museum & TV program & New Year & Taking a rest&happiness

Topic 20 Museum

1. What types of museums do you like?(高频)
I really love museums,there are all kinds of museums,such as art museum,history museum and book museum. If I had to pick a favourite,it must be book museum.It might sound boring,but I 'm really fond of reading books,for example ,I recently read a book called dry river written by moyan,a chinese comtemporary literature writer.It’s really fasnating.

2. When was the last time you visited a museum? (高频)
I think it must’ve been two month ago,in the spring of this year.The museum is Nanjing wildlife museum,It’s on the jinlin road on the qixia district.The theme of the museum is about wild life,I learnt a lot about their behaviors from the exhibition.

3. Do you like going to a museum alone or with others? (高频)
I like going to a museum on my own. I think it’s nice to split up and do some adventuring on my own. That way, I can go at your own pace.

4. Do you want to work in a museum? (高频)
No, I don’t think I’d want to work in a museum. It’s definitely an important job. But it’s just not something I’m passionate about. If I had to pick a favourite ,It must be coding.I really like to work for programming.

5. Do you think museums are important? / Do you like visiting museums? (高频)
Yes, museums are definitely important. They preserve the information by showing you the relevant materials.

6. How often do you visit museums?/Do you often visit a museum?
Unfortunately, I don’t get to visit museums as often as I would like to. I’m too busy and have no time to visit a museum.For me ,I usually visit museums 2 times per year.The last time I went to the museum is 2 months ago, in the spiring of this year.

7. Are there many museums in your hometown?
Yes, there are many museums in my hometown. Actually, there’s a museum next to my home on the Jinlin Road in the qixia district. It about the books written by MoYan,a chinese comtemporary literature writer.He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books are really fasnating.

Topic 26 TV program
9. What kind of TV programs do you like? (高频)
I like TV programs such as Personal interview. Recently,There is a TV programs about a writer called Moyan.Moyan is a chinese comtemporary literature writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books are really fasnating.

10. Do you often watch programs on the TV or on your cellphone? (高频)
No,I seldom use my cellphone for creation.I’m used to watching TV shows on the TV rather than on my cellphone.

11. Do you talk with your friends about the program you watched? (高频)
Yes, and I think I talk to my friends a little too much about the TV programs that I’ve watched. I just love sharing the TV programs I like with people. Sometimes I even talk too much about a show and give spoilers. My friends have to ask me to stop.

12. Do you like watching TV alone?
Yes,I like waching TV alone. I think it’s nice to split up and do some adventuring on my own. That way, I can watch TV at my own pace.

  1. Have you ever thought about making your own TV show?
    Sorry,I have never thought about making my own TV show.

  2. Do you like watching the same kind of program all the time?
    Yes, I actually like to rewatch the shows that I’m very fascinated by over and over again. I could finish watching an entire series and then restart it that same night, no problem whatsoever355. For example, I can’t even remember how many times I’ve binge-watched Breaking Bad. I just find it very soothing356 to watch it again.

Topic 28 New Year

1. How do people celebrate the New Year?/How do you celebrate the New Year? (高频)
Well, in my province, nothing matters more than a car trip to Tai mountain on the first day with familiy far as my family concerened,The trip is such a long drive that it takes us 5 hours on the road.but the trip is totally meaningful it for its fantastic sunrise and scenery.

==2. Do you still remember a new year that you celebrated? ==
The first one that comes to mind is this year. My family had barbecues as a celebration. Barbecues are a great, easy way to bring together family and friends.Barbecues also encourage us to eat and socialize outside and get fresh air.

3. Why do people often think that the New Year is a new start? (高频)
I think it’s because it feels like a new beginning. Even though technically it’s just another day, the New Year marks a big change in the calendar. That can be an opportunity to change things up in your life or make some new resolutions. I think that’s why people like celebrating the New Year.

4. Do you have any ceremonies to celebrate the New Year in your country? (高频)(可以与第

Well, in my province, nothing matters more than a car trip to Tai mountain on the first day with familiy far as my family concerened,The trip is such a long drive that it takes us 5 hours on the road.but the trip is totally meaningful it for its fantastic sunrise and scenery.

Topic 32 Taking a rest
1. How often do you take a rest? (高频)=
As far as I’m concerned, I often take a rest,Let me think about it…around 2 times a week.

2. What do you usually do when you are resting?(高频)
for me ,I ueually do some reading when I’m resting.I am really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I am enchanted to read those books.

4. Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?/ How do you feel after taking a nap? (高频)
Yes, I like to take a nap when I’m resting.A good nap will make me feel refreshed and help me dedicate to my work better.After a long nap,I can finish my work more efficiently.

Topic 33 Happiness

1. What do you do to stay happy?(高频)
for me ,I ueually do some reading to stay happy.I am really fond of reading bks,such as books written by Mo Yan.btw, my is a famous contemporary Chinese writer and He won the country’s first Nobel Literature Prize in several years ago.ummm…maybe in the 2012.His books ,for exp,Dry River , autumn stream and so on are really fantastic,I am enchanted to read those books.

2. Do you think people should be happy all the time?/Can you stay happy all the time? (高频)
No, I don’t think so. It’s not healthy to make yourself be happy all the time. This mood makes me distracted and unable to dedicate to my work.It can cut down my efficiency.

4. Is it important to be happy? (高频)
Yes, being happy is important to living a good life. For starters, being happy promotes a healthy lifestyle. Happiness is the most powerful weapon to help you combat stress and depression. Plus, I think people who are happier are more optimistic, so they usually find it easier to be successful in life and at their job.

5. When is the last time you made people happy?/ Is there anything that makes you feel happy lately? (高频)
The last time I made people happy is yesterday afternoon,around 2 o’clock.I told my friend a funny joke about Computer Science and we burst into laugher together.

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