The Notes for Academic Reading and Writing


Unit1 Lesson1 Revision of Reading Skills

Reading Skills

What is it for?How do you do it?
PreviewActivates background knowledge which helps you understand the text.Ask your “wh” questions. Read the title and first sentence. Look at any visuals.
PredictHelps you guess what the content of a text will be about.What do you know about this topic?
SkimSkimming helps you to get the general idea of a textRead the first sentence of each paragraph for understanding. Let your eyes move quickly across the first sentence of each paragraph. Read final paragraph for understanding. Think about the meaning.
ScanScanning helps you to find specific information, especially to answer particular questions.Think about key words/ideas you want to find. Move your eyes quickly through the text to find the answers. Read key words/ideas carefully for understanding.
New vocabulary in contextUsing the context to help you work out the meaning of new words; helps you to focus on the main message rather than details.Use context knowledge to work out the meaning of new words. Think about grammar/part of speech/prefix/suffix. Only check in a dictionary when a word seems important for the meaning text.
ParaphraseYou use your own words to express the author’s meaning. Paraphrasing helps you to avoid plagiarism.Use two or more of the following to change original text: synonyms, clause structure, active/passive, parts of speech, nominalisation. Do not change the meaning.
SummariseSummarising shortens a text to the main ideas using your own words. You need to summarise information to use as evidence in academic writing. This also helps you to avoid plagiarism.Only include main ideas, not details. Use your own words to express the main ideas of the text. Do not change the meaning
Author’s viewpointFinding the author’s opinion helps you to understand and evaluate a text.Read the introduction and/or conclusion. Look at logical linking words to understand the writer’s attitude. Is it positive, negative, subjective, objective?
Author’s purpose for writingFinding the social purpose of the author also helps you to understand and evaluate a text.Does the writer want to inform, entertain, present, research, new ideas, argue, sell something, give directions, instructions, debate ideas? Who would read this text?
Identify biasRecognising bias in a text helps you to see how an author is influencing the reader. It also shows the subjectivity and objectivity of the author.Does the writer express opinions or facts? Is only one side of an argument given? How does the writer try to influence the reader? Is emotive or neutral language used?
Other possible opinionsThinking about other points of view of different readers and writers helps you to evaluate a text and to identify bias.What information has not been included? Who has not been mentioned? Why? Why not? How would other people think about this topic? Can you think of different opinions to those of the writer?


Why paraphrasing?

  • to explain the meaning of a text to a reader or listener
  • to help you develop an understanding of a text
  • to organise information effectively for a particular purpose, such as providing evidence in an essay
  • to help you summarise a text

Ways to paraphrase?

It is important to use a combination of these skills in order to make your paraphrase sufficiently different from the original text. These skills include:

  1. The use of synonyms
  2. Changing active to passive and vice versa
  3. Reordering clauses in sentences
  4. Use Nominalisation

Remember to use more than one of these skills when paraphrasing.

Example of a paraphrase

Original text

“It is important that scientists use a variety of methods in research”(Clarke 2010, p.2).

  1. Synonyms
  1. Active/passive
Change activeTo passive
Scientists use…used by scientists…
  1. Reordering clauses
    Use a reporting phrase instead of in-text acknowledgement.
    According to Clarke(2010, p.2), …

  2. Nominalisation
    Scientific researchers…
    Usage of a … by scientists…

Final paraphrase

According to Clarke(2010, p.2), scientific researchers need to apply various methodologies during investigations.

Summary Writing

What is a summary?

A summary is a shortened version of a longer text. You should use your own words, but you should not change the opinion of the original text. Summary writing can help you avoid plagiarism.

How long is a summary?

A summary is always shorter than the original text by about one-third. If a text is 50 words, your summary would be around 20 words. The length of a summary will depend on the length of the original text and your purpose for writing the summary.

Why summarise?

  • to help you remember the main points in a text.
  • to help you develop an understanding of the main points of an article.
  • to organise information effectively for a particular purpose, such as providing evidence in an essay.

