Mat(int rows, int cols, int type);
Mat(Size size, int type);
Mat::operator=(const Scalar& value) .
Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar& s);
Mat(Size size, int type, const Scalar& s);
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type);
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type, const Scalar& s);
Mat(const Mat& m);
Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP);
Mat(Size size, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP);
Mat(int ndims, const int* sizes, int type, void* data, const size_t* steps=0);
Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& rowRange, const Range& colRange=Range::all());
Mat(const Mat& m, const Rect& roi);
Mat(const Mat& m, const Range* ranges);
2、Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type)
创建行数为 rows,列数为 col,类型为 type 的图像;
3、Mat::Mat(Size size, int type)
创建大小为 size,类型为 type 的图像;
4、Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, const Scalar& s)
创建行数为 rows,列数为 col,类型为 type 的图像,并将所有元素初始化为值 s;
5、Mat::Mat(Size size, int type, const Scalar& s)
创建大小为 size,类型为 type 的图像,并将所有元素初始化为值 s;
6、Mat::Mat(const Mat& m)
7、Mat::Mat(int rows, int cols, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
创建行数为rows,列数为col,类型为type的图像,此构造函数不创建图像数据所需内存,而是直接使用data所指内存,图像的行步长由 step指定。
8、Mat::Mat(Size size, int type, void* data, size_t step=AUTO_STEP)
9、Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Range& rowRange, const Range& colRange)
10、Mat::Mat(const Mat& m, const Rect& roi)
这些构造函数中,很多都涉及到类型type。type可以是CV_8UC1,CV_16SC1,…,CV_64FC4 等。里面的 8U 表示 8 位无符号整数,16S 表示 16 位有符号整数,64F表示 64 位浮点数(即 double 类型);C 后面的数表示通道数,例如 C1 表示一个通道的图像,C4 表示 4 个通道的图像,以此类推。
CV_EXPORTS_W void randu(InputOutputArray dst, InputArray low, InputArray high);
typedef Scalar_<double> Scalar;
Scalar_(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2=0, _Tp v3=0);
Scalar_(_Tp v0);
template<typename _Tp2, int cn>
Scalar_(const Vec<_Tp2, cn>& v);
//! returns a scalar with all elements set to v0
static Scalar_<_Tp> all(_Tp v0);
//! conversion to another data type
template<typename T2> operator Scalar_<T2>() const;
//! per-element product
Scalar_<_Tp> mul(const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, double scale=1 ) const;
// returns (v0, -v1, -v2, -v3)
Scalar_<_Tp> conj() const;
template<typename _Tp> inline
this->val[0] = this->val[1] = this->val[2] = this->val[3] = 0;
template<typename _Tp> inline
Scalar_<_Tp>::Scalar_(_Tp v0, _Tp v1, _Tp v2, _Tp v3)
this->val[0] = v0;
this->val[1] = v1;
this->val[2] = v2;
this->val[3] = v3;
template<typename _Tp> template<typename _Tp2, int cn> inline
Scalar_<_Tp>::Scalar_(const Vec<_Tp2, cn>& v)
int i;
for( i = 0; i < (cn < 4 ? cn : 4); i++ )
this->val[i] = cv::saturate_cast<_Tp>(v.val[i]);
for( ; i < 4; i++ )
this->val[i] = 0;
template<typename _Tp> inline
Scalar_<_Tp>::Scalar_(_Tp v0)
this->val[0] = v0;
this->val[1] = this->val[2] = this->val[3] = 0;
template<typename _Tp> inline
Scalar_<_Tp> Scalar_<_Tp>::all(_Tp v0)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(v0, v0, v0, v0);
template<typename _Tp> inline
Scalar_<_Tp> Scalar_<_Tp>::mul(const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, double scale ) const
return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[0] * a.val[0] * scale),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[1] * a.val[1] * scale),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[2] * a.val[2] * scale),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(this->val[3] * a.val[3] * scale));
template<typename _Tp> inline
Scalar_<_Tp> Scalar_<_Tp>::conj() const
return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>( this->val[0]),
template<typename _Tp> inline
bool Scalar_<_Tp>::isReal() const
return this->val[1] == 0 && this->val[2] == 0 && this->val[3] == 0;
template<typename _Tp> template<typename T2> inline
Scalar_<_Tp>::operator Scalar_<T2>() const
return Scalar_<T2>(saturate_cast<T2>(this->val[0]),
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp>& operator += (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
a.val[0] += b.val[0];
a.val[1] += b.val[1];
a.val[2] += b.val[2];
