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原创 Clean Code 阅读笔记


2024-05-23 15:50:11 687

原创 Spring源码深度解析概览


2024-05-23 15:45:26 1105

原创 内核态与中断相关理论

是一种管理平台虚拟化技术的工具,提供了一系列开源的程序接口,其作为中间适配层,屏蔽了底层的hypervisor的细节,为上层管理工具提供了一个统一的、较稳定的接口。:qemu则提供了一个开源的全虚拟化解决方案,几乎可以模拟任何硬件设备,作为用户空间工具与kvm配合使用(kvm负责cpu和内存虚拟化,qemu则负责IO虚拟化)。以Inter cpu为例,操作的权限分为4级:ring 0-3,0级权限最高,3级权限最低,Linux系统仅采用ring0 和 ring3这2个权限。

2023-09-08 14:55:34 325

原创 Flyway-数据库管理工具使用与命令


2023-09-06 16:14:19 425

原创 ansible基础使用简介

facts // 使用setup模块获取并使用自定义变量。

2023-07-17 11:26:55 677

原创 分布式存储系统(Ceph)基础

ceph osd pool rm {pool-name} {pooll-name} --yes-i-really-really-mean-it // 需要先启用存储池删除配置。FileStore:将文件分割成对象,OSD格式化成了XFS文件系统,需要先将对象转换成文件,属组文件级元数据放在元数据区,对象自己的元数据放在levelDB中。rados put {object-name} {obj-location} --pool={pool-name} // 或者使用-p 指定存储池。

2023-07-15 16:32:01 1160

原创 DAS、SAN和NAS三足鼎立

​ 由FC协议的底层模块担当传输通道和手段,将SCSI协议集的上层内容传送到对方,定义了在FC4层上的针对SCSI指令集的特定接口FCP(SCSI over FC),将连接主机和磁盘阵列的通路从并行SCSI总线替换为串行传输的FC通路。​ NL端口是开放环中的一类端口,具有N端口和L端口的双重能力,支持交换式光纤网登陆和环仲裁,是FC交换机上用于连接开放仲裁环结构的中介端口。​ 使用性能稍差,但是成本低的FC-AL仲裁环结构连接磁盘阵列的控制器和磁盘,而且在每块磁盘上都实现FC拓扑中的L端口。

2023-06-28 19:57:04 388

原创 Linux 定时任务

系统在某个时间执行特定的命令或程序 (service crond start/restart)atd进程每60秒检查作业队列,当有作业时检查作业时间和当前时间是否匹配,匹配则运行此作业。at 命令是一次性定时计划任务,使用守护进程atd检查作业队列运行。at [option] [time] Ctrl+D 结束编辑。第五个:星期几 0-7(0和7都是星期日)atq 查看系统中没有执行的工作任务。第一个:第几分钟 0-59。第二个:第几小时 0-23。第三个:第几天 1-31。第四个:第几月 1-12。

2023-06-15 17:19:41 751

原创 历心记(无畏)


2022-09-21 18:15:26 134 1

原创 异步编程概览


2022-07-29 20:41:36 196

原创 Nginx 实现域名访问以及反向代理


2022-06-15 16:31:58 3168

原创 ssh 连接出现:kex_exchange_identification: read: Connection timed out

SSH 连接服务器ssh -v root@xx.xx.xx.xx (debug ssh)

2022-05-14 16:27:46 1668

原创 Office365 Word 打开某个文件就自动卡死关闭

原因 打开某个比较大的长文件之后,会有一个自动定位上次修改地方的标签,如果长期不进行点击或操作,文件会自动卡死异常关闭,那么该文件再次打开自动关闭。(并且换文件名,换文件夹都一样的结果)临时解决 将该文件传到另一台设备或用户,重新转发给自己,再下载下来放在另一个地方(如果放在原来的路径还是同样的结局),最好先更名再进行编辑。坐等bug修复...

2022-04-12 21:32:58 1779

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Dynamic Memory Allocation (Basic Concepts)

Dynamic Memory AllocationProgrammers use dynamic memory allocators (such as malloc) to acquire VM at run timeFor data structures whose size is only known at runtimeDynamic memory allocators manage an area of process virtual memory known as the heap

2022-03-17 19:00:50 551

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Virtual Memory (Concepts)

Address SpacesLinear address space: Ordered set of contiguous non-negative integer addressesVirtual address space: Set of N=2nN = 2^nN=2n virtual addressPhysical address space: Set of M=2mM= 2^mM=2m physical addressesWhy Virtual MemoryUse main me

