
#import "DJZMachController.h"

#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <dlfcn.h>
#import <mach-o/ldsyms.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <mach-o/dyld.h>
#include <mach-o/nlist.h>
#include <mach-o/getsect.h>
#include <vector>

struct PointerModifierNop {
    template <typename ListType, typename T>
    static T *modify(__unused const ListType &list, T *ptr) { return ptr; }

template <typename Element, typename List, uint32_t FlagMask, typename PointerModifier = PointerModifierNop>
struct entsize_list_tt {
    uint32_t entsizeAndFlags;
    uint32_t count;

    uint32_t entsize() const {
        return entsizeAndFlags & ~FlagMask;
    uint32_t flags() const {
        return entsizeAndFlags & FlagMask;

    Element& getOrEnd(uint32_t i) const {
        return *PointerModifier::modify(*this, (Element *)((uint8_t *)this + sizeof(*this) + i*entsize()));
    Element& get(uint32_t i) const {
        return getOrEnd(i);

    size_t byteSize() const {
        return byteSize(entsize(), count);
    static size_t byteSize(uint32_t entsize, uint32_t count) {
        return sizeof(entsize_list_tt) + count*entsize;

    struct iterator;
    const iterator begin() const {
        return iterator(*static_cast<const List*>(this), 0);
    iterator begin() {
        return iterator(*static_cast<const List*>(this), 0);
    const iterator end() const {
        return iterator(*static_cast<const List*>(this), count);
    iterator end() {
        return iterator(*static_cast<const List*>(this), count);

    struct iterator {
        uint32_t entsize;
        uint32_t index;  // keeping track of this saves a divide in operator-
        Element* element;

        typedef std::random_access_iterator_tag iterator_category;
        typedef Element value_type;
        typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
        typedef Element* pointer;
        typedef Element& reference;

        iterator() { }

        iterator(const List& list, uint32_t start = 0)
            : entsize(list.entsize())
            , index(start)
            , element(&list.getOrEnd(start))
        { }

        const iterator& operator += (ptrdiff_t delta) {
            element = (Element*)((uint8_t *)element + delta*entsize);
            index += (int32_t)delta;
            return *this;
        const iterator& operator -= (ptrdiff_t delta) {
            element = (Element*)((uint8_t *)element - delta*entsize);
            index -= (int32_t)delta;
            return *this;
        const iterator operator + (ptrdiff_t delta) const {
            return iterator(*this) += delta;
        const iterator operator - (ptrdiff_t delta) const {
            return iterator(*this) -= delta;

        iterator& operator ++ () { *this += 1; return *this; }
        iterator& operator -- () { *this -= 1; return *this; }
        iterator operator ++ (int) {
            iterator result(*this); *this += 1; return result;
        iterator operator -- (int) {
            iterator result(*this); *this -= 1; return result;

        ptrdiff_t operator - (const iterator& rhs) const {
            return (ptrdiff_t)this->index - (ptrdiff_t)rhs.index;

        Element& operator * () const { return *element; }
        Element* operator -> () const { return element; }

        operator Element& () const { return *element; }

        bool operator == (const iterator& rhs) const {
            return this->element == rhs.element;
        bool operator != (const iterator& rhs) const {
            return this->element != rhs.element;

        bool operator < (const iterator& rhs) const {
            return this->element < rhs.element;
        bool operator > (const iterator& rhs) const {
            return this->element > rhs.element;

class nocopy_t {
    nocopy_t(const nocopy_t&) = delete;
    const nocopy_t& operator=(const nocopy_t&) = delete;
    constexpr nocopy_t() = default;
    ~nocopy_t() = default;

template <typename T>
struct RelativePointer: nocopy_t {
    int32_t offset;

    T get() const {
        if (offset == 0)
            return nullptr;
        uintptr_t base = (uintptr_t)&offset;
        uintptr_t signExtendedOffset = (uintptr_t)(intptr_t)offset;
        uintptr_t pointer = base + signExtendedOffset;
        return (T)pointer;

struct method_t {
    static const uint32_t smallMethodListFlag = 0x80000000;

    method_t(const method_t &other) = delete;

    // The representation of a "big" method. This is the traditional
    // representation of three pointers storing the selector, types
    // and implementation.
    struct big {
        SEL name;
        const char *types;
        IMP imp;

    bool isSmall() const {
        return ((uintptr_t)this & 1) == 1;

    // The representation of a "small" method. This stores three
    // relative offsets to the name, types, and implementation.
    struct small {
        // The name field either refers to a selector (in the shared
        // cache) or a selref (everywhere else).
        RelativePointer<const void *> name;
        RelativePointer<const char *> types;
        RelativePointer<IMP> imp;


    small &small() const {
        return *(struct small *)((uintptr_t)this & ~(uintptr_t)1);

    IMP remappedImp(bool needsLock) const;
    void remapImp(IMP imp);
    objc_method_description *getSmallDescription() const;

    static const auto bigSize = sizeof(struct big);
    static const auto smallSize = sizeof(struct small);

