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原创 第二章 一元函数微分学 公式小结论

2021-07-30 10:58:04 213

原创 第一章 函数 连续 极限 公式小结论

2021-07-30 10:56:55 151

原创 英语背单词 7.31-8.7


2021-07-29 22:38:36 55

原创 一个求不可逆线性方程组的小小问题


2021-07-28 22:41:19 118

原创 第二章 矩阵 错题

题型一 有关矩阵的概念和运算对行列相乘的概念还不是特别清晰两种证法,第一种定义,第二种数学归纳法没看过,也没想出来。题型二

2021-07-28 19:31:46 92

原创 线性代数考研公式

第一章 行列式

2021-07-28 11:52:00 140

原创 线代公式-行列式

行列式的计算行列式的性质转置行列式的值不变下面这个记住三阶应该就还好 k阶主子式记住了代数余子式的求和行列式重要公式克莱姆法则公式的使用

2021-07-28 11:51:02 376

原创 均值不等式

2021-07-25 19:15:50 143

原创 英语大作文

1、第一段描述图片现场发挥为主,全看平时积累了,比如图里出现的名词能否准确写出来。第一句可以用倒装,如In the picture above is/are XXX.中间就写图里画了些什么,有啥写啥。最后一句可以承接下下一段,比如He exemplifies the virtue of self-discipline, persistence and so on.2、第二段主写重要性,解释图片的内涵Something has become commonplace in moder..

2021-07-25 19:10:14 332 1

原创 为什么基础解系的个数是n-r


2021-07-25 18:46:17 26495 6

原创 数学二级结论


2021-07-25 18:31:02 87

转载 一图了解贝叶斯

2021-07-20 10:43:24 372

原创 条件概率的本质是样本空间的缩减

从样本点角度来出发,P(B|A)是把样本空间全部换成A 的样本点集合,然后比上AB同时发生(保证A 在的同时B也在)的样本总数。就有了这个公式条件概率的本质是样本空间的缩减

2021-07-19 21:38:05 1862

原创 怎么利用模拟题和练习题


2021-07-19 21:29:53 64

原创 中值定理公式们的推导

标记 待补

2021-07-19 21:26:43 497

原创 概型和分布的区别


2021-07-19 21:25:14 1373 1

原创 有关行变换求逆矩阵/其他矩阵

有关行变换求逆矩阵(A|B)——>(E|A^-1),这是用了乘法,左行右列。(A`A ^ -1 = E),用行变换把A变成E,则右边为A ^ -1同理可以得到,AX=B,(A|B) = (E|X) ,相当于X=A^-1`B,记住左行,就是左边乘。如果A不可逆的话,(A|B) = (P|Q),原先的X还在,从AX=B变成了PX=Q。X还要继续设的。此时PQ式子最好化成行最简,然后进行高斯消元求解。...

2021-07-19 20:35:52 3336

原创 线性代数公式

2021-07-18 20:29:36 126

原创 第二章 导数和微分


2021-07-15 15:25:52 129

原创 雅思14天自学7分教程


2021-07-08 18:29:33 2188 1

原创 听力单词1

Wednesdaycandels(X) candlesswedencaravancontractconfirmationchemistnavigationtyrebalconyidentificationtheoreticalthermometerrubberhelicoptertransferroutefreezergrocerycatogoriestransportationsalesmansnacksshellfishconservationevapo

2021-07-02 08:20:01 74

原创 英语小作文素材总结最终版

动态图地图题中文英文位于located ,situated,sited连接link,connect,join地点变大extended小reduced in size地点被去掉demolished,removed,displaced,replaced地点转移relocated新的建筑物built,constructed,developed,created,proposed,added中文英文在附近near,

2021-07-01 15:08:11 174

原创 名人效应1

Some people believe famous people’s support towards international aidorganizations draw the attention to problems, while others thinkcelebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views andgive your opinion.In recent years, many famous pe.

2021-06-30 17:41:37 142

原创 2021-06-30

Some people think that the best way to reduce the time spent in travelling to work is to replace parks and gardens close to the city center with apartment buildings for commuters, but others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.Nowadays,

2021-06-30 17:16:37 254

原创 2021-06-30

公共健康 public health供水系统 water supply systems干旱地区 drought areas水资源危机 water crisis政治问题 political issue政治争端 political conflicts农业灌溉 irrigation of crops瓶装水 bottle water然而,一些人认为我们应当减少瓶装水消费。丢弃的塑料瓶会导致垃圾问题。However,other people believe that we should consum

2021-06-30 11:27:43 117

原创 education

moral valuescontribute positively to societyexposed to different cultures and customsonline sourcedistant learningmake education compulsory for all childrenknowledge-baseda positive study atmospheredamage students’ esteemtolerance an...

