
public void selectDa(string id,string bdtype)
    string tempbynameSL = "[]"; //类型柱状图数量by名称---y轴
    string tempbynameNL = "[]";//类型柱状图数量by名称---x轴
    string tempbynameS = "[]"; //领用数量by名称---y轴
    string tempbynameN = "[]";//领用数量by名称---x轴
    string benbyZ = "[]";//饼状图总体分析---数据
    string benbyLY = "[]";//饼状图领用分析---数据
    string jsonM = "[]";//明细数据--数据
    if (id== "类型柱状图")
        string sqlbyname = "select  distinct  \"Equipment_Name\" Equipment_Name,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and \"Equipment_Type\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Name\" order by \"Equipment_Name\"";
        DataTable byname = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyname);
        if (byname.Rows.Count>0)
            tempbynameS = reArray(byname, "Equipment_Name");
            tempbynameN = reArray(byname, "OutStockQuantity");
        string sql = "select * from (select  \"DateTime\" as DateTime , '采购' as type ,sum( \"PurchaseQuantity\" ) Quantity ,sum(\"PurchaseMoney\")  Money from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"Equipment_Type\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '领用' as type1 ,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") OutStockQuantity ,sum(\"OutStockMoney\") OutStockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"Equipment_Type\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '在库' as type1 ,sum(\"StockQuantity\") StockQuantity ,sum(\"StockMoney\") StockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"Equipment_Type\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\")tt where tt.DateTime = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM')";
        DataTable dt = ClassDB.db_select_all(sql);
        if (dt.Rows.Count>0)
            benbyZ = reBinArrayTwo(dt, "type", "Quantity");

        string sqlbyBen = "select  distinct  \"SpareParts_Attribute\" SpareParts_Attribute,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and  \"Equipment_Type\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\" order by \"SpareParts_Attribute\"";
        DataTable byBen = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyBen);
        if (byBen.Rows.Count>0)
            benbyLY = reBinArrayTwo(byBen, "SpareParts_Attribute", "OutStockQuantity");

        string sqlM = "select \"DateTime\" as DateTime,    \"Equipment_Type\" as Equipment_Type,   \"Equipment_Name\" as Equipment_Name,   \"SpareParts_Name\" as SpareParts_Name,   \"SpareParts_Attribute\" as SpareParts_Attribute,   sum(\"PurchaseQuantity\") as PurchaseQuantity,   sum(\"PurchaseMoney\") as PurchaseMoney,   sum(\"StockQuantity\") as StockQuantity,  sum(\"StockMoney\") as StockMoney,  sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity,  sum(\"OutStockMoney\") as OutStockMoney   from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis   where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and  \"Equipment_Type\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\",\"Equipment_Name\",\"SpareParts_Name\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\"  order by \"Equipment_Type\"";
        DataTable dtM = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlM);
        if (dtM.Rows.Count>0)
            jsonM = "[";
            jsonM += "{\"totals\":\"8\",\"pages\":\"1\",\"recordss\":\"8\",\"rootlist\":[";
            for (int i = 0; i < dtM.Rows.Count; i++)
                jsonM += "{\"DateTime\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["DateTime"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"Equipment_Type\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Type"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"Equipment_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Name"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"SpareParts_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Name"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"SpareParts_Attribute\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Attribute"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"PurchaseQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"PurchaseMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseMoney"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"StockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"StockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockMoney"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"OutStockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"OutStockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockMoney"]) + "\"},";
            jsonM = jsonM.Substring(0, jsonM.Length - 1);
            jsonM += "]}]";
    if (id == "名称柱状图")
        string sqlbyname = "select distinct \"Equipment_Type\" Equipment_Type  ,nvl(tt.OutStockQuantity, 0) OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis a left join (select distinct \"Equipment_Type\" Equipment_Type ,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and \"Equipment_Name\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\" order by \"Equipment_Type\") tt on  a.\"Equipment_Type\" = tt.Equipment_Type";
        DataTable byname = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyname);
        if (byname.Rows.Count>0)
            tempbynameS = reArray(byname, "Equipment_Type");
            tempbynameN = reArray(byname, "OutStockQuantity");
        string sql = "select * from (select  \"DateTime\" as DateTime , '采购' as type ,sum( \"PurchaseQuantity\" ) Quantity ,sum(\"PurchaseMoney\")  Money from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"Equipment_Name\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '领用' as type1 ,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") OutStockQuantity ,sum(\"OutStockMoney\") OutStockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"Equipment_Name\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '在库' as type1 ,sum(\"StockQuantity\") StockQuantity ,sum(\"StockMoney\") StockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"Equipment_Name\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\")tt where tt.DateTime = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM')";
        DataTable dt = ClassDB.db_select_all(sql);
        if (dt.Rows.Count>0)
            benbyZ = reBinArrayTwo(dt, "type", "Quantity");

