





64、Augmented Reality





70、Backside Bus



73、Banner Ad


75、Bare Metal

76、Bare Metal Restore





Stands for "Asynchronous Transfer Mode." Most people know of ATMs as automated teller machines -- those friendly boxes that allow you to withdraw cash from your bank or credit account while charging you a ridiculous surcharge for the service. In the computer world, however, ATM has a different meaning. Asynchronous Transfer Mode is a networking technology that transfers data in packets or cells of a fixed size.

ATM uses 53-byte cells (5 bytes for the address header and 48 bytes for the data). These extremely small cells can be processed through an ATM switch (not an automated teller machine) fast enough to maintain data transfer speeds of over 600 mbps. The technology was designed for the high-speed transmission of all forms of media from basic graphics to full-motion video. Because the cells are so small, ATM equipment can transmit large amounts of data over a single connection while ensuring that no single transmission takes up all the bandwidth. It also allows Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to assign limited bandwidth to each customer. While this may seem like a downside for the customer, it actually improves the efficiency of the ISP's Internet connection, causing the overall speed of the connection to be faster for everybody.

surcharge 罚款

full-motion video 全动态视频

代表“异步传输模式”。大多数人都知道ATM是自动取款机 - 那些友好的盒子,允许您从银行或信用卡账户提取现金,同时向您收取服务的荒谬附加费。然而,在计算机世界中,ATM具有不同的含义。异步传输模式是一种以固定大小的数据包或单元传输数据的网络技术。

ATM使用53字节的单元(地址头为5字节,数据为48字节)。这些极小的单元可以通过ATM交换机(非自动柜员机)快速处理,以保持超过600 mbps的数据传输速度。该技术专为从基本图形到全动态视频的各种形式的媒体的高速传输而设计。由于小区非常小,ATM设备可以通过单个连接传输大量数据,同时确保没有单个传输占用所有带宽。它还允许Internet服务提供商(ISP)为每个客户分配有限的带宽。虽然这对客户来说似乎是一个缺点,但它实际上提高了ISP的互联网连接效率,使得每个人的连接速度更快。


An attachment, or email attachment, is a file sent with an email message. It may be an image, video, text document, or any other type of file.

Most email clients and webmail systems allow you to send and receive attachments. To send an attachment along with your email, you can use the "Attach" command, then browse to the file you want to attach. In some email interfaces, you can simply drag a file into the message window to attach it. When you receive an attachment, most email programs allow you to view the attachment in place or save it to your local storage device.

While modern email programs make it easy to send and receive attachments, the original email system (SMTP) was actually not designed to handle binary files. Therefore, attachments must be encoded as text in order to be transferred with an email message. The most common encoding type is MIME (Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions). While MIME encoding makes it possible to send messages with emails, it typically increases the file size of the attachment about 30%. That's why when you attach a file to an email message, the file size of the attachment appears larger than the original file.

You can attach multiple files to a single email message. However, the maximum size of the combined attachments is limited by the sending and receiving mail servers. In other words, the size of the attachment(s) after being encoded cannot be larger than the limit of either the outgoing or incoming mail server. In the early days of email, attachments were limited to one megabyte (1 MB). Today, many mail servers allow attachments larger than 20 MB. However, to protect against viruses and malware, many mail servers will not accept executable file types, such as .EXE or .PIF files. If you need to send an executable file to someone, you can compress the file as a .ZIP archive before attaching it to the email message.

NOTE: Even a large amount of text takes up a small amount of space compared to most binary files. Therefore, attaching a document to an email may increase the size substantially. For example, a typical email may only require one kilobyte (1 KB) of disk space. Attaching a single 1 MB file will make the message 1,000 times larger. Therefore, it is best to share large files using another method like FTP or DropBox. Additionally, if you have almost reached your email quota on your mail server, you can free up a lot of space by deleting old attachments.




