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是否可以插值(Interpolatable): no




是否可以插值: no




是否可以插值: no




是否可以插值: no


stringIntervalstringThe string value.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.




是否可以插值: no


物体在世界中的位置,这个位置没有直接的视觉表示,但是它可以通过附加到对象上的广告牌, 标签, and other primitives等来进行展示。


是否可以插值: yes



笛卡尔坐标被指定为参考系。可能的值包括: "FIXED" and "INERTIAL",此外,这个属性的值可以是一个哈希(#)符号,后面跟着在同一作用域中的另一个对象的ID,该对象的“位置”和“方向”属性定义了定义该位置的参考系。当使用笛卡尔坐标以外的任何类型指定position时,将忽略此属性。如果没有指定此属性,则默认参考系为"FIXED"。

The reference frame in which cartesian positions are specified. Possible values are "FIXED" and "INERTIAL". In addition, the value of this property can be a hash (#) symbol followed by the ID of another object in the same scope whose "position" and "orientation" properties define the reference frame in which this position is defined. This property is ignored when specifying position with any type other than cartesian. If this property is not specified, the default reference frame is "FIXED".


以米表示的笛卡尔坐标[X, Y, Z]相对于参考坐标系的位置。如果数组有三个元素,则位置为常量。如果它有四个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The position represented as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] in the meters relative to the referenceFrame. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


以WGS 84地图[经度、纬度、高度]表示的位置,经度和纬度以弧度表示,高度以米表示。如果数组有三个元素,则位置为常量。如果它有四个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[时间,经度,纬度,高度,时间,经度,纬度,高度,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The position represented as a WGS 84Cartographic [Longitude, Latitude, Height] where longitude and latitude are in radians and height is in meters. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


以WGS 84地图[经度、纬度、高度]表示的位置,其中经度和纬度以度数表示,高度以米表示。如果数组有三个元素,则位置为常量。如果它有四个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[时间,经度,纬度,高度,时间,经度,纬度,高度,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或从poch开始的秒数。

The position reprsented as a WGS 84 Cartographic [Longitude, Latitude, Height] where longitude and latitude are in degrees and height is in meters. If the array has three elements, the position is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, Time, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


位置和速度表示为两个笛卡尔坐标[X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ]在米相对于参考坐标系。如果数组有6个元素,则位置为常量。如果它有七个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本排列为[Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The position and velocity represented as two Cartesians [X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ] in the meters relative to thereferenceFrame. If the array has six elements, the position is constant. If it has seven or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, Time, X, Y, Z, vX, vY, vZ, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.



A reference property.



Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.

nextTimePacketstring or number

此间隔内下一个样本的时间,指定为ISO 8601日期和时间字符串,或指定为seconds since epoch。此属性用于确定不同数据包中指定的样本之间是否存在差距。

The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

previousTimePacketstring or number

上一个示例在此间隔内的时间,指定为ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或指定为seconds since epoch。此属性用于确定不同数据包中指定的样本之间是否存在差距。

The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


  "position": { "cartographicDegrees": [-75.0, 40.0, 0.0] }
  "position": {
    "cartesian": [
      0.0, -6668447.2211117, 1201886.45913705, 146789.427467256,
      60.0, -6711432.84684144, 919677.673492462, -214047.552431458,
      90.0, -6721319.92231553, 776899.784034099, -394198.837519575,
      150.0, -6717826.447064, 488820.628328182, -752924.980158179,
      180.0, -6704450.41462847, 343851.784836767, -931084.800346031,
      240.0, -6654518.44949696, 52891.726433174, -1283967.69137678




是否可以插值: no




是否可以插值: yes



颜色指定为一个数组的颜色组件[red,green,blue,Alpha],每个组件的范围是0-255。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


颜色指定为一个颜色组件数组[红,绿,蓝,Alpha],其中每个组件的范围是0-1.0。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.


Specifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.

nextTimePacketstring or number

此间隔内下一个样本的时间,指定为ISO 8601日期和时间字符串,或指定为seconds since epoch。此属性用于确定不同数据包中指定的样本之间是否存在差距。

The time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.

previousTimePacketstring or number

一个示例在此间隔内的时间,指定为ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或指定为seconds since epoch。此属性用于确定不同数据包中指定的样本之间是否存在差距。

The time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.



The eye offset of the billboard, which is the offset in eye coordinates at which to place the billboard relative to the position property. Eye coordinates are a left-handed coordinate system where the X-axis points toward the viewer's right, the Y-axis points up, and the Z-axis points into the screen.


是否可以插值: yes



视点的偏移,以米为单位表示,是视点坐标中笛卡尔坐标[X, Y, Z]的位置。如果数组有三个元素,则视点的偏移量为常量。如果它有四个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The eye offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] position in eye coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: no



水平原点,有效值 "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".

The horizontal origin. Valid values are "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.




是否可插值: no


uriIntervalstringThe URI value.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.




