

Meet Jane Sutton. Jane has been working at HSS International Accountancy as a software developer for three months. In her latest project, she has been looking at a problem in the payroll system. The payroll software module runs at the end of the month after the close of business, and it computes all the salary payments for the HSS clients’ employees. Jane’s manager has arranged a meeting with the product owner, the infrastructure team, and a sales representative to try to get to the bottom of the problem. Unexpectedly, Sarika Kumar, CTO, has joined the meeting room via video call.

这是简·萨顿。简在HSS国际会计公司做软件开发已经三个月了。在她最近的项目中,她一直在关注工资系统中的一个问题。工资单软件模块在每月月底结束营业后运行,计算HSS客户员工的所有工资支付。简的经理已经安排了一次会议,与会者包括产品负责人、基础设施团队和一名销售代表,目的是弄清问题的根源。出乎意料的是,首席技术官Sarika Kumar通过视频电话加入了会议室。

Thomas Bock, the product owner, starts: “I don’t understand. The payroll module has been working fine for as long as I can remember. Suddenly, last month, the payment calculations weren’t completed on time, and we got loads of complaints from our clients. It made us look really unprofessional to Block Entertainment, our new and biggest client yet, with them threatening to go to our competitor.”
产品负责人托马斯·博克(Thomas Bock)开始说:“我不明白。从我记事起,工资模块就一直工作得很好。突然,上个月,付款计算没有按时完成,我们收到了客户的大量投诉。这让我们在Block Entertainment(我们最大的新客户)面前显得非常不专业,因为他们威胁要投奔我们的竞争对手。”

Jane’s manager, Francesco Varese, chimes in: “The problem is that the calculations
are too slow and take too long. They are slow because of their complex nature, considering many factors such as employee absences, joining dates, overtime, and a thousand other factors. Parts of the software were written more than a decade ago in C++.
There are no developers left in the firm who understand how this code works.”
简的经理弗朗西斯科·瓦雷泽(Francesco Varese)插话说:“问题在于计算

“We’re about to sign up our biggest client ever, a company with over 30,000 employees. They’ve heard about our payroll problem, and they want to see it resolved before they proceed with the contract. It’s really important that we fix this as soon as possible,” replies Rob Gornall from the Sales and Acquisitions department.
“我们即将签下有史以来最大的客户,一家拥有3万多名员工的公司。他们听说了我们的工资问题,他们希望在签订合同之前先解决这个问题。我们尽快解决这个问题真的很重要,”销售和收购部门的Rob Gornall回答道。

“We’ve tried adding more processor cores and memory to the server that runs the module, but this made absolutely no difference. When we execute the payroll calculation using test data, it’s taking the same amount of time, no matter how many resources we allocate. It’s taking more than 20 hours to calculate all the clients’ payrolls, which is too long for our clients,” continues Frida Norberg from Infrastructure.

It’s Jane’s turn to finally speak. As the firm’s newest employee, she hesitates a little but manages to say, “If the code is not written in a manner that takes advantage of the additional cores, it won’t matter if you allocate multiple processors. The code needs to use concurrent programming for it to run faster when you add more processing resources.”

Everyone seems to have acknowledged that Jane is the most knowledgeable about the subject. There is a short pause. Jane feels as if everyone wants her to come up with some sort of answer, so she continues. “Right. Okay. I’ve been experimenting with a simple program written in Go. It divides the payroll into smaller employee groups and then calls the payroll module with each group as input. I’ve programmed it so that it calls the module concurrently using multiple goroutines. I’m also using a Go channel to load-balance the workload. At the end, I have another goroutine that collects the results via another channel.”

Jane looks around quickly and sees blank looks on everyone’s faces, so she adds, “In simulations, it’s at least five times faster on the same multicore hardware. There are still a few tests to run to make sure there are no race conditions, but I’m pretty sure that I can make it run even faster, especially if I get some help from accounting to migrate some of the old C++ logic into clean Go concurrent code.”

Jane’s manager has a big smile on his face now. Everyone else in the meeting seems surprised and speechless. The CTO finally speaks up and says, “Jane, what do you need to get this done by the end of the month?”