2021-06-30 11:15:57 72

原创 地图题11

2021-06-30 10:36:02 89

原创 生物生长流程图

At the first stage,adult salmon lay eggs between the small stones in the upper reach of a slow moving river ,where there are reeds.After 5 to 6 months hatching by the water ,the baby fish, known as fry, emerge from the eggs.They are so small that the lengh

2021-06-30 10:15:05 241

原创 流程图。。。

the flow chart illustrate the whole process of … harnes(利用,控制) horizontallywhich…subsequently…fall onto a conveyor belt(传送带)at the end of the belt,rotate in clockwise direction until …is made.It is a simple,two-step procedureflow horizontallywhich写

2021-06-29 17:23:54 95

原创 交通transport

rush hourcommutersreduce traffic 减少交通拥堵working habitsflexible timetablesreliable and efficienttax driverscongestion chargesuburbsworking habitspublic transporttax on driverscongestion chargewell-designed transport systemse...

2021-06-29 16:18:22 71

原创 families

unclear familieslarge extened familiesbring children upless contact withthe lack of closeness with familiesnegative effect on children‘s behavior使家族蒙羞 embarrassing for a family青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquencymore socially acceptablelone pa...

2021-06-29 16:07:04 147

原创 environment

greenhouse effectemissions and exhause fumesglobal warminga significant impact on earthmelting the polar ice capssea level risedroughts floodingfossils fuelsrunning outdestroying wildlife habitatsproducts with less packingsover-p...

2021-06-29 15:50:34 92

原创 advertising

regulatecontrolled or bannedillegalwarningfree market economycreat demand for productscensor false informationa key part of modern bussinessa form of modern artmanipulatespersuadeselling a brand imagepersueassociate certain b...

2021-06-29 15:33:29 90

原创 vocation

==stable careerpension and health insurencesalariespromoted within the organizationloyaltya clearly defined path for developmentexperienced staffsense of responsibilitygain experienceoffer a promotion and a higher salaryoccupatio

2021-06-29 15:22:35 814

原创 crime单词

catch up the crimesprevent the criminal eventspolice officerspart of the communitydrop out of the schoolprofessional training vocational traininginvolve with gangspoisonsprisonpost a threat to societyoffenderscriminalsprisonersre...

2021-06-29 15:00:35 134

原创 素材6655

Well, I want to make a weekly plan to prioritize my daily task in order to improve my effiency.As for why I make it, well, I procrastinate so much. And believe it or not, every 5th person is a chronic procrastinator.I often work on trivial tasks instead

2021-06-29 00:04:17 85

原创 advertisement

监管 regulate控制或禁止 controlled or banned违法 illegal警告 warning自由市场经济 free market economies创造产品需求 create demand for products审查错误信息 censor false information现代商业的重要组成部分 a key part of modern business创意产业 creative industry一种现代的艺术形式 a form of modern art操纵 m

2021-06-28 17:01:58 174

原创 work

稳定的工作 stable career养老金和医疗保险 pension and health insurance工资 salaries公司内部升职 promoted within the organization忠诚 loyalty一个清晰的发展路径 a clearly defined path for development忠诚 loyalty有经验的员工 experienced staff有责任感 responsibility获得经验 gain experience升职加薪 offe

2021-06-28 16:56:15 231

原创 crimes

抓犯人 catch criminals防止犯罪 prevent crime警察(两种说法)police officers社区的一部分 part of community辍学 drop out of school职业训练 vocational training帮派 gangs轻微犯罪 minor crimes监狱 prison威胁社会安全 pose a threat to society犯罪分子(三种说法) offenders/criminals/prisoners惯犯 re-offen

2021-06-28 16:40:43 594

原创 animals

科学实验 scientific research医疗实验 medical tests新药 new drugs道德错误 morally wrong化妆品行业 cosmetics industry替代研究方法 alternative methods of research道德权利 moral right素食主义者 Vegetarians素餐 vegetarian diet健康饮食 a healthy diet平衡饮食 a balanced diet传统饮食 traditional meal

2021-06-28 16:34:10 110





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