
	<view class="page">
		<!-- 顶部栏 -->
		<view class="navigate_top">
			<view class="indextop_iconleft font" @click="backpage"><text>&#xe622;</text></view>
			<view class="navigate_top_title">
				<!--   两个 -->
		<!-- 顶部栏end -->
		<view class="tui-modal-class tui-modal-box" :class="[show?'tui-modal-show':'']">
			<view class="tui-modalBtn-box" :class="[button.length>2?'tui-flex-column':'']">
				<block v-for="(item,index) in button" :key="index">
					<button class="tui-modal-btn" :class="['tui-'+(item.type || 'primary')+(item.plain?'-outline':''),button.length!=2?'tui-btn-width tui-mbtm':'']"
					 :hover-class="'tui-'+(item.plain?'outline':(item.type || 'primary'))+'-hover'" :data-index="index" @tap="handleClick" :data-text="item.text">{{item.text || "确定"}}</button>
		<view class="tui-modal-mask" :class="[show?'tui-mask-show':'']" @tap="handleClickCancel"></view>
		<view class="" style="margin-top: 80px;">
		 <scroll-view scroll-y="true" :style="{ height: windowHeight + 'px', 'background-color': '#fff' }">
		 	<view class="container flex_row">
		 		<!-- 左侧栏 -->
		 		<view class="nav_left">
		 			<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 100%;">
		 				<view class="" style="background-color: #f1f1f1;height: 20px;width: 100%;"></view>
		 				<view v-for="(item, index) in cateItems" :key="index" style="position: relative;">
		 					<view @click="tabtap(index, item.postGradeId)" :id="index" class="nav_left_items nowrap" :class="{ active: index == curIndex }">
		 						{{ item.wcaName }}
		 					<view class="booklabel" v-if="item.isAid == 1">助理</view>
		 		<view class="nav_right_right">
		 			<view class="cu-list menu-avatar" style="width: 80%;margin: 0 auto;height: 100%;">
		 				<scroll-view scroll-y="true" style="height: 80%;">
		 						v-for="(ite, index) in cateItemslist[curIndex].children"
		 						style="margin-top: 15px;"
		 							style="height: 70px;width: 90%;margin: 0 auto; position: relative;border-radius:5px;"
		 							:class="[{ o1: ite.children_id == 1 }, { o2: ite.children_id == 2 }, { o3: ite.children_id == 3 }, { o4: ite.children_id == 4 }]"
		 							<view class="font deleteicon" @click.stop="deleteit(ite.orderCardsId, index)">
		 								<!-- 冒泡事件 -->
		 							<!-- <tui-button > -->
		 							<view class="staffimage"><image :src="ite.src" mode="aspectFill"></image></view>
		 							<view class="">
		 								<view class="text-white content11">{{ ite.storename }}</view>
		 								<view class="" v-if="ite.children_id == 4 || ite.children_id == 2 || ite.children_id == 3">
		 									<view class="uptime" v-if="ite.attendanceState == 0">
		 										<view class="" v-if="ite.uptime == undefined">上班时间:暂未排班</view>
		 										<view class="" v-else>上班时间:{{ ite.uptime }}</view>
		 									<view class="uptime" v-if="ite.attendanceState == 1">
		 										<view class="" v-if="ite.uptime == undefined">下班时间:暂未排班</view>
		 										<view class="" v-else>下班时间:{{ ite.uptime }}</view>
		 								<view class="action11">
		 									<view class="text-white text-xs">{{ ite.status }}</view>
		 					style="height: 70px;width: 80%;background-color:rgba(136,135,136,0.6) ;border-radius:5px;line-height: 70px;margin: 15px auto 0;"
		 					<view style="text-align: center; color: #fff;font-size: 16px;">新增员工</view>
		 				<!-- 结束 -->
				<!-- 右侧栏 -->
		 <!-- 移动悬浮 -->
		 <view v-if="showMoveImage">
		 		style="height:70px;width:50%;position: absolute;border-radius:5px;padding-top:10px;"
		 			{ o1: moveImagePath.children_id == 1 },
		 			{ o2: moveImagePath.children_id == 2 },
		 			{ o3: moveImagePath.children_id == 3 },
		 			{ o4: moveImagePath.children_id == 4 }
		 		:style="{ left: moveLeft + 'px', top: moveTop + 'px' }"
		 		<view class="staffimage"><image :src="moveImagePath.src" mode="aspectFill"></image></view>
		 		<view class="">
		 			<view class="text-white content11">{{ moveImagePath.storename }}</view>