您可以将多个文件附加到单个电子邮件中。但是,组合附件的最大大小受发送和接收邮件服务器的限制。换句话说,编码后的附件的大小不能大于传出或传入邮件服务器的限制。在电子邮件的早期,附件限制为1兆字节(1 MB)。今天,许多邮件服务器允许大于20 MB的附件。但是,为了防范病毒和恶意软件,许多邮件服务器将不接受可执行文件类型,例如.EXE或.PIF文件。如果需要将可执行文件发送给某人,可以将该文件压缩为.ZIP存档,然后再将其附加到电子邮件中。

注意:与大多数二进制文件相比,即使大量文本也占用少量空间。因此,将文档附加到电子邮件可以大大增加尺寸。例如,典型的电子邮件可能只需要一个千字节(1 KB)的磁盘空间。附加单个1 MB文件将使邮件大1000倍。因此,最好使用FTP或DropBox等其他方法共享大文件。此外,如果您的邮件服务器上几乎达到了电子邮件配额,则可以通过删除旧附件释放大量空间。


Stands for "Advanced Technology eXtended." ATX is a motherboard specification that defines the board's physical dimensions, connector placement, I/O ports, and supported power supplies. It was introduced by Intel in 1995 and was designed to replace the previous "AT" standard for desktop PCs. Since then, many variations of the original ATX standard have been developed and some are still used in today's desktop computers.

There are several distinct differences between ATX and the AT form factor it superseded. For example, ATX has an I/O panel that is twice the height of the AT panel and allows for flexible interface layouts. It also has different processor, memory, and drive I/O locations. These changes provide the following benefits:

Fewer cables

Improved reliability

Support for modern I/O standards like USB

Support for integrated graphics

Larger expansion slots

Easier processor and memory upgrades

Reduced cost

A full size ATX motherboard is 12 inches wide and 9.6 inches deep (305 x 244 mm). There are also several variants of ATX, which have slightly different form factors. This include the following:

FlexATX – 9 × 7.5 in (229 × 191 mm)

MicroATX – 9.6 × 9.6 in (244 × 244 mm)

Mini ATX – 11.2 × 8.2 in (284 × 208 mm)

Extended ATX (EATX) – 12 × 13 in (305 × 330 mm)

Workstation ATX (WTX) – 14 × 16.75 in (356 × 425 mm)

The ATX specification defines the mounting hole locations, which means any standard ATX motherboard can be attached to any standard ATX case. Smaller boards (such as FlexATX, MicroATX, and Mini ATX) have several of the same mounting hole locations, so they can be placed in a standard ATX case as well. The universal compatibility of ATX boards and components make them a popular choice for hobbyists who build their own PCs.

diemensions  规模,大小

panel 面板

supersed 代替

mount 装配

代表“高级技术扩展”。 ATX是一种主板规格,用于定义电路板的物理尺寸,连接器位置,I / O端口和支持的电源。它于1995年由英特尔推出,旨在取代之前的台式机“AT”标准。从那时起,已经开发了许多原始ATX标准的变体,并且一些仍然在今天的台式计算机中使用。

ATX与它取代的AT外形之间存在几个明显的差异。例如,ATX的I / O面板是AT面板高度的两倍,并允许灵活的界面布局。它还具有不同的处理器,内存和驱动器I / O位置。这些更改提供以下好处:



支持USB等现代I / O标准





全尺寸ATX主板宽12英寸,深9.6英寸(305 x 244毫米)。还有几种ATX变体,它们的外形略有不同。这包括以下内容:

FlexATX  -  9×7.5英寸(229×191毫米)

MicroATX  -  9.6×9.6英寸(244×244毫米)

迷你ATX  -  11.2×8.2英寸(284×208毫米)

扩展ATX(EATX) -  12×13英寸(305×330毫米)

工作站ATX(WTX) -  14×16.75英寸(356×425毫米)

ATX规范定义了安装孔位置,这意味着任何标准ATX主板都可以连接到任何标准ATX机箱。较小的板(例如FlexATX,MicroATX和Mini ATX)具有多个相同的安装孔位置,因此它们也可以放置在标准的ATX外壳中。 ATX板和组件的通用兼容性使其成为构建自己的PC的业余爱好者的热门选择。

64、Augmented Reality

Augmented reality, commonly abbreviated "AR," is computer-generated content overlaid on a real world environment. AR hardware comes in many forms, including devices that you can carry, such as handheld displays, and devices you wear, such as headsets, and glasses. Common applications of AR technology include video games, television, and personal navigation, though there are many other uses as well.

Pokémon Go is a popular video game that uses augmented reality. The app, which runs on iOS and Android devices, uses your smartphone's GPS signal to detect your location. As you walk around, your avatar is overlaid on a real-world map, along with in-game content, such as Pokéstops, gyms, and Pokemon that appear. When you attempt to catch a Pokémon, it shows up with a real-word background created by your smartphone's camera. The camera can be turned on or off using the "AR" toggle switch.