2022-03-17 16:46:14 203

原创 CMU Computer Systems: System-Level I/O

I/OUnix I/ORIO (robust I/O) packageMetadata, sharing, and redirectionStandard I/OClosing remarksUnix I/O OverviewA Linux file is a sequence of m bytesCool fact: All I/O devices are represented as filesEven the kernel is represented as a fileEl

2022-03-15 20:46:18 289

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Exceptional Control Flow (Signals and Nonlocal Jumps)

ECF Exists at All Levels of a SystemExceptionsHardware and operating system kernel softwareProcess Context SwitchHardware timer and kernel softwareSignalsKernel software and application softwareNonlocal jumpsApplication codeECF to th

2022-03-15 20:20:34 297

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Exceptional Control Flow (Exceptions and Processes)

Control FlowProcessors do only one thingSimply read and execute a sequence of instructions, one at a timeThe sequence is the CPU’s control flowAltering the Control FlowMechanismJumps and branchesCall and returnDifficultyData arrives from

2022-03-14 20:37:48 249

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Linking

Static LinkingPrograms are translated and linked using a compiler driverSource filesSeparately compiled relocatable object filesFully linked executable object fileWhy linkersModularityProgram can be written as a collection of smaller source f

2022-03-14 20:25:35 552

原创 CMU Computer Systems: The Memory Hierarchy

MemoryStorage technologies and trendsLocality of referenceCaching in the memory hierarchyRandom-Access Memory (RAM)Key featuresRAM is traditionally packaged as a chipBasic storage unit is normally a cell (one bit per cell)Multiple RAM chips for

2022-03-09 19:15:25 190

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Program Optimization

OptimizationOverviewGenerally Useful OptimizationsCode motion/precomputationStrength reductionSharing of common subexpressionsRemoving unnecessary procedure callsOptimization BlockersProcedure callsMemory aliasingExploiting Instruction-Lev

2022-03-08 16:34:46 215

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Machine-Level Programming (Advanced)

AdvancedMemory LayoutBuffer OverflowVulnerabilityProtectionUnionsx86-64 Linux Memory LayoutStackRuntime stack (8MB limit)E.g., local variablesHeapDynamically allocated as neededWhen call malloc(), calloc(), new()DataStatistically

2022-03-03 14:12:31 162

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Machine-Level Programming (Data)

DataArraysOne-dimensionalMulti-dimensionalMulti-levelStructuresAllocationAccessAlignmentFloating PointArray AllocationBasic PrincipleT A[L]Array of data type T and length LContiguously allocated region of L * sizeof (T) bytes in mem

2022-03-03 13:57:11 88

原创 ToDesk 精简版相关数据删除

缘由 由于一些个人原因需要使用ToDesk工具被远程连接,为了省事个人便下载了精简版的,使用完后便要进行卸载,找遍所有应用都没有发现,最后发现精简版本身就是一个可执行程序,不过在查找ToDesk安装目录的时候发现了它的运行数据,顺便也删了吧。删除安装默认目录:C:/Program Files (x86)/数据文件目录:C:/Programdata/ToDesk_lite/...

2022-02-25 16:43:42 2732

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Machine-Level Programming (Procedures)

Mechanisms in ProceduresPassing controlTo beggining of procedure codeBack to return pointPassing dataProcedure argumentsReturn valueMemory managementAllocate during procedure executionDeallocate upon returnMechanisms all implemented wit

2022-02-24 19:08:51 78

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Machine-Level Programming (Control)

Control: Condition codesProcessor StateInformation about currently executing programTemporary dataLocation of runtime stackLocation of current code control pointStatus of recent testsCondition Codes (Implicit Setting)Single bit registersCF,

2022-02-16 16:43:16 141

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Machine-Level Programming (Basic)

BasicHistory of Intel processors and architecturesC, assembly, machine codeAssembly Basics: Registers, operands, moveArithmetic & logical operationsIntel x86 ProcessorsDominate laptop/desktop/server marketEvolutionary designComplex instructi

2022-02-16 14:01:59 224

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Floating Points

Fractional binary numbersIEEE Floating Point IEEE Standard 754 Sign + Exp + Frac Driven by numerical concernsPrecision options Single precision: 32bits: 1+8+23 Double precision: 64bits: 1+11+52Normalized Values Exp not 000…00 or 111…11 Exponent

2022-01-04 15:09:40 164

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Bits, Bytes, and Integers

Everything is bits Each bit is 0 or 1 By encoding/interpreting sets of bits in various ways Why bits? Electronic Implementation Encoding Byte Values Byte = 8 bits Boolean Algebra Developed by George Boole in 19th Century Operate on Bit Vectors A

