
0. 目标及思路

VINS-MONO使用Ceres的求解器,在factor中实现了Jacobian block的构建,为了探究非线性优化求解过程,我们不使用Ceres,手动完成求解,整体思路如下:

  1. 非线性优化求解器
  2. Hessian矩阵构建
  3. 求解正规方程
  4. 更新状态
  5. 迭代求解
  6. EVO评估结果


1. 非线性优化求解器



这里强调一下在实现过程中遇到的最难解的问题:关于 b b b的符号问题。
H Δ x = − b \begin{align} H\Delta x=-b \end{align} HΔx=b
x = x + Δ x \begin{align} x=x+\Delta x \end{align} x=x+Δx
关于(1)中右边的 − b -b b,不同地方对于符号的定义不统一,导致理解有偏差, b = J T e b=J^Te b=JTe是在marginalization_factor.cppMarginalizationInfo::marginalize()最后从Hessian中反解出来的,但是在正规方程中右边是 − b -b b,所以我们后面再求解(1)之前,构造b之后需要取一下负,否则解出来的 Δ x \Delta x Δx要么非常大,要么非常小(1e-30量级的,更新不动 x x x),因为之前在这里卡了很久,所以在这里先强调一下,在第2部分中会结合代码讲解具体在哪里操作。

linearized_jacobians = S_sqrt.asDiagonal() * saes2.eigenvectors().transpose();
linearized_residuals = S_inv_sqrt.asDiagonal() * saes2.eigenvectors().transpose() * b;

记录一下之前阅读Ceres LM源码debug的记录。

ceres里面只要求传入Jacobian和residual,内部求解的方程 ( A + D ′ D ) d y = b (A+D'D)dy=b (A+DD)dy=b,而不是LM正规方程的形式 ( A + λ I ) d x = b (A+\lambda I)dx=b (A+λI)dx=b(ceres中的 D D D是根据Jacobian构建的一个与 λ \lambda λ有关的系数阵,叠加到 A A A上,这里不做详细介绍,有兴趣的可以看看ceres的源码),而我们自己构建的 b b b J T e J^Te JTe
所以之前求解的一直是 − Δ x -\Delta x Δx,按照 Δ x \Delta x Δx更新给 x x x,属于是错误的方向,那么 χ 2 \chi^2 χ2不下降也是正常的,进一步地, ρ \rho ρ也就很那下降,因为 x x x更新方向不对。至此,找到了最根本的问题,解决办法是在makeHessian()最后将b取负,那么就是手动求解的正确的正规方程了。

    Hessian_ = A;
    b_ = -b;


  • LM初始化时的 τ \tau τ,设为 1 e − 15 1e-15 1e15
  • 优化退出条件delta_x_.squaredNorm() <= 1e-10 || false_cnt > 6
  • 优化PCG(预条件共轭梯度法 preconditioned conjugate gradient method)求解速度
    • 迭代次数设为Hessian_.rows()+1
    • 迭代停止阈值设为double threshold = 1e-5 * r0.norm()
    • 优化PCG:对角线预处理和不完备的Cholesky预处理(还未做,参考博客

2. 基于VINS-MONO的Marginalization框架构建Hessian矩阵

2.1 estimator.cpp移植

marg部分第5篇博客讲过,marg掉的变量实际上就是WINDOW[0]帧相关的待优化变量,包括 P 0 , V 0 P_0,V_0 P0,V0和strat from [0]的landmark的观测,marg的大致流程如下:

  1. 以factor方式将各个参数块添加到problem中,包括MarginalizationFactorIMUFactorProjectionTdFactor(ProjectionFactor)
  2. 构建residual_block_info来待优化参数,同时marg的变量。指定方式是通过drop_set
  3. 调用addResidualBlockInfo函数将每一个ResidualBlockInfo添加到problem中
  4. 调用preMarginalize()函数计算各个factor的Jacobianresidual
  5. 调用marginalize()函数对待优化变量排序,marg放前面,remain放后面,多线程构建Hessian矩阵,运用Schur compliment执行marg,得到marg后留下的先验,从先验A中反解出该线性化点处的linearized_jacobianslinearized_residuals
  6. addr_shift地址映射。


  • VINS-MONO的marg目的是为了求取marg之后留下的先验,并不需要求解式(1),所以Schur compliment,反解出linearized_jacobianslinearized_residuals之后,marg的任务就完成了,至于这个线性化点值为多少并不关心(当然也可以(1)求解,(2)更新求出这个线性化点)。
  • 而我们现在的目的是为了求解出本次迭代优化之后的线性化点,也就是我们的待优化变量,所以式(1)(2)是我们需要在marg的基础上进一步往下走的。

理清了二者的区别,我们的目标就具体很多了:基于VINS-MONO的margHessian构建框架,我们可以顺利地构建出整个系统的Hessian矩阵,和b,也就完成了式(1)的构建,然后求解式(1)得 Δ x \Delta x Δx,带入式(2)即可完成本次迭代。


  • 完成VINS-MONO的marg框架移植,构建出Hessian矩阵
  • 求解式(1)


  1. 新建solve.cppsolve.h,照搬marginalization_factor.cpp/h的所有内容,并封上自己的namespace:solve
  2. 为了便于对比调试,在estimator.cpp中加上宏隔离CERES_SOLVE,用于区分使用Ceres求解和我们自己的手动求解。
  3. 需要注意,我们虽然是照搬marg部分,但是我们修改的是后端求解不分,所以是在求解部分而不是marg部分添加我们的代码,如,ceres部分添加prior residualbolck是
MarginalizationFactor *marginalization_factor = new MarginalizationFactor(last_marginalization_info);
problem.AddResidualBlock(marginalization_factor, NULL,


solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(marginalization_factor, NULL, last_marginalization_parameter_blocks, vector<int>{});


需要指出,我们在求解式(1)时有好几种实现方法,其中一种是使用Schur消元,利用Hessian的稀疏性加快式(1)的求解速度,这就意味着我们需要指定需要作为 x m m x_{mm} xmm的部分,通过drop_set来指定。由于landmark的Jacobian较为稀疏,所以我们这里指定了WINDOW内的landmark为 x m m x_{mm} xmm,如下所示:

solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(f, loss_function, vector<double*>{para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]}, vector<int>{3});
  1. 为了表意更强,我们将preMarginalize()marginalize()改名为preMakeHessian()makeHessian(),功能大体不变,分别是求J,e和构造H,b。


2.2 solve.cpp/preMakeHessian()

  1. solve::ResidualBlockInfo组织了各个factor的信息,其中最重要的是Evaluate()函数,在Solver::preMakeHessian()会调用,主要通过多态求解各个factor的J,e,每次更新完x之后就需要调用preMakeHessian(),并重新makeHessian()
  2. 除此之外,由于LM和DLza求解过程中,如果 ρ < 0 \rho<0 ρ<0,会涉及到参数的回滚,但是频繁地加减会造成精度下降,所以对之前的参数备份进行备份,在preMakeHessian()中还开了新的数据parameter_block_data_backup(实际上parameter_block_data也是够用的,只是backup表意更强)。

2.3 solve.cpp/makeHessian()

  1. 整体部分和marg中一样,只是我们这里仅仅只构建Hessian,至于原来marg后面的Schur compliment,我们放到求解中去做。这里需要注意,我们最终构建出来了Hessian_b_,这里的b_ J T e J^Te JTe,跟(1)中差了个负号,所以最后需要取个负,在前面已经强调过了:
    Hessian_ = A;
    b_ = -b;


    if(method_==solve::Solver::kDOGLEG) {
        TicToc t_solve_J;
        TicToc t_SelfAdjoint;
        Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> saes2(A);//这一句24.3ms
        ROS_DEBUG("\nt_SelfAdjoint cost: %f ms", t_SelfAdjoint.toc());
        Eigen::VectorXd S = Eigen::VectorXd((saes2.eigenvalues().array() > eps).select(saes2.eigenvalues().array(), 0));
        Eigen::VectorXd S_sqrt = S.cwiseSqrt();//开根号
        linearized_jacobians = S_sqrt.asDiagonal() * saes2.eigenvectors().transpose();
        Eigen::VectorXd S_inv = Eigen::VectorXd((saes2.eigenvalues().array() > eps).select(saes2.eigenvalues().array().inverse(), 0));
        Eigen::VectorXd S_inv_sqrt = S_inv.cwiseSqrt();
        linearized_residuals = S_inv_sqrt.asDiagonal() * saes2.eigenvectors().real().transpose() * b;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nt_solve_J cost: %f ms", t_solve_J.toc());//25ms

3. solve.cpp/solveLinearSystem()求解正规方程



  1. 直接Hessian.inverse()
  2. 使用PCG(预条件共轭梯度法 preconditioned conjugate gradient method)求解式(1)
  3. Schur消元+PCG求解(采用)


Eigen::MatrixXd Solver::pcgSolver(const MatXX &A, const VecX &b, int maxIter = -1) {
    assert(A.rows() == A.cols() && "PCG solver ERROR: A is not a square matrix");
    int rows = b.rows();
    int n = maxIter < 0 ? rows : maxIter;
    VecX x(VecX::Zero(rows));
    MatXX M_inv = A.diagonal().asDiagonal().inverse();//取对角线阵的逆矩阵
    VecX r0(b);  // initial r = b - A*0 = b
    VecX z0 = M_inv * r0;
    VecX p(z0);
    VecX w = A * p;
    double r0z0 =;
    double alpha = r0z0 /;
    VecX r1 = r0 - alpha * w;
    int i = 0;
    double threshold = 1e-5 * r0.norm(); //比例调大可以提高阈值,放宽停止条件
    while (r1.norm() > threshold && i < n) {
        VecX z1 = M_inv * r1;
        double r1z1 =;
        double belta = r1z1 / r0z0;
        z0 = z1;
        r0z0 = r1z1;
        r0 = r1;
        p = belta * p + z1;
        w = A * p;
        alpha = r1z1 /;
        x += alpha * p;
        r1 -= alpha * w;
    ROS_DEBUG("\nPCG iter times: %d, n: %d, r1.norm(): %f, threshold: %f", i, n, r1.norm(), threshold);
    return x;


注意,这里采用Schur compliment的方法要和VINS-MONO的marginalize()中的Schur compliment目的区分开,VINS-MONO那里是为了求出prior information matrix,SelfAdjointEigenSolver部分是为了反解出J,e,而这里是为了在Schur compliment实现消元的基础上进一步求解出整个delta_x_,整体求解代码如下:

/*Solve Hx = b, we can use PCG iterative method or use sparse Cholesky*/
void Solver::solveLinearSystem() {
//    delta_x_ = Hessian_.inverse() * b_;
//    delta_x_ = H.ldlt().solve(b_);

#ifdef USE_SCHUR
    TicToc t_Schur_PCG;
    Eigen::MatrixXd Amm_solver = 0.5 * (Hessian_.block(0, 0, m, m) + Hessian_.block(0, 0, m, m).transpose());
    Eigen::VectorXd bmm_solver = b_.segment(0, m);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Amr_solver = Hessian_.block(0, m, m, n);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Arm_solver = Hessian_.block(m, 0, n, m);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Arr_solver = Hessian_.block(m, m, n, n);
    Eigen::VectorXd brr_solver = b_.segment(m, n);

    TicToc t_Amm_inv;
    Eigen::MatrixXd Amm_inv_solver = Amm_solver.inverse();//SelfAdjointEigenSolver和直接求逆速度差不多
    ROS_DEBUG("\nt_Amm_inv cost: %f ms", t_Amm_inv.toc());
    Eigen::MatrixXd tmpA_solver = Arm_solver * Amm_inv_solver;

    //step1: Schur补
    Eigen::MatrixXd Arr_schur = Arr_solver - tmpA_solver * Amr_solver;
    Eigen::VectorXd brr_schur = brr_solver - tmpA_solver * bmm_solver;


// step2: solve Arr_schur * delta_x_rr = brr_schur
//    method1:直接求逆
//    Eigen::MatrixXd Arr_schur_inv = Arr_schur.inverse();
//    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_rr = Arr_schur_inv * brr_schur;

//    method2:使用PCG求解
    TicToc t_PCG_xrr;
    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_rr = pcgSolver(Arr_schur, brr_schur, Arr_schur.rows()+1);  //0.3ms
    ROS_DEBUG("\n t_PCG_xrr cost %f ms", t_PCG_xrr.toc());
    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_mm = Amm_inv_solver * (bmm_solver - Amr_solver * delta_x_rr);
    delta_x_.tail(n) = delta_x_rr;
    delta_x_.head(m) = delta_x_mm;
    memcpy(delta_x_array_,, sizeof(double) * (int)delta_x_.size());//转为数组
    ROS_DEBUG("\nin solveLinearSystem solve equation cost %f ms", t_Schur_PCG.toc());
    TicToc t_solve_equation;
//    delta_x_ = Hessian_.ldlt().solve(b_);
    int pcg_iter_num = Hessian_.rows()+1; // PCG迭代次数,原来给的是rows()*2
    delta_x_ = pcgSolver(Hessian_, b_, pcg_iter_num);  //0.3ms
    ROS_DEBUG("\nin solveLinearSystem solve equation cost %f ms, pcg_iter_num: %d", t_solve_equation.toc(), pcg_iter_num);//15ms
    memcpy(delta_x_array_,, sizeof(double) * (int)delta_x_.size());//转为数组,供状态更新使用
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere3 solve complete, delta_x_.size()=" << delta_x_.size() << ", delta_x_.norm()= "<< delta_x_.norm()
                                                                << ",  delta_x_.squaredNorm()=" << delta_x_.squaredNorm() );
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ndelta_x_:" << delta_x_.transpose());

4. 更新状态


  1. 按照VINS-MONO marg的数据管理方法来更新参数,是pose部分由于有四元数,需要特殊处理。
  2. LM和DL涉及到状态的回滚和备份。


bool Solver::updateStates(double weight);//weight是LM strategy2时的权重,默认传-1.0,不加权
bool Solver::backupStates();//备份状态,便于后面回滚
bool Solver::rollbackStates();//回滚状态变量
bool Solver::updatePose(const double *x, const double *delta, double *x_plus_delta);


  1. rollbackStates()中将状态变量备份到parameter_block_data_backup中,便于后面回滚。
  2. 注意memcpy()第3个参数len最好结合数据类型(这里是double)给定,sizeof()地址或者直接给int数值都是不对的。


bool Solver::updatePose(const double *x, const double *delta, double *x_plus_delta)
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> _p(x);
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Quaterniond> _q(x + 3);

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(delta);

    Eigen::Quaterniond dq = Utility::deltaQ(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d>(delta + 3));

    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> p(x_plus_delta);
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Quaterniond> q(x_plus_delta + 3);//Jacobian和residual都是按照6维来处理的,但是更新rotation时需要按照四元数来更新

    p = _p + dp;
    q = (_q * dq).normalized();//四元数乘法并归一化

    return true;

//这里更新状态的目的是因为计算chi时会用到residual,而residual和状态量有关,而先验的residual更新:f' = f + J*δxp,其中δxp=x-x0,也跟状态量x有关,
bool Solver::updateStates(double weight) {
    int array_size = 1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100;
    double used_delta_x[array_size];
    if(weight != -1.0)
        std::transform(delta_x_array_, delta_x_array_ + array_size, used_delta_x, [weight](double x) { return x * weight; });//对delta_x加权
        memcpy(used_delta_x, delta_x_array_, sizeof(double) * array_size);
    double cur_x_array[1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100];
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx){
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int idx = it.second;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
/*        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nidx: " << idx << ",  tmp_param_block_size: " << tmp_param_block_size);*/
        memcpy( &cur_x_array[idx], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), sizeof(double) *(int)SIZE_POSE);
        if(tmp_param_block_size == SIZE_POSE) {
            updatePose(reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), &delta_x_array_[idx], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr));//TODO:这个backup应该可以用parameter_block_data替代

/*            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\npose after update: " << tmp_pose.transpose());*/
        } else {
            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> x{parameter_block_data_backup[addr], tmp_param_block_size};
            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> delta_x{&delta_x_array_[idx], tmp_param_block_size};
            Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> x_plus_delta{reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), tmp_param_block_size};
            /*ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nother parameters before update: " << x_plus_delta.transpose() << "\ndelta_x: " << delta_x.transpose());*/
            x_plus_delta = x + delta_x;
            /*ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nother parameters after update: " << x_plus_delta.transpose());*/
    // 初始化Eigen向量
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> cur_x(cur_x_array, m+n);
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ncur_x: " << cur_x.transpose());
    return true;

bool Solver::backupStates() {
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx){
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
        memcpy(parameter_block_data_backup[addr], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), sizeof(double) * (int)tmp_param_block_size);
    return true;

bool Solver::rollbackStates() {
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx){
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
        memcpy(reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), parameter_block_data_backup[addr], sizeof(double) * (int)tmp_param_block_size);
    return true;