Augmented reality is also used in television, especially in sports. For example, golf broadcasts sometimes display a line on the screen that tracks the flight of the ball. NFL games display a first down line overlaid on the field. Major league baseball games often display dynamically generated ads behind home plate. In olympic races, a world record (WR) line is displayed during some races to show how close an athlete is to a record time.

In navigation, AR is used to display location information in real-time. This is typically done through a heads-up display (HUD) that projects images in front of you like a hologram. For instance, HUD in an automobile might display your speed, engine RPMs, and other useful data. Google Glass, a head-mounted display, can overlay directions from Google Maps and identify locations using the built-in camera.

AR vs VR

While augmented reality and virtual reality share some things in common, they are two different technologies. AR augments reality, but doesn't replace it. VR completely replaces your surroundings with a virtual environment. Therefore, any hardware that combines digital content with your actual surroundings is an AR device. Hardware that operates independently from your location and encompasses your vision is a VR device.

Agumented reality 增强现实技术:是一种将虚拟和现实巧妙结合的技术

navigation 导航

avatar 头像

toogle 设置开关

league 联盟,社团

ads 可调式避震系统

heads-up 单挑

hologram 全息摄像

增强现实,通常缩写为“AR”,是覆盖在现实世界环境中的计算机生成的内容。 AR硬件有多种形式,包括您可以携带的设备,如手持显示器,以及您佩戴的设备,如耳机和眼镜。 AR技术的常见应用包括视频游戏,电视和个人导航,但也有许多其他用途。


增强现实也用于电视,尤其是体育。例如,高尔夫广播有时在屏幕上显示跟踪球的飞行的线。 NFL比赛在场上显示第一个下线。大联盟棒球比赛经常在本垒板后面显示动态生成的广告。在奥运会比赛中,在一些比赛中显示世界纪录(WR)线,以显示运动员与创纪录时间的接近程度。

在导航中,AR用于实时显示位置信息。这通常通过抬头显示器(HUD)完成,该显示器将图像投射到您面前,就像全息图一样。例如,汽车中的HUD可能会显示您的速度,发动机转速和其他有用数据。 Google Glass是一款头戴式显示器,可以叠加来自Google地图的路线,并使用内置摄像头识别位置。

AR vs VR

虽然增强现实和虚拟现实共享一些共同点,但它们是两种不同的技术。增强现实,但不会取代现实。 VR完全用虚拟环境取代您的周围环境。因此,任何将数字内容与您的实际环境相结合的硬件都是AR设备。独立于您所在位置并且包含您的愿景的硬件是VR设备。


Stands for "Acceptable Use Policy." An AUP is list of rules you must follow in order to use a website or Internet service. It is similar to a software license agreement (SLA), but is used specifically for Internet services.

Most well-known, high traffic websites include an AUP, which may also be called Terms of Service (TOS) or Terms of Use (TOU). You can often find a link to the to the website's AUP in the footer of the home page. Many web services, such as cloud applications require you to agree to an AUP in order to use the online service. ISPs often provide an AUP with each account, which states specific guidelines you must follow.

The specifics of an AUP vary depending on the service offered. Even website AUPs may differ greatly based on the purpose of the website and the website's content. However, most AUPs include a list of general dos and don'ts while using the service, such as the following:

Do not violate any federal or state laws.

Do not violate the rights of others.

Do not distribute viruses or other malware.

Do not try to gain access to an unauthorized area or account.

Respect others' copyrights and intellectual property.

Familiarize yourself with the usage guidelines and report violations.

An AUP serves as an agreement between the user and the company offering the online service. Some rules are basic netiquette, while others may have legal ramifications. If you fail to comply with a policy in a AUP, the company has the right to suspend or terminate your account or take legal action if necessary. Therefore, it is wise to familiarize yourself with the AUPs of the Internet services you use.

netiquette 网络礼节

ramifications 分支;分叉

代表“可接受的使用政策”。 AUP是您使用网站或Internet服务必须遵循的规则列表。它类似于软件许可协议(SLA),但专门用于Internet服务。

大多数众所周知的高流量网站都包含AUP,也可称为服务条款(TOS)或使用条款(TOU)。您通常可以在主页的页脚中找到指向网站AUP的链接。许多Web服务(例如云应用程序)要求您同意AUP才能使用在线服务。 ISP通常会为每个帐户提供AUP,其中说明了您必须遵循的具体指导原则。










An autoresponder is a program or script on a mail server that automatically replies to e-mails. Though it is run from the mail server, an autoresponder can usually be set up by the user through a Web-based interface. For example, a company might set up an autoresponder for their support e-mail address to let users know they have received their support requests. The automated reply might read something like, "Thank you, we have received your message. One of our technicians will attempt to answer your question after he finishes his dart game in the lobby."