Concurrent programming is a skill that is increasingly sought after by tech companies. It is a technique used in virtually every field of development, from web development to game programming, backend business logic, mobile applications, crypto, and many others. Businesses want to utilize hardware resources to their full capacity, as this saves them time and money. To accomplish this, they understand that they have to hire the right talent—developers who can write scalable concurrent applications.


In this book, we will focus on principles and patterns of concurrent programming. How can we program instructions that happen at the same time? How can we manage concurrent executions so they don’t step over each other? What techniques should we use to have executions collaborate toward solving a common problem? When and why should we use one form of communication over another? We will answer all these questions and more by making use of the Go programming language. Go gives us a full set of tools to illustrate these concepts.

If you have little or no experience in concurrency but have some experience in Go or a similar C-style language, this book is ideal. This book starts with a gentle introduction to concurrency concepts in the operating system and describes how Go uses them to model concurrency. We’ll then move on to explain race conditions and why they occur in some concurrent programs. Later, we’ll discuss the two main ways we can implement communication between our executions: memory sharing and message passing. In the final chapters of this book, we’ll discuss concurrency patterns, deadlocks, and some advanced topics such as spinning locks.

Apart from helping us to get hired or promoted as developers, knowing concurrent programming gives us a wider set of skills that we can employ in new scenarios. For example, we can model complex business interactions that happen at the same time. We can also use concurrent programming to improve our software’s responsiveness by picking up tasks swiftly. Unlike sequential programming, concurrent programming can make use of multiple CPU cores, which allows us to increase the work done by our programs by speeding up their execution. Even with a single CPU core, concurrency offers benefits because it enables time-sharing and lets us perform tasks while we’re waiting for I/O operations to complete. Let’s now look at some of these scenarios in more detail.


We live and work in a concurrent world. The software that we write models complex business processes that interact concurrently. Even the simplest of businesses typically have many of these concurrent interactions. For example, consider multiple people ordering online at the same time or a consolidation process grouping packages together while coordinating with ongoing shipments, as shown in figure 1.1.


In our everyday life, we deal with concurrency all the time. Every time we drive a car, we interact with multiple concurrent actors, such as other cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. At work, we may put a task on hold while we’re waiting for an email reply and pick up the next task. When cooking, we plan our steps so we maximize our productivity and shorten the cooking time. Our brain is perfectly comfortable managing concurrent behavior. In fact, it does this all the time without us even noticing.

Concurrent programming is about writing code so that multiple tasks and processes can execute and interact at the same time. If two customers place an order simultaneously and only one stock item remains, what happens? If the price of a flight ticket goes up every time a client buys a ticket, what happens when multiple tickets are booked at the same exact instant? If we have a sudden increase in load due to extra demand, how will our software scale when we increase the processing and memory resources? These are all scenarios that developers deal with when they are designing and programming concurrent software.


For the modern developer, it is increasingly important to understand how to program concurrently. This is because the hardware landscape has changed over the years to benefit this type of programming.

Prior to multicore technology, processor performance increased proportionally to clock frequency and transistor count, roughly doubling every two years. Processor engineers started hitting physical limits due to overheating and power consumption, which coincided with the explosion of more mobile hardware, such as notebooks and smartphones. To reduce excessive battery consumption and CPU overheating while increasing processing power, engineers introduced multicore processors.

In addition, the rise of cloud computing services has given developers easy access to large, cheap processing resources where they can run their code. This extra computational power can only be harnessed effectively if our code is written in a manner that takes full advantage of the extra processing units.

DEFINITION Horizontal scaling is when we improve system performance by distributing the load over multiple processing resources, such as processors and server machines (see figure 1.2). Vertical scaling is when we improve the existing resources, such as by getting a faster processor.


Having multiple processing resources means we can scale horizontally. We can use the extra processors to execute tasks in parallel and finish them more quickly. This is only possible if we write code in a way that takes full advantage of the extra processing resources.

What about a system that has only one processor? Is there any advantage to writing concurrent code if our system does not have multiple processors? It turns out that writing concurrent programs has a benefit even in this scenario.

Most programs spend only a small proportion of their time executing computations on the processor. Think, for example, about a word processor that waits for input from the keyboard, or a text-file search utility that spends most of its running time waiting for portions of the text files to load from disk. We can have our program perform different tasks while it’s waiting for I/O. For example, the word processor could perform a spell check on the document while the user is thinking about what to type next. We can have the file search utility look for a match with the file that we already loaded in memory while we are reading the next file into another portion of memory.