        string sqlbyBen = "select  distinct  \"SpareParts_Attribute\" SpareParts_Attribute,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and  \"Equipment_Name\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\" order by \"SpareParts_Attribute\"";
        DataTable byBen = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyBen);
        if (byBen.Rows.Count>0)
            benbyLY = reBinArrayTwo(byBen, "SpareParts_Attribute", "OutStockQuantity");

        string sqlM = "select \"DateTime\" as DateTime,    \"Equipment_Type\" as Equipment_Type,   \"Equipment_Name\" as Equipment_Name,   \"SpareParts_Name\" as SpareParts_Name,   \"SpareParts_Attribute\" as SpareParts_Attribute,   sum(\"PurchaseQuantity\") as PurchaseQuantity,   sum(\"PurchaseMoney\") as PurchaseMoney,   sum(\"StockQuantity\") as StockQuantity,  sum(\"StockMoney\") as StockMoney,  sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity,  sum(\"OutStockMoney\") as OutStockMoney   from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis   where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and  \"Equipment_Name\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\",\"Equipment_Name\",\"SpareParts_Name\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\"  order by \"Equipment_Type\"";
        DataTable dtM = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlM);
        if (dtM.Rows.Count>0)
            jsonM = "[";
            jsonM += "{\"totals\":\"8\",\"pages\":\"1\",\"recordss\":\"8\",\"rootlist\":[";
            for (int i = 0; i < dtM.Rows.Count; i++)
                jsonM += "{\"DateTime\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["DateTime"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"Equipment_Type\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Type"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"Equipment_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Name"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"SpareParts_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Name"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"SpareParts_Attribute\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Attribute"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"PurchaseQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"PurchaseMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseMoney"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"StockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"StockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockMoney"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"OutStockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"OutStockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockMoney"]) + "\"},";
            jsonM = jsonM.Substring(0, jsonM.Length - 1);
            jsonM += "]}]";
    if (id == "领用分析饼状图")
        string sqlbynameL = "select distinct \"Equipment_Type\" Equipment_Type  ,nvl(tt.OutStockQuantity, 0) OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis a left join (select distinct \"Equipment_Type\" Equipment_Type ,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and \"SpareParts_Attribute\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\" order by \"Equipment_Type\") tt on  a.\"Equipment_Type\" = tt.Equipment_Type";
        DataTable bynameL = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbynameL);
        if (bynameL.Rows.Count>0)
            tempbynameSL = reArray(bynameL, "Equipment_Type");
            tempbynameNL = reArray(bynameL, "OutStockQuantity");

        string sqlbyname = "select  distinct  \"Equipment_Name\" Equipment_Name,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and \"SpareParts_Attribute\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Name\" order by \"Equipment_Name\"";
        DataTable byname = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlbyname);
        if (byname.Rows.Count>0)
            tempbynameS = reArray(byname, "Equipment_Name");
            tempbynameN = reArray(byname, "OutStockQuantity");

        string sql = "select * from (select  \"DateTime\" as DateTime , '采购' as type ,sum( \"PurchaseQuantity\" ) Quantity ,sum(\"PurchaseMoney\")  Money from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"SpareParts_Attribute\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '领用' as type1 ,sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") OutStockQuantity ,sum(\"OutStockMoney\") OutStockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"SpareParts_Attribute\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\" union all select \"DateTime\", '在库' as type1 ,sum(\"StockQuantity\") StockQuantity ,sum(\"StockMoney\") StockMoney from  lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis where  \"SpareParts_Attribute\"='" + bdtype + "'  group by \"DateTime\")tt where tt.DateTime = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM')";
        DataTable dt = ClassDB.db_select_all(sql);
        if (dt.Rows.Count>0)
            benbyZ = reBinArrayTwo(dt, "type", "Quantity");

