%CHOL Cholesky factorization.
% R = CHOL(A) calculates the Cholesky factor of full or sparse A using
% the diagonal and upper triangle of A, such that A = R'*R. A must be
% positive definite, and the lower triangle is assumed to be the (complex
% conjugate) transpose of the upper triangle.
% R = CHOL(A,TRIANGLE) specifies which triangle of A to use. For example,
% if TRIANGLE is 'lower', then CHOL uses only the diagonal and lower
% triangle of A to produce a lower triangular R such that A = R*R'. The
% default value of TRIANGLE is 'upper'. Using the 'lower' option is
% equivalent to calling CHOL with the 'upper' option and the transpose of
% A, and then transposing the output matrix R. In the following syntaxes,
% the output R is described only for the case when TRIANGLE is 'upper'.
% [R,FLAG] = CHOL(___) also returns the output FLAG indicating whether A
% is positive definite. Use this syntax to suppress errors produced when
% A is not positive definite.
% * If A is positive definite, then FLAG is 0 and R is the same as above.
% * If A is not positive definite, then FLAG is a positive integer.
% - If A is full, then R is an upper triangular matrix of size
% q = FLAG-1 such that R'*R = A(1:q,1:q).
% - If A is sparse, then R is an upper triangular matrix of size
% q-by-n such that the L-shaped region of the first q rows and
% first q columns of R'*R agree with those of A.
% [R,FLAG,P] = CHOL(S), for sparse S, additionally returns a permutation
% matrix P, which is a preordering of S obtained by AMD. The Cholesky
% factor of P'*S*P tends to be sparser than that of S.
% If FLAG = 0, then R is an upper triangular matrix such that R'*R = P'*S*P.
% [R,FLAG,p] = CHOL(___,OUTPUTFORM) specifies whether to return the
% permutation information as a vector p or matrix P. With this syntax you
% must specify a sparse input matrix S, and you optionally can specify
% TRIANGLE. For example, if OUTPUTFORM is 'vector' and FLAG = 0, then
% S(p,p) = R'*R. The default value of OUTPUTFORM is 'matrix' such that
% P'*S*P = R'*R.
% Copyright 1984-2018 The MathWorks, Inc.
% Built-in function.
clc;clear;close all;
% chol函数说明
% R=chol(A) ,A = R'*R.
A =
1 2 3
2 8 8
3 8 35
R =
1 2 3
0 2 1
0 0 5
ans =
1 2 3
2 8 8
3 8 35