As another example, think of cooking or baking a favorite dish. We can make more effective use of our time if, while the dish is in the oven or on the stove, we perform some other actions instead of just waiting around (see figure 1.3). In this way, we are making more effective use of our time, and we are more productive. This is analogous to our program executing other instructions on the CPU while it waits for a network message, user input, or a file to be written. This means our program can get more work done in the same amount of time.



Concurrent programming makes our software more responsive because we dont need to wait for one task to finish before responding to a user’s input. Even if we have one processor, we can always pause the execution of a set of instructions, respond to the user’s input, and then continue with the execution while we’re waiting for the next user’s input.

If we again think of a word processor, multiple tasks might be running in the background while we are typing. There is a task that listens to keyboard events and displays each character on the screen. We might also have a task that checks our spelling and grammar in the background. Another task might be running to give us stats on our document (word count, page count, etc.). Periodically, we may have another task that autosaves our document. All these tasks running together give the impression that they are somehow running simultaneously, but what’s happening is that these tasks are being fast-switched by the operating system on CPUs. Figure 1.4 illustrates a simplified timeline showing these three tasks executing on a single processor. This interleaving system is implemented by using a combination of hardware interrupts and operating system traps.



Go is a very good language to use when learning about concurrent programming because its creators designed it with high-performance concurrency in mind. Their aim was to produce a language that was efficient at runtime, readable, and easy to use.


Go uses a lightweight construct, called a goroutine, to model the basic unit of concurrent execution. As we shall see in the next chapter, goroutines give us a system of userlevel threads running on a set of kernel-level threads and managed by Go’s runtime.

Given the lightweight nature of goroutines, the premise of the language is that we should focus mainly on writing correct concurrent programs, letting Go’s runtime and hardware mechanics deal with parallelism. The principle is that if you need something to be done concurrently, create a goroutine to do it. If you need many things done concurrently, create as many goroutines as you need, without worrying about resource allocation. Then, depending on the hardware and environment that your program is running on, your solution will scale.

In addition to goroutines, Go provides us with many abstractions that allow us to coordinate the concurrent executions on a common task. One of these abstractions is known as a channel. Channels allow two or more goroutines to pass messages to each other. This enables the exchange of information and synchronization of the multiple executions in an easy and intuitive manner.


In 1978, C.A.R. Hoare first described communicating sequential processes (CSP) as a formal language for expressing concurrent interactions. Many languages, such as Occam and Erlang, have been influenced by CSP. Go tries to implement many of CSP’s ideas, such as the use of synchronized channels.
1978年,C.A.R. Hoare首先将通信顺序过程(CSP)描述为一种表达并发交互的形式语言。许多语言,如Occam和Erlang,都受到了CSP的影响。Go尝试实现许多CSP的想法,比如使用同步通道。

This concurrency model of having isolated goroutines communicating and synchronizing using channels (see figure 1.5) reduces the risk of race conditions— types of programming errors that occur in bad concurrent programming and that are typically very hard to debug and lead to data corruption and unexpected behavior. This type of modeling concurrency is more akin to how concurrency happens in our everyday lives, such as when we have isolated executions (people, processes, or machines) working concurrently, communicating with each other by sending messages back and forth.


Depending on the problem, the classic concurrency primitives used with memory sharing (such as mutexes and condition variables, found in many other languages) will sometimes do a better job and result in better performance than using CSP-style programming. Luckily for us, Go provides us with these tools in addition to the CSPstyle tools. When CSP is not the appropriate model to use, we can fall back on the other classic primitives.

In this book, we will purposely start with memory sharing and synchronization using classic primitives. The idea is that by the time we get to discussing CSP-style concurrent programming, you will have a solid foundation in the traditional locking and synchronization primitives.


In this book, you will learn how to use various tools to build concurrent applications. This includes concurrency constructs such as mutex, condition variables, channels, semaphores, and so on.

Knowing how to use these concurrency tools is good, but what about understanding their inner workings? Here, we’ll go one step further and take the approach of building them together from scratch, even if they are available in Go’s libraries. We will pick common concurrency tools and see how they can be implemented using other concurrency primitives as building blocks. For example, Go doesn’t come with a bundled semaphore implementation, so apart from understanding how and when to use semaphores, we’ll go about implementing one ourselves. We’ll also do this for some of the tools that are available in Go, such as waitgroups and channels.