Individuals may also use autoresponders to let people know when they are away from their computer and won't be able to respond to any e-mails for awhile. For example, you might set up an autoresponder for your personal e-mail address to say, "Sorry, I am on vacation in the Bahamas indefinitely. I'll respond to your message whenever I decide to come back." Of course, it is important to reply to messages even after the autroresponder has sent a esponse. After all, most people like to communicate with other people rather than computers.

lobby  大厅

esponse 快速响应,回答




Generally speaking, an avatar is the embodiment of a person or idea. However, in the computer world, an avatar specifically refers to a character that represents an online user. Avatars are commonly used in multiplayer gaming, online communities, and Web forums.

Online multiplayer role-playing games (MMORPGs) such as World of Warcraft and EverQuest allow users to create custom characters. These characters serve as the players' avatars. For example, a World of Warcraft player may choose a Paladin with blue armor as his avatar. As the player progresses in the game, his character may gain items and experience, which allows the avatar to evolve over time.

Avatars are also used in online communities, such as Second Life and The Sims Online. These avatars can be custom-designed to create a truly unique appearance for each player. Once a user has created an avatar, he or she becomes part of an online community filled with other users' avatars. Players can interact with other avatars and talk to them using text or voice chat. It's no surprise that "Second Life" refers to a virtual life that players live through their avatars.

Finally, avatars may also seen in Web forums. Online discussion boards typically require users to register and provide information about themselves. Many give users the option to select an image file that represents the user's persona. This image, combined with a made-up username, serves as a person's avatar. For example, a user may select a picture of a Pac-Man and choose the name "pac32" for his avatar. This avatar typically appears next to each posting the user contributes in an online forum.

Regardless of the application, avatars allow people to represent themselves online in whatever way they want. They may be considered alter-egos, since users can customize characters that are completely different than their actual personas. Of course, what's the point of having a "second life" if it's the same as reality?

embodiment  化身

forums 论坛

Paladin 骑士

Armor 盔甲



头像也用于在线社区,例如Second Life和The Sims Online。这些头像可以定制设计,为每个玩家创造一个真正独特的外观。一旦用户创建了头像,他或她就会成为充满其他用户头像的在线社区的一部分。玩家可以与其他头像进行互动,并使用文字或语音聊天与他们交谈。毫无疑问,“第二人生”指的是玩家通过他们的化身生活的虚拟生活。




Just like the human backbone carries signals to many smaller nerves in the body, a network backbone carries data to smaller lines of transmission. A local backbone refers to the main network lines that connect several local area networks (LANs) together. The result is a wide area network (WAN) linked by a backbone connection.

The Internet, which is the ultimate wide area network, relies on a backbone to carry data over long distances. The Internet backbone consists of several ultra-high bandwidth connections that link together many different nodes around the world. These nodes route incoming data to smaller networks in the local region. The fewer "hops" your data needs to make before reaching the backbone, the faster it will get sent to the destination. This is why many Web hosts and ISPs have direct connections to the Internet backbone.

backbone 支柱,主干网

nerves 神经

就像人体骨干向身体中的许多较小的神经传递信号一样,网络骨干网将数据传输到较小的传输线。 本地骨干是指将多个局域网(LAN)连接在一起的主网络线路。 结果是通过骨干连接链接的广域网(WAN)。

互联网是最终的广域网,它依靠骨干网来远距离传输数据。 互联网骨干网由几个超高带宽连接组成,这些连接将世界各地的许多不同节点连接在一起。 这些节点将传入数据路由到本地区域中的较小网络。 在到达主干网之前,您的数据需要的“跳数”越少,发送到目的地的速度就越快。 这就是许多Web主机和ISP与Internet主干网直接连接的原因。

A backlink is an incoming link from an external website to specific webpage. For example, if you publish a webpage and 20 other websites link to it, your webpage has 20 backlinks. Links to the page from within your own website are not included in the backlink total.