        string sqlM = "select \"DateTime\" as DateTime,    \"Equipment_Type\" as Equipment_Type,   \"Equipment_Name\" as Equipment_Name,   \"SpareParts_Name\" as SpareParts_Name,   \"SpareParts_Attribute\" as SpareParts_Attribute,   sum(\"PurchaseQuantity\") as PurchaseQuantity,   sum(\"PurchaseMoney\") as PurchaseMoney,   sum(\"StockQuantity\") as StockQuantity,  sum(\"StockMoney\") as StockMoney,  sum(\"OutStockQuantity\") as OutStockQuantity,  sum(\"OutStockMoney\") as OutStockMoney   from lmep_bi_equipmentanalysis   where \"DateTime\" = to_char(sysdate, 'yyyyMM') and  \"SpareParts_Attribute\"='" + bdtype + "' group by \"DateTime\",\"Equipment_Type\",\"Equipment_Name\",\"SpareParts_Name\",\"SpareParts_Attribute\"  order by \"Equipment_Type\"";
        DataTable dtM = ClassDB.db_select_all(sqlM);
        if (dtM.Rows.Count>0)
            jsonM = "[";
            jsonM += "{\"totals\":\"8\",\"pages\":\"1\",\"recordss\":\"8\",\"rootlist\":[";
            for (int i = 0; i < dtM.Rows.Count; i++)
                jsonM += "{\"DateTime\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["DateTime"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"Equipment_Type\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Type"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"Equipment_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["Equipment_Name"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"SpareParts_Name\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Name"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"SpareParts_Attribute\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["SpareParts_Attribute"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"PurchaseQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"PurchaseMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["PurchaseMoney"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"StockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"StockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["StockMoney"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"OutStockQuantity\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockQuantity"]) + "\"" +
                    ",\"OutStockMoney\":\"" + Convert.ToString(dtM.Rows[i]["OutStockMoney"]) + "\"},";
            jsonM = jsonM.Substring(0, jsonM.Length - 1);
            jsonM += "]}]";

    Response.Write(tempbynameS+"|"+ tempbynameN+"|"+ benbyZ+"|"+ benbyLY+"|"+ jsonM+"|"+ tempbynameSL+"|"+ tempbynameNL);

/// <summary>
/// 返回一个数组字符串
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dat">datable</param>
/// <param name="clounm">表列名</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string reArray(DataTable dat,string clounm)

    string tempbytypeS = "[";
    foreach (DataRow dr in dat.Rows)
        //temp[n] = dr["Equipment_Type"].ToString();//字段
        tempbytypeS += "\"" + dr[clounm].ToString() + "\",";
    tempbytypeS = tempbytypeS.Substring(0, tempbytypeS.Length - 1);
    tempbytypeS += "]";
    return tempbytypeS;
/// <summary>
/// 返回饼状图所需的数据格式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dat"></param>
/// <param name="clounm1"></param>
/// <param name="clounm2"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string reBinArray(DataTable dat, string clounm1, string clounm2)

    string tempbytypeS = "[";
    foreach (DataRow dr in dat.Rows)
        //temp[n] = dr["Equipment_Type"].ToString();//字段
        tempbytypeS += "{ value: "+dr[clounm2].ToString()+ ", name: '"+ dr[clounm1].ToString() + "' },";

    tempbytypeS = tempbytypeS.Substring(0, tempbytypeS.Length - 1);
    tempbytypeS += "]";
    return tempbytypeS;
/// <summary>
/// Ajax返回饼状图所需的数据格式
/// </summary>
/// <param name="dat"></param>
/// <param name="clounm1"></param>
/// <param name="clounm2"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string reBinArrayTwo(DataTable dat, string clounm1, string clounm2)

    string tempbytypevalue = "";
    string tempbytypename = "";
    foreach (DataRow dr in dat.Rows)
        //temp[n] = dr["Equipment_Type"].ToString();//字段
        tempbytypevalue += dr[clounm2].ToString() + ";";
        tempbytypename += dr[clounm1].ToString() + ";";
   string  tempbytypeS = tempbytypevalue.Substring(0, tempbytypevalue.Length - 1)+"="+ tempbytypename.Substring(0, tempbytypename.Length - 1);
   return tempbytypeS;


