<carrier_config mcc="206" mnc="01" imsi="^206018014.*">
<boolean name="carrier_name_override_bool" value="true" />
<string name="carrier_name_string">UPC AT</string>
所以,当设备的IMSI以206018014开头时,该carrier_config的配置将被匹配到,相应的carrier_name_string会被设置为"UPC AT",而carrier_name_override_bool将被设置为true。
* Checks to see if an XML node matches carrier filters.
* <p>This iterates over the attributes of the current tag pointed to by {@code parser} and
* checks each one against {@code id} or {@link Build.DEVICE} or {@link R.string#sku_filter} or
* {@link Build.BOARD}. Attributes that are not specified in the node will not be checked, so a
* node with no attributes will always return true. The supported filter attributes are,
* <ul>
* <li>mcc: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getMcc}</li>
* <li>mnc: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getMnc}</li>
* <li>gid1: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getGid1}</li>
* <li>gid2: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getGid2}</li>
* <li>spn: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getSpn}</li>
* <li>imsi: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getImsi}</li>
* <li>device: {@link Build.DEVICE}</li>
* <li>vendorSku: {@link SystemConfig.VENDOR_SKU_PROPERTY}</li>
* <li>hardwareSku: {@link SystemConfig.SKU_PROPERTY}</li>
* <li>board: {@link Build.BOARD}</li>
* <li>cid: {@link CarrierIdentifier#getCarrierId()}
* or {@link CarrierIdentifier#getSpecificCarrierId()}</li>
* <li>sku: {@link R.string#sku_filter} "sku_filter" that OEM customizable filter</li>
* </ul>
* </p>
* <p>
* The attributes imsi and spn can be expressed as regexp to filter on patterns.
* The spn attribute can be set to the string "null" to allow matching against a SIM
* with no spn set.
* </p>
* @param parser an XmlPullParser pointing at a START_TAG with the attributes to check.
* @param id the carrier details to check against.
* @param sku a filter to be customizable.
* @return false if any XML attribute does not match the corresponding value.
static boolean checkFilters(XmlPullParser parser, @Nullable CarrierIdentifier id, String sku) {
String vendorSkuProperty = SystemProperties.get(
"ro.boot.product.vendor.sku", "");
String hardwareSkuProperty = SystemProperties.get(
"ro.boot.product.hardware.sku", "");
for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); ++i) {
boolean result = true;
String attribute = parser.getAttributeName(i);
String value = parser.getAttributeValue(i);
switch (attribute) {
case "imsi":
result = (id == null) || matchOnImsi(value, id);
//case "project":
// result = result && value.equalsIgnoreCase(Build.PROJECTKEY);
// break;
Log.e(TAG, "Unknown attribute " + attribute + "=" + value);
result = false;
if (!result) {
return false;
return true;
* Check to see if the IMSI expression from the XML matches the IMSI of the
* Carrier.
* @param xmlImsi IMSI expression fetched from the resource XML
* @param id Id of the evaluated CarrierIdentifier
* @return true if the XML IMSI matches the IMSI of CarrierIdentifier, false
* otherwise.
static boolean matchOnImsi(String xmlImsi, CarrierIdentifier id) {
boolean matchFound = false;
String currentImsi = id.getImsi();
// If we were able to retrieve current IMSI, see if it matches.
if (currentImsi != null) {
Pattern imsiPattern = Pattern.compile(xmlImsi, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE);
Matcher matcher = imsiPattern.matcher(currentImsi);
matchFound = matcher.matches();
return matchFound;