


1.en_ 2017_ sw_ p2_001 Define a stock class


Design a class named Stock that contains:

■ A private string data field named symbol for the stock’s symbol.

■ A private double data field named previousClosingPrice that stores the stock price for the previous day.

■ A private double data field named currentPrice that stores the stock price for the current time.

■ A constructor that creates a stock with the specified symbol.(The first constructor)

■ A constructor that creates a stock with the specified symbol, previousClosingPrice and currentPrice . This constructor must use this to invoke the first constructor to initialize the symbol.

■ Setters and getters for previousClosingPrice and currentPrice.

■A method named getChangePercent() that returns the percentage changed from previousClosingPrice to currentPrice.

■A method named printStockInfo() that print the stock info including symbol, previousClosingPrice , currentPrice and changed percent. The change percent retains 2 decimal places and end with % sign.The print example is :

■ Since the Main class can not be modified so you define the Stock class must base on the invoking method code in the main method.

SOHU 100 90


Previous Closing Price:100.0

Current Price:90.0

Price Change:-10.00%

■ Complete the code in the main method according to the comments.

Output example:

Enter the stock’s symbol, previousClosisngPrice and currentPrice:

SKY 34.5 36.23


Previous Closing Price:34.5

Current Price:36.23

Price Change:5.01%


Previous Closing Price:89.5

Current Price:98.4

Price Change:9.94%

	import java.util.Scanner;
	class Stock {
	  private String symbol;
	  private double previousClosingPrice;
	  private double currentPrice;
	  public Stock(String newSymbol)
	    this.symbol = newSymbol;
	  public void setSymbol(String symbol){
		  this.symbol= symbol;
	  public String getSymbol(){
		  return symbol;
	  public double getChangePercent()
	    return (currentPrice - previousClosingPrice)/previousClosingPrice;
	  public double getPreviousClosingPrice()
	    return previousClosingPrice;
	  public void setPreviousClosingPrice(double previous)
	    this.previousClosingPrice = previous;
	  public double getCurrentPrice()
	    return currentPrice;
	  public void setCurrentPrice(double current)
	    this.currentPrice = current;
	  public void printStockInfo(){
		    System.out.println("Stock:" + getSymbol());
		    System.out.println("Previous Closing Price:" + getPreviousClosingPrice());
		    System.out.println("Current Price:" + getCurrentPrice());
		    System.out.println("Price Change:" + String.format("%.2f", getChangePercent() * 100) + "%");

	public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    	Scanner scanner = new Scanner(System.in);
    	System.out.println("Enter the stock's symbol, previousClosisngPrice and currentPrice:");
    	String symbol = scanner.next();
    	double previousClosingPrice = scanner.nextDouble();
    	double currentPrice = scanner.nextDouble();
    	//create a stock instance using the user enter data and invoke printStockInfo method to print stock info.

   		    Stock stock1 = new Stock("SKY");

    	Stock stock2 = new Stock("SINA");
2.en_ 2017_ sw_ p2_002 Design MyInteger class

Design a class named MyInteger. The class contains:

■ An private int data field named value that stores the int value represented by this object.

■ A constructor MyInteger(int) that creates a MyInteger object for the specified int value.

■ A getter method that returns the int value.

■ The methods isEven() and isOdd() that return true if the value in this object is even or odd respectively.

■ The static methods isEven(int) and isOdd(int) that return true if the specified value is even or odd respectively.

■ The static methods isEven(MyInteger) and isOdd(MyInteger) that return true if the specified value is even or odd, respectively.

■ The methods equals(MyInteger) that return true if the value in this object is equal to the specified value.

■ A static method parseInt(String) that converts a string into an int value.

■ Since the Main class can not be modified so you define the MyInteger class must base on the invoking method code in the main method.

Output example:

Enter a int number to create MyInteger object:

35 901

Enter a string which can transform to a int:

myInteger1 is even? false

myInteger1 is odd? true

myInteger2 is even? false

myInteger1 is equal to myInteger2? false

5 is even? false

9 is odd? true

Enter a int number to create MyInteger object:

55 55

Enter a string which can transform to a int:

myInteger1 is even? false

myInteger1 is odd? true

myInteger2 is even? false

myInteger1 is equal to myInteger2? true

5 is even? false

9 is odd? true

import java.util.Scanner;

	class MyInteger{
	private int value;
	public MyInteger(int value){
	public int getter(){
		return value;
	public boolean isEven(){
		return isEven(this.value);
	boolean isOdd(){
		return isOdd(this.value);
	static public boolean isEven(int value){
		return value%2==0;
	static public boolean isOdd(int value){
		return value%2!=0;
	static public boolean isEven(MyInteger value){
		return value.isEven();
	static public boolean 
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代理服务器是一种位于客户端和服务器之间的中间服务器,它可以拦截、过滤和转发客户端与服务器之间的请求和响应。代理服务器的作用有很多,主要包括以下几个方面。 首先,代理服务器可以提高网络请求的效率。代理服务器可以缓存请求的结果,当客户端再次发送相同的请求时,代理服务器可以直接返回已缓存的结果,减少了网络传输的开销。此外,代理服务器还可以进行压缩和合并请求,从而减少了网络传输的数据量,提高了网络请求的速度。 其次,代理服务器可以增强网络的安全性。代理服务器可以拦截客户端的请求,对请求进行检查和过滤,防止恶意程序和攻击进入服务器。代理服务器还可以对客户端和服务器间的通信进行加密,保护敏感信息的传输安全。 再次,代理服务器可以实现网络访问的控制和管理。通过代理服务器,网络管理员可以对客户端的访问进行限制和过滤,防止网络滥用和非法访问。代理服务器还可以根据客户端的IP地址、地理位置等进行访问控制,提供灵活的网络策略管理。 最后,代理服务器还可以实现负载均衡和内容筛选。代理服务器可以将客户端的请求分发到多台服务器上,实现负载均衡,提高服务器的性能和可用性。代理服务器还可以根据用户的需求进行内容筛选和修改,实现广告过滤、网页压缩等功能。 总之,代理服务器是一个非常重要的网络工具,它可以提高网络请求的效率和安全性,实现网络访问的控制和管理,以及负载均衡和内容筛选等功能。在Java中,我们可以使用Java提供的相关API和框架来实现代理服务器的功能和应用。


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