a.val[3] += b.val[3];
return a;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp>& operator -= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
a.val[0] -= b.val[0];
a.val[1] -= b.val[1];
a.val[2] -= b.val[2];
a.val[3] -= b.val[3];
return a;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp>& operator *= ( Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp v )
a.val[0] *= v;
a.val[1] *= v;
a.val[2] *= v;
a.val[3] *= v;
return a;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
bool operator == ( const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b )
return a.val[0] == b.val[0] && a.val[1] == b.val[1] &&
a.val[2] == b.val[2] && a.val[3] == b.val[3];
template<typename _Tp> static inline
bool operator != ( const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b )
return a.val[0] != b.val[0] || a.val[1] != b.val[1] ||
a.val[2] != b.val[2] || a.val[3] != b.val[3];
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator + (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(a.val[0] + b.val[0],
a.val[1] + b.val[1],
a.val[2] + b.val[2],
a.val[3] + b.val[3]);
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator - (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[0] - b.val[0]),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[1] - b.val[1]),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[2] - b.val[2]),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(a.val[3] - b.val[3]));
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator * (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp alpha)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(a.val[0] * alpha,
a.val[1] * alpha,
a.val[2] * alpha,
a.val[3] * alpha);
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator * (_Tp alpha, const Scalar_<_Tp>& a)
return a*alpha;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator - (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(-a.val[0]),
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator * (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[0] - a[1]*b[1] - a[2]*b[2] - a[3]*b[3]),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[1] + a[1]*b[0] + a[2]*b[3] - a[3]*b[2]),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[2] - a[1]*b[3] + a[2]*b[0] + a[3]*b[1]),
saturate_cast<_Tp>(a[0]*b[3] + a[1]*b[2] - a[2]*b[1] + a[3]*b[0]));
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp>& operator *= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
a = a * b;
return a;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator / (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp alpha)
return Scalar_<_Tp>(a.val[0] / alpha,
a.val[1] / alpha,
a.val[2] / alpha,
a.val[3] / alpha);
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<float> operator / (const Scalar_<float>& a, float alpha)
float s = 1 / alpha;
return Scalar_<float>(a.val[0] * s, a.val[1] * s, a.val[2] * s, a.val[3] * s);
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<double> operator / (const Scalar_<double>& a, double alpha)
double s = 1 / alpha;
return Scalar_<double>(a.val[0] * s, a.val[1] * s, a.val[2] * s, a.val[3] * s);
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp>& operator /= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, _Tp alpha)
a = a / alpha;
return a;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator / (_Tp a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
_Tp s = a / (b[0]*b[0] + b[1]*b[1] + b[2]*b[2] + b[3]*b[3]);
return b.conj() * s;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp> operator / (const Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
return a * ((_Tp)1 / b);
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar_<_Tp>& operator /= (Scalar_<_Tp>& a, const Scalar_<_Tp>& b)
a = a / b;
return a;
template<typename _Tp> static inline
Scalar operator * (const Matx<_Tp, 4, 4>& a, const Scalar& b)
Matx<double, 4, 1> c((Matx<double, 4, 4>)a, b, Matx_MatMulOp());
return reinterpret_cast<const Scalar&>(c);
template<> inline
Scalar operator * (const Matx<double, 4, 4>& a, const Scalar& b)
Matx<double, 4, 1> c(a, b, Matx_MatMulOp());
return reinterpret_cast<const Scalar&>(c);