		 			<view class="" v-if="moveImagePath.children_id == 4 || moveImagePath.children_id == 2 || moveImagePath.children_id == 3">
		 				<view class="uptime" v-if="moveImagePath.attendanceState == 0">
		 					<view class="" v-if="moveImagePath.uptime == undefined">上班时间:暂未排班</view>
		 					<view class="" v-else>上班时间:{{ moveImagePath.uptime }}</view>
		 				<view class="uptime" v-if="moveImagePath.attendanceState == 1">
		 					<view class="" v-if="moveImagePath.uptime == undefined">下班时间:暂未排班</view>
		 					<view class="" v-else>下班时间:{{ moveImagePath.uptime }}</view>
		 		<view class="action11">
		 			<view class="text-white text-xs">{{ moveImagePath.status }}</view>
		<!-- 移动悬浮 -->


export default {
	data() {
		return {
			imageBasePos: {
				x0: -1,
				y0: -1,
				w: -1,
				h: -1
			windowHeight: '',
			showMoveImage: false,
			moveImagePath: '',
			moveLeft: 0,
			moveTop: 0,
			deltaLeft: 0,
			deltaTop: 0,
			stopleft: 0,
			stoptop: 0,
			dragIndex: null,
			targetImageIndex: null,
			curIndex: 0,
			cuecityIndex: 0,
			cuestoreIndex: 0,
			color1: ' red;',
			modalName: null,
			skin: false,
			index: 1,
			showMask: false,
			cateItems: [],
			time: '',
			cateItemslist: [],
			show: false,
			button: [
					text: '休息中',
					type: 'gray',
					plain: true
					text: '候客中',
					type: 'green',
					plain: true
					text: '工作中',
					type: 'red',
					plain: true
					text: '外出中',
					type: 'blue',
					plain: true

	computed: {
		posMoveImageLeft: function() {
			return this.moveLeft + 'px';
		posMoveImageTop: function() {
			return this.moveTop + 'px';
		isShowDel: function() {
			if (this.enableDel === false) {
				return false;
			} else {
				return true;
		isShowAdd: function() {
			if (this.enableAdd === false) {
				return false;
			if (this.limit && this.cateItems[this.curIndex].children.length >= this.limit) {
				return false;
			return true;
		isDragable: function() {
			if (this.enableDrag === false) {
				return false;
			} else {
				return true;
	onShow() {
		this.moveLeft = 0
		this.cateItemslist = [];
		var date = new Date();
		var y = date.getFullYear();
		var m = date.getMonth() + 1;
		m = m < 10 ? '0' + m : m;
		var d = date.getDate();
		d = d < 10 ? '0' + d : d;
		this.time = y + '-' + m + '-' + d;
		// this.time =  '2019-11-04';
		var opts = {
			url: '/app/wheelCard/list',
			method: 'GET',
			header: 'json'
		var param = {
			storeId: getApp().globalData.storeId
		this.$https.httpTokenRequest(opts, param).then(
			res => {
				var list = [];
				for (var i = 0; i < res.data.rows.length; i++) {
					list.push({ children: [] });
				this.cateItemslist = list;
				if (res.data.code === 0) {
					this.cateItems = res.data.rows;
				} else {
						title: '网络错误'
			error => {
					title: '网络请求超时,请重试',
					icon: 'none'
	onLoad() {
		var that = this;
			success: function(res) {
				that.windowHeight = res.windowHeight - 80;
	onBackPress(options) {
		var list = [];
		if (this.cateItemslist.length > 0) {
			for (var i = 0; i < this.cateItemslist.length; i++) {
				for (var j = 0; j < this.cateItemslist[i].children.length; j++) {
						staffId: this.cateItemslist[i].children[j].staffId,
						storeId: getApp().globalData.storeId,
						mechanismId: getApp().globalData.mechanismId,
						ocOrder: j + 1,
						wheelCardId: Number(this.cateItemslist[i].children[j].wheelCardId),
						ocState: this.cateItemslist[i].children[j].children_id - 1,
						orderCardsId: this.cateItemslist[i].children[j].orderCardsId
			// console.log(list, '');
			var that = this;
			if (options.from === 'navigateBack' || options.from === 'backbutton') {
					title: '提示',
					content: '是否保存轮牌设置?',
					success: function(res) {
						if (res.confirm) {
							// if()
							var opts = {
								url: '/app/wheelCard/editOrderCards',
								method: 'POST',
								header: 'json'
							var param = list;
							that.$https.httpTokenRequest(opts, param).then(
