


0. Submission

  1. Does your paper conform to the topics/track of the conference/journal? (check “Call for papers”)
  2. Do the code, data, and details of the experiemental setup (given in the paper and appendix) are complete and easy for others to reproduce?
  3. Is the presentation clear and easy to understand?

1. Title

  1. Does the title include the key words of the work?
  2. Dose the title summarize the main contribution of the paper?
  3. Can the title be more attractive?

2. Introduction

  1. What is your research object and its background?
  2. What are the representative methods?
  3. What are the main challenges that hinder these methods? What is the potential impact if they are solved?
  4. What is your solution?
  5. What is your method, algorithm, or framework?
  6. What are your main contributions? How original is your work?

3. Related Works

  1. How does the Related Work relate to Introduction?
  2. What are the main directions of these works?
  3. Are all possible relevant literature listed as far as possible? (pay attention to some recent works on arXiv)

4. Methods

  1. Are the methods/modules/algorithms introduced clearly ? (please introduce from the global to the local)
  2. Are all the notations, definitions, hypothesis, theoretical analysis clearly explained?
  3. Are all the optimization of parameters and tuning of hyper-parameters clearly explained? (note the citations)
  4. Which parts are more difficult for reviewers to understand? Can we use the intuitive diagram to help explain?

5. Experiments

  1. What are the arguments of each part of the experiments? Have all the claims been verified?
  2. What is the detailed setting of the experiments? Is it fair and reasonable?
  3. How is the datasets obtained? Is it reasonable and credible?
  4. Are all the methods that need to be compared listed?
  5. Is the presentation of the Figures and Tables standard and clear?
  6. Are all the experimental results clearly summarized to support the claims? Are all abnormal results reasonably explained?

6. Conclusions and Future Works

  1. What are the main contributions of this paper?
  2. What is the importance of this paper for the research direction?
  3. What research points are worth studying in the future?

7. Reference

  1. Are all references standardized and consistent?

8. Appendix

  1. Have all the places that can’t be discussed in the main part been explained in detail in Appendix?

9. Code

  1. Is README completely introduces the environment and experimental procedure, and easy to follow?
  2. Have appropriate comments been added to important or difficult areas?
  3. Is the implementation of the experiment consistent with the paper?
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