模仿 java Optional 设计 c# Optional

模仿 java Optional 设计 c# Optional

// Unity 环境下

using System;
using JetBrains.Annotations;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEngine;
public static class OptionalEx
    public static Optional<T> Op<T>(this T value)
        return Optional<T>.Of(value);
public class Optional<T>
    private readonly T value;
    private bool isPresent => !value.IsUnityNull();

    private Optional(T value)
        this.value = value;

    private Optional()


    public static Optional<T> Of(T value)
        return new Optional<T>(value);

    public static Optional<T> Empty()
        return new Optional<T>();

    public T Get()
        return value;

    public bool IsPresent()
        return isPresent;

    public T OrElse(T other)
        return isPresent ? value : other;

    public Optional<T> Filter(Func<T, bool> predicate)
        if (!isPresent)
            return this;

        return predicate(value) ? this : Empty();

    public Optional<T> Assert(string msg = null)
        if (msg == null)
            Debug.Assert(isPresent, $"Optional({this.DebugName()}) is not present");
        else Debug.Assert(isPresent, msg);
        return this;
    public void IfPresent(Action<T> action)
        if (isPresent)
    public T OrElseGet(Func<T> other)
        if (isPresent)
            return value;

        return other();

    public Optional<U> Map<U>(Func<T, U> mapper)
        if (!isPresent)
            return Optional<U>.Empty();

        return Optional<U>.Of(mapper(value));

    public  Optional<U> FlatMap<U>(Func<T, Optional<U>> mapper)
        if (!isPresent)
            return Optional<U>.Empty();

        return mapper(value);

    public Optional<T> Log(string message)
        if (isPresent)
        return this;
    public Optional<T> Log(Action<T> logAction)
        return this;



class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // 创建 Optional 实例
        Optional<string> optional = "Hello".Op();

        // 流式调用
            .Filter(x => x.StartsWith("H"))
            .Map(x => x.Length)
            .Log("Optional 有值")