是否可插值: yes



像素偏移指定为视口坐标中的笛卡尔坐标[X, Y],其中X是向右的像素,Y是向上的像素。如果数组有两个元素,则像素偏移量为常量。如果它有三个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The pixel offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y] in viewport coordinates in pixels, where X is pixels to the right and Y is pixels up. If the array has two elements, the pixel offset is constant. If it has three or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: yes


numberIntervalnumber or array

浮点值。该值可以是单个数字,在这种情况下,该值在时间间隔内是常量,也可以是一个数组。如果它是一个数组,且数组只有一个元素,则该值在时间间隔内为常量。如果它有两个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Value, Time, Value,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The rotation(旋转) of the billboard offset from the alignedAxes.

Property Namerotation

Interpolatable: yes


numberIntervalnumber or array

浮点值。该值可以是单个数字,在这种情况下,该值在时间间隔内是常量,也可以是一个数组。如果它是一个数组,且数组只有一个元素,则该值在时间间隔内为常量。如果它有两个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Value, Time, Value,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The aligned axis is the unit vector, in world coordinates, that the billboard up vector points towards. The default is the zero vector, which means the billboard is aligned to the screen up vector.


是否可插值: yes


cartesianIntervalarrayThe axis specified as a unit Cartesian [X, Y, Z] in world coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: no


booleanIntervalbooleanThe boolean value.




是否可插值: no


verticalOriginIntervalstringThe vertical origin. Valid values are "BOTTOM", "CENTER", and "TOP".
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.


物体在世界中的方向。方向没有直接的视觉表示,但它被用于定位附加在对象上的模型、cones, and pyramids。


是否可插值: yes


referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: no




是否可插值: yes



颜色指定为一个数组的颜色组件[red,green,blue,Alpha],每个组件的范围是0-255。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


颜色指定为一个颜色组件数组[red,green,blue,Alpha],其中每个组件的范围是0-1.0。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: yes



颜色指定为一个数组的颜色组件[red,green,blue,Alpha],每个组件的范围是0-255。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


颜色指定为一个数组的颜色组件[red,green,blue,Alpha],每个组件的范围是0.0-1.0。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色是常量。如果它有五个或更多,他们是时间标记的样本,排列为 [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: yes


numberIntervalnumber or array

浮点值。该值可以是单个数字,在这种情况下,该值在时间间隔内是常量,也可以是一个数组。如果它是一个数组,且数组只有一个元素,则该值在时间间隔内为常量。如果它有两个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Value, Time, Value,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: yes


numberIntervalnumber or array

浮点值。该值可以是单个数字,在这种情况下,该值在时间间隔内是常量,也可以是一个数组。如果它是一个数组,且数组只有一个元素,则该值在时间间隔内为常量。如果它有两个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Value, Time, Value,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: no


booleanIntervalbooleanThe boolean value.




是否可插值: no



The eye offset of the label, which is the offset in eye coordinates at which to place the label relative to the position property. Eye coordinates are a left-handed coordinate system where the X-axis points toward the viewer's right, the Y-axis points up, and the Z-axis points into the screen.


是否可插值: yes



视点的偏移,以米为单位表示,是视点坐标中笛卡尔坐标[X, Y, Z]的位置。如果数组有三个元素,则视点的偏移量为常量。如果它有四个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The eye offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y, Z] position in eye coordinates in meters. If the array has three elements, the eye offset is constant. If it has four or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, Time, X, Y, Z, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: yes



颜色指定为一个数组的颜色组件[red,green,blue,Alpha],每个组件的范围是0-255。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.


颜色指定为一个数组的颜色组件[red,green,blue,Alpha],每个组件的范围是0.0-1.0。如果数组有四个元素,则颜色为常量。如果它有五个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha,…],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。

The color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: no


fontIntervalstringThe font.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.


The horizontal origin of the label. It controls whether the label is left-, center-, or right-aligned with the position.

Property NamehorizontalOrigin

Interpolatable: no


horizontalOriginIntervalstringThe horizontal origin. Valid values are "LEFT", "CENTER", and "RIGHT".
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.


The outline color of the label.

Property NameoutlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


rgbaIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbafIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The outline width of the label.

Property NameoutlineWidth

Interpolatable: yes


numberIntervalnumber or arrayThe floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The offset, in viewport pixels, of the label origin from the position. A pixel offset is the number of pixels up and to the right to place the label, relative to the position.

Property NamepixelOffset

Interpolatable: yes


cartesian2IntervalarrayThe pixel offset specified as a Cartesian [X, Y] in viewport coordinates in pixels, where X is pixels to the right and Y is pixels up. If the array has two elements, the pixel offset is constant. If it has three or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as[Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, Time, X, Y, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The scale of the label. The scale is multiplied with the pixel size of the label's text. For example, if the scale is 2.0, the label will be rendered with twice the number of pixels, in each direction, of the text.

Property Namescale

Interpolatable: yes


numberIntervalnumber or arrayThe floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Whether or not the label is shown.

Property Nameshow

Interpolatable: no


booleanIntervalbooleanThe boolean value.




是否可插值: no



标签样式,有效值:"FILL", "OUTLINE", and "FILL_AND_OUTLINE".