								res => {
									// console.log(res, '封装');
								error => {
										title: '网络请求超时,请重试',
										icon: 'none'
methods: {
	newStaff() {
		// console.log(this.cateItemslist, '11111111111');
		getApp().globalData.cateItems = this.cateItemslist;
		var id = this.cateItems[this.curIndex].postGradeId;
		var wheelCardId = this.cateItems[this.curIndex].wheelCardId;
			url: '../turnon/addnew?id=' + id + '&leftindex=' + this.curIndex + '&wheelCardId=' + wheelCardId
	getList() {
			title: '获取数据'
		var opts = {
			url: '/app/wheelCard/orderCardsList',
			method: 'POST',
			header: 'json'
		var param = {
			ocDate: this.time,
			wheelCardId: this.cateItems[this.curIndex].wheelCardId
		this.$https.httpTokenRequest(opts, param).then(
			res => {
				// console.log(res.data);
				if (res.data.rows.length == 0) {
						title: '暂无轮牌数据',
						icon: 'none'
				} else {
					this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children = [];
					var list = this.cateItemslist;
					for (var i = 0; i < res.data.rows.length; i++) {
						var time = res.data.rows[i].attTime.split(' ');
							attendanceState: res.data.rows[i].attendanceState,
							children_id: res.data.rows[i].ocState + 1,
							src: 'http://qiniu.qm65.com/' + res.data.rows[i].staPhoto,
							storename: res.data.rows[i].staName,
							uptime: time[1],
							status: this.button[res.data.rows[i].ocState].text,
							// status:this.button[1].text,
							staffId: res.data.rows[i].staffId,
							wheelCardId: res.data.rows[i].wheelCardId,
							orderCardsId: res.data.rows[i].orderCardsId
					// console.log(list, 'list');
					this.cateItemslist = list;
			error => {
					title: '网络请求超时,请重试',
					icon: 'none'
	backpage() {
			delta: 1,
			animationType: 'pop-out',
			animationDuration: 200
	show4(ite) {
		console.log(ite, '111111');
		this.curentitem = ite;
		this.show = true;
	hide() {
		this.show = false;
	handleClickCancel() {
	handleClick(e) {
		let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
		this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.curentitem].children_id = Number(index) + 1;
		this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.curentitem].status = this.button[index].text;
		var list = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.curentitem];
		if (index == 0) {
			this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children.splice(this.curentitem, 1);
		// console.log(this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children, 'this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children');
		// this.curentitem.children_id = index
		// console.log(this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.curentitem].children_id)
	tabtap(index, id) {
		this.curIndex = index;
	// ListTouch触摸开始
	ListTouchStart(e) {
		this.listTouchStart = e.touches[0].pageX;
	// 删除
	// ListTouch计算方向
	ListTouchMove(e) {
		this.listTouchDirection = e.touches[0].pageX - this.listTouchStart > 0 ? 'right' : 'left';
	// ListTouch计算滚动
	ListTouchEnd(e) {
		if (this.listTouchDirection == 'left') {
			this.modalName = e.currentTarget.dataset.target;
		} else {
			this.modalName = null;
		this.listTouchDirection = null;
	deleteit(id, index) {
		var that = this;
			title: '是否删除',
			content: '确定今天移除该员工',
			success: function(res) {
				if (res.confirm) {
					var opts = {
						url: '/app/wheelCard/remove',
						method: 'GET',
						header: 'json'
					var param = {
						orderCardsId: id
					that.$https.httpTokenRequest(opts, param).then(
						res => {
							// console.log(res.data);
							that.cateItemslist[that.curIndex].children.splice(index, 1);
								title: '删除成功',
								icon: 'success'
						error => {
								title: '网络请求超时,请重试',
								icon: 'none'
	// 删除end
	initImageBasePos: function() {
		let paddingRate = 0.024;
		_self = this;
			success: function(obj) {
				let screenWidth = obj.screenWidth;
