数据结构与算法分析-C++描述 第10章 算法设计技巧(分治算法之最近点对问题)

算法设计技巧二:分治算法(divide and conquer)





        分治算法的典型实例为最大子序列求和问题实现O(N\log N)解。实现斐波拉契数列时使用递归可以看做是分治算法的一个糟糕的实例(通过非递归调用将更有效)。但这并不意味着分治算法总是很糟糕。在本篇将通过使用一般方法和分治算法求解最近点对问题,通过对比,证明分治算法的有效时间界。


        分治算法存在从N-1步到第N步的递推表示:f(N) = f(N-1)。举例常见的两种形式及其对应的解【证明略】。


        给定平面上的一系列点,求解最近两点的距离及坐标。若点的数量为N,则存在N(N-1)/2个点对,使用一般方式,逐步比较最近点距离将花费O(N^2)时间,通过分治算法有望实现O(N\log N)时间。


              1)点数小于等于3直接使用一般方法求解,点数大于3时将平面按x轴排序,取排序中点为分割线,将平面分割成YL和              YR两部分,递归求解YL和YR平面的最小距离left和right;d = min(left, right),如果存在最近点对(P1,P2)(P_1,P_2)位于分割线内距离小于d,则对带状区域内的每一个点检测y_i\pm d内的7个点,求解距离d',则minDis = min(d,d')。图示如下:



using namespace std;
const int REPEAT = 100; //repeat REPEAT time to calcuate the time

class myPoint {
    float x;
    float y;

//compare point a and b controlled by type
bool compare(myPoint a, myPoint b, int type) {
    if (type == 1) {
        return a.x > b.x;
    else {
        return a.y > b.y;
void Initial(int N, myPoint* X, myPoint* Y) {
    srand(time(0));  //get the system clock 
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {  //generate the random value [-10, 10]
        X[i].x = rand() / double(RAND_MAX)*20 - 10;
        X[i].y = rand() / double(RAND_MAX)*20 - 10;
        Y[i].x = X[i].x;
        Y[i].y = X[i].y;
        cout << "The rand pair is : (" << X[i].x << ", " << X[i].y << " ) " << endl;
double Distance(myPoint p1, myPoint p2) {  //calcuate the distance
    return sqrt((p1.x - p2.x)*(p1.x - p2.x) + (p1.y - p2.y)*(p1.y - p2.y));

//quickSort the axis value controlled by type
void quickSort(myPoint* P, int start, int end, int type) {
    if (start == end)	//only one point
    int primary_start = start; 		//save the original start
    int primart_end = end;			//save the original end
    myPoint pivotKey = P[start]; 	//set pivotKey

    while (start < end)		//quickSort algrithm
    {	//find the right border
        while (start < end && compare(P[end], pivotKey, type))
        //update the start
        if (start < end) {
            P[start++] = P[end];
        //find the left border
        while (start < end &&  compare(pivotKey, P[start], type))
        //update the end
        if (start < end) {
            P[end--] = P[start];
    //update pivotKey when start = end
    P[start] = pivotKey;
	//quickSort the left part
    if (start - 1>primary_start){
    	quickSort(P, primary_start, start - 1, type);
	//quickSort the right part
    if (start + 1<primart_end){
    	quickSort(P, start + 1, primart_end, type);

//direct solve the nearest points
double force(int start, int end, myPoint* P, myPoint& P1, myPoint& P2) {
    int i, j;
    if (end - start<1) {	//only one point
        return 0.0;
    double minDis = Distance(P[start], P[start + 1]);  //init the minDis
    P1 = P[start];		//init P1
    P2 = P[start+1];	//init P2
    for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
        for (j = start; j <= end; j++) {
            if (i != j && Distance(P[i], P[j])<minDis) {
                minDis = Distance(P[i], P[j]);
                P1 = P[i];
                P2 = P[j];
    return minDis;

//divide_conquer algrithm for nearest points
double divide_conquer(int start, int end, myPoint* X, myPoint* Y, myPoint& P1, myPoint& P2) {

    if (end - start < 3){
        return force(start, end, X,P1,P2);
    int mid = (start + end) / 2; 
    int leftLen = 0, rightLen = 0, i, j; 
    myPoint* YL = new myPoint[(end - start + 1) ];//y left part
    myPoint* YR = new myPoint[(end - start + 1) ];//y right part
    for (i = 0; i <= end - start; i++){
        if (Y[i].x <= X[mid].x) {
            YL[leftLen++] = Y[i];
        else {
            YR[rightLen++] = Y[i];
    double left = divide_conquer(start, mid, X, YL,P1,P2);	//find the left minDis
    myPoint leftP1 = P1;			//save P1
    myPoint leftP2 = P2;			//save P2
    double right = divide_conquer(mid + 1, end, X, YR,P1,P2);  //find the right minDis
    double minDis;
    //take the minDis from left and right, refill P1 and P2
    if (left < right) {
        minDis = left;
        P1 = leftP1;
        P2 = leftP2;
    else {
        minDis = right;
    //setup the danding region
    myPoint* newY = new myPoint[(end - start + 1)];
    int newYLen = 0;
    double leftBorder = X[mid].x - minDis;
    double rightBorder = X[mid].x + minDis;
    //find the points in region
    for (i = 0; i <= end - start; i++) {
        if (Y[i].x >= leftBorder && Y[i].x <= rightBorder){
        	newY[newYLen++] = Y[i];
    //find the nearest 7 distance
    for (i = 0; i<newYLen; i++) {
        for (j = 1; j <= 7; j++) {
        	//keep the newY in region
            if ((i + j)<newYLen) {
                double dis = Distance(newY[i], newY[i + j]);
                if (dis < minDis) {
                    minDis = dis;
                    P1 = newY[i];
                    P2 = newY[i + j];
    delete YL;
    delete YR;
    delete newY;
    return minDis;
int main(){
    int N;
    cout << "Enter the total number of points :";
    cin >> N;
    //create X and Y(same as X) points set
    myPoint* X = new myPoint[N];
    myPoint* Y = new myPoint[N];
    int i;
    clock_t start, end;
    double ave = 0.0;
    double minDis = 0.0;
    myPoint P1, P2; //init the nearest points result
    Initial(N, X, Y);	//instantiation the X and Y
    for (i = 0; i < REPEAT; i++) {	//repeat REPEAT times
        start = clock();
        minDis += force(0, N - 1, X,P1,P2);
        end = clock();
        ave += (double)(end - start);
    ave /= REPEAT;
    minDis /= REPEAT;
    cout << "force: minDis : " << minDis << " time loss : " <<ave<<" ms" << setw(4);
    cout << " Position:(" << P1.x << "," << P1.y << "),(" << P2.x << "," << P2.y << ")"<<endl;

    ave = 0.0;
    minDis = 0.0;
    for (i = 0; i < REPEAT; i++) {  
        start = clock();
        quickSort(X, 0, N - 1, 1);	//sort X axis
        quickSort(Y, 0, N - 1, 2);	//sort Y axis
        minDis+= divide_conquer(0, N - 1, X, Y,P1, P2);
        end = clock();
        ave += (double)(end - start);
    ave /= REPEAT;
    minDis /= REPEAT;
    cout << "divide_conquer: minDis : " <<minDis<< " time loss : " << ave << " ms" << setw(4);
    cout << " Position:(" << P1.x << "," << P1.y << "),(" << P2.x << "," << P2.y << ")" << endl;
    return 0;


N = 10时,直接求解稍快;

N= 50时, 分治算法稍快;



practice makes perfect ! 





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