
True, practice alone is not perfect, but perfect practice is. This means that you need to make sure that you are always following the best coding practices (commenting on your code, using correct syntax, etc.), otherwise you will likely end up adopting bad habits that could harm your future lines of code.

There’s no quicker way to reveal that you’re a “newbie” than by ignoring conventions.

1、Readability is important


# No, to avoid: 
func = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
       var_three, var_four)
func = long_function_name(var_one, var_two,
                          var_three, var_four)

参考Style Guide for Python Code

2、Avoid unuseful conditions

例如:if 和 else的使用

# No, to avoid: 
def f():
    if condition:
    	return True
    	return False
def f():
	return condition

3、Adequate use of Whitespace

  • Never mix tabs and spaces
  • A line break between functions
  • Two line breaks between classes
  • Add a space after “,” in dictionaries, lists, tuples, arguments in a list of arguments and after “:” in dictionaries but not before.
  • Put spaces around assignments and comparisons (except for arguments in a list)
  • No space for opening / closing parentheses or just before a list of arguments.
def function(key, value=0):
    """Return a dictionary and a list..."""
    d = {key: value}
    l = [key, value]
    return d, l

4、Docstrings and Comments

  • Docstrings = How to use the code
  • Comments = Why (rational) and how the code works

The docstrings explain how to use the code :

  • Explain the purpose of a function even if it seems obvious to you because it will not necessarily seem obvious to another person later.
  • Describe the expected parameters, the returned values ​​and the exceptions raised.
  • If the method is strongly coupled to a single caller, mention the calling function.

The comments explain what are for the maintainers of your code. Examples including notes for yourself, such as:

# !!! BUG: …
# !!! FIX: This is a hack
# ??? Why is this here?

参考Docstring Conventions

5、Variables and Assignment

In other programming languages :

c = a
a = b
b = c

In Python, it’s better to use the assignment in one line code :

b, a = a, b

You may have already seen it but do you know how it works?

  • The comma is the syntax for building the tuple.
  • A tuple is created on the right (tuple packing).
  • A tuple is the target on the left (tuple unpacking).

Other examples:

>>> user =['Jan', 'Gomez', '+1-888-222-1546']
>>> name, title, phone = user
>>> name
>>> title
>>> phone

Useful in loops on structured data (the variable user above has been kept):

>>> people = [user, ['German', 'GBT', 'unlisted']]
>>> for (name, title, phone) in people:
...      print (name, phone)
Jan +1-888-222-1546
German unlisted

It is also possible to do the opposite way, just make sure you have the same structure on the right and on the left:

>>> jan, (gname, gtitle, gphone) = people
>>> gname
>>> gtitle
>>> gphone
>>> jan
['Jan', 'Gomez', '+1-888-222-1546']

6、List Concatenation & Join

Let’s start with a list of strings:

colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow']

We want to concatenate these chains together to create a long one. Particularly when the number of substrings is large, avoid doing this :

result = ''
for s in colors:
    result += s

It is very slow. It uses a lot of memory and performance. The sum will add up, store, and then move on to each intermediate step.
Instead, do this:

result = ''.join(colors)

The join () method makes the entire copy in one pass. When you only process a few strings, it makes no difference. But get into the habit of building your chains optimally, because with hundreds or thousands strings, it will truly make a difference.

Here are some techniques for using the join () method. If you want a space as a separator:

result = ' '.join(colors)

or a comma and a space:

result = ', '.join(colors)

To make a grammatically correct sentence, we want commas between each value except the last one, where we prefer an “or”. The syntax for splitting a list does the rest. The [: -1] returns everything except the last value, which we can concatenate with our commas.

colors = ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'yellow']
print ('Choose', ', '.join(colors[:-1]), \
      'or', colors[-1])
>> Choose red, blue, green or yellow

7、Test true conditions

It is elegant and quick to take advantage of Python with regard to Boolean values:

# Do this :     # And not this :
if x:             if x == True:
   pass                  pass
# Do this :     # And not this :
if items:         if len(items) != 0:
    pass                pass
# and especially not that :
if items != []:

8、Use enumerate when it’s possible

The enumerate function takes a list and returns pairs (index, item):

items = ['zero', 'one', 'two', 'three']
>>> print list(enumerate(items))
[(0, 'zero'), (1, 'one'), (2, 'two'), (3, 'three')]

It is necessary to use a list to display the results because enumerate is a lazy function, generating one item (a pair) at a time, only when requested. A for loop requires such a mechanism. Print does not take one result at a time but must be in possession of the entire message to be displayed. We therefore automatically converted the generator to a list before using print.
So, using the loop below is much better:

for (index, item) in enumerate(items):
    print (index, item)
# compared to :              # And :
index = 0                     for i in range(len(items)):
for item in items:                    print (i, items[i])
    print (index, item)
    index += 1

The version with enumerate is shorter and simpler than the two other versions. An example showing that the enumerate function returns an iterator (a generator is a kind of iterator)

9、List Comprehension

The traditional way with for and if:

new_list = []
for item in a_list:
    if condition(item):

Using a list comprehension:

new_list = [fn(item) for item in a_list if condition(item)]

The listcomps are clear and direct. You can have several for loops and if conditions within the same listcomp, but beyond two or three, or if the conditions are complex, I suggest you use the usual for loop.

For example, the list of squares from 0 to 9:

>>> [n ** 2 for n in range(10)]
[0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

The list of odd numbers within the previous list:

>>> [n ** 2 for n in range(10) if n % 2]
[1, 9, 25, 49, 81]

Another example:

>>>   [(x, y) for x in (1, 2, 3, 4) if x % 2 == 0 
       for y in ['a', 'b'] if y == 'b']
[(2, 'b'), (4, 'b')]

10、Generator Expressions

Let’s sum the squares of numbers less than 100:

# With a loop :
total = 0
for num in range(1, 101):
    total += num * num

We can also use the sum function which does the job faster for us by building the right sequence.

# With a list comprehension :
total = sum([num * num for num in range(1, 101)])
# With a generator expression :
total = sum(num * num for num in xrange(1, 101))

The generator expressions are like list comprehensions, except in their calculation, they are lazy. Listcomps calculate the entire result in a single pass, to store it in a list. Generator expressions calculate one value at a time, when necessary. This is particularly useful when the sequence is very long and the generated list is only an intermediate step and not the final result.

For example if we have to sum the squares of several billion integers, we will reach a saturation of the memory with a list comprehension, but the generator expressions will not have any problem. Well it will take a while though!

total = sum(num * num for num in range(1, 1000000000))

The difference in syntax is that listcomps have square brackets, while generator expressions do not. Generator expressions sometimes require parentheses, so you should always use them.

In short :

  • Use a list comprehension when the expected result is the list.
  • Use a generator expression when the list is only an intermediate result.

I Thought I Was Mastering Python Until I Discovered These Tricks

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