The label style. Valid values are "FILL", "OUTLINE", and "FILL_AND_OUTLINE".

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.


The text displayed by the label.

Property Nametext

Interpolatable: no


stringIntervalstringThe string value.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.




是否可插值: no



垂直原点,有效值:"BOTTOM", "CENTER", and "TOP".

The vertical origin. Valid values are "BOTTOM", "CENTER", and "TOP".

referenceIntervalstringA reference property.




是否可插值: no




是否可插值: no


referenceFrameIntervalstringThe reference frame in which cartesian positions are specified. Possible values are "FIXED" and "INERTIAL". In addition, the value of this property can be a hash (#) symbol followed by the ID of another object in the same scope whose "position" and "orientation" properties define the reference frame in which this position is defined. This property is ignored when specifying position with any type other than cartesian. If this property is not specified, the default reference frame is "FIXED".
cartesianIntervalarrayThe list of positions represented as Cartesian [X, Y, Z, X, Y, Z, ...] in the meters relative to thereferenceFrame.
cartographicRadiansIntervalarrayThe list of positions represented as WGS 84 [Longitude, Latitude, Height, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...] where longitude and latitude are in radians and height is in meters.
cartographicDegreesIntervalarrayThe list of positions represented as WGS 84 [Longitude, Latitude, Height, Longitude, Latitude, Height, ...] where longitude and latitude are in degrees and height is in meters.
referencesIntervalarrayThe list of positions specified as references. Each reference is to a property that defines a single position, possible as it changes with time.




是否可插值: no


booleanIntervalbooleanThe boolean value.




是否可插值: no


Colors the line with a solid color, which may be translucent(半透明).


是否可插值: no


The color of the surface.


是否可插值: yes


rgbaIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbafIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Colors the line with a color and outline.

Property NamepolylineOutline

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Namecolor

Interpolatable: yes


rgbaIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbafIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The color of the surface outline.

Property NameoutlineColor

Interpolatable: yes


rgbaIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbafIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The width of the outline.


是否可插值: yes


numberIntervalnumber or arrayThe floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


Colors the line with a glowing color.

Property NamepolylineGlow

Interpolatable: no


The color of the surface.

Property Namecolor

Interpolatable: yes


rgbaIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0-255. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
rgbafIntervalarrayThe color specified as an array of color components [Red, Green, Blue, Alpha] where each component is in the range 0.0-1.0. If the array has four elements, the color is constant. If it has five or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, Time, Red, Green, Blue, Alpha, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.


The strength of the glow.

Property NameglowPower

Interpolatable: yes


numberIntervalnumber or arrayThe floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: yes


numberIntervalnumber or arrayThe floating-point value. The value may be a single number, in which case the value is constant over the interval, or it may be an array. If it is an array and the array has one element, the value is constant over the interval. If it has two or more elements, they are time-tagged samples arranged as [Time, Value, Time, Value, ...], where Time is an ISO 8601 date and time string or seconds since epoch.
referenceIntervalstringA reference property.
epochPacketstringSpecifies the epoch to use for times specifies as seconds since an epoch.
nextTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the next sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.
previousTimePacketstring or numberThe time of the previous sample within this interval, specified as either an ISO 8601 date and time string or as seconds since epoch. This property is used to determine if there is a gap between samples specified in different packets.




是否可插值: no


booleanIntervalbooleanThe boolean value.




是否可插值: no


leadTimeDouble --在动画时间之前的时间,以秒为单位,用来显示路径。时间将被限制在不超过对象的可用性。默认情况下,该值是unlimited,这将有效地绘制对象的整个可用路径。
trailTimeDouble  --动画时间后面的时间,以秒为单位,以显示路径。时间将被限制在不超过对象的可用性。默认情况下,该值是unlimited,这将有效地绘制对象的整个可用路径。






[ 150, 15000 ]
 0, 150, 15000,
    300, 10000, 15000,
    600, 150, 15000
一个值,表示基于到摄像机的距离的对象的可见性,指定为两个值[NearDistance, FarDistance]。如果数组有两个元素,则值为常量。如果它有三个或更多的元素,它们是时间标记的样本,排列为[Time, NearDistance, FarDistance, Time, NearDistance, FarDistance,…]],其中Time是ISO 8601日期和时间字符串或自epoch以来的秒数。




是否可插值: no



    "uri": [
            "interval": "2013-01-01T00:00:00Z/2013-01-01T01:00:00Z",
            "uri": "image.png"
            "interval": "2013-01-01T01:00:00Z/2013-01-01T02:00:00Z",
            "uri": "image2.png"
scale Double1.0模型缩放
...Model · AnalyticalGraphicsInc/czml-writer Wiki · GitHub




是否可插值: no




height Double0.0
heightReference 多边形的高度参考,表示高度是否与地形相关。
stRotation 任何应用纹理的旋转。正的旋转是逆时针的。
granularity 采样距离,以弧度为单位。
outline 无论多边形是否被勾勒出来。
outlineColor 多边形轮廓的颜色。
outlineWidth 多边形轮廓的宽度。




是否可插值: no










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