				let leftPadding = Math.ceil(paddingRate * screenWidth);
				let imageWidth = Math.ceil((screenWidth - 2 * leftPadding) / 4);
				_self.imageBasePos.x0 = leftPadding;
				_self.imageBasePos.w = imageWidth;
				_self.imageBasePos.h = imageWidth;
	findOverlapImage: function(posX, posY) {
		var begin = 100;
		var end = 192;
		let indx;
		var length = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children.length;
		if (begin < posY && end > posY) {
			indx = 0;
			return indx;
		for (var i = 1; i <= length; i++) {
			begin = begin + 92;
			end = end + 92;
			if (begin < posY && end > posY) {
				// console.log(posY,'满足的')
				indx = i;
				// console.log(i,'交换地址')
				return indx;
	isDragging: function(indx) {
		// console.log(indx)
		return this.dragIndex === indx;
	start: function(e) {
		const query = uni.createSelectorQuery().in(this);
		query.select('.cu-item').boundingClientRect(data => {
		    // console.log(data.left);
			this.moveLeft = data.left; 
		if (!this.isDragable) {
		this.dragIndex = e.currentTarget.dataset.index; //其实地址
		// console.log(e.currentTarget.dataset.index, '当前位置第几个');
		this.moveImagePath = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.dragIndex];
		// console.log(this.moveImagePath)
		this.showMoveImage = true;
		const touch = e.touches[0]; //获取第一个触点
		this.showMoveImage = true;
		// 移动
		this.moveTop = e.touches[0].pageY - 40;
		console.log( this.moveTop,'this.moveTop')
	move: function(e) {
		if (!this.isDragable) {
		const touch = e.touches[0]; //获取第一个触点
		// console.log(touch,'移动')
		if (this.deltaLeft === 0) {
			this.deltaLeft = touch.clientX - this.moveLeft;
			this.deltaTop = touch.clientY - this.moveTop;
		this.stopleft = touch.pageX;
		this.stoptop = touch.pageY;
		// console.log(this.stoptop,'结束')
		this.moveLeft = touch.clientX - this.deltaLeft;
		this.moveTop = touch.clientY - this.deltaTop;
	stop: function(e) {
		// console.log(this.stoptop, '结束');
		// console.log(this.deltaTop,'结束X')
		var leng = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children.length * 87;
		// console.log(leng,'长度')
		if (this.stoptop > leng) {
			// console.log(this.dragIndex);
			// console.log(this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children.length)
			this.targetImageIndex = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children.length - 1;
			if (this.dragIndex !== this.targetImageIndex && this.deltaTop != 0 && this.targetImageIndex >= 0) {
				this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.dragIndex] = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.targetImageIndex];
				this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.targetImageIndex] = this.moveImagePath;
		} else {
			this.targetImageIndex = this.findOverlapImage(this.stopleft, this.stoptop);
			// console.log(this.targetImageIndex, '结束Y');
			// console.log(this.targetImageIndex)
			if (this.dragIndex !== this.targetImageIndex && this.deltaTop != 0 && this.targetImageIndex >= 0) {
				this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.dragIndex] = this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.targetImageIndex];
				this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children[this.targetImageIndex] = this.moveImagePath;
		this.dragIndex = null;
		this.targetImageIndex = null;
		this.deltaLeft = 0;
		this.deltaTop = 0;
		this.showMoveImage = false;
		// this.showMoveImage = false
		// console.log(this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex], '当前轮牌顺序');
		// this.$emit('input', this.cateItemslist[this.curIndex].children)
	clearLoop() {
		// handleClick(e) {
		// 	if (!this.show) return;
		// 	const dataset = e.currentTarget.dataset;
		// 	console.log(dataset,'dataset')
		// },
		// handleClickCancel() {
		// 	if (!this.maskClosable) return;
		// },
		px(num) {
			return uni.upx2px(num) + 'px'

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