
  1. AOB - Any Other Business
    • 中文注释: 其他事项
    • Example: “Please let me know if you have any AOB before the meeting.”
  2. ASAP - As Soon As Possible
    • 中文注释: 尽快
    • Example: “Can you send me the report ASAP?”
  3. BC - Because
    • 中文注释: 因为
    • Example: “I was late BC of the traffic.”
  4. BR - Best Regards
    • 中文注释: 致以良好的祝愿
    • Example: “BR, John”
  5. BTW - By The Way
    • 中文注释: 顺便说一句
    • Example: “BTW, did you complete the assignment?”
  6. CC - Carbon Copy
    • 中文注释: 抄送
    • Example: “I’ve CC’d my manager on this email for visibility.”
  7. CONF - Conference
    • 中文注释: 会议
    • Example: “I’ll be attending the CONF next week.”
  8. EOD - End of Day
    • 中文注释: 截止日期
    • Example: “Please submit your timesheet by EOD.”
  9. EOM - End of Message
    • 中文注释: 信息结束
    • Example: “Meeting postponed to 3 PM EOM.”
  10. EOW - End of Week
    • 中文注释: 周末结束
    • Example: “I’ll provide the updates by EOW.”
  11. ETA - Edited to Add
    • 中文注释: 编辑后添加
    • Example: “ETA: The meeting time has changed to 3 PM.”
  12. ETA - Estimated Time of Arrival
    • 中文注释: 预计到达时间
    • Example: “What’s the ETA on the new shipment?”
  13. FTR - For The Record
    • 中文注释: 供记录
    • Example: “FTR, I completed the task as requested.”
  14. FUP - Follow Up
    • 中文注释: 跟进
    • Example: “This email is to FUP on our last conversation.”
  15. FWD - Forward
    • 中文注释: 转发
    • Example: “Please FWD this email to the rest of the team.”
  16. FYA - For Your Action
    • 中文注释: 请您处理
    • Example: “Attached is the document FYA.”
  17. FYC - For Your Consideration
    • 中文注释: 供您考虑
    • Example: “Here are the proposals FYC.”
  18. FYI - For Your Information
    • 中文注释: 供您参考
    • Example: “FYI, the meeting has been rescheduled.”
  19. HR - Human Resources
    • 中文注释: 人力资源
    • Example: “Contact HR for more information.”
  20. ICYMI - In Case You Missed It
    • 中文注释: 以防您错过了
    • Example: “ICYMI, here’s the link to the meeting recording.”
  21. IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
    • 中文注释: 依我拙见
    • Example: “IMHO, this is the best approach.”
  22. IMO - In My Opinion
    • 中文注释: 依我看来
    • Example: “IMO, we should proceed with the plan.”
  23. IOW - In Other Words
    • 中文注释: 换句话说
    • Example: “IOW, the deadline is non-negotiable.”
  24. IT - Information Technology
    • 中文注释: 信息技术
    • Example: “Please report the issue to the IT department.”
  25. KPI - Key Performance Indicator
    • 中文注释: 关键绩效指标
    • Example: “Our KPIs need to be reviewed quarterly.”
  26. KR - Kind Regards
    • 中文注释: 致以诚挚的问候
    • Example: “KR, Sarah”
  27. LMK - Let Me Know
    • 中文注释: 请告诉我
    • Example: “LMK if you need any help with the project.”
  28. MGR - Manager
    • 中文注释: 经理
    • Example: “Please get approval from your MGR.”
  29. MTG - Meeting
    • 中文注释: 会议
    • Example: “Don’t forget the MTG at 10 AM.”
  30. N/A - Not Applicable
    • 中文注释: 不适用
    • Example: “This section is N/A.”
  31. NDA - Non-Disclosure Agreement
    • 中文注释: 保密协议
    • Example: “Please sign the NDA before we proceed.”
  32. NRN - No Reply Necessary
    • 中文注释: 无需回复
    • Example: “NRN, just for your information.”
  33. NSFW - Not Safe For Work
    • 中文注释: 不适宜在工作场合观看
    • Example: “Be careful, this link is NSFW.”
  34. OOO - Out of Office
    • 中文注释: 不在办公室
    • Example: “I will be OOO from Monday to Wednesday.”
  35. ORG - Organization
    • 中文注释: 组织
    • Example: “Our ORG is hosting the event.”
  36. OT - Off Topic
    • 中文注释: 不相关的话题
    • Example: “Sorry for going OT, but I had to mention this.”
  37. PFA - Please Find Attached
    • 中文注释: 请查看附件
    • Example: “PFA the report you requested.”
  38. PLS - Please
    • 中文注释:
    • Example: “PLS send the updated document.”
  39. PRB - Please Reply By
    • 中文注释: 请在…之前回复
    • Example: “PRB tomorrow noon with your availability.”
  40. PTO - Paid Time Off
    • 中文注释: 带薪休假
    • Example: “I will be on PTO next week.”
  41. RE - Regarding
    • 中文注释: 关于
    • Example: “RE: Your recent inquiry”
  42. RFP - Request for Proposal
    • 中文注释: 请求提案
    • Example: “We have issued an RFP for the new project.”
  43. ROI - Return on Investment
    • 中文注释: 投资回报率
    • Example: “What’s the ROI on this marketing campaign?”
  44. RSVP - Please Respond
    • 中文注释: 请回复
    • Example: “Please RSVP by the end of the week.”
  45. SFW - Safe For Work
    • 中文注释: 适合工作场合观看
    • Example: “Don’t worry, this video is SFW.”
  46. SLA - Service Level Agreement
    • 中文注释: 服务级别协议
    • Example: “The SLA needs to be reviewed annually.”
  47. T&C - Terms and Conditions
    • 中文注释: 条款和条件
    • Example: “Please read the T&C before signing.”
  48. TBA - To Be Announced
    • 中文注释: 待公布
    • Example: “The schedule is TBA.”
  49. TBD - To Be Determined
    • 中文注释: 待定
    • Example: “The meeting location is TBD.”
  50. THX - Thanks
    • 中文注释: 谢谢
    • Example: “THX for your help.”
  51. TL;DR - Too Long; Didn’t Read
    • 中文注释: 太长,没读
    • Example: “TL;DR: Summary of the long email.”
  52. TTYL - Talk To You Later
    • 中文注释: 待会再聊
    • Example: “Gotta run, TTYL!”
  53. TQ - Thank You
    • 中文注释: 谢谢
    • Example: “TQ for your prompt response.”
  54. WFH - Work From Home
    • 中文注释: 在家工作
    • Example: “Due to the weather, I’ll be WFH today.”
  55. WFM - Works For Me
    • 中文注释: 对我来说行
    • Example: “Monday 10 AM? WFM.”
  56. WRT - With Respect To
    • 中文注释: 关于
    • Example: “WRT your last email, I agree with your points.”
  57. YTD - Year to Date
    • 中文注释: 截至目前的年度
    • Example: “The YTD sales figures are promising.”
  58. LMK - Let Me Know
    • 中文注释: 请告诉我
    • Example: “LMK if you need any help with the project.”
  59. FWIW - For What It’s Worth
    • 中文注释: 价值何在
    • Example: “FWIW, I think we should reconsider our approach.”
  60. IDC - I Don’t Care
    • 中文注释: 我不在乎
    • Example: “IDC about the changes as long as they work.”
  61. IDK - I Don’t Know
    • 中文注释: 我不知道
    • Example: “IDK the exact time of the meeting.”
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