2022-01-04 15:06:54 160

原创 CMU Computer Systems: Introduction

Course Theme: Abstraction Is Good But Don't Forget Reality Reality #1 Ints are not Integers, Floats are not Reals Computer Arithmetic Reality #2 Gotta Know Assembly Understanding assembly is key to machine-level execution model Realit

2022-01-04 15:03:17 89

原创 记一些PAT题目(六)

A1051 Pop Sequence#include <iostream>#include <stack>using namespace std;int main(){ int m, n, k; cin>>m>>n>>k; for (int i=0; i<k; i++){ stack<int> s; int cur = 1, flag = 0; f

2021-12-18 17:20:01 119

原创 记一些PAT题目(五)

A1041 Be Unique#include <iostream>#include <vector>using namespace std;;int main(){ vector<int> nums; int n, num[10001]{}; cin>>n; for (int i=0; i<n; i++){ int t; cin>>t; num[t]

2021-12-08 16:50:00 54

原创 记一些PAT题目(四)

A1031 Hello World for U#include <iostream>using namespace std;int main(){ string s; cin>>s; int l = s.size(), ll, lb, lr; lb = (l+2)/3 + (l+2)%3; ll = lr = (l+2)/3; for (int i=0; i<ll; i++){ cout<<s

2021-11-24 21:30:35 421

原创 记一些PAT题目(三)

A1021 Deepest Root#include <iostream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>using namespace std;vector<bool> visit;vector<vector<int>> nodes;int maxd = 0;void dfs(int cur, int deep, int &depth){ if (!visi

2021-11-11 21:42:26 535 1

原创 记一些PAT题目(二)

A1011 World Cup Bettingimport java.util.Scanner;public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); double[][] games = new double[3][3]; double profit = 1; for (int i=0; i

2021-11-04 16:58:37 118

原创 机器学习之聚类和降维与度量技术

聚类聚类任务 “无监督学习”的目标是通过对无标记训练样本的学习来揭示数据的内在性质及规律,为进一步的数据分析提供基础。 聚类试图将数据集中的样本划分为若干个通常是不相交的子集,每个子集称为一个“簇”。通过这样的划分,每个簇可能对应于一些潜在的概念(类别),这些概念对聚类算法而言事先是未知的,聚类过程仅能自动形成簇结构,簇所对应的概念语义由使用者来把握和命名。性能度量 聚类性能度量亦称聚类“有效性指标”。 类别:将聚类结果与某个“参考模型”进行比较,称为“外部指标”;直接参考聚类结果而不利用任何参

2021-11-01 17:09:54 555

原创 Ubuntu jdk环境变量配置之后版本无变化

问题 在改变/etc/profile 中的JAVA_HOME之后,使用jdk -version显示的版本并不是我想要的,最后发现系统所设的命令软链接。解决sudo update-alternatives --remove-all java //解除java命令所有链接这样便可以使用环境变量改变java所使用的的jdksudo update-alternatives --displaysudo update-alternatives --installsudo update-alte

2021-10-26 17:12:39 825 2

原创 记一些PAT题目(一)

B1009 说反话给定一句英语,要求编写程序,将句中所有单词按颠倒顺序输出。//个人void reverse(){ char tmp,str[10][80]; int i=0,j=0; while((tmp=getchar())!='\n'){ if(tmp==' '){ str[i][j] = '\0'; ...

2021-10-19 16:42:19 162

原创 TensorFlow 2:使用神经网络对Fashion MNIST分类并进行比较分析

实验设置  本实验采用不同激活函数的神经网络对MNIST数据集进行分类,同时探究隐藏层数量对实验结果的影响。实验的隐藏层主要为1层和2层,而激活函数分别为ReLU、Laaky ReLU和Softmax,输出函数不变均为Softmax。实验数据集为Fashion MNIST数据集,主要用于手写识别的多分类。代码及实验结果隐藏层为1层时的不同激活函数表现# TensorFlow and tf.kerasimport tensorflow as tffrom tensorflow import ke

2021-04-14 15:59:12 491

原创 Linux Shell脚本相关语法及示例

变量赋值  flag=1 (等式两侧均不可有空)引用  $flag$符相关使用$0 shell的命令本身(包括完整路径)$1到$9 数字表示shell 的第几个参数$# 传递到脚本的参数个数$* 以一个单字符串显示所有向脚本传递的参数$$ 脚本运行的ID号$! 后台运行的最后一个进程的ID号$@ 与$*相同$- 显示shell使用的当前选项。$? 显示最后命令的执行状况。0表示没有错误。运算符-eq [等于]-ne [不等于]-lt [小于]-gt [大于]-

2021-04-09 14:50:27 206



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