A summary should have

  • only the main idea/s and major supporting points of the article.
  • information in your own words (paraphrased) in sentences, and arranged in a paragraph if appropriate.
  • an in-text citation acknowledging the source.

A summary should not have

  • specific examples
  • statistics
  • reference to specific objects/people
  • conversation
  • quotes from the text
  • a different meaning to the original text
  • your own opinion
  • notes in point form

How to write a summary?

  1. Read the text for understanding
  2. Identify the author’s main idea/s and major supporting points.
  3. Re-read the text and take notes on these main points.
  4. Use synonyms except for technical words. A thesaurus can help you find useful synonyms.
  5. Without referring to the article, use your notes and draft your summary. It should include:
    • A topic sentence that includes a reference to the original source and the main argumen
    • Body sentences that explain, in your own words, the main ideas presented in the article. An effective way to do this is by answering wh questions what? where? when? who? and why?
    • A final statement that summarizes any conclusions the author makes in the article(optional)
    • Use simple Present Tense.
  6. Revise your draft. Check it against the original to make sure it is accurate.
  7. Acknowledge your source. You can include an in-text citation at the end of a summary, but it is more effective to use a reporting clause or phrase with the in-text citation, to introduce your summary.
    • For example:
      • Preston(2002) argues that the earth is warming…
      • According to Preston(2002), the earth is warming…
      • In the articlue by Preston(2002), the earth is warming because…

Summary Writing Checklist

  • understand the text
  • identify the main idea/s and major supporting points in the text
  • make notes from the text
  • remove any examples, explanations and irrelevant details.
  • use your own words(paraphrase)
  • include a citation acknowledging the source

Unit1 Lesson 32 Reviewing Journal Articles

Lesson Objectives

The lesson practices the techniques required to quickly assess a journal article. This will help students to determine if a journal article is relevant to their essay question. When writing an essay, student should only use journal articles that are relevant to their essay.

Unit1 Lesson3-3 Finding Evidence in a Journal Articles

Lesson Objective

In the previous 2 lessons, you learnt to quickly determine if a journal article is relevant to an essay question topic, and how to understand the context of a journal article by using your reading skills to understand the key information presented. This lesson, you will learn how to select information from the same journal article for use as evidence in an essay.

Unit1 Lesson3-4 Understanding the Context of Journal Articles

Lesson Objective

Once you have selected a journal article as possibly being suitable for your essay, you need to be able to analyse and understand the article’s content.

Unit1 Lesson4-1 Introduction to IEEE Citation Style Guide

What is IEEE Referencing system?

IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers(电气电子工程师协会)

In IEEE citations, the references should be numbered and appear in the order they appear in the text. When referring to a reference in the text of the document, put the number of the reference in square brackets. E.g.: [1]

The IEEE citation style has 3 main features

  • The author’s given name (or initial) is presented first and the family name is presented last.This differs from MLA style where author’s last name is first.
  • The title of an article(or chapter, conference paper, patent etc.) is in quotation marks “…”.
  • The title of the journal or book is in italics, English of Science and Technology.

The correct placement of periods, commas and colons and of date and page numbers depends on the type of reference cited.

Check the examples below

  • put periods after author and book title
  • cite page numbers as pp.
  • abbreviate all months to the first three letters(e.g. Jun.)

Print References


Author(s). Book title. Location: Publishing company, year, pp.

W.K. Chen. Linear Networks and Systems. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1993, pp. 123-35.

Book Chapters

Author(s). “Chapter title” in Book title, edition, volume. Editors name, Ed. Publishing location: Publishing company, year, pp.

J.E. Bourne. “Synthetic structure of industrial plastics”, in Plastics, 2 n d 2^{nd} 2nd ed., vol. 3. J.Peters, Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1964, pp. 15-67.

*The focus of the lesson: Article in a Journal

Author(s). “Article title”. Journal title, vol., pp, date


G. Pevere. “Infrared Nation.” The International Journal of Infrared Design, vol. 33, pp. 56-99, Jan. 1979.





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