5. 迭代求解

此部分就不赘述,由于前面使用updateStates()已经对状态进行了更新,所以真正的状态更新就更新之后是不回滚,且备份当前状态,简言之,在updateStates(weight)之后调用backupStates()即实现真正的状态更新,循环更新,直至达到迭代停止条件( Δ x \Delta x Δx过小或者cost下降了很多或者其他)。

6. EVO评估结果


在estimator线程求解完成,参数更新之后,会发送topic给pose_graph线程,在所有数据跑完之后,pose_graph线程会存下待估计参数的值,存为.csv文件,我们使用evo工具、此文件、ground truth文件来对我们的系统进行评估,在评估之前我们需要调整VINS-MONO的输出格式,使其适配EVO,参考以下博客:

虽然更改了VINS的输出格式,但是pose_graph保存的实际上是描述子和特征点,这方面没改,所以仍然可以load pose_graph

  • VINS输出数据类型转换:
    t n s , t x , t y , t z , R w , R x , R y , R z t_{ns},t_x,t_y, t_z,R_w,R_x,R_y,R_z tns,tx,ty,tz,Rw,Rx,Ry,Rz要转换为 t s , t x , t y , t z , R x , R y , R z , R w t_{s},t_x,t_y, t_z,R_x,R_y,R_z,R_w ts,tx,ty,tz,Rx,Ry,Rz,Rw
    时间戳由 n s ns ns转为 s s s,旋转四元数由 w , x , y , z w,x,y,z w,x,y,z顺序转为 x , y , z , w x,y,z,w x,y,z,w顺序。
  • ground truth需要使用以下命令转为tum格式(evo只支持tum格式的绘制)
evo_traj euroc data.csv --save_as_tum


evo_ape tum /你的GroundTruth路径/data.tum /你的手写VINS输出路径/vins_result_loop.txt   -vap --plot_mode=xyz --align --correct_scale







  1. Ceres DL综合精度和计算实时性,性能最优。就使用Ceres的体验来看,DL无论是在速度还是精度方面应该都优于LM。
  2. 基于我上面的实现的LM和DL,通过调参都能收敛,,综合考虑精度和计算实时性,LM的组3较好,DL的组12较好(DL主要是makeHessian中的反解太耗时,不然可以优化更多轮数,这也是需要解决的问题。)



7. 待填的坑

  1. LM strategy1,2调参没调完。
  2. DL反解时间过长,没有想到好/的构建Jacobian的方法。
  3. PCG的改进
  4. EVO多个结果比较如何进行?

8. Reference

[1] Madsen, K., Nielsen, H. B., & Tingleff, O. (2004). Methods for Non-Linear Least Squares Problems (2nd ed.).
[2] Lourakis, M.I., & Argyros, A.A. (2005). Is Levenberg-Marquardt the most efficient optimization algorithm for implementing bundle adjustment? Tenth IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV’05) Volume 1, 2, 1526-1531 Vol. 2.

9. Appendix


9.1 estimator.cpp

#include "estimator.h"
#include "solver/solve.h"

//#define CERES_SOLVE
uint8_t strategy = 3;//先定义为全局变量,后面再优化

Estimator::Estimator(): f_manager{Rs}
    ROS_INFO("init begins");

void Estimator::setParameter()
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
        tic[i] = TIC[i];
        ric[i] = RIC[i];
    //这里假设标定相机内参时的重投影误差△u=1.5 pixel,(Sigma)^(-1)=(1.5/f * I(2x2))^(-1) = (f/1.5 * I(2x2))
    ProjectionFactor::sqrt_info = FOCAL_LENGTH / 1.5 * Matrix2d::Identity();
    ProjectionTdFactor::sqrt_info = FOCAL_LENGTH / 1.5 * Matrix2d::Identity();
    td = TD;

void Estimator::clearState()
    for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE + 1; i++)

        if (pre_integrations[i] != nullptr)
            delete pre_integrations[i];
        pre_integrations[i] = nullptr;

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
        tic[i] = Vector3d::Zero();
        ric[i] = Matrix3d::Identity();

    for (auto &it : all_image_frame)
        if (it.second.pre_integration != nullptr)
            delete it.second.pre_integration;
            it.second.pre_integration = nullptr;

    solver_flag = INITIAL;
    first_imu = false,
    sum_of_back = 0;
    sum_of_front = 0;
    frame_count = 0;
    solver_flag = INITIAL;
    initial_timestamp = 0;
    td = TD;

    if (tmp_pre_integration != nullptr)
        delete tmp_pre_integration;
    if (last_marginalization_info != nullptr)
        delete last_marginalization_info;

    tmp_pre_integration = nullptr;
    last_marginalization_info = nullptr;


    failure_occur = 0;
    relocalization_info = 0;

    drift_correct_r = Matrix3d::Identity();
    drift_correct_t = Vector3d::Zero();

void Estimator::processIMU(double dt, const Vector3d &linear_acceleration, const Vector3d &angular_velocity)
    if (!first_imu)
        first_imu = true;
        acc_0 = linear_acceleration;//保存本次measurement中的第一帧IMU数据(有啥用?)
        gyr_0 = angular_velocity;

    if (!pre_integrations[frame_count])//如果frame_count的积分为空则new一个预积分对象
        pre_integrations[frame_count] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[frame_count], Bgs[frame_count]};
    if (frame_count != 0)//第0帧[0]没有预积分,第[0]与第[1]帧之间才有预积分
        pre_integrations[frame_count]->push_back(dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity);//调用IntegrationBase中定义的成员函数push_back,保存变量并propagate预积分
        //if(solver_flag != NON_LINEAR)
            tmp_pre_integration->push_back(dt, linear_acceleration, angular_velocity);


        // 用IMU数据进行积分,当积完一个measurement中所有IMU数据后,就得到了对应图像帧在世界坐标系中的Ps、Vs、Rs(这里为什么是相对于世界坐标系呢?为什么不把关于world系的抽出来呢?)
        // 下面这一部分的积分,在没有成功完成初始化时似乎是没有意义的,因为在没有成功初始化时,对IMU数据来说是没有世界坐标系的
        // 当成功完成了初始化后,下面这一部分积分才有用,它可以通过IMU积分得到滑动窗口中最新帧在世界坐标系中的P V R
        int j = frame_count;//到后面frame_count一直为window_size即10
        Vector3d un_acc_0 = Rs[j] * (acc_0 - Bas[j]) - g;//为什么要有重力g?
        Vector3d un_gyr = 0.5 * (gyr_0 + angular_velocity) - Bgs[j];
        Rs[j] *= Utility::deltaQ(un_gyr * dt).toRotationMatrix();
        Vector3d un_acc_1 = Rs[j] * (linear_acceleration - Bas[j]) - g;
        Vector3d un_acc = 0.5 * (un_acc_0 + un_acc_1);//mid-point中值法计算a,w在k~k+1时刻内的测量值
        Ps[j] += dt * Vs[j] + 0.5 * dt * dt * un_acc;
        Vs[j] += dt * un_acc;
    acc_0 = linear_acceleration;//更新本次预积分的初始值
    gyr_0 = angular_velocity;

void Estimator::processImage(const map<int, vector<pair<int, Eigen::Matrix<double, 7, 1>>>> &image, const std_msgs::Header &header)
    ROS_DEBUG("new image coming ------------------------------------------");
    ROS_DEBUG("Adding feature points %lu", image.size());
    // 把当前帧图像(frame_count)的特征点添加到f_manager.feature容器中
    // 计算第2最新帧与第3最新帧之间的平均视差(当前帧是第1最新帧),判断第2最新帧是否为KF
    // 在未完成初始化时,如果窗口没有塞满,那么是否添加关键帧的判定结果不起作用,滑动窗口要塞满
    // 只有在滑动窗口塞满后,或者初始化完成之后,才需要滑动窗口,此时才需要做关键帧判别,根据第2最新关键帧是否为关键帧选择相应的边缘化策略
    if (f_manager.addFeatureCheckParallax(frame_count, image, td))
        marginalization_flag = MARGIN_OLD;//如果第2新帧是KF则marg掉最老的一帧
        marginalization_flag = MARGIN_SECOND_NEW;//如果第二新帧不是KF则直接丢掉最新帧的视觉measurement,并对IMU积分propogate

    ROS_DEBUG("this frame is--------------------%s", marginalization_flag ? "reject" : "accept");
    ROS_DEBUG("%s", marginalization_flag ? "Non-keyframe" : "Keyframe");
    ROS_DEBUG("Solving %d", frame_count);
    ROS_DEBUG("number of feature: %d", f_manager.getFeatureCount());
    Headers[frame_count] = header;

    ImageFrame imageframe(image, header.stamp.toSec());
    imageframe.pre_integration = tmp_pre_integration;
    all_image_frame.insert(make_pair(header.stamp.toSec(), imageframe));
    tmp_pre_integration = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[frame_count], Bgs[frame_count]};

        ROS_INFO("calibrating extrinsic param, rotation movement is needed");
        if (frame_count != 0)
            // 找相邻两帧(bk, bk+1)之间的tracking上的点,构建一个pair,所有pair是一个vector,即corres(pondents),first=前一帧的去畸变的归一化平面上的点,second=后一帧的
            // 要求it.start_frame <= frame_count_l && it.endFrame() >= frame_count_r
            vector<pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>> corres = f_manager.getCorresponding(frame_count - 1, frame_count);
            Matrix3d calib_ric;
            if (initial_ex_rotation.CalibrationExRotation(corres, pre_integrations[frame_count]->delta_q, calib_ric))
                ROS_WARN("initial extrinsic rotation calib success");
                ROS_WARN_STREAM("initial extrinsic rotation: " << endl << calib_ric);
                ric[0] = calib_ric;
                RIC[0] = calib_ric;
                ESTIMATE_EXTRINSIC = 1;

    if (solver_flag == INITIAL)// 需要初始化
        if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE)// 滑动窗口中塞满了才进行初始化(初始化并不影响KF的筛选,KF筛选仍然使用:视差>=10和tracked_num<20来判断,满足其一则是KF
            bool result = false;
            if( ESTIMATE_EXTRINSIC != 2 && (header.stamp.toSec() - initial_timestamp) > 0.1) //确保有足够的frame参与初始化,有外参,且当前帧时间戳大于初始化时间戳+0.1秒
               result = initialStructure();//执行视觉惯性联合初始化
               initial_timestamp = header.stamp.toSec();
                solver_flag = NON_LINEAR;//求解
                ROS_DEBUG("Ps[0] addr: %ld", reinterpret_cast<long>(&Ps[0]));
                ROS_INFO("Initialization finish!");
                last_R = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE];
                last_P = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE];
                last_R0 = Rs[0];
                last_P0 = Ps[0];
        TicToc t_solve;
        ROS_DEBUG("solver costs: %fms", t_solve.toc());

        // 以下5种情况会判定为fail:
        // 1,2:ba或bg过大
        // 3,4,5:本次WINDOW内和上次WINDOW内的最后一帧pose(Tw_b[k])之间的relative pose的t或z或角度变化过大
        // fail之后会clear state并重启系统(重新初始化)
        if (failureDetection())
            ROS_WARN("failure detection!");
            failure_occur = 1;
            setParameter();//清零外参,time offset
            ROS_WARN("system reboot!");

        TicToc t_margin;
        slideWindow();//根据marg flag marg掉old或者2nd,管理优化变量,数据,深度等
        ROS_DEBUG("Ps[0] addr: %ld", reinterpret_cast<long>(&Ps[0]));
        ROS_DEBUG("marginalization costs: %fms", t_margin.toc());
        // prepare output of VINS(本次优化且划窗之后,保存WINDOW内的所有KF的translation)
        for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)

        last_R = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE];//保留这一WINDOW内的最新一帧的信息,供下次failureDetection()使用
        last_P = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE];
        last_R0 = Rs[0];
        last_P0 = Ps[0];

//执行视觉惯性联合初始化,包含两部分:1. visual SfM,2.visual和IMU的align(估计gyro bias,scale,重力细化RefineGravity)
bool Estimator::initialStructure()
    TicToc t_sfm;
    //check imu observibility
        map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator frame_it;
        Vector3d sum_g;
        for (frame_it = all_image_frame.begin(), frame_it++; frame_it != all_image_frame.end(); frame_it++)
            double dt = frame_it->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;//该帧总时间
            Vector3d tmp_g = frame_it->second.pre_integration->delta_v / dt;//速度/时间=加速度
            sum_g += tmp_g;
        Vector3d aver_g;
        aver_g = sum_g * 1.0 / ((int)all_image_frame.size() - 1);//线加速度均值,因为第一帧没有,所以-1
        double var = 0;
        for (frame_it = all_image_frame.begin(), frame_it++; frame_it != all_image_frame.end(); frame_it++)
            double dt = frame_it->second.pre_integration->sum_dt;
            Vector3d tmp_g = frame_it->second.pre_integration->delta_v / dt;
            var += (tmp_g - aver_g).transpose() * (tmp_g - aver_g);
            //cout << "frame g " << tmp_g.transpose() << endl;
        var = sqrt(var / ((int)all_image_frame.size() - 1));//求线加速度的标准差
        //ROS_WARN("IMU variation %f!", var);
        if(var < 0.25)//如果加速度方差小于0.25,则证明加速度波动较小,证明IMU激励不够(TODO:这个0.25跟标定qcb旋转外参SVD的特征值的那个0.25有关系吗?)
            ROS_INFO("IMU excitation not enouth!");
            //return false;

    // global sfm
    Quaterniond Q[frame_count + 1];//存放window内所有帧相对____的pose T___i
    Vector3d T[frame_count + 1];
    map<int, Vector3d> sfm_tracked_points;
    vector<SFMFeature> sfm_f;
    for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)//feature是list,元素是装了window内的所有该id的feature的vector,即一个feature_id对应一个vector
        int imu_j = it_per_id.start_frame - 1;
        SFMFeature tmp_feature;
        tmp_feature.state = false;//未被三角化 = it_per_id.feature_id;
        for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame)//window内该id对应的所有的Matrix<double, 7, 1>
            Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point;
            tmp_feature.observation.push_back(make_pair(imu_j, Eigen::Vector2d{pts_j.x(), pts_j.y()}));//observation: 所有观测到该特征点的图像帧ID和图像坐标
    Matrix3d relative_R;
    Vector3d relative_T;
    int l;
    //选择window内第一个满足“tracking数量>20,平均视差>30”的帧(l)与最新帧之间的relative pose,是从最新帧到第l帧Tl_cur,就是下面的Tw_cur
    if (!relativePose(relative_R, relative_T, l))
        ROS_INFO("Not enough features or parallax; Move device around");
        return false;
    l_ = l;//将l赋给成员,便于外面查看l的帧数

    GlobalSFM sfm;
    if(!sfm.construct(frame_count + 1, Q, T, l,
              relative_R, relative_T,
              sfm_f, sfm_tracked_points))
        ROS_DEBUG("global SFM failed!");
        marginalization_flag = MARGIN_OLD;
        return false;

    //solve pnp for all frame(直接用cv的库函数,没有再使用ceres构建problem)
    // 由于并不是第一次视觉初始化就能成功,此时图像帧数目有可能会超过滑动窗口的大小
    // 所以再视觉初始化的最后,要求出滑动窗口外的帧的位姿
    // 最后把世界坐标系从帧l的相机坐标系,转到帧l的IMU坐标系
    // 4.对于非滑动窗口的所有帧,提供一个初始的R,T,然后solve pnp求解pose
    map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator frame_it;
    map<int, Vector3d>::iterator it;
    frame_it = all_image_frame.begin( );//时间戳map映射ImgFrame,ImageFrame是里面有的所有id->features的map,features是pair<camera_id, Mat<7,1>>
    for (int i = 0; frame_it != all_image_frame.end( ); frame_it++)
        // provide initial guess
        cv::Mat r, rvec, t, D, tmp_r;
        if((frame_it->first) == Headers[i].stamp.toSec()) // all_image_frame与滑动窗口中对应的帧,SfM阶段已经计算过,无需再次计算
            frame_it->second.is_key_frame = true;// 滑动窗口中所有帧都是关键帧
            frame_it->second.R = Q[i].toRotationMatrix() * RIC[0].transpose();// 根据各帧相机坐标系的姿态和外参,得到用各帧IMU坐标系的姿态(对应VINS Mono论文(2018年的期刊版论文)中的公式(6))。
            frame_it->second.T = T[i];
        if((frame_it->first) > Headers[i].stamp.toSec())
        // 为滑动窗口外的帧提供一个初始位姿
        Matrix3d R_inital = (Q[i].inverse()).toRotationMatrix();//qwc^(-1)=qcw
        Vector3d P_inital = - R_inital * T[i];
        cv::eigen2cv(R_inital, tmp_r);
        cv::Rodrigues(tmp_r, rvec);
        cv::eigen2cv(P_inital, t);

        frame_it->second.is_key_frame = false;// 初始化时位于滑动窗口外的帧是非关键帧
        vector<cv::Point3f> pts_3_vector;// 用于pnp解算的3D点
        vector<cv::Point2f> pts_2_vector;// 用于pnp解算的2D点
        for (auto &id_pts : frame_it->second.points) // 对于该帧中的特征点
            int feature_id = id_pts.first;// 特征点id
            for (auto &i_p : id_pts.second)// 由于可能有多个相机,所以需要遍历。i_p对应着一个相机所拍图像帧的特征点信息
                it = sfm_tracked_points.find(feature_id);
                if(it != sfm_tracked_points.end())//如果找到了已经Triangulation的,说明在sfm_tracked_points中找到了相应的3D点
                    // 记录该已被Triangulated的id特征点的3D位置
                    Vector3d world_pts = it->second;
                    cv::Point3f pts_3(world_pts(0), world_pts(1), world_pts(2));

