需求分析笔记第三章 可视化建模


  • Use case view
  • Activity view
  • Structure view
  • Interaction view
  • State machine view
  • Implementation view
Kinds of UML (logical) models
  • State model
    • static view of the system
      • models data requirements and operations on data
      • operations obtain from behavioral model
    • class diagram
  • Behavior model
    • operational view of the system
      • models function requirements
    • diagrams
      • use case
      • activity
      • communication
  • State change model
    • dynamic view of the system
      • models object evolution over time
    • state machine diagram
  • The use case model is the main UML representative and the focal point of behavior modeling.

  • The activity model can graphically represent the flow of events of a use case.

  • Class modeling integrates and embodies all other modeling activities.

  • Interaction modeling captures the interactions between objects needed to execute a use case or part of it.

  • A state machine model specifies dynamic changes in a class.

  • UML provides component diagrams and deployment diagrams as two tools for architectural/structural modeling of physical implementation of the system.

1.use case

  • 用例驱动整个软件开发的生命周期
  • 用例:参与者外部可见,且可单独测试,不应该有孤立用例,不是所有用例都需要和角色关联
  • 用例间不要泛化
Documenting use cases
  • Brief Description
  • Actors involved
  • Preconditions necessary for the use case to start
  • Detailed Description of flow of events that includes:
    • Main Flow of events, that can be broken down to show:
    • Subflows of events (subflows can be further divided into smaller subflows to improve document readability)
    • Alternative Flows to define exceptional situations
  • Postconditions that define the state of the system after the use case ends

2. The activity view

  • Can graphically represent the flow of events of a use case
  • Can also be used:
    • to understand a business process at a high-level of abstraction before use cases are produced
    • at a much lower level of abstraction to design complex sequential algorithms or to design concurrency in multithreaded applications
  • Activity Diagram shows transitions between actions
  • start of an activity: A solid filled circle represents the
  • The end of an activity is shown using a bull’s eye symbol
  • Transitions can branch and merge (diamond) –alternative computation threads
  • Transitions can fork and re-join (bar line) – concurrent (parallel) computation threads
  • Activity diagram without concurrent processes resembles a conventional flowchart

3. The structure view (class diagram)

  • it represents data structures and their relationships
  • it identifies operations that act on these data
  • 不应该有孤立的类
  • class
    • entity classes : loaded to memory from persistent database
    • presentation (boundary) classes (view classes) : classes that define GUI objects (such as forms or webpages)
    • control classes: classes that control the program’s logic and process use events
    • resource classes: classes responsible for communication with external data sources (DAO)
    • mediator classes: classes responsible for managing entity objects in memory cache and for conducting business transactions (JDBC)

4. The interaction view

  • Two kinds of interaction diagrams
    • Sequence diagram – concentrate on time sequences
    • Communication diagram (called collaboration diagram prior to UML 2.0) – emphasize object relationships
Sequence Diagram
  • Roles - horizontal dimension (与类图中保持一致)
  • Message sequence - top to bottom on vertical dimension
  • Each vertical line - the object’s lifeline (过程中生成的对象,要有始有终)
  • Activation (execution specification) – a method activated on a lifeline(多次调用,要分开;一个激活内有自调用时,产生新的激活)
  • Arrow - message from a calling object (sender) to an operation (method) in the called object (target)
  • Showing the return of control from the target to the sender is not necessary(不显示返回结果)
  • Iteration marker – an asterisk in front of the message label – indicates iterating over a collection


Communication diagram


  • 通过交互图确定类图中的方法

5.state diagram

  • specifies dynamic changes in a class
  • Normally attached to a class, but can be attached to other modeling concepts, e.g. a use case
  • When attached to a class, the diagram determines how objects of that class react to events
    • Determines – for each object state – what action the object will perform when it receives an event
    • The same object may perform a different action for the same event depending on the object’s state
    • The action’s execution will typically cause a state change
  • The complete description of a transition consists of three parts
    • event (parameters) [guard] / action
  • 状态可嵌套,下图中1为嵌套状态,状态转出嵌套状态时,可到任意转态

6.The implementation view

  • architectural/structural modeling of the physical implementation of a system

  • provides a connection between the logical and physical structure of the system

  • Component - modular, deployable, and replaceable part of a system that encapsulates implementation and exposes a set of interfaces

    • component diagram
  • Node - physical object that represents a processing resource, generally, having at
    least a memory and often processing capability as well

    • includes computing devices but also human resources or mechanical processing resources
    • deployment diagram
Subsystems and packages
  • Subsystem
    • encapsulates some part of system behavior
    • its services are the result of the services provided by its classes
    • its services are defined using interfaces
  • Package
    • grouping of modeling elements
    • like subsystem, its services are the result of the services provided by its classes
    • unlike subsystem, its services are not exposed using interfaces
  • “The difference between a subsystem and a package is that, for a package, a client asks some element inside the package to fulfill a behavior; for a subsystem, a client asks the subsystem itself to fulfill the behavior.” from Ferm (2003, p.2)




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