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原创 缺陷检测文献


2022-09-02 21:24:38 7945 1

原创 Papers about Anomaly Detection (Reconstruction-based and Restoration-based)

ICCV 2023 Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of SciencesTargeting for detecting anomalies of various sizes fo rcomplicated normal patterns, we propose a Template-guided Hierarchical Feature Restoration method, which in-troduces two key techniques, b

2023-10-05 15:09:35 917

原创 KNN Matting

香港科技大学CVPR 2012。

2023-07-17 10:36:08 251

原创 Interactive Image Segmentation

CVPR 2023清华。

2023-07-15 22:48:34 587

原创 Online Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Representation Learning


2023-06-15 16:50:03 219

原创 Papers about Human in the Loop Annotation


2023-06-13 12:57:35 210

原创 Emergent Correspondence from Image Diffusion

Cornell UniversityFinding correspondences between images is a fundamental problem in computer vision. In this paper, we show that correspondence emerges in image diffusion models without any explicit supervision. We propose a simple strategy to extract thi

2023-06-10 00:14:50 334

原创 weakly supervised semantic segmentation

CVPR2022 北京大学。

2023-05-20 21:57:11 265

原创 Anomaly Detection Datasets

anomaly detection dataset

2023-04-08 21:32:34 255

原创 GAN papers

gan papers

2023-03-20 10:28:46 167

原创 papers about Semi-supervised

papers about semi-supervised

2023-03-16 19:17:21 155

原创 Swin Transformer

Ze Liu, Yutong Lin, Yue Cao, Han Hu, Yixuan Wei, Zheng Zhang, Stephen Lin, and Baining Guo. Swin transformer: Hierarchical vision transformer using shifted windows. 2021AbtractThis paper presents a new vision Transformer, called Swin Transformer, that cap

2023-02-13 22:45:08 210

原创 ViT预训练

CVPR 2022 何凯明。

2023-01-27 21:29:00 271

原创 小样本分割 高斯过程

Johnander, J., Edstedt, J., Felsberg, M., Khan, F.S., Danelljan, M. (2022). Dense Gaussian Processes for Few-Shot Segmentation. In: Avidan, S., Brostow, G., Cissé, M., Farinella, G.M., Hassner, T. (eds) Computer Vision – ECCV 2022. ECCV 2022.Few-shot segme

2023-01-21 09:46:42 202

原创 Convolution Network


2022-12-23 11:32:44 88

原创 deep Bayesian learning

https://www.topbots.com/comprehensive-introduction-to-bayesian-deep-learning/NeurIPS 2020The key distinguishing property of a Bayesian approach is marginalization, rather than using a single setting of weights. Bayesian marginalization can particularly im

2022-10-22 17:33:49 179

转载 Ranking loss

相关链接:https://gombru.github.io/2019/04/03/ranking_loss/https://github.com/adambielski/siamese-triplethttps://omoindrot.github.io/triplet-lossPyTorchCosineEmbeddingLoss. It’s a Pairwise Ranking Loss that uses cosine distance as the distance metric. Inp

2022-10-10 11:42:33 173

原创 视觉SLAM十四讲__学习笔记

书里的代码: https://github.com/gaoxiang12/slambook。

2022-10-03 11:03:49 163

原创 语义分割文献阅读笔记

语义 分割

2022-09-30 16:34:34 164

原创 压缩感知文献阅读

针对正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法在压缩感知理论下的重构效果和所需时间相互矛盾的问题,基于子空间追踪(SP)算法的回溯思想,使用共轭梯度下降算法代替最小二乘法对正交匹配追踪(OMP)算法进行改进.并且对所改进算法的重构精度、重构稳定性进行了仿真实验,结果表明所提算法能保证重构质量良好并且有更好的重构速度和稳定性.马博珩,彭艺. 基于OMP算法的快速压缩感知图像重构[J]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版),2017,39(2):207-211. DOI:10.7540/j.ynu.20160247.

2022-09-17 20:53:02 257

原创 数学之美摘抄笔记


2022-09-12 16:25:04 233

原创 Transformer文献阅读


2022-08-27 20:59:11 528

原创 目标检测, 实例分割, 图像分类, panoptic segmentation文献


2022-08-27 20:49:31 1182

原创 Anomaly Detection | Metaformer

Paper: Learning Unsupervised Metaformer for Anomaly Detection

2022-03-29 11:42:06 492

原创 anomaly detection dataset/papers/code


2021-12-06 23:47:20 2252

原创 CV顶会&顶刊


2021-12-06 10:31:47 3307

原创 The Correct Way to Measure Inference Time of Deep Neural Networks


2021-12-06 09:37:22 255

转载 3. 确定性推理笔记

推理的基本概念3.1.1 推理的定义 3.1.2 推理方式及其分类 1.演绎推理:一般 → 个体 三段论式(三段论法) 2.归纳推理:个体 → 一般 完全归纳推理(必然性推理)不完全归纳推理(非必然性推理) 3.默认推理(缺省推理):知识不完全的情况下假设某些条件已经具备所进行的推理。 1.确定性推理:推理时所用的知识与证据都是确定的,推出的结论也是确定的,其真值或者为真或者为假。 2.不确定性推理:推理时所用的知识与证据不都是确定的,推出的结论也是不确定的。 1.单调推理(基于经典