                    // 记录该id的特征点在该帧图像中的2D位置
                    Vector2d img_pts = i_p.second.head<2>();
                    cv::Point2f pts_2(img_pts(0), img_pts(1));
        cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<double>(3, 3) << 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1);     
        if(pts_3_vector.size() < 6)
            cout << "pts_3_vector size " << pts_3_vector.size() << endl;
            ROS_DEBUG("Not enough points for solve pnp !");
            return false;
        if (! cv::solvePnP(pts_3_vector, pts_2_vector, K, D, rvec, t, 1)) // pnp求解失败
            ROS_DEBUG("solve pnp fail!");
            return false;
        cv::Rodrigues(rvec, r);
        MatrixXd R_pnp,tmp_R_pnp;
        cv::cv2eigen(r, tmp_R_pnp);
        R_pnp = tmp_R_pnp.transpose();//qwc = qcw^(-1)
        MatrixXd T_pnp;
        cv::cv2eigen(t, T_pnp);
        T_pnp = R_pnp * (-T_pnp);
        frame_it->second.R = R_pnp * RIC[0].transpose(); // Tc0_ck * Tbc^(-1) = Tc0_bk转到c0系下看bk
        frame_it->second.T = T_pnp;
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere l_: " << l_ <<  "\nKF[0] Rs[0]:\n" << all_image_frame[Headers[0].stamp.toSec()].R);
    if (visualInitialAlign())//视觉惯性对齐:bg,gc0,s,v的估计
        return true;
        ROS_INFO("misalign visual structure with IMU");
        return false;


bool Estimator::visualInitialAlign()
    TicToc t_g;
    VectorXd x;//待优化变量[vk,vk+1,w,s],维度是(all_image_frame.size() * 3 + 2 + 1)
    bool result = VisualIMUAlignment(all_image_frame, Bgs, g, x);
        ROS_DEBUG("solve g failed!");
        return false;

    //原文:we can get the rotation qw c0 between the world frame and the
    //camera frame c0 by rotating the gravity to the z-axis. We then
    //rotate all variables from the reference frame (·)c0 to the world
    //frame (·)w.
    // change state(以下仅对WINDOW内的frame进行操作)
    for (int i = 0; i <= frame_count; i++)
        Matrix3d Ri = all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].R;//IMU相对于world(即c0,此时还是l帧)的pose:Tc0_b[k]
        Vector3d Pi = all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].T;//Rc0_b[k]
        Ps[i] = Pi;
        Rs[i] = Ri;
        all_image_frame[Headers[i].stamp.toSec()].is_key_frame = true;
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere l_: " << l_
                        << "\nKF Rs[0]:\n" << Rs[0]);

    VectorXd dep = f_manager.getDepthVector();//获取WINDOW内所有成功Triangulated出深度的landmark,求其逆深度
    for (int i = 0; i < dep.size(); i++)
        dep[i] = -1;

    //triangulat on cam pose , no tic
    Vector3d TIC_TMP[NUM_OF_CAM];
    for(int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
    ric[0] = RIC[0];
    f_manager.triangulate(Ps, &(TIC_TMP[0]), &(RIC[0]));//Ps是tc0_bk(里面要转为tc_ck使用)

    double s = (x.tail<1>())(0);//取优化出的scale
    //gyro bias bg改变了,需要重新IMU预积分
    for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
        //对每两帧camera之间的IMU数据重新进行积分(每次积分的观测初值(acc_0,gyro_0)仍然使用之前保存的linearized_acc, linearized_gyro)
        pre_integrations[i]->repropagate(Vector3d::Zero(), Bgs[i]);
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("TIC[0]:\n" << TIC[0].transpose());

    for (int i = frame_count; i >= 0; i--) {
        Ps[i] = s * Ps[i] - Rs[i] * TIC[0] - (s * Ps[0] - Rs[0] * TIC[0]);//这里输入的Ps还是tc0_bk,输出的Ps是(c0)tb0_bk,是在c0系下看的这个translation
        //TIC[0]为0代表第一项 s * Ps[i] - Rs[i] * TIC[0]=s*Ps[i],即s*tc0_b[k]=s*tc0_c[k](因为此时Ps=tc0_b[k])
        ROS_INFO_STREAM("TIC[0]:" << TIC[0].transpose()
                        << "\ns * Ps[i] - Rs[i] * TIC[0]: " << (s * Ps[i] - Rs[i] * TIC[0]).transpose()
                        << "\ns * Ps[i]: " << (s * Ps[i]).transpose()
                        << "\nl_: " << l_
                        << "\nPs[0]: " << Ps[0].transpose()//看他是否为0,如果不是0则证明我把c0和c[0]弄混了
                        << "\ns * Ps[0]: " << (s * Ps[0]).transpose());

    int kv = -1;
    map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator frame_i;
    for (frame_i = all_image_frame.begin(); frame_i != all_image_frame.end(); frame_i++)
            Vs[kv] = frame_i->second.R * x.segment<3>(kv * 3);//更新bk系下的速度:Rc0_bk * (bk)vk = (c0)vk
    for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
        it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
        if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))
        it_per_id.estimated_depth *= s;//恢复真实世界下尺度的深度

    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nRs[0] is Rc0_b0:\n" << Rs[0]
                        <<"\nRbc^T:\n" << RIC[0].transpose());
    Matrix3d R0 = Utility::g2R(g);//求出gc0->gw(0,0,1)的pitch和roll方向的旋转R0
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere1 R0.yaw = \n" << Utility::R2ypr(R0).x());
    Eigen::Vector3d here1_Rs0_ypr = Utility::R2ypr(Rs[0]);
    double here1_Rs0_yaw = here1_Rs0_ypr.x();//Rs[0].yaw

    double yaw = Utility::R2ypr(R0 * Rs[0]).x();//和transformed_yaw相等,说明不是运算精度的问题,可能就是旋转之后yaw会受到影响
    R0 = Utility::ypr2R(Eigen::Vector3d{-yaw, 0, 0}) * R0;
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere2 yaw = :\n" << yaw <<
                          "\nRs[0].yaw = :\n" << here1_Rs0_yaw <<
                          "\neventually, R0.yaw = \n" << Utility::R2ypr(R0).x());
    g = R0 * g;//将估计的重力g旋转到world系:yaw * Rwc0*g^(c0)=g^w,
    //Matrix3d rot_diff = R0 * Rs[0].transpose();
    Matrix3d rot_diff = R0;//rotdiff最后使得在world系下,b[0]真的yaw为0°
    //(PRV)w_b[k] = Rw_b[0] * (PRV)c0_b[k]
    for (int i = 0; i <= frame_count; i++)
        Ps[i] = rot_diff * Ps[i];
        Rs[i] = rot_diff * Rs[i];//(w)vb0_bk
        Vs[i] = rot_diff * Vs[i];//(w)vb0_bk
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ni=" << i <<"    Rs[i].yaw = \n" << Utility::R2ypr(Rs[i]).x());
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("g0     " << g.transpose());
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("my R0  " << Utility::R2ypr(Rs[0]).transpose()); 

    return true;

//选择window内第一个满足tracking数量>20,平均视差>30的帧(l)与最新帧之间的relative pose,是从最新帧到第l帧
bool Estimator::relativePose(Matrix3d &relative_R, Vector3d &relative_T, int &l)
    // find previous frame which contians enough correspondance and parallex with newest frame
    for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
        vector<pair<Vector3d, Vector3d>> corres;
        // 找第i帧和buffer内最后一帧,(i, WINDOW_SIZE),之间的tracking上的点,构建一个pair,
        // 所有pair是一个vector,即corres(pondents),first=前一帧的去畸变的归一化平面上的点,second=后一帧的
        corres = f_manager.getCorresponding(i, WINDOW_SIZE);
        if (corres.size() > 20)//要求两帧的共视点大于20对
            double sum_parallax = 0;
            double average_parallax;
            for (int j = 0; j < int(corres.size()); j++)
                Vector2d pts_0(corres[j].first(0), corres[j].first(1));
                Vector2d pts_1(corres[j].second(0), corres[j].second(1));
                double parallax = (pts_0 - pts_1).norm();//计算共视点的视差(欧氏距离)
                sum_parallax = sum_parallax + parallax;

            average_parallax = 1.0 * sum_parallax / int(corres.size());//平均视差
            //用内参将归一化平面上的点转化到像素平面fx*X/Z + cx,cx相减抵消,z=1,所以直接就是fx*X
            if(average_parallax * 460 > 30 && m_estimator.solveRelativeRT(corres, relative_R, relative_T))
                l = i;
//                l = l+2;
//                ROS_DEBUG("change l to l+2 = %d", l);
                ROS_DEBUG("average_parallax %f choose l %d and newest frame to triangulate the whole structure", average_parallax * 460, l);
                return true;
    return false;

void Estimator::solveOdometry()
    if (frame_count < WINDOW_SIZE)
    if (solver_flag == NON_LINEAR)
        TicToc t_tri;
        f_manager.triangulate(Ps, tic, ric);
        ROS_DEBUG("triangulation costs %f", t_tri.toc());

void Estimator::vector2double()
    for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
        para_Pose[i][0] = Ps[i].x();
        para_Pose[i][1] = Ps[i].y();
        para_Pose[i][2] = Ps[i].z();
        Quaterniond q{Rs[i]};
        para_Pose[i][3] = q.x();
        para_Pose[i][4] = q.y();
        para_Pose[i][5] = q.z();
        para_Pose[i][6] = q.w();

        para_SpeedBias[i][0] = Vs[i].x();
        para_SpeedBias[i][1] = Vs[i].y();
        para_SpeedBias[i][2] = Vs[i].z();

        para_SpeedBias[i][3] = Bas[i].x();
        para_SpeedBias[i][4] = Bas[i].y();
        para_SpeedBias[i][5] = Bas[i].z();

        para_SpeedBias[i][6] = Bgs[i].x();
        para_SpeedBias[i][7] = Bgs[i].y();
        para_SpeedBias[i][8] = Bgs[i].z();
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
        para_Ex_Pose[i][0] = tic[i].x();
        para_Ex_Pose[i][1] = tic[i].y();
        para_Ex_Pose[i][2] = tic[i].z();
        Quaterniond q{ric[i]};
        para_Ex_Pose[i][3] = q.x();
        para_Ex_Pose[i][4] = q.y();
        para_Ex_Pose[i][5] = q.z();
        para_Ex_Pose[i][6] = q.w();

    VectorXd dep = f_manager.getDepthVector();
    for (int i = 0; i < f_manager.getFeatureCount(); i++)
        para_Feature[i][0] = dep(i);
    if (ESTIMATE_TD)
        para_Td[0][0] = td;

// 优化一次之后,求出优化前后的第一帧的T,用于后面作用到所有的轨迹上去
// 数据转换,vector2double的相反过程
// 同时这里为防止优化结果往零空间变化,会根据优化前后第一帧的位姿差进行修正。
void Estimator::double2vector()
    Vector3d origin_R0 = Utility::R2ypr(Rs[0]);//R[0]
    Vector3d origin_P0 = Ps[0];

    if (failure_occur)
        origin_R0 = Utility::R2ypr(last_R0);
        origin_P0 = last_P0;
        failure_occur = 0;
    //窗口第一帧优化后的位姿 q(wxyz)
    Vector3d origin_R00 = Utility::R2ypr(Quaterniond(para_Pose[0][6],
    //TODO:确定到底是哪个  若是R_after_before.x()则下面使用rot_diff做的矫正就不对了,para_Pose肯定是after的
    double y_diff = origin_R0.x() - origin_R00.x();
    Matrix3d rot_diff = Utility::ypr2R(Vector3d(y_diff, 0, 0));
    if (abs(abs(origin_R0.y()) - 90) < 1.0 || abs(abs(origin_R00.y()) - 90) < 1.0)
        ROS_DEBUG("euler singular point!");
        rot_diff = Rs[0] * Quaterniond(para_Pose[0][6],
    // 根据位姿差做修正,即保证第一帧优化前后位姿不变(似乎只是yaw不变,那tilt呢?)
    for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)

        Rs[i] = rot_diff * Quaterniond(para_Pose[i][6], para_Pose[i][3], para_Pose[i][4], para_Pose[i][5]).normalized().toRotationMatrix();

        Ps[i] = rot_diff * Vector3d(para_Pose[i][0] - para_Pose[0][0],
                                    para_Pose[i][1] - para_Pose[0][1],
                                    para_Pose[i][2] - para_Pose[0][2]) + origin_P0;

        Vs[i] = rot_diff * Vector3d(para_SpeedBias[i][0],

        Bas[i] = Vector3d(para_SpeedBias[i][3],

        Bgs[i] = Vector3d(para_SpeedBias[i][6],

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
        tic[i] = Vector3d(para_Ex_Pose[i][0],
        ric[i] = Quaterniond(para_Ex_Pose[i][6],

    VectorXd dep = f_manager.getDepthVector();
    for (int i = 0; i < f_manager.getFeatureCount(); i++)
        dep(i) = para_Feature[i][0];
    //time offset
    if (ESTIMATE_TD)
        td = para_Td[0][0];

    // relative info between two loop frame
        Matrix3d relo_r;//j帧矫正之后的T
        Vector3d relo_t;
        relo_r = rot_diff * Quaterniond(relo_Pose[6], relo_Pose[3], relo_Pose[4], relo_Pose[5]).normalized().toRotationMatrix();
        relo_t = rot_diff * Vector3d(relo_Pose[0] - para_Pose[0][0],
                                     relo_Pose[1] - para_Pose[0][1],
                                     relo_Pose[2] - para_Pose[0][2]) + origin_P0;//保证第[0]帧不变之后,+origin_P0转为世界系下的t

        //prev_relo_r=Tw1_bi, relo_Pose=Tw2_bi,这两个pose间的yaw和t的漂移Rw1_w2,tw1_w2
        double drift_correct_yaw;
        //yaw drift, Rw1_bi.yaw() - Rw2_bi.yaw=Rw1_w2.yaw()
        drift_correct_yaw = Utility::R2ypr(prev_relo_r).x() - Utility::R2ypr(relo_r).x();
        drift_correct_r = Utility::ypr2R(Vector3d(drift_correct_yaw, 0, 0));
        drift_correct_t = prev_relo_t - drift_correct_r * relo_t;

        //Tw2_bi^(-1) * Tw2_bj = Tbi_bj
        relo_relative_t = relo_r.transpose() * (Ps[relo_frame_local_index] - relo_t);
        relo_relative_q = relo_r.transpose() * Rs[relo_frame_local_index];
        //Rw2_bj.yaw() - Rw2_bi.yaw() = Rbi_bj.yaw()
        relo_relative_yaw = Utility::normalizeAngle(Utility::R2ypr(Rs[relo_frame_local_index]).x() - Utility::R2ypr(relo_r).x());

/*        //验证Tw1w2是否正确。  结果不一样,不知道为啥。
        //1.计算Rw1_w2 = Rw1_bi * Rw2_bi^(-1)
        Matrix3d Rw1_w2 = prev_relo_r * relo_r;
        //2. 计算Tw1_w2中的Rw1_w2 = Tw1_bi.R * Tbi_bj.R * Rw2_bj^(-1)
        Matrix3d Rw1_w2_prime = prev_relo_r * relo_relative_q.toRotationMatrix() * Rs[relo_frame_local_index].transpose();
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ncheck Rw1_w2:\n" << Rw1_w2 << "\nRw1_w2_prime:\n" << Rw1_w2_prime);*/