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                show: true,
                feature: {
                    saveAsImage: { show: true },
                    magicType: { show: true, type: ['line', 'bar'] },
                    restore: { show: true }

            title: {
                text: '设备维修费用(元)',
                x: 'left',
                textStyle: {//标题内容的样式
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                    fontStyle: 'normal',//主标题文字字体风格,默认normal,有italic(斜体),oblique(斜体)
                    fontWeight: "bold",//可选normal(正常),bold(加粗),bolder(加粗),lighter(变细),100|200|300|400|500...
                    fontFamily: "san-serif",//主题文字字体,默认微软雅黑
                    fontSize: 13,//主题文字字体大小,默认为18px
                padding: [4, 50, 4, 2],
                backgroundColor: '#5c9ccc'
            tooltip: {
                trigger: 'item',
                formatter: "{a} <br/>{b} : {c}"
            xAxis: {
                type: 'category',
                data: datax3,
                axisLine: { show: true },    //坐标轴
                axisLabel: {
                    interval: 0,
                    rotate: 25,
                    fontSize: 8,
                    fontWeight: 'lighter'

            yAxis: {
                type: 'value',
                boundaryGap: [0, 0.1],
                show: true,
                splitNumber: 1,
                axisLabel: {
                    interval: 0,
                    rotate: 30,
                    fontSize: 8,
                    fontWeight: 'lighter'
            series: [
                    name: '设备维修费用(元)',
                    type: 'bar',
                    data: datas3,
                    itemStyle: {
                        normal: {
                            color: function (params) {
                                var colorList = ['rgb(164,205,238)', 'rgb(42,170,227)', 'rgb(25,46,94)', 'rgb(195,229,235)'];
                                return colorList[params.dataIndex];
                        normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'top' } }

        //点击数据还原事件 (点击左上角第一个table即可还原)
        $("#leftDivOnetable").click(function () {
            if ($(this).attr("id") == "leftDivOnetable") {

        ///设备工作时间vs故障停机时间分析  点击事件
        myChart.on('click', function (params) {
                url: "WMS_BITWO.aspx",
                type: "Post",
                dataType: "text",  //请求到服务器返回的数据类型
                data: {
                    "id": "设备运行故障时间",
                success: function (data) {
                    //jqgrid_json = $.parseJSON(data);
                    var typeMC = data.split('|');

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                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[5], "柱状图");
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                    optionThree.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[6], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[7], "柱状图");
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                    optionFour.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    jqgrid_jsonMM = $.parseJSON(typeMC[0]);
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                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: jqgrid_jsonMM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

        myChartThree.on('click', function (params) {
                url: "WMS_BITWO.aspx",
                type: "Post",
                dataType: "text",  //请求到服务器返回的数据类型
                data: {
                    "id": "故障停机时间",
                success: function (data) {
                    //jqgrid_json = $.parseJSON(data);
                    var typeMC = data.split('|');

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[1], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[2], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN2 = HandleFormat(typeMC[3], "柱状图");
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                    option.series[0].data = tempbynameN2;
                    option.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[6], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[7], "柱状图");
                    var optionFour = myChartFour.getOption();
                    optionFour.series[0].data = tempbynameN;
                    optionFour.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    jqgrid_jsonMM = $.parseJSON(typeMC[0]);
                    $("#rightDowDivtable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: jqgrid_jsonMM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

        myChartFour.on('click', function (params) {
                url: "WMS_BITWO.aspx",
                type: "Post",
                dataType: "text",  //请求到服务器返回的数据类型
                data: {
                    "id": "设备维修费用",
                success: function (data) {
                    //jqgrid_json = $.parseJSON(data);
                    var typeMC = data.split('|');