This idea is analogous to having the knowledge to implement well-known algorithms. We might not need to know how to implement a sorting algorithm to use a sorting function; however, learning how the algorithm works exposes us to different scenarios and new ways of thinking, making us better programmers. We can then apply those scenarios to different problems. In addition, knowing how a concurrency tool is built allows us to make better-informed decisions about when and how to use it.


Performance scalability is the measure of how well a program speeds up in proportion to the increase in the number of resources available to the program. To understand this, let’s try to make use of a simple analogy.

Imagine a world where we are property developers. Our current project is to build a small multi-story residential house. We give the architectural plan to a builder, and they set off to finish the small house. The work is all completed in a period of eight months.

As soon as that project is finished, we get another request for the same build but in another location. To speed things up, we hire two builders instead of one. This time around, the builders complete the house in just four months.

The next time we are asked to build the same house, we hire even more help, so that the house is finished quicker. This time we pay four builders, and it takes them two and a half months to complete. The house has cost us a bit more to build than the previous one. Paying four builders for two and a half months costs more than paying two builders for four months (assuming they all charge the same rate).

We repeat the experiment twice more, once with 8 builders and then with 16. With both 8 and 16 builders, the house takes two months to complete. It seems that no matter how many hands we put on the job, the build cannot be completed in less than two months. In geek speak, we say that we have hit our scalability limit. Why does this happen? Why can’t we continue to double our resources (people, money, or processors) and always reduce the time spent by half?


In 1967, Gene Amdahl, a computer scientist, presented a formula at a conference that measured speedup with regard to a problem’s parallel-to-sequential ratio. This became known as Amdahl’s law.
1967年,计算机科学家吉恩·阿姆达尔(Gene Amdahl)在一次会议上提出了一个公式,用来衡量一个问题的并行顺序比的加速。这就是著名的阿姆达尔定律。

DEFINITION Amdahl’s law states that the overall performance improvement gained by optimizing a single part of a system is limited by the fraction of time that the improved part is actually used.

In our house build scenario, the scalability is limited by various factors. For starters, our approach to solving the problem might be limiting us. For example, one cannot construct the second floor before constructing the first. In addition, several parts of the build can only be done sequentially. For example, if a single road leads to the building site, only one transport can use the road at any point in time. In other words, some parts of the building process are sequential (one after the other), and other parts can be done in parallel (at the same time). These factors influence and limit the scalability of our task.

Amdahl’s law tells us that the non-parallel parts of an execution act as a bottleneck and limit the advantage of parallelizing the execution. Figure 1.6 shows this relationship between the theoretical speedup obtained as we increase the number of processors.


If we apply this chart to our construction problem, when we use a single builder and they spend 5% of their time on the parts that can only be done sequentially, the scalability follows the topmost line in our chart (95% parallel). This sequential portion is the part that can only be done by one person, such as trucking in the building materials through a narrow road.

As you can see from the chart, even with 512 people working on the construction, we would only finish the job about 19 times faster than if we had just 1 person. After this point, the situation does not improve much. We’ll need more than 4,096 builders to finish the project just 20 times faster. We hit a hard limit around this number. Contracting more workers does not help at all, and we would be wasting our money.

The situation is even worse if a lower percentage of work is parallelizable. With 90%, we would hit this scalability limit around the 512-workers mark. With 75%, we get there at 128 workers, and with 50% at just 16 workers. Notice that it’s not just this limit that goes down—the speedup is also greatly reduced. When the work is 90%, 75%, and 50% parallelizable, we get maximum speedups of 10, 4, and 2, respectively.

Amdahl’s law paints a pretty bleak picture of concurrent programming and parallel computing. Even with concurrent code that has a tiny fraction of serial processing, the scalability is greatly reduced. Thankfully, this is not the full picture.