        //cout << "vins relo " << endl;
        //cout << "vins relative_t " << relo_relative_t.transpose() << endl;
        //cout << "vins relative_yaw " <<relo_relative_yaw << endl;
        relocalization_info = 0;


bool Estimator::failureDetection()
    if (f_manager.last_track_num < 2)
        ROS_INFO(" little feature %d", f_manager.last_track_num);
        //return true;
    if (Bas[WINDOW_SIZE].norm() > 2.5)
        ROS_INFO(" big IMU acc bias estimation %f", Bas[WINDOW_SIZE].norm());
        return true;
    if (Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE].norm() > 1.0)
        ROS_INFO(" big IMU gyr bias estimation %f", Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE].norm());
        return true;
    if (tic(0) > 1)
        ROS_INFO(" big extri param estimation %d", tic(0) > 1);
        return true;
    Vector3d tmp_P = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE];
    if ((tmp_P - last_P).norm() > 5)
        ROS_INFO(" big translation");
        return true;
    if (abs(tmp_P.z() - last_P.z()) > 1)
        ROS_INFO(" big z translation");
        return true;
    //relative pose过大则fail
    //求误差的角度大小,对四元数表示的旋转,delta q有
    //delta q = [1, 1/2 delta theta]
    //delta theta = [delta q]_xyz * 2,弧度制,视情况转为degree
    Matrix3d tmp_R = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE];
    Matrix3d delta_R = tmp_R.transpose() * last_R;
    Quaterniond delta_Q(delta_R);
    double delta_angle;
    delta_angle = acos(delta_Q.w()) * 2.0 / 3.14 * 180.0;//转为degree
    if (delta_angle > 50)
        ROS_INFO(" big delta_angle ");
        //return true;
    return false;

static void get_cur_parameter(solve::Solver& solver, double* cur_x_array) {
    for (auto it : solver.parameter_block_idx) {
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int idx = it.second;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = solver.parameter_block_size[addr];
        ROS_ASSERT_MSG(tmp_param_block_size > 0, "tmp_param_block_size = %d", tmp_param_block_size);
        memcpy( &cur_x_array[idx], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), sizeof(double) *(int)tmp_param_block_size);

static bool updatePose(const double *x, const double *delta, double *x_plus_delta)
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> _p(x);
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Quaterniond> _q(x + 3);

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(delta);

    Eigen::Quaterniond dq = Utility::deltaQ(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d>(delta + 3));

    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> p(x_plus_delta);
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Quaterniond> q(x_plus_delta + 3);

    p = -_p + dp ;
    q = (_q.inverse() * dq).normalized();//四元数乘法并归一化

    return true;

//计算ceres优化iteration轮之后的delta_x, solver要传引用,否则会调用析构函数
static void cal_delta_x(solve::Solver& solver, double* x_before, double* x_after, double* delta_x) {
    for (auto it : solver.parameter_block_idx) {
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int idx = it.second;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = solver.parameter_block_size[addr];
        double tmp_delta_pose_array[SIZE_POSE];
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nidx: " << idx << ", tmp_param_block_size: " << tmp_param_block_size);
//        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ndelta_x size: " << delta_x.size());

        if (tmp_param_block_size == SIZE_POSE) {
            updatePose(&x_after[idx], &x_before[idx], &delta_x[idx]);
        } else {
            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> x_map(&x_before[idx], tmp_param_block_size);
            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> x_plus_delta_map(&x_after[idx], tmp_param_block_size);
            Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> delta_x_map(&delta_x[idx], tmp_param_block_size);
            delta_x_map = x_plus_delta_map - x_map;
//            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ndelta_x_map: " << delta_x_map.transpose());

//大作业T1.a思路 这里要添加自己的makehessian的代码AddResidualBlockSolver()//类似于marg一样管理所有的factor,只不过,这里的m是WINDOW内所有的landmark,n是所有的P,V,Tbc,td,relopose
//在最后求解出整个delta x,在solve中用LM评估迭代效果并继续迭代
void Estimator::optimization()
    ceres::LossFunction *loss_function;
    //loss_function = new ceres::HuberLoss(1.0);//Huber损失函数
    loss_function = new ceres::CauchyLoss(1.0);//柯西损失函数

    ceres::Problem problem;


    solve::Solver solver(strategy);
    solver.method_ = solve::Solver::kDOGLEG;
    solver.iterations_ = NUM_ITERATIONS;
    solver.makeHessian_time_sum_ = &(makeHessian_time_sum_);
    solver.makeHessian_times_ = &makeHessian_times_;
    if(solver.method_==solve::Solver::kDOGLEG) {
        solver.epsilon_1_ = 1e-10;
        solver.epsilon_2_ = 1e-6;//h_dl和radius_减小的倍数阈值
        solver.epsilon_3_ = 1e-10;

    for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE + 1; i++)
        ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization();
        problem.AddParameterBlock(para_Pose[i], SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization);//ceres里叫参数块,g2o里是顶点和边
        problem.AddParameterBlock(para_SpeedBias[i], SIZE_SPEEDBIAS);

    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
        ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization();
        problem.AddParameterBlock(para_Ex_Pose[i], SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization);
            ROS_DEBUG("fix extinsic param");
            ROS_DEBUG("estimate extinsic param");
    if (ESTIMATE_TD)
        problem.AddParameterBlock(para_Td[0], 1);


    TicToc t_whole, t_prepare;

    std::unordered_map<long, uint8_t> param_addr_check;//所有param维度
    std::unordered_map<long, uint8_t> landmark_addr_check;//landmark维度
    size_t size_1=0;
    if (last_marginalization_info)
        // construct new marginlization_factor
        MarginalizationFactor *marginalization_factor = new MarginalizationFactor(last_marginalization_info);//里面设置了上次先验的什么size,现在还不懂

        problem.AddResidualBlock(marginalization_factor, NULL,

//        /*用于check维度是否正确*/
        for(int i=0; i<last_marginalization_parameter_blocks.size(); ++i) {
            size_t tmp_size = last_marginalization_info->parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i])];
            tmp_size = tmp_size==7 ? 6: tmp_size;
            for(int j=0; j<tmp_size; ++j) {
                param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i]) + (double)j * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;

        ROS_DEBUG("\nlinearized_jacobians (rows, cols) = (%lu, %lu)",
                  last_marginalization_info->linearized_jacobians.rows(), last_marginalization_info->linearized_jacobians.cols());

        size_1 = param_addr_check.size();//76
        ROS_DEBUG("\nprior size1=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
                  size_1, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

        solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(marginalization_factor, NULL,

    for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
        int j = i + 1;
        if (pre_integrations[j]->sum_dt > 10.0)
        IMUFactor* imu_factor = new IMUFactor(pre_integrations[j]);//这里的factor就是残差residual,ceres里面叫factor

        problem.AddResidualBlock(imu_factor, NULL, para_Pose[i], para_SpeedBias[i], para_Pose[j], para_SpeedBias[j]);

        long addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[i]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\nIMU add para_Pose[%d]", i);
            for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;

        addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[i]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\nIMU add para_SpeedBias[%d]", i);
            for(int k=0; k<SIZE_SPEEDBIAS; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long) k * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;

        addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[j]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\n IMU add para_Pose[%d]", j);
            for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long) k * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;

        addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[j]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\n IMU add para_SpeedBias[%d]", j);
            for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_SPEEDBIAS; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long) k * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;
        solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info =
                new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(imu_factor, NULL,
                                              vector<double *>{para_Pose[i], para_SpeedBias[i], para_Pose[j], para_SpeedBias[j]},
    size_t size_2 = param_addr_check.size() - size_1;//96
    ROS_DEBUG("\nIMU size2=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
              size_2, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

    int f_m_cnt = 0;
    int feature_index = -1;
    for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
        it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
        if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))

        int imu_i = it_per_id.start_frame, imu_j = imu_i - 1;
        Vector3d pts_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].point;

        //这个id的feature的第一帧和后面所有的帧分别构建residual block
        for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame)
            if (imu_i == imu_j)
            Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point;
            //是否要time offset
            if (ESTIMATE_TD)
                    ProjectionTdFactor *f_td = new ProjectionTdFactor(pts_i, pts_j, it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].velocity, it_per_frame.velocity,
                                                                     it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].cur_td, it_per_frame.cur_td,
                                                                     it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].uv.y(), it_per_frame.uv.y());
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(f_td, loss_function, para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index], para_Td[0]);

                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_i]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_j]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[0]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Td[0])] = 1;

                    double **para = new double *[5];
                    para[0] = para_Pose[imu_i];
                    para[1] = para_Pose[imu_j];
                    para[2] = para_Ex_Pose[0];
                    para[3] = para_Feature[feature_index];
                    para[4] = para_Td[0];
                solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(f_td, loss_function,
                                                                                vector<double*>{para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index], para_Td[0]},
                ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j);
                problem.AddResidualBlock(f, loss_function, para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]);
                for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_i]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_j]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[0]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(f, loss_function,
                                                                                vector<double*>{para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]},

    size_t size_3 = param_addr_check.size() - size_1 - size_2;//应该和landmark_addr_check.size一样
    ROS_DEBUG("\nvisual size3=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
              size_3, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td
    ROS_DEBUG("visual measurement count: %d", f_m_cnt);//总的视觉观测个数,观测可能是在不同帧对同一个landmark进行观测,所以可能查过1000,注意与landmark个数进行区分
    ROS_DEBUG("prepare for ceres: %f", t_prepare.toc());

    //4.添加闭环检测残差,计算滑动窗口中与每一个闭环关键帧的相对位姿,这个相对位置是为后面的图优化(pose graph)准备 或者是 快速重定位(崔华坤PDF7.2节)
    //这里注意relo_pose是Tw2_bi = Tw2_w1 * Tw1_bi
        ROS_DEBUG("\nhas relocation blocks");
        //printf("set relocalization factor! \n");
        ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization();
        problem.AddParameterBlock(relo_Pose, SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization);
        int retrive_feature_index = 0;
        int feature_index = -1;
        for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
            ROS_DEBUG("\nfeature_id: %d", it_per_id.feature_id);
            it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
            if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))
            int start = it_per_id.start_frame;
            ROS_DEBUG("\nmatch_points size: %lu, retrive_feature_index: %d", match_points.size(), retrive_feature_index);
            if(start <= relo_frame_local_index)//必须之前看到过
                while((int)match_points[retrive_feature_index].z() < it_per_id.feature_id && retrive_feature_index <= match_points.size()-2)//.z()存的是i,j两帧match上的feature的id
                ROS_DEBUG("\nrelo here1, retrive_feature_index: %d", retrive_feature_index);
                if((int)match_points[retrive_feature_index].z() == it_per_id.feature_id)
                    Vector3d pts_j = Vector3d(match_points[retrive_feature_index].x(), match_points[retrive_feature_index].y(), 1.0);
                    Vector3d pts_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].point;//start中的点
                    ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j);
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(f, loss_function, para_Pose[start], relo_Pose, para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]);

                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[start]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(relo_Pose) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[0]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    ROS_DEBUG("\nrelo here2");
                    solve::ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new solve::ResidualBlockInfo(f, loss_function,
                                                                                                   vector<double*>{para_Pose[start], relo_Pose, para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]},
                    ROS_DEBUG("\nrelo here3");
        ROS_DEBUG("\nrelo here4");
    size_t size_4 = param_addr_check.size() - size_1 - size_2 - size_3;//没有loop时应该为0
    ROS_DEBUG("\nrelocation size_4=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
              size_4, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

    ceres::Solver::Options options;
    options.linear_solver_type = ceres::DENSE_SCHUR;
    //options.num_threads = 2;
//    options.trust_region_strategy_type = ceres::DOGLEG;//狗腿算法,与LM较为接近
    options.trust_region_strategy_type = ceres::LEVENBERG_MARQUARDT;//LM
    options.max_num_iterations = NUM_ITERATIONS;
    //options.use_explicit_schur_complement = true;
    //options.minimizer_progress_to_stdout = true;
    //options.use_nonmonotonic_steps = true;
    if (marginalization_flag == MARGIN_OLD)
        options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = SOLVER_TIME * 4.0 / 5.0;
        options.max_solver_time_in_seconds = SOLVER_TIME;
    TicToc t_solver;
    ceres::Solver::Summary summary;

/*    //获得idx和data

    int cur_x_size = 1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100;
    double cur_x_array[cur_x_size], cur_x_array_before[cur_x_size];
    get_cur_parameter(solver, cur_x_array);
    memcpy(cur_x_array_before, cur_x_array, sizeof(double) * cur_x_size);
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> cur_x(cur_x_array, solver.m + solver.n);//cur_x_array变了,cur_x才会变
    const Eigen::VectorXd cur_x_before = cur_x;*/

    ceres::Solve(options, &problem, &summary);

/*    get_cur_parameter(solver, cur_x_array);
    double delta_x_ceres[cur_x_size];
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> delta_x_ceres_map(delta_x_ceres, solver.m + solver.n);

    cal_delta_x(solver, cur_x_array_before, cur_x_array, delta_x_ceres);
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ncur_x before: " << cur_x_before.transpose() <<
                          "\ncur_x after: " << cur_x.transpose() <<
                          "\ndelta_x_ceres: "<< delta_x_ceres_map.transpose() <<
                          "\ndelta_x_ceres.norm(): " << delta_x_ceres_map.norm() <<
                          ",    delta_x_ceres.squaredNorm(): " << delta_x_ceres_map.squaredNorm());*/

    //cout << summary.BriefReport() << endl;
    ROS_DEBUG("\nIterations : %d", static_cast<int>(summary.iterations.size()));

#else //手写求解器求解

    int cur_x_size = 1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100;
    double cur_x_array[cur_x_size], cur_x_array_before[cur_x_size];
    get_cur_parameter(solver, cur_x_array);
    memcpy(cur_x_array_before, cur_x_array, sizeof(double) * cur_x_size);
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> cur_x(cur_x_array, solver.m + solver.n);//cur_x_array变了,cur_x才会变
    const Eigen::VectorXd cur_x_before = cur_x;

    TicToc t_solver;
    double vins_finish_time = t_solver.toc();
    solver_time_sum_ += vins_finish_time;
    ROS_DEBUG("\nmy solver costs: %f ms, iter nums: %d, avg_solve_time: %f ms, solver_time_sum_: %f, solve_times_: %f",
              vins_finish_time, NUM_ITERATIONS, solver_time_sum_/solve_times_, solver_time_sum_, solve_times_);

    get_cur_parameter(solver, cur_x_array);
    double delta_x[cur_x_size];
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> delta_x_map(delta_x, solver.m + solver.n);


    cal_delta_x(solver, cur_x_array_before, cur_x_array, delta_x);
    TicToc t_print;
//                          "\ncur_x before: " << cur_x_before.transpose() <<
//                          "\ncur_x after: " << cur_x.transpose() <<
                          "\ndelta_x: "<< delta_x_map.transpose() <<
                          "\ndelta_x.norm(): " << delta_x_map.norm() <<
                          ",    delta_x.squaredNorm(): " << delta_x_map.squaredNorm());
    ROS_DEBUG("\nprint costs: %f ms", t_print.toc());

    // 防止优化结果在零空间变化,通过固定第一帧的位姿(如何固定,free,gauge,fix?)

    TicToc t_whole_marginalization;//如marg掉xi_2,则需要处理跟xi_2相关的先验信息,IMU信息,视觉信息
    //1. marg 最老帧[0]
    if (marginalization_flag == MARGIN_OLD)
        MarginalizationInfo *marginalization_info = new MarginalizationInfo();
        //1) 把上一次先验项中的残差项(尺寸为 n) 传递给当前先验项,并从中取出需要丢弃的状态量;
        // (这一步不是多此一举?第2步中的parameter_block不会保证marg掉para_Pose[0]和para_SpeedBias[0]吗?)
        if (last_marginalization_info)//如果不是第一帧(因为第一帧没有marg掉之后生成的先验matrix)
            vector<int> drop_set;//本次被marg的参数的idx
            for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
                if (last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i] == para_Pose[0] ||
                    last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i] == para_SpeedBias[0])
            // construct new marginlization_factor
            // 用上次marg的info初始化这次的marg_factor,再加到这次的info中,info管理marg的操作,
            // ceres只管调用marg_factor,不直接管info(当然factor需要info来初始化,所以是marg_factor管info,而不是ceres)
            MarginalizationFactor *marginalization_factor = new MarginalizationFactor(last_marginalization_info);

            ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new ResidualBlockInfo(marginalization_factor, NULL,
//            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nadd MARGIN_OLD last_marginalization_info\n " <<
//                             "\ncost_function->num_residuals(): " << marginalization_factor->num_residuals() <<
//                             "\ncost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size: " << marginalization_factor->parameter_block_sizes().size());

        //2) 将滑窗内第 0 帧和第 1 帧间的 IMU 预积分因子( pre_integrations[1])放到marginalization_info 中
        // (不理解为什么para_Pose[1], para_SpeedBias[1]也要marg)
            if (pre_integrations[1]->sum_dt < 10.0)//两帧间时间间隔少于10s,过长时间间隔的不进行marg
                IMUFactor* imu_factor = new IMUFactor(pre_integrations[1]);
                ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new ResidualBlockInfo(imu_factor, NULL,
                                   vector<double *>{para_Pose[0], para_SpeedBias[0], para_Pose[1], para_SpeedBias[1]},
                                               vector<int>{0, 1});
//                ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nadd imu_factor\n " <<
//                                 "\ncost_function->num_residuals(): " << imu_factor->num_residuals() <<
//                                 "\ncost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size: " << imu_factor->parameter_block_sizes().size());

        //3) 挑 选 出 第 一 次 观 测 帧 为 第 0 帧 的 路 标 点 , 将 对 应 的 多 组 视 觉 观 测 放 到marginalization_info 中,
            int feature_index = -1;
            for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
                it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
                if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))


                int imu_i = it_per_id.start_frame, imu_j = imu_i - 1;
                if (imu_i != 0)//只选择从[0]开始tracking的点