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[1], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[2], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN2 = HandleFormat(typeMC[3], "柱状图");
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                    option.series[0].data = tempbynameN2;
                    option.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[4], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[5], "柱状图");
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                    optionThree.series[0].data = tempbynameN;
                    optionThree.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    jqgrid_jsonMM = $.parseJSON(typeMC[0]);
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                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: jqgrid_jsonMM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

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                { name: 'TYPEKEY', index: 'TYPEKEY', width: 40, align: "center", sorttype: "text", sortable: false },
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            sortable: true,
            //sortorder: 'asc',
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            caption: "总体情况"

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            width: 790,
            colNames: ['日期', '设备类型', '设备名称', '实际运行效率', '工作时间(小时)', "故障次数", '故障停机时间(小时)', '备件更换次数', '维修费用(元)'],
            colModel: [
                { name: 'DATETIME', index: 'DATETIME', width: 50, align: "center", hidden: false },
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                { name: 'WORK_HOUR', index: 'WORK_HOUR', width: 95, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },

                { name: 'FAILURES_NUMBER', index: 'FAILURES_NUMBER', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'FAILURES_HOUR', index: 'FAILURES_HOUR', width: 80, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'REPLACE_NUMBER', index: 'REPLACE_NUMBER', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
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            rowNum: 50,
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            caption: "设备运行情况分析表"


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    function AddData(type) {
        if (type == "总体情况") {
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                datatype: 'local',
                data: jqgrid_jsonZ[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据
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    function HandleFormat(typeArray, typename) {
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            return tempbynameS;
        if (typename == "饼状图") {
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            var tempbynameS = typeArray.split('=');
            var reValue = tempbynameS[0].split(';');
            var reName = tempbynameS[1].split(';');
            for (var j = 0; j < reValue.length; j++) {
                reBenValue += "{ value:" + reValue[j] + "," + "name:" + reName[j] + "},";
            reBenValue += reBenValue.substr(0, typeArray.length - 1);
            reBenValue += "]";
            return tempbynameS;

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<script type="text/javascript">
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    var jqgrid_jsonM = [];//运行情况表格数据源
    var datax1 = []; var datasS1 = []; var datasG1 = [];//设备工作时间vs故障停机时间分析 x轴和y轴
    var datax2 = []; var datas2 = [];//设备故障停机时间(小时) x轴和y轴
    var datax3 = []; var datas3 = [];//设备维修费用(元) x轴和y轴

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                            color: function (params) {
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                                return colorList[params.dataIndex];
                        normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'right' } }
        // 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。


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                right: 20
            title: {
                text: '维修人员运维分析',
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                    show: false
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                    interval: 0,
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            series: [
                    name: '维护次数',
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                    stack: '总量',
                    label: {
                        normal: {
                            show: true,
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                    data: datasS1,
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                            color: function (params) {
                                var colorList = ['#00aff0'];
                                return colorList[params.dataIndex];

                        normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'right' } }
                    name: '维护时长',
                    type: 'bar',
                    stack: '总量',
                    label: {
                        normal: {
                            show: true,
                            position: 'insideRight'
                    data: datasG1,
                    itemStyle: {
                        // 通常情况下:
                        normal: {
                            // 每个柱子的颜色即为colorList数组里的每一项,如果柱子数目多于colorList的长度,则柱子颜色循环使用该数组
                            color: function (params) {
                                var colorList = ['#00aff0'];
                                return colorList[params.dataIndex];

                        normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'right' } }



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                show: true,
                feature: {
                    saveAsImage: { show: true },
                    magicType: { show: true, type: ['line', 'bar'] },
                    restore: { show: true }

            title: {
                text: '维修费用by故障类型',
                x: 'left',
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                    name: '维修费用',
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                        normal: {
                            color: function (params) {
                                var colorList = ['rgb(164,205,238)', 'rgb(42,170,227)', 'rgb(25,46,94)', 'rgb(195,229,235)'];
                                return colorList[params.dataIndex];
                        normal: { label: { show: true, position: 'top' } }