Web developers benefit from backlinks (or "inlinks") in two different ways — direct traffic and search result placement. As more links to a specific webpage are published on external sites, there is greater potential for traffic to be generated from other websites. This is called direct traffic. By increasing direct traffic, a website can gradually grow its presence on the Web and generate a steady stream of visitors from other websites.

While direct traffic is helpful, most websites generate the majority of their traffic through search engines. Since search engines use backlinks as an important part of the their algorithms for search result placement, external links are important for good search ranking. Therefore, generating backlinks has become common practice for search engine optimization, or SEO. The more backlinks a webpage has, the better the chance that the page will rank highly in search results for relevant keywords. If a website has many pages that have backlinks, the overall number of incoming links may help increase the ranking of all pages within the website. While most backlinks point to a website's home page, incoming links to other pages within the website are beneficial as well.


Web开发人员以两种不同的方式从反向链接(或“链接”)中受益 - 直接流量和搜索结果放置。随着更多指向特定网页的链接在外部网站上发布,从其他网站生成流量的可能性更大。这称为直接流量。通过增加直接流量,网站可以逐渐增加其在网络上的存在,并从其他网站产生源源不断的访问者。


70、Backside Bus

There are two types of buses that carry data to and from a computer's CPU. They are the frontside bus and backside bus. Surprisingly, there is no correlation between these and the backside and frontside airs that snowboarders talk about.

While the frontside bus carries data between the CPU and memory, the backside bus transfers data to and from the computer's secondary cache. The secondary, or L2 cache stores frequently used functions and other data close to the processor. This allows the computer's CPU to work more efficiently since it can repeat processes faster.

When the processor needs information from the L2 cache, it is sent over the backside bus. Because this process needs to be extremely fast, the clock speed of the backside bus cannot afford to lag behind. For this reason, the backside bus is often as fast as the processor. The frontside bus, on the other hand, is typically half the speed of the processor or slower.

lag 落后

有两种类型的总线可以将数据传送到计算机的CPU或从计算机的CPU传送数据。 它们是前端总线和后端总线。令人惊讶的是,这些与滑雪者谈论的背面和正面空气之间没有相关性。

虽然前端总线在CPU和内存之间传输数据,但后端总线将数据传输到计算机的二级缓存和从计算机的二级缓存传输数据。 辅助或L2缓存存储常用功能和靠近处理器的其他数据。 这样可以使计算机的CPU更有效地工作,因为它可以更快地重复进程。

当处理器需要来自L2缓存的信息时,它通过后端总线发送。因为这个过程需要非常快,所以后侧总线的时钟速度不能落后。因此,后端总线通常与处理器一样快。 另一方面,前端总线通常是处理器速度的一半或更慢。


Backup is the most important computer term you should know.

A backup is a copy of one or more files created as an alternate in case the original data is lost or becomes unusable. For example, you may save several copies of a research paper on your hard drive as backup files incase you decide to use a previous revision. Better yet, you could save the backups to a USB flash disk, which would also protect the files if the hard drive failed.

Hard drives are meant to run for many years without crashing. But just like all electronic devices, they are not immune to problems. Because they are not solid state devices, hard drives rely on moving parts to access data, which can malfunction and cause your data to become unrecoverable. If you need proof of how fragile hard drives really are, go to your local computer store and have someone show you an open hard drive. When you realize all your data is stored in such a small, delicate device, you may have a new understanding of why you need to backup your data.

But it's not just hardware malfunctions you have to worry about. Software corruption can also damage your files. Directory structures can become damaged and cause entire folders to disappear. Files can be mistakenly deleted or corrupted by viruses or other software attacks. Program installation conflicts can make applications or files unusable. There are unfortunately many ways for your data to become damaged or disappear.

That is why it is so important to backup your data. Most people don't realize the importance of having a backup until it is too late. Of course, when you have lost years of photos, school papers, business documents, e-mail archives, music, movies, or any other data that you cannot recover, the importance of having a backup becomes all too real.

So how do you backup your data? The best way is to use an external storage device, such as an external hard drive, flash memory device, or even another computer. You can also create permanent backups using optical media, such as CD-R and DVD-R discs. Backing up individual folders and files is as easy copying them from the source media (your computer's hard disk) to the destination (an external hard drive). If you want to backup your entire system or would like to have regular backups automatically performed, you can use backup software that will backup your data for you. Many programs are available for both Mac and Windows that provide automatic backups and system restore capabilities.