                Vector3d pts_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].point;//old中的2d坐标

                for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame)
                    if (imu_i == imu_j)

                    Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point;
                    if (ESTIMATE_TD)
                        ProjectionTdFactor *f_td = new ProjectionTdFactor(pts_i, pts_j, it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].velocity, it_per_frame.velocity,
                                                                          it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].cur_td, it_per_frame.cur_td,
                                                                          it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].uv.y(), it_per_frame.uv.y());
                        ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new ResidualBlockInfo(f_td, loss_function,
                                                                                        vector<double *>{para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index], para_Td[0]},
                                                                                        vector<int>{0, 3});//只drop掉[0](P0)和[3](tracking始于old的landmark)
                        ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j);
                        ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new ResidualBlockInfo(f, loss_function,
                    vector<double *>{para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]},
                               vector<int>{0, 3});
//                        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nadd ProjectionFactor\n " <<
//                                         "\ncost_function->num_residuals(): " << f->num_residuals() <<
//                                         "\ncost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size: " << f->parameter_block_sizes().size());

        //得到 上次的先验、IMU测量、视觉观测(都是factor)对应的参数块(parameter_blocks)、雅可比矩阵(jacobians)、残差值(residuals),
        TicToc t_pre_margin;
        ROS_DEBUG("\npre marginalization %f ms", t_pre_margin.toc());

        TicToc t_margin;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nmarginalization %f ms", t_margin.toc());

        std::unordered_map<long, double *> addr_shift;
        for (int i = 1; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
            addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[i])] = para_Pose[i - 1];
            addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[i])] = para_SpeedBias[i - 1];

            double* tmp_para_ptr = para_Pose[i-1];
            double* tmp_ptr = addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[i])];
//            for(int j=0; j<7; ++j) {
//                ROS_DEBUG("\npara_Pose[%d] data: %f", i, *tmp_para_ptr);
//                ++tmp_para_ptr;
//                ROS_DEBUG("\naddr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[%d])] data: %f", i, *tmp_ptr);
//                ++tmp_ptr;
//            }

        for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
            addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[i])] = para_Ex_Pose[i];
        if (ESTIMATE_TD)
            addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Td[0])] = para_Td[0];
        vector<double *> parameter_blocks = marginalization_info->getParameterBlocks(addr_shift);

        if (last_marginalization_info)
            delete last_marginalization_info;
        last_marginalization_info = marginalization_info;//保存此次marg info
        last_marginalization_parameter_blocks = parameter_blocks;
    //2. marg最新帧1st:仅marg掉视觉pose
        if (last_marginalization_info &&
            std::count(std::begin(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks), std::end(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks), para_Pose[WINDOW_SIZE - 1]))

            MarginalizationInfo *marginalization_info = new MarginalizationInfo();
            if (last_marginalization_info)
                vector<int> drop_set;
                for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
                    ROS_ASSERT(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i] != para_SpeedBias[WINDOW_SIZE - 1]);
                    if (last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i] == para_Pose[WINDOW_SIZE - 1])
                // construct new marginlization_factor
                MarginalizationFactor *marginalization_factor = new MarginalizationFactor(last_marginalization_info);
                ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info = new ResidualBlockInfo(marginalization_factor, NULL,
//                ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nin MARGIN_SECOND_NEW add last_marginalization_info\n " <<
//                                 "\ncost_function->num_residuals(): " << marginalization_factor->num_residuals() <<
//                                 "\ncost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size: " << marginalization_factor->parameter_block_sizes().size());

            TicToc t_pre_margin;
            ROS_DEBUG("begin marginalization");
            ROS_DEBUG("end pre marginalization, %f ms", t_pre_margin.toc());

            TicToc t_margin;
            ROS_DEBUG("begin marginalization");
            ROS_DEBUG("end marginalization, %f ms", t_margin.toc());
            std::unordered_map<long, double *> addr_shift;
            for (int i = 0; i <= WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
                if (i == WINDOW_SIZE - 1)
                else if (i == WINDOW_SIZE)
                    addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[i])] = para_Pose[i - 1];
                    addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[i])] = para_SpeedBias[i - 1];
                    addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[i])] = para_Pose[i];
                    addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[i])] = para_SpeedBias[i];
            for (int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_CAM; i++)
                addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[i])] = para_Ex_Pose[i];
            if (ESTIMATE_TD)
                addr_shift[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Td[0])] = para_Td[0];
            vector<double *> parameter_blocks = marginalization_info->getParameterBlocks(addr_shift);
            if (last_marginalization_info)
                delete last_marginalization_info;
            last_marginalization_info = marginalization_info;
            last_marginalization_parameter_blocks = parameter_blocks;
    ROS_DEBUG("whole marginalization costs: %f ms", t_whole_marginalization.toc());
    ROS_DEBUG("whole time for ceres: %f ms", t_whole.toc());

void Estimator::slideWindow()
    TicToc t_margin;
    if (marginalization_flag == MARGIN_OLD)
        double t_0 = Headers[0].stamp.toSec();
        back_R0 = Rs[0];//
        back_P0 = Ps[0];
        if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE)
            for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)//循环完成也就冒泡完成到最右侧
                Rs[i].swap(Rs[i + 1]);//世界系下old冒泡

                std::swap(pre_integrations[i], pre_integrations[i + 1]);//每一帧的预积分old冒泡

                dt_buf[i].swap(dt_buf[i + 1]);//各种buf也冒泡
                linear_acceleration_buf[i].swap(linear_acceleration_buf[i + 1]);
                angular_velocity_buf[i].swap(angular_velocity_buf[i + 1]);

                Headers[i] = Headers[i + 1];//最后一个是 Headers[WINDOW_SIZE-1] = Headers[WINDOW_SIZE]
                Ps[i].swap(Ps[i + 1]);
                Vs[i].swap(Vs[i + 1]);
                Bas[i].swap(Bas[i + 1]);
                Bgs[i].swap(Bgs[i + 1]);
            //这一步是为了 new IntegrationBase时传入最新的预积分的初值acc_0, gyr_0,ba,bg,所以必须要强制等于最新的
            Headers[WINDOW_SIZE] = Headers[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];
            Ps[WINDOW_SIZE] = Ps[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];
            Vs[WINDOW_SIZE] = Vs[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];
            Rs[WINDOW_SIZE] = Rs[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];
            Bas[WINDOW_SIZE] = Bas[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];
            Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE] = Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE - 1];

            delete pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE];//delete掉,并new新的预积分对象出来
            pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[WINDOW_SIZE], Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE]};

//            ROS_DEBUG("marg_flag: %d, before marg, all_image_frame.size(): %lu, WINDOW_SIZE: %d",
//                      marginalization_flag, all_image_frame.size(), WINDOW_SIZE);
            if (true || solver_flag == INITIAL)
                map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator it_0;
                it_0 = all_image_frame.find(t_0);//t_0是最老帧的时间戳,marg_old时删掉了帧,但是marg2nd的时候没有动,但是在process时候加进来了,说明all_image_frame应该是在增长的
                delete it_0->second.pre_integration;
                it_0->second.pre_integration = nullptr;
                for (map<double, ImageFrame>::iterator it = all_image_frame.begin(); it != it_0; ++it)
                    if (it->second.pre_integration)
                        delete it->second.pre_integration;
                    it->second.pre_integration = NULL;

                all_image_frame.erase(all_image_frame.begin(), it_0);//erase掉从开始到被marg掉的old之间所有的帧[begin(), it_0)

//            ROS_DEBUG("marg_flag: %d, after marg, all_image_frame.size(): %lu, WINDOW_SIZE: %d",
//                      marginalization_flag, all_image_frame.size(), WINDOW_SIZE);
        if (frame_count == WINDOW_SIZE)
//            ROS_DEBUG("marg_flag: %d, before marg, all_image_frame.size(): %lu, WINDOW_SIZE: %d",
//                      marginalization_flag, all_image_frame.size(), WINDOW_SIZE);
            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dt_buf[frame_count].size(); i++)//对最新帧的img对应的imu数据进行循环
                double tmp_dt = dt_buf[frame_count][i];
                Vector3d tmp_linear_acceleration = linear_acceleration_buf[frame_count][i];
                Vector3d tmp_angular_velocity = angular_velocity_buf[frame_count][i];

                pre_integrations[frame_count - 1]->push_back(tmp_dt, tmp_linear_acceleration, tmp_angular_velocity);//2nd对1st进行IMU预积分
                //     |-|-|-|-|-----|
                //                ↑
                //            这段img为1st时,2nd不是KF,扔掉了这个2nd的img,但buf了IMU数据,所以这段imu数据较长
                dt_buf[frame_count - 1].push_back(tmp_dt);
                linear_acceleration_buf[frame_count - 1].push_back(tmp_linear_acceleration);
                angular_velocity_buf[frame_count - 1].push_back(tmp_angular_velocity);
            Headers[frame_count - 1] = Headers[frame_count];
            Ps[frame_count - 1] = Ps[frame_count];
            Vs[frame_count - 1] = Vs[frame_count];
            Rs[frame_count - 1] = Rs[frame_count];
            Bas[frame_count - 1] = Bas[frame_count];
            Bgs[frame_count - 1] = Bgs[frame_count];

            delete pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE];
            pre_integrations[WINDOW_SIZE] = new IntegrationBase{acc_0, gyr_0, Bas[WINDOW_SIZE], Bgs[WINDOW_SIZE]};


//            ROS_DEBUG("marg_flag: %d, after marg, all_image_frame.size(): %lu, WINDOW_SIZE: %d",
//                      marginalization_flag, all_image_frame.size(), WINDOW_SIZE);


// real marginalization is removed in solve_ceres()
void Estimator::slideWindowNew()
// real marginalization is removed in solve_ceres()
void Estimator::slideWindowOld()

    bool shift_depth = solver_flag == NON_LINEAR ? true : false;
    if (shift_depth)
        Matrix3d R0, R1;
        Vector3d P0, P1;
        //Twb * Tbc = Twc
        R0 = back_R0 * ric[0];
        R1 = Rs[0] * ric[0];
        P0 = back_P0 + back_R0 * tic[0];
        P1 = Ps[0] + Rs[0] * tic[0];
        f_manager.removeBackShiftDepth(R0, P0, R1, P1);//为什么要转移深度?landmark不是删除了吗?

void Estimator::setReloFrame(double _frame_stamp, int _frame_index, vector<Vector3d> &_match_points, Vector3d _relo_t, Matrix3d _relo_r)
    relo_frame_stamp = _frame_stamp;//与old frame loop上的WINDOW内的帧(j帧)的时间戳
    relo_frame_index = _frame_index;//j帧的帧号
    match_points = _match_points;//i帧中与j帧中match上的点在i帧中的归一化(x,y,id)
    prev_relo_t = _relo_t;//i帧pose
    prev_relo_r = _relo_r;
    for(int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
        if(relo_frame_stamp == Headers[i].stamp.toSec())
            relo_frame_local_index = i;//j帧在WINDOW中的下标
            relocalization_info = 1;
            for (int j = 0; j < SIZE_POSE; j++)
                relo_Pose[j] = para_Pose[i][j];

9.2 solve.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

#include "solve.h"
#include "../parameters.h"

#define USE_SCHUR

namespace solve{


//计算每个残差,对应的Jacobian,并更新 parameter_block_data
void ResidualBlockInfo::Evaluate()
    //每个factor的残差块总维度 和 残差块具体size
    //residual总维度,先验=last n=76,IMU=15,Visual=2
    //有td时,先验factor为13(9*1+6*10+6+1),IMU factor为4(7,9,7,9),每个feature factor size=5(7,7,7,1)
    //无td时             12                           4                                  4
    std::vector<int> block_sizes = cost_function->parameter_block_sizes();

/*    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ncost_function->num_residuals(): " << cost_function->num_residuals() <<
                      "\ncost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size: " << cost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size());
for(int i=0; i<cost_function->parameter_block_sizes().size(); ++i) {
    ROS_DEBUG("\nparameter_block_sizes()[%d]: %d", i, cost_function->parameter_block_sizes()[i]);
    raw_jacobians = new double *[block_sizes.size()];//二重指针,指针数组

    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(block_sizes.size()); i++)
        jacobians[i].resize(cost_function->num_residuals(), block_sizes[i]);
        raw_jacobians[i] = jacobians[i].data();//二重指针,是为了配合ceres的形参 double** jacobians,看不懂,给data还能够操作地址??
        //dim += block_sizes[i] == 7 ? 6 : block_sizes[i];
    //虚函数,调用的是基类自己实现的Evaluate,即分别是MarginalizationFactor、IMUFactor 和 ProjectionTdFactor(或ProjectionFactor)的Evaluate()函数
    cost_function->Evaluate(,, raw_jacobians);

    //std::vector<int> tmp_idx(block_sizes.size());
    //Eigen::MatrixXd tmp(dim, dim);
    //for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
    //    int size_i = localSize(block_sizes[i]);
    //    Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian_i = jacobians[i].leftCols(size_i);
    //    for (int j = 0, sub_idx = 0; j < static_cast<int>(parameter_blocks.size()); sub_idx += block_sizes[j] == 7 ? 6 : block_sizes[j], j++)
    //    {
    //        int size_j = localSize(block_sizes[j]);
    //        Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian_j = jacobians[j].leftCols(size_j);
    //        tmp_idx[j] = sub_idx;
    //        tmp.block(tmp_idx[i], tmp_idx[j], size_i, size_j) = jacobian_i.transpose() * jacobian_j;
    //    }
    //Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> saes(tmp);
    //std::cout << saes.eigenvalues() << std::endl;
    //ROS_ASSERT(saes.eigenvalues().minCoeff() >= -1e-6);

    if (loss_function)
        double residual_scaling_, alpha_sq_norm_;

        double sq_norm, rho[3];

        sq_norm = residuals.squaredNorm();
        //loss_function 为 robust kernel function,in:sq_norm, out:rho  out[0] = rho(sq_norm),out[1] = rho'(sq_norm), out[2] = rho''(sq_norm),
        loss_function->Evaluate(sq_norm, rho);//求取鲁棒核函数关于||f(x)||^2的一二阶导数
        //printf("sq_norm: %f, rho[0]: %f, rho[1]: %f, rho[2]: %f\n", sq_norm, rho[0], rho[1], rho[2]);

        double sqrt_rho1_ = sqrt(rho[1]);

        if ((sq_norm == 0.0) || (rho[2] <= 0.0))
            residual_scaling_ = sqrt_rho1_;
            alpha_sq_norm_ = 0.0;
            const double D = 1.0 + 2.0 * sq_norm * rho[2] / rho[1];
            const double alpha = 1.0 - sqrt(D);//求根公式求方程的根
            residual_scaling_ = sqrt_rho1_ / (1 - alpha);
            alpha_sq_norm_ = alpha / sq_norm;

        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
            jacobians[i] = sqrt_rho1_ * (jacobians[i] - alpha_sq_norm_ * residuals * (residuals.transpose() * jacobians[i]));

        residuals *= residual_scaling_;

    ROS_DEBUG("destractor here1");
    if(mem_allocated_) {
        for (auto it = parameter_block_data.begin(); it != parameter_block_data.end(); ++it)
            delete[] it->second;
        ROS_DEBUG("destractor here2");
        for (auto it = parameter_block_data_backup.begin(); it != parameter_block_data_backup.end(); ++it)
            delete[] it->second;
    ROS_DEBUG("destractor here3");
//    for (int i = 0; i < (int)factors.size(); i++)
//    {
//        delete[] factors[i]->raw_jacobians;
//        ROS_DEBUG("destractor here31");
//        delete[] factors[i]->cost_function;
//        ROS_DEBUG("destractor here32");
//        delete[] factors[i];
//        ROS_DEBUG("destractor here33");
//    }
    ROS_DEBUG("destractor here4");

void Solver::addResidualBlockInfo(ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info)

    std::vector<double *> &parameter_blocks = residual_block_info->parameter_blocks;//每个factor的待优化变量的地址
    std::vector<int> parameter_block_sizes = residual_block_info->cost_function->parameter_block_sizes();//待优化变量的维度

    //有td时,先验factor为13(9*1+6*10+6+1),IMU factor为4(7,9,7,9),每个feature factor size=5(7,7,7,1)
    //无td时             12                           4                                  4
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(residual_block_info->parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
        double *addr = parameter_blocks[i];
        int size = parameter_block_sizes[i];//待优化变量的维度
        parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(addr)] = size;//global size <优化变量内存地址,localSize>
//        ROS_DEBUG("in addResidualBlockInfo size: %d", size);