        //点击数据还原事件 (点击左上角第一个table即可还原)
        $("#leftDivOnetable").click(function () {
            if ($(this).attr("id") == "leftDivOnetable") {

        ///设备工作时间vs故障停机时间分析  点击事件
        myChart.on('click', function (params) {
                url: "WMS_BITHREE.aspx",
                type: "Post",
                dataType: "text",  //请求到服务器返回的数据类型
                data: {
                    "id": "维修时长",
                success: function (data) {
                    //jqgrid_json = $.parseJSON(data);
                    var typeMC = data.split('|');

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[1], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[2], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN2 = HandleFormat(typeMC[3], "柱状图");
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                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[6], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[7], "柱状图");
                    var optionFour = myChartThree.getOption();
                    optionFour.series[0].data = tempbynameN;
                    optionFour.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    jqgrid_jsonMM = $.parseJSON(typeMC[0]);
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                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: jqgrid_jsonMM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

        //维修人员运维分析 点击事件

        myChartMC.on('click', function (params) {
                url: "WMS_BITHREE.aspx",
                type: "Post",
                dataType: "text",  //请求到服务器返回的数据类型
                data: {
                    "id": "维修人员",
                success: function (data) {
                    //jqgrid_json = $.parseJSON(data);

                    var typeMC = data.split('|');
                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[4], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[5], "柱状图");
                    var optionFour = myChart.getOption();
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                    optionFour.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[6], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[7], "柱状图");
                    var optionFour = myChartThree.getOption();
                    optionFour.series[0].data = tempbynameN;
                    optionFour.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    jqgrid_jsonMM = $.parseJSON(typeMC[0]);
                    $("#rightDowDivtable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: jqgrid_jsonMM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

        myChartThree.on('click', function (params) {
                url: "WMS_BITHREE.aspx",
                type: "Post",
                dataType: "text",  //请求到服务器返回的数据类型
                data: {
                    "id": "维修费用",
                success: function (data) {
                    //jqgrid_json = $.parseJSON(data);
                    var typeMC = data.split('|');

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[1], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[2], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN2 = HandleFormat(typeMC[3], "柱状图");
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                    option.series[0].data = tempbynameN2;
                    option.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    var tempbynameS = HandleFormat(typeMC[4], "柱状图");
                    var tempbynameN = HandleFormat(typeMC[5], "柱状图");
                    var optionFour = myChart.getOption();
                    optionFour.series[0].data = tempbynameN;
                    optionFour.xAxis[0].data = tempbynameS;

                    jqgrid_jsonMM = $.parseJSON(typeMC[0]);
                    $("#rightDowDivtable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                        datatype: 'local',
                        data: jqgrid_jsonMM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据

            datatype: "local",
            cellEdit: true,
            height: 110,//$(window).height() - 200,
            width: 315,
            colNames: ['日期', '指标', '数值'],
            colModel: [
                { name: 'DATETIME', index: 'DATETIME', width: 20, align: "center", sorttype: "text", sortable: false },
                { name: 'TYPEZB', index: 'TYPEZB', width: 40, align: "center", sorttype: "text", sortable: false },
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            viewrecords: true,
            sortable: true,
            //sortorder: 'asc',
            cellsubmit: 'clientArray',
            caption: "总体情况"

            datatype: "local",
            cellEdit: true,
            height: 160,//$(window).height() - 200,
            width: 790,
            colNames: ['日期', '故障区域', '故障具体区域', '故障类型', '故障部件', "维修员", '维修时长(小时)', '维修费用(元)', '维修次数', '维护次数'],
            colModel: [
                { name: 'DATETIME', index: 'DATETIME', width: 50, align: "center", hidden: false },
                { name: 'FAULTAREA', index: 'FAULTAREA', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "text", sortable: false },
                { name: 'FAULTAREA_SPEC', index: 'FAULTAREA_SPEC', width: 100, align: "center", sortable: false },
                { name: 'FAULT_TYPE', index: 'FAULT_TYPE', width: 60, align: "center", sortable: false },
                { name: 'FAULT_PARTS', index: 'FAULT_PARTS', width: 85, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'REPAIRMAN', index: 'REPAIRMAN', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'REPAIR_HOUR', index: 'REPAIR_HOUR', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'REPAIR_COSR', index: 'REPAIR_COSR', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'REPAIR_TIMES', index: 'REPAIR_TIMES', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },
                { name: 'MAINTENANCE_TIMES', index: 'MAINTENANCE_TIMES', width: 60, align: "center", sorttype: "number", sortable: false },