In 1988, two computer scientists, John L. Gustafson and Edwin H. Barsis, reevaluated Amdahl’s law and published an article addressing some of its shortcomings (“Reevaluating Amdah’s Law,” https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/42411.42415). The article gives an alternative perspective on the limits of parallelism. Their main argument is that, in practice, the size of the problem changes when we have access to more resources.
1988年,两位计算机科学家John L. Gustafson和Edwin H. Barsis重新评估了Amdahl定律,并发表了一篇文章,指出了它的一些缺点(“reevaluate Amdahl’s law”,https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/42411.42415)。这篇文章给出了关于并行限制的另一种观点。他们的主要论点是,在实践中,当我们获得更多资源时,问题的规模就会改变。

To continue with our house-building analogy, if we did have thousands of builders available at our disposal, it would be wasteful to put them all into building a small house when we have future projects in the pipeline. Instead, we would try to put the optimal number of builders on our house construction and allocate the rest of the workers to other projects.

Suppose we were developing software and we had a large number of computing resources. If we noticed that utilizing half the resources resulted in the same software performance, we could allocate the extra resources to do other things, such as increasing the accuracy or quality of that software in other areas.

The second argument against Amdahl’s law is that when you increase the problem’s size, the non-parallel part of the problem typically does not grow in proportion with the problem size. In fact, Gustafson argues that for many problems, this remains constant. Thus, when you take these two points into account, the speedup can scale linearly with the available parallel resources. This relationship is shown in figure 1.7.


Gustafson’s law tells us that as long as we find ways to keep our extra resources busy, the speedup should continue to increase and not be limited by the serial part of the problem. However, this is only true if the serial part stays constant as we increase the problem size, which, according to Gustafson, is the case in many types of programs.

To fully understand both Amdahl’s and Gustafson’s laws, let’s take a computer game as an example. Let’s say a particular computer game with rich graphics was written to make use of multiple computing processors. As time goes by and computers become more powerful, with more parallel processing cores, we can run that same game with a higher frame rate, giving us a smoother experience. Eventually, we get to a point where we’re adding more processors, but the frame rate is not increasing further. This happens when we hit the speedup limit. No matter how many processors we add, the game won’t run with higher frame rates. This is what Amdahl’s law is telling us—that there is a speedup limit for a particular problem of fixed size if it has a nonparallel portion.

However, as technology improves and processors get more cores, the game designers will put those extra processing units to good use. Although the frame rate might not increase, the game can now contain more graphic detail and higher resolution due to the extra processing power. This is Gustafson’s law in action. When we increase the resources, there is an expectation of an increase in the system’s capabilities, and the developers will make good use of the extra processing power.


  • Concurrent programming allows us to build more responsive software.

  • Concurrent programs can also provide increased speedup when running on multiple processors.

  • We can increase throughput even when we have only one processor if our concurrent programming makes effective use of the I/O wait times.

  • Go provides us with goroutines, which are lightweight constructs for modeling concurrent executions.

  • Go provides us with abstractions, such as channels, that enable concurrent executions to communicate and synchronize.

  • Go allows us the choice of building our concurrent application either using the communicating sequential processes (CSP)-style model or using the classical primitives.

  • Using a CSP-style model, we reduce the chance of certain types of concurrent errors; however, for certain problems, using the classical primitives will give us better results.

  • Amdahl’s law tells us that the performance scalability of a fixed-size problem is limited by the non-parallel parts of an execution.

  • Gustafson’s law tells us that if we keep on finding ways to keep our extra resources busy, the speedup should continue to increase and not be limited by the serial part of the problem.

  • 并发编程允许我们构建响应更快的软件。

  • 并发程序也可以在多处理器上运行时提供更高的加速。

  • 如果我们的并发编程有效地利用了I/O等待时间,即使我们只有一个处理器,我们也可以提高吞吐量。

  • Go为我们提供了Go例程,它们是用于建模并发执行的轻量级结构。

  • Go为我们提供了抽象,例如通道,使并发执行能够通信和同步。

  • Go允许我们选择使用通信顺序进程(CSP)风格模型或使用经典原语来构建并发应用程序。

  • 使用csp风格的模型,我们减少了某些类型的并发错误的机会;然而,对于某些问题,使用经典原语会得到更好的结果。

  • 阿姆达尔定律告诉我们,固定大小问题的性能可扩展性受到执行的非并行部分的限制。

  • Gustafson定律告诉我们,如果我们不断寻找方法来保持我们的额外资源繁忙,加速应该继续增加,而不是被问题的串行部分所限制。

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