    //需要 marg 掉的变量
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(residual_block_info->drop_set.size()); i++)
        double *addr = parameter_blocks[residual_block_info->drop_set[i]];//获得待marg变量的地址
        parameter_block_idx[reinterpret_cast<long>(addr)] = 0;//local size <待边缘化的优化变量内存地址,在parameter_block_size中的id>,

void Solver::preMakeHessian()
//    ROS_INFO_STREAM("\nfactors.size(): " << factors.size());
    int i=0;
    ROS_DEBUG("factors size=%lu, landmark size=%lu", factors.size(), factors.size()-2); //始于[0]帧的landmark
    for (auto it : factors)
//        ROS_INFO_STREAM("\nin preMarginalize i: "<< ++i);  //很大,能到900多,说明[0]观测到了很多landmark

        if(mem_allocated_) {

        std::vector<int> block_sizes = it->cost_function->parameter_block_sizes(); //residual总维度,先验=last n=76,IMU=15,Visual=2
/*        测试地址转换之后还能否转换回来
        long tmp_addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[0]);
        double* tmp_pt = reinterpret_cast<double *>(tmp_addr);
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nraw double* = " << it->parameter_blocks[0] << ",   cast to long= " << tmp_addr << ",   back to double* = " << tmp_pt);*/

        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(block_sizes.size()); i++)
            long addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[i]);//parameter_blocks是vector<double *>,存放的是数据的地址

            int size = block_sizes[i];
            if (parameter_block_data.find(addr) == parameter_block_data.end())
                double *data = new double[size];
                memcpy(data, it->parameter_blocks[i], sizeof(double) * size);
                parameter_block_data[addr] = data;

                double *data_backup = new double[size];
                memcpy(data_backup, it->parameter_blocks[i], sizeof(double) * size);
                parameter_block_data_backup[addr] = data_backup;
    mem_allocated_ = true;

int Solver::localSize(int size) const
    return size == 7 ? 6 : size;

int Solver::globalSize(int size) const
    return size == 6 ? 7 : size;

static void* ThreadsConstructA(void* threadsstruct)
    ThreadsStruct* p = ((ThreadsStruct*)threadsstruct);

    for (auto it : p->sub_factors)
        //遍历该factor中的所有参数块,比如IMU factor传入的是vector<double *>{para_Pose[0], para_SpeedBias[0], para_Pose[1], para_SpeedBias[1]}
        for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(it->parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
            int idx_i = p->parameter_block_idx[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[i])];
            int size_i = p->parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[i])];
            if (size_i == 7) //对于pose来说,是7维的,最后一维为0,这里取左边6
                size_i = 6;
            //只提取local size部分,对于pose来说,是7维的,最后一维为0,这里取左边6维;对于其他待优化变量,size_i不变,取全部jacobian
            Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian_i = it->jacobians[i].leftCols(size_i);
            for (int j = i; j < static_cast<int>(it->parameter_blocks.size()); j++)
                int idx_j = p->parameter_block_idx[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[j])];
                int size_j = p->parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[j])];
                if (size_j == 7)
                    size_j = 6;
                Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian_j = it->jacobians[j].leftCols(size_j);
                if (i == j)
                    p->A.block(idx_i, idx_j, size_i, size_j) += jacobian_i.transpose() * jacobian_j;
                    p->A.block(idx_i, idx_j, size_i, size_j) += jacobian_i.transpose() * jacobian_j;
                    p->A.block(idx_j, idx_i, size_j, size_i) = p->A.block(idx_i, idx_j, size_i, size_j).transpose();
            p->b.segment(idx_i, size_i) += jacobian_i.transpose() * it->residuals;
    return threadsstruct;

bool Solver::updatePose(const double *x, const double *delta, double *x_plus_delta)
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> _p(x);
    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Quaterniond> _q(x + 3);

    Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d> dp(delta);

    Eigen::Quaterniond dq = Utility::deltaQ(Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3d>(delta + 3));

    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3d> p(x_plus_delta);
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::Quaterniond> q(x_plus_delta + 3);//Jacobian和residual都是按照6维来处理的,但是更新rotation时需要按照四元数来更新

    p = _p + dp;
    q = (_q * dq).normalized();//四元数乘法并归一化

    return true;

void Solver::makeHessian()
    int pos = 0;//Hessian矩阵整体维度
    for (auto &it : parameter_block_idx)
        it.second = pos;//也算是排序1
        pos += localSize(parameter_block_size[it.first]);//PQ7为改为6维

    m = pos;//要被marg的变量的总维度

    int tmp_n = 0;
    for (const auto &it : parameter_block_size)
        if (parameter_block_idx.find(it.first) == parameter_block_idx.end())//将不在drop_set中的剩下的维度加起来,这一步实际上算的就是n
            parameter_block_idx[it.first] = pos;//排序2
            tmp_n += localSize(it.second);
            pos += localSize(it.second);

    n = pos - m;//remain变量的总维度,这样写建立了n和m间的关系,表意更强
    ROS_DEBUG("\nn: %d, tmp_n: %d", n, tmp_n);

    ROS_DEBUG("\nSolver, pos: %d, m: %d, n: %d, size: %d", pos, m, n, (int)parameter_block_idx.size());

    TicToc t_summing;
    Eigen::MatrixXd A(pos, pos);//总系数矩阵
    Eigen::VectorXd b(pos);//总误差项

/*    //single thread
for (auto it : factors)
    for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(it->parameter_blocks.size()); i++)
        int idx_i = parameter_block_idx[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[i])];//要被marg的second=0
        int size_i = localSize(parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[i])]);
        Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian_i = it->jacobians[i].leftCols(size_i);//remain变量的初始jacobian
        for (int j = i; j < static_cast<int>(it->parameter_blocks.size()); j++)
            int idx_j = parameter_block_idx[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[j])];
            int size_j = localSize(parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(it->parameter_blocks[j])]);
            Eigen::MatrixXd jacobian_j = it->jacobians[j].leftCols(size_j);//marg变量的初始jacobian
            if (i == j)
                A.block(idx_i, idx_j, size_i, size_j) += jacobian_i.transpose() * jacobian_j;
                A.block(idx_i, idx_j, size_i, size_j) += jacobian_i.transpose() * jacobian_j;
                A.block(idx_j, idx_i, size_j, size_i) = A.block(idx_i, idx_j, size_i, size_j).transpose();
        b.segment(idx_i, size_i) += jacobian_i.transpose() * it->residuals;//J^T*e
ROS_INFO("summing up costs %f ms", t_summing.toc());*/

    //multi thread
    TicToc t_thread_summing;
    pthread_t tids[NUM_THREADS];//4个线程构建
    ThreadsStruct threadsstruct[NUM_THREADS];
    int i = 0;
    for (auto it : factors)
        i = i % NUM_THREADS;
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++)
        TicToc zero_matrix;
        threadsstruct[i].A = Eigen::MatrixXd::Zero(pos,pos);
        threadsstruct[i].b = Eigen::VectorXd::Zero(pos);
        threadsstruct[i].parameter_block_size = parameter_block_size;//marg里的block_size,4个线程共享
        threadsstruct[i].parameter_block_idx = parameter_block_idx;
        int ret = pthread_create( &tids[i], NULL, ThreadsConstructA ,(void*)&(threadsstruct[i]));//参数4是arg,void*类型,取其地址并强制类型转换
        if (ret != 0)
            ROS_WARN("pthread_create error");
    for( int i = NUM_THREADS - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        pthread_join( tids[i], NULL );//阻塞等待线程完成,这里的A和b的+=操作在主线程中是阻塞的,+=的顺序是pthread_join的顺序
        A += threadsstruct[i].A;
        b += threadsstruct[i].b;
    //ROS_DEBUG("thread summing up costs %f ms", t_thread_summing.toc());
    //ROS_INFO("A diff %f , b diff %f ", (A - tmp_A).sum(), (b - tmp_b).sum());

    Hessian_ = A;
    b_ = -b;

    if(method_==solve::Solver::kDOGLEG) {
        TicToc t_solve_J;
        TicToc t_SelfAdjoint;
        Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Eigen::MatrixXd> saes2(A);//这一句24.3ms
        ROS_DEBUG("\nt_SelfAdjoint cost: %f ms", t_SelfAdjoint.toc());
        Eigen::VectorXd S = Eigen::VectorXd((saes2.eigenvalues().array() > eps).select(saes2.eigenvalues().array(), 0));
        Eigen::VectorXd S_sqrt = S.cwiseSqrt();//开根号
        linearized_jacobians = S_sqrt.asDiagonal() * saes2.eigenvectors().transpose();
        Eigen::VectorXd S_inv = Eigen::VectorXd((saes2.eigenvalues().array() > eps).select(saes2.eigenvalues().array().inverse(), 0));
        Eigen::VectorXd S_inv_sqrt = S_inv.cwiseSqrt();
        linearized_residuals = S_inv_sqrt.asDiagonal() * saes2.eigenvectors().real().transpose() * b;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nt_solve_J cost: %f ms", t_solve_J.toc());//25ms

std::vector<double *> Solver::getParameterBlocks(std::unordered_map<long, double *> &addr_shift)
    std::vector<double *> keep_block_addr;//remain的优化变量的地址

    for (const auto &it : parameter_block_idx)
        if (it.second >= m)//如果是remain部分
    ROS_DEBUG("keep_block_addr[0] long addr: %ld, [1] long addr: %ld",
              reinterpret_cast<long>(keep_block_addr[0]), reinterpret_cast<long>(keep_block_addr[1]));
    sum_block_size = std::accumulate(std::begin(keep_block_size), std::end(keep_block_size), 0);

    return keep_block_addr;

//这里更新状态的目的是因为计算chi时会用到residual,而residual和状态量有关,而先验的residual更新:f' = f + J*δxp,其中δxp=x-x0,也跟状态量x有关,
//weight是LM strategy2时的权重,默认传-1.0,不加权
bool Solver::updateStates(double weight) {
    int array_size = 1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100;
    double used_delta_x[array_size];
    if(weight != -1.0)
        std::transform(delta_x_array_, delta_x_array_ + array_size, used_delta_x, [weight](double x) { return x * weight; });//对delta_x加权
        memcpy(used_delta_x, delta_x_array_, sizeof(double) * array_size);
    double cur_x_array[1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100];
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx){
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int idx = it.second;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
/*        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nidx: " << idx << ",  tmp_param_block_size: " << tmp_param_block_size);*/
        memcpy( &cur_x_array[idx], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), sizeof(double) *(int)SIZE_POSE);
        if(tmp_param_block_size == SIZE_POSE) {
/*            Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> delta_pose {&delta_x_array_[idx], tmp_param_block_size};
            Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> tmp_pose {reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), tmp_param_block_size};
            for(int i=0;i<tmp_param_block_size;++i){
                tmp_pose[i] = *(reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr + sizeof(double)*i));
                delta_pose[i] = delta_x_array_[idx+i];
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\npose before update: " << tmp_pose.transpose() << "\ndelta_pose: " << delta_pose.transpose());*/

            updatePose(reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), &delta_x_array_[idx], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr));//TODO:这个backup应该可以用parameter_block_data替代

/*            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\npose after update: " << tmp_pose.transpose());*/
        } else {
            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> x{parameter_block_data_backup[addr], tmp_param_block_size};
            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> delta_x{&delta_x_array_[idx], tmp_param_block_size};
            Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> x_plus_delta{reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), tmp_param_block_size};
            /*ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nother parameters before update: " << x_plus_delta.transpose() << "\ndelta_x: " << delta_x.transpose());*/
            x_plus_delta = x + delta_x;
            /*ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nother parameters after update: " << x_plus_delta.transpose());*/
    // 初始化Eigen向量
    Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorXd> cur_x(cur_x_array, m+n);
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ncur_x: " << cur_x.transpose());
    return true;

bool Solver::backupStates() {
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx){
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
        memcpy(parameter_block_data_backup[addr], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), sizeof(double) * (int)tmp_param_block_size);
    return true;

bool Solver::rollbackStates() {
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx){
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
        memcpy(reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), parameter_block_data_backup[addr], sizeof(double) * (int)tmp_param_block_size);
    return true;

bool Solver::get_cur_parameter(double* cur_x_array) {
    for (auto it : parameter_block_idx) {
        const long addr = it.first;
        const int idx = it.second;
        const int tmp_param_block_size = parameter_block_size[addr];
        ROS_ASSERT_MSG(tmp_param_block_size > 0, "tmp_param_block_size = %d", tmp_param_block_size);
        memcpy( &cur_x_array[idx], reinterpret_cast<double *>(addr), sizeof(double) *(int)tmp_param_block_size);
    return true;

double Solver::computeChi() const{
    size_t prior_dim = SIZE_SPEEDBIAS + (SIZE_POSE-1) * WINDOW_SIZE + (SIZE_POSE-1);
    double tmpChi = 0;
    for (auto it : factors){
        double this_Chi = it->residuals.transpose() * it->residuals;
        tmpChi += this_Chi;

//        if(it->residuals.size()==prior_dim) {
//            double this_Chi = it->residuals.norm();
//            tmpChi += this_Chi;
///*            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nprior factor, this_Chi= " << this_Chi
//                              << ",   residuals size: " << it->residuals.size()
//                              << ", residuals: " << it->residuals.transpose());*/
//        } else {
//            double this_Chi = it->residuals.transpose() * it->residuals;
//            tmpChi += this_Chi;
///*            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nother factor, this_Chi= " << this_Chi
//                              << ",   residuals size: " << it->residuals.size()
//                              << ",   residuals: " << it->residuals.transpose());*/
//        }
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere tmpChi= " << tmpChi);
    return tmpChi;

/// LM
void Solver::computeLambdaInitLM() {
      if(strategy_ == 1) {
        currentChi_ = computeChi();
          double maxDiagonal = 0;
          ulong size = Hessian_.cols();
          assert(Hessian_.rows() == Hessian_.cols() && "Hessian is not square");
          for (ulong i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
              maxDiagonal = std::max(fabs(Hessian_(i, i)), maxDiagonal);//取H矩阵的最大值,然后*涛
          double tau = 1e1;//[1e-8,1] tau越小,△x越大
          currentLambda_ = tau * maxDiagonal;
    } else if(strategy_ == 2) {
        // set a large value, so that first updates are small steps in the steepest-descent direction
        currentChi_ = computeChi();
        currentLambda_ = 1e16;
//        currentLambda_ = 1e-3;
      } else if(strategy_ == 3) {
          ni_ = 2.;
          currentLambda_ = -1.;
          currentChi_ = computeChi();

          stopThresholdLM_ = 1e-6 * currentChi_;          // 迭代条件为 误差下降 1e-6 倍

          double maxDiagonal = 0;
          ulong size = Hessian_.cols();
          assert(Hessian_.rows() == Hessian_.cols() && "Hessian is not square");
          for (ulong i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
              maxDiagonal = std::max(fabs(Hessian_(i, i)), maxDiagonal);//取H矩阵的最大值,然后*涛
//    double tau = 1e-5;
          double tau = 1e-15;//[1e-8,1] tau越小,△x越大//
          currentLambda_ = tau * maxDiagonal;
          ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nin computeLambdaInitLM currentChi_= " << currentChi_
                                                                    << ",  init currentLambda_=" << currentLambda_
                                                                    << ",  maxDiagonal=" << maxDiagonal);

void Solver::addLambdatoHessianLM() {
    ulong size = Hessian_.cols();
    assert(Hessian_.rows() == Hessian_.cols() && "Hessian is not square");
    for (ulong i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        if(strategy_==1) {
            Hessian_(i, i) += currentLambda_ * Hessian_(i, i); //理解: H(k+1) = H(k) + λ H(k) = (1+λ) H(k) 策略1
        } else if(strategy_==2 || strategy_==3) {
            Hessian_(i, i) += currentLambda_;

void Solver::removeLambdaHessianLM() {
    ulong size = Hessian_.cols();
    assert(Hessian_.rows() == Hessian_.cols() && "Hessian is not square");
    // TODO:: 这里不应该减去一个,数值的反复加减容易造成数值精度出问题?而应该保存叠加lambda前的值,在这里直接赋值
    for (ulong i = 0; i < size; ++i) {

        if(strategy_==1) {
            Hessian_(i, i) /= 1.0 + currentLambda_;//H回退: H(k) = 1/(1+λ) * H(k+1),策略1
        } else if(strategy_==2 || strategy_==3) {
            Hessian_(i, i) -= currentLambda_;

bool Solver::isGoodStepInLM() {
    bool ret = false;
    assert(Hessian_.rows() == Hessian_.cols() && "Hessian is not square");
    if(strategy_==1) {
        double tempChi = computeChi();
        ulong size = Hessian_.cols();
        MatXX diag_hessian(MatXX::Zero(size, size));
        for(ulong i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            diag_hessian(i, i) = Hessian_(i, i);
        double scale = delta_x_.transpose() * (currentLambda_ * diag_hessian * delta_x_ + b_);//scale就是rho的分母
        double rho = (currentChi_ - tempChi) / scale;//计算rho
        // update currentLambda_
        double epsilon = 0.75;
        double L_down = 9.0;
        double L_up = 11.0;
        if(rho > epsilon && isfinite(tempChi)) {
            currentLambda_ = std::max(currentLambda_ / L_down, 1e-7);
            currentChi_ = tempChi;
            ret = true;
            ROS_DEBUG("choose L_down");
        } else {
            currentLambda_ = std::min(currentLambda_ * L_up, 1e7);
            ret = false;
            ROS_DEBUG("choose L_up");
        ROS_DEBUG("\nstrategy1: currentLambda_: %e,rho: %f, currentChi_: %e, tempChi: %e, scale: %e",
                  currentLambda_, rho, currentChi_, tempChi, scale);
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nret = " << ret <<",  rho>0 = " << (rho>0) <<",  rho: " << rho <<
                                    ",   delta_x_.squaredNorm(): " << delta_x_.squaredNorm() <<
                                    ",  delta_x_: " << delta_x_.transpose()<< "\nb_.norm(): " << b_.norm() );
//        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nb_: " << b_.transpose());