            pager: "#pager_list_2",
            viewrecords: true,
            hidegrid: true,
            rowNum: 10, //每页显示记录数  
            viewrecords: true, //是否显示行数  
            rowList: [10, 30, 50], //可调整每页显示的记录数  
            multiselect: false, //是否支持多选 
            rowNum: 50,
            cellsubmit: 'clientArray',
            loadonce: true,
            rownumbers: true,
            shrinkToFit: false,
            autoScroll: true,
            caption: "设备运行情况分析表"


        $(window).resize(function () {
            $("#leftDivOnetable").setGridHeight($(window).height() - 540);
            $("#leftDivOnetable").setGridWidth($(window).width() - 1050);
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            $("#rightDowDivtable").setGridWidth($(window).width() - 600);
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    function AddData(type) {
        if (type == "总体情况") {
            $("#leftDivOnetable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                datatype: 'local',
                data: jqgrid_jsonZ[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据
        if (type == "明细统计") {
            $("#rightDowDivtable").jqGrid('setGridParam', {  // 重新加载数据
                datatype: 'local',
                data: jqgrid_jsonM[0].rootlist,   //  newdata 是符合格式要求的需要重新加载的数据
    function HandleFormat(typeArray, typename) {
        if (typename == "柱状图") {
            var tempbynameS = typeArray.substr(1, typeArray.length - 2).split(',');
            for (var i = 0; i < tempbynameS.length; i++) {
                tempbynameS[i] = tempbynameS[i].replace("\"", "").replace("\"", "");
            return tempbynameS;
        if (typename == "饼状图") {
            var reBenValue = "[";
            var tempbynameS = typeArray.split('=');
            var reValue = tempbynameS[0].split(';');
            var reName = tempbynameS[1].split(';');
            for (var j = 0; j < reValue.length; j++) {
                reBenValue += "{ value:" + reValue[j] + "," + "name:" + reName[j] + "},";
            reBenValue += reBenValue.substr(0, typeArray.length - 1);
            reBenValue += "]";
            return tempbynameS;
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ECharts-WordCloud 是 Apache ECharts(incubating)的一个扩展,用于绘制词云图。下面我给出一个简单的使用示例: 1. 引入 echartsecharts-wordcloud 库 ```html <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> ``` 2. 创建一个容器 ```html <div id="wordcloud" style="width: 600px;height:400px;"></div> ``` 3. 初始化 ECharts 实例 ```javascript var myChart = echarts.init(document.getElementById('wordcloud')); ``` 4. 配置词云图选项 ```javascript var option = { series: [{ type: 'wordCloud', gridSize: 20, sizeRange: [12, 50], rotationRange: [-90, 90], shape: 'pentagon', width: 600, height: 400, textStyle: { normal: { color: function() { return 'rgb(' + [ Math.round(Math.random() * 255), Math.round(Math.random() * 255), Math.round(Math.random() * 255) ].join(',') + ')'; } } }, data: [ { name: 'JavaScript', value: 10000, }, { name: 'Java', value: 6181, }, { name: 'Python', value: 4386, }, { name: 'PHP', value: 4055, }, { name: 'Ruby', value: 2467, }, { name: 'C++', value: 2244, }, { name: 'C#', value: 1898, }, { name: 'HTML', value: 1484, }, { name: 'CSS', value: 1112, }, { name: 'TypeScript', value: 965, }, { name: 'Swift', value: 847, }, { name: 'Objective-C', value: 582, }, { name: 'SQL', value: 555, }, { name: 'Go', value: 550, }, { name: 'Kotlin', value: 462, }, { name: 'Perl', value: 367, } ] }] }; ``` 5. 使用刚指定的配置项和数据显示图表。 ```javascript myChart.setOption(option); ``` 这样就可以在页面上展示一个简单的词云图了。




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