    // The pointer modifier used with method lists. When the method
    // list contains small methods, set the bottom bit of the pointer.
    // We use that bottom bit elsewhere to distinguish between big
    // and small methods.
    struct pointer_modifier {
        template <typename ListType>
        static method_t *modify(const ListType &list, method_t *ptr) {
            if (list.flags() & smallMethodListFlag)
                return (method_t *)((uintptr_t)ptr | 1);
            return ptr;

    big &big() const {
        return *(struct big *)this;

    SEL name() const {
        if (isSmall()) {
            return (SEL)small().name.get();
        } else {
            return big().name;
    const char *types() const {
        return isSmall() ? small().types.get() : big().types;
    IMP imp(bool needsLock) const {
        if (isSmall()) {
            IMP imp = remappedImp(needsLock);
            if (!imp)
                imp = ptrauth_sign_unauthenticated(small().imp.get(),
                                                   ptrauth_key_function_pointer, 0);
            return imp;
        return big().imp;

    SEL getSmallNameAsSEL() const {
        return (SEL)small().name.get();

    SEL getSmallNameAsSELRef() const {
        return *(SEL *)small().name.get();

    void setName(SEL name) {
        if (isSmall()) {
            *(SEL *)small().name.get() = name;
        } else {
            big().name = name;

    void setImp(IMP imp) {
        if (isSmall()) {
        } else {
            big().imp = imp;

    objc_method_description *getDescription() const {
        return isSmall() ? getSmallDescription() : (struct objc_method_description *)this;

    struct SortBySELAddress :
    public std::binary_function<const struct method_t::big&,
                                const struct method_t::big&, bool>
        bool operator() (const struct method_t::big& lhs,
                         const struct method_t::big& rhs)
        { return <; }

    method_t &operator=(const method_t &other) {
        big().name =;
        big().types = other.types();
        big().imp = other.imp(false);
        return *this;

struct method_list_t : entsize_list_tt<method_t, method_list_t, 0xffff0003, method_t::pointer_modifier> {
    bool isUniqued() const;
    bool isFixedUp() const;
    void setFixedUp();

    uint32_t indexOfMethod(const method_t *meth) const {
        uint32_t i =
            (uint32_t)(((uintptr_t)meth - (uintptr_t)this) / entsize());
        return i;

    bool isSmallList() const {
        return flags() & method_t::smallMethodListFlag;

    bool isExpectedSize() const {
        if (isSmallList())
            return entsize() == method_t::smallSize;
            return entsize() == method_t::bigSize;

    method_list_t *duplicate() const {
        method_list_t *dup;
        if (isSmallList()) {
            dup = (method_list_t *)calloc(byteSize(method_t::bigSize, count), 1);
            dup->entsizeAndFlags = method_t::bigSize;
        } else {
            dup = (method_list_t *)calloc(this->byteSize(), 1);
            dup->entsizeAndFlags = this->entsizeAndFlags;
        dup->count = this->count;
        std::copy(begin(), end(), dup->begin());
        return dup;

struct PtrauthStrip {
    template <typename T>
    static T *sign(T *ptr, __unused const void *address) {
        return ptr;

    template <typename T>
    static T *auth(T *ptr, __unused const void *address) {
        return ptrauth_strip(ptr, ptrauth_key_process_dependent_data);

template<typename T, typename Auth>
struct WrappedPtr {
    T *ptr;

    WrappedPtr(T *p) {
        *this = p;

    WrappedPtr(const WrappedPtr<T, Auth> &p) {
        *this = p;

    WrappedPtr<T, Auth> &operator =(T *p) {
        ptr = Auth::sign(p, &ptr);
        return *this;

    WrappedPtr<T, Auth> &operator =(const WrappedPtr<T, Auth> &p) {
        *this = (T *)p;
        return *this;

    operator T*() const { return get(); }
    T *operator->() const { return get(); }

    T *get() const { return Auth::auth(ptr, &ptr); }

    // When asserts are enabled, ensure that we can read a byte from
    // the underlying pointer. This can be used to catch ptrauth
    // errors early for easier debugging.
    void validate() const {
        char *p = (char *)get();
        char dummy;
        memset_s(&dummy, 1, *p, 1);

struct category_t {
    const char *name;
    Class cls;
    WrappedPtr<method_list_t, PtrauthStrip> instanceMethods;
    WrappedPtr<method_list_t, PtrauthStrip> classMethods;
    struct protocol_list_t *protocols;
    struct property_list_t *instanceProperties;
    struct property_list_t *_classProperties;

@interface DJZMachController ()


@implementation DJZMachController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    uint32_t imageCount = _dyld_image_count();
    for (UInt32 i = 0; i < imageCount; i ++) {
        const struct mach_header* mh = _dyld_get_image_header(i);
        const char*  path = _dyld_get_image_name(i);
        NSString *name = [[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:path];
        if ([name containsString:@"dylib"] || ![name containsString:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]) {
        unsigned long byteCount = 0;
        category_t * const *list = ( category_t * const *)getsectiondata((const struct mach_header_64*)mh, "__DATA", "__objc_nlcatlist", &byteCount);
        size_t count = byteCount / sizeof(category_t * const);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i ++) {
            category_t *cat = list[i];
            const method_list_t *mlist = cat->classMethods;
            for (auto& meth : *mlist) {
                SEL sel =;
                NSLog(@"-----%@", NSStringFromSelector(sel));
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