    } else if(strategy_==2) {
        // 统计所有的残差
        double tempChi_p_h = 0.0, tempChi_p_alpha_h = 0.0;
        tempChi_p_h = computeChi();

        double alpha_up = b_.transpose() * delta_x_;
        double alpha_down = (tempChi_p_h - currentChi_) / 2. + 2. * alpha_up;
        double alpha_tmp = alpha_up / alpha_down;

        double scale = 0;
        scale = fabs((alpha_tmp * delta_x_).transpose() * (currentLambda_ * (alpha_tmp * delta_x_) + b_));
        scale += 1e-3;    // make sure it's non-zero :)

        //回滚刚才更新的x=x+△x,使用α重新更新x=x + α*△x,并重新计算残差和chi
        tempChi_p_alpha_h = computeChi();

        double rho = (currentChi_ - tempChi_p_alpha_h) / scale;

        if (rho > 0 && isfinite(tempChi_p_alpha_h)) { // last step was good, 误差在下降
            currentLambda_ = std::max(currentLambda_ / (1 + alpha_tmp), 1e-7);
            lm_alpha_ = alpha_tmp;
            currentChi_ = tempChi_p_alpha_h;
            ret = true;
        } else {
            currentLambda_ = currentLambda_ + fabs(tempChi_p_alpha_h - currentChi_) / (2 * alpha_tmp);
            ret = false;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nstrategy2: currentLambda_: %e,alpha_tmp: %e, rho: %f, currentChi_: %e, tempChi_p_h: %e, tempChi_p_alpha_h: %e, scale: %e",
                  currentLambda_, alpha_tmp, rho, currentChi_, tempChi_p_h, tempChi_p_alpha_h, scale);
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nret = " << ret <<",  rho>0 = " << (rho>0) <<",  rho: " << rho <<
                                ",   delta_x_.squaredNorm(): " << delta_x_.squaredNorm() << ",  delta_x_: " << delta_x_.transpose()
                                << "\nb_.norm(): " << b_.norm() << ",  b_: " << b_.transpose());
    } else if(strategy_==3) {

        double scale = 0;
        scale = fabs(delta_x_.transpose() * (currentLambda_ * delta_x_ + b_));
        scale += 1e-3;    // make sure it's non-zero :)

        // 统计更新后的所有的chi()
        double tempChi = computeChi();

        double rho = (currentChi_ - tempChi) / scale;
        if (rho > 0 && isfinite(tempChi))   // last step was good, 误差在下降
            double alpha = 1. - pow((2 * rho - 1), 3);//更新策略跟课件里面一样
            alpha = std::min(alpha, 2. / 3.);
            double scaleFactor = (std::max)(1. / 3., alpha);
            currentLambda_ *= scaleFactor;//课程里面应该是μ,需要绘制曲线
            ni_ = 2;  //v
            currentChi_ = tempChi;
            ret = true;
        } else {//如果\rho<0则增大阻尼μ,减小步长
            currentLambda_ *= ni_;
            ni_ *= 2;//2这个值越大,λ增长越快
            ret = false;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nstrategy3: currentLambda_: %e, ni_: %e, rho: %f, currentChi_: %e, tempChi: %e, scale: %e",
                  currentLambda_, ni_, rho, currentChi_, tempChi, scale);
        ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nret = " << ret <<",  rho>0 = " << (rho>0) <<",  rho: " << rho << ",   delta_x_.squaredNorm(): " << delta_x_.squaredNorm() << ",  delta_x_: " << delta_x_.transpose()
                                    << "\nb_.norm(): " << b_.norm() << ",  b_: " << b_.transpose());
/*        FILE *fp_lambda = fopen(, "a");
        fprintf(fp_lambda, "%d, %f\n", try_iter_, currentLambda_);
    ROS_DEBUG("\n%d record lambda finish\n", try_iter_);

    return ret;

* @brief conjugate gradient with perconditioning
*  the jacobi PCG method  共轭梯度法
*  知乎有一篇帖子是针对PCG进行改进的,能减少迭代次数:对角线预处理和不完备的Cholesky预处理
Eigen::MatrixXd Solver::pcgSolver(const MatXX &A, const VecX &b, int maxIter = -1) {
    assert(A.rows() == A.cols() && "PCG solver ERROR: A is not a square matrix");
    int rows = b.rows();
    int n = maxIter < 0 ? rows : maxIter;
    VecX x(VecX::Zero(rows));
    MatXX M_inv = A.diagonal().asDiagonal().inverse();//取对角线阵的逆矩阵
    VecX r0(b);  // initial r = b - A*0 = b
    VecX z0 = M_inv * r0;
    VecX p(z0);
    VecX w = A * p;
    double r0z0 =;
    double alpha = r0z0 /;
    VecX r1 = r0 - alpha * w;
    int i = 0;
    double threshold = 1e-5 * r0.norm(); //比例调大可以提高阈值,放宽停止条件
    while (r1.norm() > threshold && i < n) {
        VecX z1 = M_inv * r1;
        double r1z1 =;
        double belta = r1z1 / r0z0;
        z0 = z1;
        r0z0 = r1z1;
        r0 = r1;
        p = belta * p + z1;
        w = A * p;
        alpha = r1z1 /;
        x += alpha * p;
        r1 -= alpha * w;
    ROS_DEBUG("\nPCG iter times: %d, n: %d, r1.norm(): %f, threshold: %f", i, n, r1.norm(), threshold);
    return x;

/*Solve Hx = b, we can use PCG iterative method or use sparse Cholesky*/
void Solver::solveLinearSystem() {
//    delta_x_ = Hessian_.inverse() * b_;
//    delta_x_ = H.ldlt().solve(b_);

#ifdef USE_SCHUR
    TicToc t_Schur_PCG;
    Eigen::MatrixXd Amm_solver = 0.5 * (Hessian_.block(0, 0, m, m) + Hessian_.block(0, 0, m, m).transpose());
    Eigen::VectorXd bmm_solver = b_.segment(0, m);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Amr_solver = Hessian_.block(0, m, m, n);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Arm_solver = Hessian_.block(m, 0, n, m);
    Eigen::MatrixXd Arr_solver = Hessian_.block(m, m, n, n);
    Eigen::VectorXd brr_solver = b_.segment(m, n);

    TicToc t_Amm_inv;
    Eigen::MatrixXd Amm_inv_solver = Amm_solver.inverse();//SelfAdjointEigenSolver和直接求逆速度差不多
    ROS_DEBUG("\nt_Amm_inv cost: %f ms", t_Amm_inv.toc());
    Eigen::MatrixXd tmpA_solver = Arm_solver * Amm_inv_solver;

    //step1: Schur补
    Eigen::MatrixXd Arr_schur = Arr_solver - tmpA_solver * Amr_solver;
    Eigen::VectorXd brr_schur = brr_solver - tmpA_solver * bmm_solver;


// step2: solve Arr_schur * delta_x_rr = brr_schur
//    method1:直接求逆
//    Eigen::MatrixXd Arr_schur_inv = Arr_schur.inverse();
//    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_rr = Arr_schur_inv * brr_schur;

//    method2:使用PCG求解
    TicToc t_PCG_xrr;
    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_rr = pcgSolver(Arr_schur, brr_schur, Arr_schur.rows()+1);  //0.3ms
    ROS_DEBUG("\n t_PCG_xrr cost %f ms", t_PCG_xrr.toc());
    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_mm = Amm_inv_solver * (bmm_solver - Amr_solver * delta_x_rr);
    delta_x_.tail(n) = delta_x_rr;
    delta_x_.head(m) = delta_x_mm;
    memcpy(delta_x_array_,, sizeof(double) * (int)delta_x_.size());//转为数组
    ROS_DEBUG("\nin solveLinearSystem solve equation cost %f ms", t_Schur_PCG.toc());
    TicToc t_solve_equation;
//    delta_x_ = Hessian_.ldlt().solve(b_);
    int pcg_iter_num = Hessian_.rows()+1; // PCG迭代次数,原来给的是rows()*2
    delta_x_ = pcgSolver(Hessian_, b_, pcg_iter_num);  //0.3ms
    ROS_DEBUG("\nin solveLinearSystem solve equation cost %f ms, pcg_iter_num: %d", t_solve_equation.toc(), pcg_iter_num);//15ms
    memcpy(delta_x_array_,, sizeof(double) * (int)delta_x_.size());//转为数组,供状态更新使用
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\nhere3 solve complete, delta_x_.size()=" << delta_x_.size() << ", delta_x_.norm()= "<< delta_x_.norm()
                                                                << ",  delta_x_.squaredNorm()=" << delta_x_.squaredNorm() );
    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ndelta_x_:" << delta_x_.transpose());

double Solver::dlComputeDenom(const Eigen::VectorXd& h_dl, const Eigen::VectorXd& h_gn,
                              const double dl_alpha, const double dl_beta) const {
    if(h_dl == h_gn)
        return currentChi_;
    else if(h_dl == b_ / b_.norm() * radius_)
        return ( radius_ * (2.0 * (dl_alpha * b_).norm() - radius_) ) / (2 * dl_alpha); //由于取norm(),所以b_符号不变
        return 0.5 * dl_alpha * pow(1 - dl_beta, 2) * b_.squaredNorm() + dl_beta * (2 - dl_beta) * currentChi_;

bool Solver::solve() {
    if(method_==kLM) {
        //    ROS_DEBUG("\nlinearized_jacobians (rows, cols) = (%lu, %lu)", linearized_jacobians.rows(), linearized_jacobians.cols());

        TicToc t_LM_init;
        // LM 初始化
        ROS_DEBUG("\nsolver computeLambdaInitLM %f ms", t_LM_init.toc());
        // LM 算法迭代求解
        bool stop = false;
        int iter = 0;
        try_iter_ = 0;

        if(strategy_==1) {
            false_theshold_ = 10;
        } else if(strategy_==2) {
            false_theshold_ = 10;
        } else if (strategy_==3) {
            false_theshold_ = 6;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nstrategy: %d, false_theshold_: %d", strategy_, false_theshold_);
/*    file_name_ = "./lambda.csv";
FILE *tmp_fp = fopen(, "a");
fprintf(tmp_fp, "iter, lambda\n");

        TicToc t_LM_iter;
        while (!stop && (iter < iterations_)) {
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\niter: " << iter << " , chi= " << currentChi_ << " , Lambda= " << currentLambda_ << "\n");
            bool oneStepSuccess = false;
            int false_cnt = 0;
            while (!oneStepSuccess)  // 不断尝试 Lambda, 直到成功迭代一步
                // setLambda
                TicToc t_addLambdatoHessianLM;
                ROS_DEBUG("\naddLambdatoHessianLM cost %f ms", t_addLambdatoHessianLM.toc());

                // 第四步,解线性方程 H X = B
                TicToc t_solveLinearSystem;
                ROS_DEBUG("\nsolveLinearSystem cost %f ms", t_solveLinearSystem.toc());

                TicToc t_removeLambdaHessianLM;
                ROS_DEBUG("\nremoveLambdaHessianLM cost %f ms", t_removeLambdaHessianLM.toc());

                // 优化退出条件1: delta_x_ 很小则退出 原来是1e-6

                if (delta_x_.squaredNorm() <= 1e-10 || false_cnt > false_theshold_) {
                    stop = true;
                    ROS_DEBUG("\ndelta_x too small: %e, or false_cnt=%d > 10  break", delta_x_.squaredNorm(), false_cnt);//都是在这出去的
                } else {
                    ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ndelta_x_ squaredNorm matched: " << delta_x_.squaredNorm() << ",  delta_x_ size: " <<delta_x_.size()
                                                                        << ", delta_x: " << delta_x_.transpose() );

                TicToc t_updateStates;
                updateStates(-1.0);//0.08ms 1.更新状态 2.preMakeHessian()计算新的residual
                ROS_DEBUG("\nupdateStates cost %f ms", t_updateStates.toc());

                // 判断当前步是否可行以及 LM 的 lambda 怎么更新
                oneStepSuccess = isGoodStepInLM();//误差是否下降
                // 后续处理
                if (oneStepSuccess) {
                    TicToc t_backupStates;
                    backupStates();//若求解成功则备份当前更新的状态量  0.03ms
                    ROS_DEBUG("\nbackupStates cost %f ms", t_backupStates.toc());

                    // 在新线性化点 构建 hessian
                    TicToc t_makeHessian;
                    double makeHessian_finish_time = t_makeHessian.toc();
                    *makeHessian_time_sum_ += makeHessian_finish_time;
                    ROS_DEBUG("\nmakeHessian cost: %f ms, avg_makeHessian_time: %f ms, makeHessian_time_sum_: %f, makeHessian_times_: %f",
                              makeHessian_finish_time, (*makeHessian_time_sum_)/(*makeHessian_times_), *makeHessian_time_sum_, *makeHessian_times_);
                    // TODO:: 这个判断条件可以丢掉,条件 b_max <= 1e-12 很难达到,这里的阈值条件不应该用绝对值,而是相对值
//                double b_max = 0.0;
//                for (int i = 0; i < b_.size(); ++i) {
//                    b_max = max(fabs(b_(i)), b_max);
//                }
//                // 优化退出条件2: 如果残差 b_max 已经很小了,那就退出
//                stop = (b_max <= 1e-12);
                    false_cnt = 0;
                } else {
                    TicToc t_rollbackStates;
                    rollbackStates();   // 误差没下降,回滚 0.05ms
                    ROS_DEBUG("\nrollbackStates cost %f ms", t_rollbackStates.toc());
                ROS_DEBUG("\nfalse_cnt: %d", false_cnt);
            // 优化退出条件3: currentChi_ 跟第一次的chi2相比,下降了 1e6 倍则退出
            if (sqrt(currentChi_) <= stopThresholdLM_) {
                ROS_DEBUG("\ncurrentChi_ decrease matched break condition");
                stop = true;
        ROS_DEBUG("\nLM iterate %f ms", t_LM_iter.toc());
/*    std::cout << "problem solve cost: " << t_solve.toc() << " ms" << std::endl;
std::cout << "   makeHessian cost: " << t_hessian_cost_ << " ms" << std::endl;*/
    } else if(method_==kDOGLEG) {
        ROS_DEBUG("\nDL iter num: %d", iterations_);
        //1.初始化 radius,g=b=J^Te
        radius_ = 1;
        epsilon_1_ = 1e-10;
        bool use_last_hessian = true;
        bool stop = (linearized_residuals.lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>() < epsilon_3_) ||
                    (b_.lpNorm<Eigen::Infinity>() <= epsilon_1_);
        int iter = 0;
        double rho, tempChi;
        double rho_numerator, rho_denominator;
        bool stop_cond_1;
        currentChi_ = computeChi();
        //2.循环  stop=||e||无穷范数<=阈值3 或 ||g||无穷范数<=阈值1
        while (!stop && (iter < iterations_)) {
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\niter: " << iter << " , chi= " << currentChi_ << " , radius_= " << radius_ << "\n");
//            if(!use_last_hessian)
//                makeHessian();
            double dl_alpha = b_.squaredNorm() / (linearized_jacobians * b_).squaredNorm();//都是取二范数平方,就不区分b的符号了
            Eigen::VectorXd h_sd = dl_alpha * b_;
            Eigen::VectorXd h_gn = delta_x_;
            Eigen::VectorXd h_dl;
            Eigen::VectorXd a = dl_alpha * h_sd;
            Eigen::VectorXd b = h_gn;
            double c = a.transpose() * (b - a);
            double dl_beta;
            if(c<=0) {
                double tmp_1 = (b-a).squaredNorm();
                dl_beta = (-c + sqrt(pow(c,2) + tmp_1 * (pow(radius_, 2) - a.squaredNorm()))) / tmp_1;
            } else {
                double tmp_1 = pow(radius_, 2) - a.squaredNorm();
                dl_beta = tmp_1 / (c + sqrt(pow(c, 2) + (b-a).squaredNorm() * tmp_1));
            if(b.norm() <= radius_)
                h_dl = h_gn;
            else if(a.norm() >= radius_)
                h_dl = h_sd / h_sd.norm() * radius_;
            else {
                h_dl = a + dl_beta * (h_gn - a);

            Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorXd> x{cur_x_array_, x_size_};
            double tmp_1 = h_dl.norm();
            double tmp_2 = epsilon_2_*(x.norm() + epsilon_2_);
            stop_cond_1 = tmp_1 <= tmp_2;
            ROS_DEBUG("\ntmp_1: %f, tmp_2: %f, stop_cond_1: %d", tmp_1, tmp_2, stop_cond_1);
            if(stop_cond_1) {//设为1e-12
                stop = true;
            } else {
                tempChi = computeChi();
                rho = 0.0;
                rho_numerator = currentChi_ - tempChi;
                rho_denominator = dlComputeDenom(h_dl, h_gn, dl_alpha, dl_beta);
                rho = rho_numerator / rho_denominator;
                if(rho > 0) {
                    TicToc t_makeHessian;
                    double makeHessian_finish_time = t_makeHessian.toc();
                    *makeHessian_time_sum_ += makeHessian_finish_time;
                    ROS_DEBUG("\nmakeHessian cost: %f ms, avg_makeHessian_time: %f ms, makeHessian_time_sum_: %f, makeHessian_times_: %f",
                              makeHessian_finish_time, (*makeHessian_time_sum_)/(*makeHessian_times_), *makeHessian_time_sum_, *makeHessian_times_);
                    use_last_hessian = false;
                } else {
                    use_last_hessian = true;
                if(rho > 0.75) {
                    radius_ = std::max(radius_, 3*h_dl.norm());
                } else {
                    radius_ = 0.5 * radius_;
                    stop = radius_ < epsilon_2_*(x.norm() + epsilon_2_);
            ROS_DEBUG("\nDL: radius_: %e, rho: %f, rho>0 = %d, currentChi_: %e, tempChi: %e, rho_numerator: %e, rho_denominator: %e",
                      radius_, rho, rho>0, currentChi_, tempChi, rho_numerator, rho_denominator);
            ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("\ndelta_x_.squaredNorm(): " << delta_x_.squaredNorm() << ",  delta_x_: " << delta_x_.transpose()
                             << "\nb_.norm(): " << b_.norm() << ",  b_: " << b_.transpose());
        ROS_DEBUG("\n finish DL iter, stop: %d or iter: %d >= %d", stop, iter, iterations_);
        // 若迭代则更新x(涉及状态更新,residual计算),计算rho,根据rho来更新x和raidus
    return true;

9.3 solve.h


#include <ros/ros.h>
#include <ros/console.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <ceres/ceres.h>
#include <unordered_map>

#include "eigen_types.h"
#include "../utility/tic_toc.h"
#include "../parameters.h"

namespace solve {

 * */
const int NUM_THREADS = 4;

struct ResidualBlockInfo
    ResidualBlockInfo(ceres::CostFunction *_cost_function, ceres::LossFunction *_loss_function, std::vector<double *> _parameter_blocks, std::vector<int> _drop_set)
            : cost_function(_cost_function), loss_function(_loss_function), parameter_blocks(_parameter_blocks), drop_set(_drop_set) {}

    void Evaluate();

    ceres::CostFunction *cost_function;
    ceres::LossFunction *loss_function;
    std::vector<double *> parameter_blocks;//优化变量数据的地址,sizes每个优化变量块的变量大小,以IMU残差为例,为[7,9,7,9]
    std::vector<int> drop_set;//待边缘化的优化变量id

    double **raw_jacobians;//二重指针,是为了配合ceres的形参 double** jacobians
    std::vector<Eigen::Matrix<double, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>> jacobians;//这个数据结构看不懂,
    Eigen::VectorXd residuals;//残差 IMU:15X1 视觉:2X1

    int localSize(int size)
        return size == 7 ? 6 : size;

struct ThreadsStruct
    std::vector<ResidualBlockInfo *> sub_factors;
    Eigen::MatrixXd A;
    Eigen::VectorXd b;
    std::unordered_map<long, int> parameter_block_size; //global size
    std::unordered_map<long, int> parameter_block_idx; //local size

class Solver
    Solver(uint8_t strategy): method_(kLM), iterations_(1), strategy_(strategy), lm_alpha_(1), mem_allocated_(false){};
    int localSize(int size) const;
    int globalSize(int size) const;
    void addResidualBlockInfo(ResidualBlockInfo *residual_block_info);//加残差块相关信息(优化变量、待marg的变量)
    void preMakeHessian();//计算每个残差对应的Jacobian,并更新parameter_block_data
    void makeHessian();//pos为所有变量维度,m为需要marg掉的变量,n为需要保留的变量
    std::vector<double *> getParameterBlocks(std::unordered_map<long, double *> &addr_shift);

    std::vector<ResidualBlockInfo *> factors;//所有观测项
    int m, n;//m为要边缘化的变量个数(也就是parameter_block_idx的总localSize,以double为单位,VBias为9,PQ为6,),n为要保留下来的变量个数
    //parameter_block_size 和 parameter_block_data分别对应block的大小和实际数据
    std::unordered_map<long, int> parameter_block_size; //global size <优化变量内存地址,localSize>
    int sum_block_size;
    std::unordered_map<long, int> parameter_block_idx; //local size 排序前是<待边缘化的优化变量内存地址,在parameter_block_size中的id>,排序后是<marg, id>m维  <remain, id>n维
    std::unordered_map<long, double *> parameter_block_data;//<优化变量内存地址,数据>
    std::unordered_map<long, double *> parameter_block_data_backup;//<优化变量内存地址,数据>

    std::vector<int> keep_block_size; //global size
    std::vector<int> keep_block_idx;  //local size
    std::vector<double *> keep_block_data;//之前看到的帖子说这是在marg过程中反解出的线性化点的参数值x0

    Eigen::MatrixXd linearized_jacobians;//线性化点处的Jacobian
    Eigen::VectorXd linearized_residuals;//线性化点处的residual
    const double eps = 1e-8;

    bool solve();
    void solveLinearSystem();/// 解线性方程
    bool updateStates(double weight) ;/// 更新状态变量
    bool backupStates();//回滚状态变量
    bool rollbackStates(); // 有时候 update 后残差会变大,需要退回去,重来
    double computeChi() const;
    void computeLambdaInitLM();/// 计算LM算法的初始Lambda
    void addLambdatoHessianLM();/// Hessian 对角线加上或者减去  Lambda
    void removeLambdaHessianLM();
    bool isGoodStepInLM();/// LM 算法中用于判断 Lambda 在上次迭代中是否可以,以及Lambda怎么缩放
    Eigen::MatrixXd pcgSolver(const MatXX &A, const VecX &b, int maxIter);/// PCG 迭代线性求解器

    enum SolveMethod
        kLM = 0,
        kDOGLEG = 1
    SolveMethod method_;
    int iterations_;//迭代轮数
    double currentChi_;

    double currentLambda_;//LM中的阻尼因子,DOGLEG中的radius
    double stopThresholdLM_;    // LM 迭代退出阈值条件
    std::string file_name_;
    int try_iter_;
    int false_theshold_;//每轮迭代允许的最大失败次数
    double ni_;       //strategy3控制 Lambda 缩放大小
    double lm_alpha_; //strategy2更新使用的alpha

//    VecX delta_x_rr_;
//    VecX delta_x_mm_;

    double radius_;
    double epsilon_1_, epsilon_2_, epsilon_3_;
//    double dl_alpha_;

    /// 整个信息矩阵
    Eigen::MatrixXd Hessian_;
    Eigen::VectorXd b_;
    Eigen::VectorXd delta_x_;

    const int x_size_ = 1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100;
    double cur_x_array_[1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100];
    double delta_x_array_[1000 + (WINDOW_SIZE + 1) * (SIZE_POSE + SIZE_SPEEDBIAS) + SIZE_POSE + 1 + 100];

    bool mem_allocated_;

    uint8_t strategy_;

    double *makeHessian_time_sum_;//这个需要手撸才能统计时间,ceres无法统计
    double *makeHessian_times_;

    bool get_cur_parameter(double* cur_x_array);
    double dlComputeDenom(const Eigen::VectorXd& h_dl, const Eigen::VectorXd& h_gn,
                                  const double dl_alpha, const double dl_beta) const;


9.4 系统整体待优化参数维度debug



WINDOW内所有待优化变量维度统计,估计 t d t_d td,无快速重定位时共 172 + L 172+L 172+L,其中 L L L为WINDOW内的landmark数量




    std::unordered_map<long, uint8_t> param_addr_check;//所有param维度
    std::unordered_map<long, uint8_t> landmark_addr_check;//landmark维度
    size_t size_1=0;
    if (last_marginalization_info)
        // construct new marginlization_factor
        MarginalizationFactor *marginalization_factor = new MarginalizationFactor(last_marginalization_info);//里面设置了上次先验的什么size,现在还不懂
        problem.AddResidualBlock(marginalization_factor, NULL,

//        /*用于check维度是否正确*/
//        parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(addr)] = size;
        for(int i=0; i<last_marginalization_parameter_blocks.size(); ++i) {
            if(last_marginalization_info->parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i])]==1) {
                ROS_DEBUG("here have 1 dimend");
//                landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i])] = 1;
            size_t tmp_size = last_marginalization_info->parameter_block_size[reinterpret_cast<long>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i])];
            tmp_size = tmp_size==7 ? 6: tmp_size;
            for(int j=0; j<tmp_size; ++j) {
                param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(last_marginalization_parameter_blocks[i]) + (double)j * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;

        ROS_DEBUG("\nlinearized_jacobians (rows, cols) = (%lu, %lu)",
                  last_marginalization_info->linearized_jacobians.rows(), last_marginalization_info->linearized_jacobians.cols());

        size_1 = param_addr_check.size();//应该是76  实际87
        ROS_DEBUG("\nprior size1=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
                  size_1, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

    for (int i = 0; i < WINDOW_SIZE; i++)
        int j = i + 1;
        if (pre_integrations[j]->sum_dt > 10.0)
        IMUFactor* imu_factor = new IMUFactor(pre_integrations[j]);//这里的factor就是残差residual,ceres里面叫factor
        problem.AddResidualBlock(imu_factor, NULL, para_Pose[i], para_SpeedBias[i], para_Pose[j], para_SpeedBias[j]);

        long addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[i]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\nIMU add para_Pose[%d]", i);
            for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;

        addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[i]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\nIMU add para_SpeedBias[%d]", i);
            for(int k=0; k<SIZE_SPEEDBIAS; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long) k * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;

        addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[j]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\n IMU add para_Pose[%d]", j);
            for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long) k * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;

        addr = reinterpret_cast<long>(para_SpeedBias[j]);
        if(param_addr_check.find(addr) == param_addr_check.end()) {
            ROS_DEBUG("\n IMU add para_SpeedBias[%d]", j);
            for (int k = 0; k < SIZE_SPEEDBIAS; ++k) {
                param_addr_check[addr + (long) k * (long) sizeof(long)] = 1;
    size_t size_2 = param_addr_check.size() - size_1;//应该是81  V2~V10  实际97为啥???
    ROS_DEBUG("\nIMU size2=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
              size_2, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

    int f_m_cnt = 0;
    int feature_index = -1;
    for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
        it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
        if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))

        int imu_i = it_per_id.start_frame, imu_j = imu_i - 1;
        Vector3d pts_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].point;

        //这个id的feature的第一帧和后面所有的帧分别构建residual block
        for (auto &it_per_frame : it_per_id.feature_per_frame)
            if (imu_i == imu_j)
            Vector3d pts_j = it_per_frame.point;
            //是否要time offset
            if (ESTIMATE_TD)
                    ProjectionTdFactor *f_td = new ProjectionTdFactor(pts_i, pts_j, it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].velocity, it_per_frame.velocity,
                                                                     it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].cur_td, it_per_frame.cur_td,
                                                                     it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].uv.y(), it_per_frame.uv.y());
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(f_td, loss_function, para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index], para_Td[0]);

                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_i]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_j]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[0]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Td[0])] = 1;

                    double **para = new double *[5];
                    para[0] = para_Pose[imu_i];
                    para[1] = para_Pose[imu_j];
                    para[2] = para_Ex_Pose[0];
                    para[3] = para_Feature[feature_index];
                    para[4] = para_Td[0];
                ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j);
                problem.AddResidualBlock(f, loss_function, para_Pose[imu_i], para_Pose[imu_j], para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]);

                for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_i]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[imu_j]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[0]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;

    size_t size_3 = param_addr_check.size() - size_1 - size_2;//应该和landmark_addr_check.size一样
    ROS_DEBUG("\nvisual size3=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
              size_3, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

    ROS_DEBUG("visual measurement count: %d", f_m_cnt);//总的视觉观测个数,观测可能是在不同帧对同一个landmark进行观测,所以可能查过1000,注意与landmark个数进行区分
    ROS_DEBUG("prepare for ceres: %f", t_prepare.toc());
    //4.添加闭环检测残差,计算滑动窗口中与每一个闭环关键帧的相对位姿,这个相对位置是为后面的图优化(pose graph)准备 或者是 快速重定位(崔华坤PDF7.2节)
    //这里注意relo_pose是Tw2_bi = Tw2_w1 * Tw1_bi
        //printf("set relocalization factor! \n");
        ceres::LocalParameterization *local_parameterization = new PoseLocalParameterization();
        problem.AddParameterBlock(relo_Pose, SIZE_POSE, local_parameterization);
        int retrive_feature_index = 0;
        int feature_index = -1;
        for (auto &it_per_id : f_manager.feature)
            it_per_id.used_num = it_per_id.feature_per_frame.size();
            if (!(it_per_id.used_num >= 2 && it_per_id.start_frame < WINDOW_SIZE - 2))
            int start = it_per_id.start_frame;
            if(start <= relo_frame_local_index)//必须之前看到过
                while((int)match_points[retrive_feature_index].z() < it_per_id.feature_id)//.z()存的是i,j两帧match上的feature的id
                if((int)match_points[retrive_feature_index].z() == it_per_id.feature_id)
                    Vector3d pts_j = Vector3d(match_points[retrive_feature_index].x(), match_points[retrive_feature_index].y(), 1.0);
                    Vector3d pts_i = it_per_id.feature_per_frame[0].point;//start中的点
                    ProjectionFactor *f = new ProjectionFactor(pts_i, pts_j);
                    problem.AddResidualBlock(f, loss_function, para_Pose[start], relo_Pose, para_Ex_Pose[0], para_Feature[feature_index]);

                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Pose[start]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(relo_Pose) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    for(int k=0; k<SIZE_POSE-1; ++k) {
                        param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Ex_Pose[0]) + (long)k * (long)sizeof(long)] = 1;
                    param_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;
                    landmark_addr_check[reinterpret_cast<long>(para_Feature[feature_index])] = 1;

                    ROS_DEBUG("\nhas relocation blocks\n");
    size_t size_4 = param_addr_check.size() - size_1 - size_2 - size_3;//没有loop时应该为0
    ROS_DEBUG("\nrelocation size_4=%lu, param_addr_check.size() = %lu, landmark size: %lu, except landmark size = %lu",
              size_4, param_addr_check.size(), landmark_addr_check.size(), param_addr_check.size()-landmark_addr_check.size());//landmark_addr_check中多加了个td

9.5 LM的 λ \lambda λ初始化中的 τ \tau τ取值是否合适?

上面给的 τ \tau τ [ 1 e − 8 , 1 ] [1e-8,1] [1e8,1] 这个范围内不是绝对的,要根据实际的情况来设定:

  • 太大可能导致 λ \lambda λ过大,步长过小,求出的 Δ x \Delta x Δx过小,更新不动 x x x
  • 太小可能导致 λ \lambda λ过大,步长过大, ρ \rho ρ一直 < 0 <0 <0,无法找到正确的迭代方向, x x x一直无法更新。

比如VINS-MONO中,如果使用strategy3,则 τ \tau τ大概为 1 e − 15 1e^{-15} 1e15数量级左右。

9.6 Schur消元求解之后更新先验的residual

χ \chi χ实际上就是 e T W e e^TWe eTWe





根据以上理解,在LM中每次更新完 x = x + Δ x x=x+\Delta x x=x+Δx后,就需要重新计算一下Jacobian和residual,下次evaluate时就会用到新的residual,


9.7 计算 χ = e T W e \chi=e^TWe χ=eTWe时需要考虑loss_function


9.8 先验的参数实际上就是V0,P0~P10,Tbc,td,而不是一个单独的特殊量

9.9 Hessian可视化

之前Debug b的时候曾经反解出J并打印出来过,可以看到 J T J J^TJ JTJ还是非常稀疏的:
反解之后再算 J T ∗ J J^T*J JTJ,有些为0的已经不为0了,但是数值很小,大概是1e-10数量级,但主对角线可以看出还是正确的,所以反解总体上没问题。实际上J的rows()应该是观测的总维度(包括11个P,11个V,1个Tbc,1个td,L个landmark所有观测,注意不是L,观测道一次就有二维的reidual,参考《14讲》P247理解),但是从Hessian中只能反解出相同维度的 J J J,此处为 316 = 172 + L 316=172+L 316=172+L,所以不知道观测的总维度为多少。

9.10 load pose_graph

load pose_graph test:
load pose_graph之后发现就很容易产生loop了,因为有了之前的特征和描述子,在rviz中可以看到产生了非常多的loop边,且从一开始就有loop,如果是在同一个地方不同的数据集,这样对于重定位就比较友好。

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