2021-11-21 16:47:39 3546

原创 人民日报训练word2vec实验

数据集人民日报:2020年10月04日-2021年10月04日概况25590 articles742362 sentences0.021 billion words294730 tokens182004942 pairs (window size: 5)词云(120 words)训练参数vector dimension: 100window size: 5K: 5batch size: 50epoch: 10learning rate: 0.025训练结果

2021-11-16 08:56:33 607 2

原创 【文献阅读】Hybrid model for Chinese character recognition based on Tesseract-OCR

Tesseract-OCR engine+KNN+LSTMIntroductionChinese OCR is more difficultThe number of English letters is only 26. But the number of Chinese characters that used commonly are about 2,500.the strokes of Chinese characters are complex and similar.The dif

2021-11-15 19:34:13 1588

转载 What is transfer learning?

What is transfer learning?You can take a pretrained network and use it as a starting point to learn a new task.Transfer learning only works in deep learning if the model features learned from the first task are general.

2021-11-11 20:27:27 78

原创 【文献阅读】基于深层语言模型的古汉语知识表示及自动断句研究

概述:BERT+CRF/CNN实现古文知识表示和断句2 古汉语自动断句模型条件随机场是一种经典的序列标注模型,在中文分词、词性标注、命名实体识别等自然语言处理任务中均有着广泛应用Zheng X,ChenJ,Shang G.Deep neuralnetwork-basedChinesesemanticrolelabeling[J/OL].ZTECommunications,2018:1-12.http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/34.1294.TN.20180102.1045

2021-11-11 16:29:46 1354

原创 2.知识表示与知识图谱笔记

2.2.2 谓词命题(2) 个体是变元(变量)(3)个体是函数(4)个体是谓词2.2.3 谓词公式1.连接词(连词)

2021-11-07 17:16:09 3446

原创 pytorch实现BiLSTM

import torch.nn as nnclass BidirectionalLSTM(nn.Module): def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size): super(BidirectionalLSTM, self).__init__() self.rnn = nn.LSTM(input_size, hidden_size, bidirectional=True, batch_first

2021-11-07 10:41:24 2801 1

原创 英文文献中的单词短语句子

Over the past decade, thousands of patents have been granted for what are called business methods.过去十几年,商业方法获得上千项专利。Amazon.com received one for its “one-click” online payment system. Merrill Lynch got legal protection for an asset allocation strategy.

2021-10-09 23:14:00 510

原创 Logistic Regression重点公式

Hypothesismatlab实现g = 1./(1+exp(-z));Cost function and gradientthe gradient of the cost is a vector of the same length as θmatlab实现J = 1/m * sum(-y.*log(sigmoid(X*theta))-(1-y).*log(1-sigmoid(X*theta)));grad = 1/m * X'*(sigmoid(X*theta)-y);

2021-09-21 18:53:04 146

原创 Pytorch tensor基本操作

https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/48982978Tensor 张量张量是一个多维数组目的是创造更高维度现在将三维的张量用一个正方体来表示:这样子可以进一步生成更高维的张量:

2021-06-14 11:28:20 152

原创 给出一个有n个元素的数组S,S中是否有元素a,b,c满足a+b+c=0?

题目描述给出一个有n个元素的数组S,S中是否有元素a,b,c满足a+b+c=0?找出数组S中所有满足条件的三元组。注意:三元组(a、b、c)中的元素必须按非降序排列。(即a≤b≤c)解集中不能包含重复的三元组。例如,给定的数组 S = {-10 0 10 20 -10 -40},解集为(-10, 0, 10) (-10, -10, 20)示例1输入[-2,0,1,1,2]返回值[[-2,0,2],[-2,1,1]]Java实现import java.util.*;/**

2021-01-15 20:25:01 1594 1

原创 win10任务栏日期突然消失


2020-10-24 23:35:12 1083 3

原创 常用的软件过程模型(软件生存周期模型)

文章目录瀑布模型瀑布模型特点:优点:缺点:快速原型模型优点:缺点:增量模型优点:缺点:风险更大增量模型:螺旋模型优点:缺点:喷泉模型优点:缺点:Rational 统一过程优点:微软公司软件开发过程规划阶段设计阶段开发阶段稳定阶段发布阶段递进式的开发策略:瀑布模型使用最早,应用最广瀑布模型特点:阶段具有顺序性和依赖性前一阶段结束后一阶段开始,前一个阶段输出文档,后一个阶段输入文档。推迟实现观点-质量保证观点瀑布模型每阶段坚持两个重要做法:–一是每阶段都必须完成完整、准确的文档。软件开发时

2020-09-20 17:33:02 3445



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