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CLR via C# 第4版 英文PDFKristin, words cannot express how /feel about our life together. cherish our family and all our adventures. I'm filled each day with love for Aidan (age 9)and Grant (age 5), you both have been an inspira- tion to me and have taught me to play and have fun Watching the two of you grow up has been so rewarding and enjoyable for me. am lucky to be able to partake in your lives. love and ap preciate you more than you could ever know Contents at a glance Introduction PART I CLR BASICS CHAPTER 1 The clr's execution model CHAPTER 2 Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications and Types 33 chaPTeR 3 Shared Assemblies and Strongly Named Assemblies 65 PART I DESIGNING TYPES CHAPTER 4 Type Fundamentals 91 CHAPTER 5 Primitive, Reference, and Value Types 111 CHAPTER 6 Type and Member Basics 151 CHAPTER 7 Constants and fields 175 chaPTer 8 Methods 181 chaPTer 9 Parameters 209 CHAPTER 10 Properties 227 CHAPTER 11 Events 249 CHAPTER 12 Generics 265 CHAPTER 13 Interfaces 295 PARTⅢ ESSENTIAL TYPES CHAPTER 14 Chars, Strings, and Working with Text 317 CHAPTER 15 Enumerated Types and Bit Flags 361 CHAPTER 16 Arrays 373 CHAPTER 17 Delegates 391 CHAPTER 18 Custom Attributes 421 CHAPTER 19 Nullable value Types 441 PART IV CORE FACILITIES CHAPTER 20 Exceptions and state management 451 CHAPTER 21 The Managed Heap and Garbage Collection 505 CHAPTER 22 CLR Hosting and AppDomains 553 CHAPTER 23 Assembly Loading and reflection 583 CHAPTER 24 Runtime serialization 611 CHAPTER 25 Interoperating with WinRT Components 643 PAR V THREADING ChaPTEr 26 Thread basics 669 CHAPTER 27 Compute-Bound Asynchronous Operations 691 CHAPTER 28 IyO-Bound Asynchronous Operations 727 CHAPTER 29 Primitive thread Synchronization Constructs 757 CHAPTER 30 Hybrid Thread Synchronization Constructs 789 Index 823 Contents at a glance Contents Introduction XX PART CLR BASICS Chapter 1 The Clrs Execution Model 3 Compiling Source Code into Managed Modules Combining managed modules into assemblies Loading the Common Language Runtime 8 Executing Your Assembly's Code 11 IL and∨ erification 16 Unsafe Code The Native Code generator tool: ngen. exe 19 The Framework Class Library 22 The Common Type System The Common Language Specification Interoperability with Unmanaged Code 30 Chapter 2 Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Administering Applications and Types 33 NET Framework Deployment Goals 34 Building Types into a Module 35 Response Fil 36 A Brief Look at metadata 38 What do you think of this book We want to hear from you Microsoft is interested in hearing your feedback so we can continually improve our books and learning resources for you. To participate in a brief online survey, please visit microsoft. com/learning/booksurvey Combining Modules to Form an Assembly 45 Adding Assemblies to a Project by Using the Visual Studio IDE.51 Using the assembly Linker Adding Resource Files to an Assembly 53 Assembly Version Resource Information .54 Version numbers ..58 Culture Simple Application Deployment(Privately deployed Assemblies)...60 Simple Administrative Control(Configuration) 62 Chapter 3 Shared Assemblies and Strongly Named Assemblies 65 Two Kinds of Assemblies, Two Kinds of Deployment 66 Giving an Assembly a Strong Name 67 The global Assembly Cache 72 Building an Assembly That References a Strongly Named Assembly..74 Strongly named assemblies are tamper-Resistant 75 Delayed Signing Privately Deploying Strongly Named Assemblies How the Runtime Resolves Type References 80 Advanced Administrative Control( Configuration) 83 Publisher Policy control 86 PART I DESIGNING TYPES Chapter 4 Type Fundamentals 91 All Types Are Derived from System Object .91 Casting Between Types 93 Casting with the C# is and as Operators Namespaces and assemblies 97 How Things relate at Run time .101 Chapter 5 Primitive, Reference, and Value Types 111 Programming Language Primitive Types 111 Checked and Unchecked Primitive Type Operations 115 Reference Types and value Types 118 Boxing and Unboxing Value Types 124 Changing Fields in a Boxed Value Type by Using Interfaces and Why You Shouldnt Do This) 136 Object Equality and Identity 139 Object hash Codes .142 The dynamic Primitive Type ......144 Chapter 6 Type and member Basics 151 The Different Kinds of Type Members .151 Type visibilit 154 Friend assemblies 154 Member accessibility .156 Static Classes ...158 Partial Classes, Structures, and Interfaces .159 Components, Polymorphism, and Versioning 160 How the CLR Calls Virtual Methods, Properties, and Events 162 Using Type Visibility and Member Accessibility Intelligently...166 Dealing with Virtual Methods When Versioning Types 16 Chapter 7 Constants and Fields 175 Constants 175 Fⅰe|ds ...177 Chapter 8 Methods 181 Instance Constructors and Classes(Reference Types) 181 Instance Constructors and Structures(Value Types) 184 Type Constructors 187 Contents x Operator Overload Methods 191 Operators and Programming Language Interoperability 193 Conversion Operator Methods 195 Extension method 198 Rules and guidelines ....,200 Extending Various Types with Extension Methods 201 The Extension Attribute 203 Partial Methods 204 Rules and guidelines 207 Chapter 9 Parameters 209 Optional and Named Parameters 209 Rules and guidelines 210 The defaultParameter value and optional Attributes 212 Implicitly Typed Local Variabl 212 Passing parameters by reference to a Method 214 Passing a variable Number of arguments to a Method 220 Parameter and Return Type Guidelines 223 Const-nes 224 Chapter 10 Properties 227 Parameterless Properties 227 Automatically Implemented Properties 231 Defining Properties Intelligently 232 Object and collection Initializers 235 Anonymous Type .237 The System. Tuple type 240 Parameterful Properties 242 The performance of calling property accessor Methods 247 Property Accessor Accessibility 248 Generic prop A roperty Access 248
C# 开发的邮件服务器 Features supports pop3 smtp imap etc. supports ssl/tls for pop3, smtp and imap. supports multi mail vitural server, can bind multi domains. supports run as windows service, winform application with or without tray icon control. supports remote management using mailservermanager.exe supports mail recycle bin supports plugins using api interfaces Build and release download source code or use the releases i provided. if from source code you should run afterbuild.bat after build the solution successfuly then you get the debug or release version from application folder. Installation run MailServerLauncher.exe to install as windows service or just run as desktop application with or without tray icon. Configuration run MailServerManager.exe at the machine runs mailserver service or app. Connect to server press connect button from menu. type server localhost or or leave it empty type username Administrator with case sensitive type password emtpy press ok to connect with saving or not Add virtual server type name and select storage api [your vitural server]>system>general, add dns servers for query mailto's domain mx record. [your vitural server]>system>services, enable smtp and pop3 services and set ipaddress binding with or without ssl/tls. the host name is required when set bindings. eg. bind smtp service to smtp.[your.domain] + IPAddress.Any [your vitural server]>system>service>relay, 'send email using DNS' and set at least a local ipaddress binding for email sending. the name of the binding here only a name,not mean domain. [your vitural server]>system>logging, enable logging for all services when something error you can see the details from 'Logs and Events' node [your vitural server]>domains, set email host domain, eg. if your email will be [email protected] then the domain should be abc.domain, description is optional [your vitural server]>security, !!! important, add rules for your service to allow outside access like email client. eg. add a rule 'Smtp Allow All' for smtp service with ip allows between to to enable smtp service for outside access add 'Pop3 Allow All' and 'Rlay Allow All' like that too. [your vitural server]>filters, there are two types of filter named 'DnsBlackList' and 'VirusScan' its configurable by run it's executable from mail server install path. Domain name resolution Add smtp.[your.domain], pop3.[your.domain], imap.[your.domain] resolution to your server public ip address with A record or to your server domain with CNAME record. mx record is optional if [your.domain] has a A record.if not, you shoud add a mx record point to your server ip. Remote management to enable remote management you must add ACL to allow mail server managers connect from outside network. use MailServerAccessManager.exe to add management users or just use administrator. add rules to allow access from specific IPs or ip ranges The users here only for management cases.


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