If you have not yet backed up your hard drive, now is a good time to do so. It's much better to back up your data now than once it is too late.

malfunction 故障

fragile 易碎









Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection. It measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of time. For example, a gigabit Ethernet connection has a bandwidth of 1,000 Mbps, (125 megabytes per second). An Internet connection via cable modem may provide 25 Mbps of bandwidth.

While bandwidth is used to describe network speeds, it does not measure how fast bits of data move from one location to another. Since data packets travel over electronic or fiber optic cables, the speed of each bit transferred is negligible. Instead, bandwidth measures how much data can flow through a specific connection at one time.

When visualizing bandwidth, it may help to think of a network connection as a tube and each bit of data as a grain of sand. If you pour a large amount of sand into a skinny tube, it will take a long time for the sand to flow through it. If you pour the same amount of sand through a wide tube, the sand will finish flowing through the tube much faster. Similarly, a download will finish much faster when you have a high-bandwidth connection rather than a low-bandwidth connection.

Data often flows over multiple network connections, which means the connection with the smallest bandwidth acts as a bottleneck. Generally, the Internet backbone and connections between servers have the most bandwidth, so they rarely serve as bottlenecks. Instead, the most common Internet bottleneck is your connection to your ISP.

NOTE: Bandwidth also refers to a range of frequencies used to transmit a signal. This type of bandwidth is measured in hertz and is often referenced in signal processing applications.

带宽描述了网络或Internet连接的最大数据传输速率。它测量在给定时间内通过特定连接发送的数据量。例如,千兆以太网连接的带宽为1,000 Mbps(每秒125兆字节)。通过电缆调制解调器的因特网连接可以提供25Mbps的带宽。





73、Banner Ad

Whether you like it or not, much of the Web is run by advertising. Just like television or radio, websites can offer free content by generating revenue from advertising. While you may get tired of Web ads from time to time, most people would agree that seeing a few advertisements here and there is better than paying a usage fee for each website.

Perhaps the most prolific form of Web advertising is the banner ad. It is a long, rectangular image that can be placed just about anywhere on a Web page. Most banner ads are 468 pixels wide by 60 pixels high (468x60). They may contain text, images, or sometimes those annoying animations that make it hard to focus on the page's content. Regardless of the type of banner ad, when a user clicks the advertisement, he or she is redirected to the advertiser's website.

prolifig 多产的,丰富的

不管你喜不喜欢,大部分网络都是通过广告来运作的。 就像电视或广播一样,网站可以通过广告收入提供免费内容。 虽然您可能会不时厌倦网络广告,但大多数人会同意在这里看到一些广告,而不是为每个网站支付使用费。

也许最广泛的网络广告形式是横幅广告。 它是一个长的矩形图像,可以放在网页的任何位置。 大多数横幅广告的宽度为468像素,高度为60像素(468x60)。 它们可能包含文本,图像或有时令人烦恼的动画,这些动画很难将重点放在页面内容上。 无论横幅广告的类型如何,当用户点击广告时,他或她将被重定向到广告商的网站。


A BarCraft is an event in which people gather to watch live StarCraft 2 competitions. Most BarCraft gatherings take place in sports bars, though the term can be used to describe any event in which a group of people watch StarCraft 2 together.

StarCraft 2 (also "SC2") is a popular real-time strategy (RTS) game in which players choose to control one of three races. When a game starts, each player begins with a base at a fixed location on a map. Players then build structures, create units, and attempt to attack and defeat other players on the map. 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, and FFA (free for all) games are possible, though 1v1 games are the most common.

Since StarCraft 2 is one of the most popular eSports games, professional tournaments are held on a regular basis. Most BarCrafts are organized around prominent StarCraft 2 tournaments, such as MLG, NASL, or GSL competitions. These tournaments are streamed live over the Internet and often require a subscription to watch, similar to pay-per-view TV. Venues that host BarCrafts typically cover the viewing fee, but may charge patrons an admittance fee to watch the games. Most BarCraft venues stream the SC2 matches live on one or more screens.


星际争霸2(也称为“SC2”)是一种流行的即时战略(RTS)游戏,玩家可以选择控制三场比赛中的一场。当游戏开始时,每个玩家从地图上固定位置的基地开始。然后玩家构建结构,创建单位,并尝试攻击并击败地图上的其他玩家。 1v1,2v2,3v3,4v4和FFA(全民免费)游戏是可能的,尽管1v1游戏是最常见的。


75、Bare Metal

A bare metal system is a computer that does not include any software. This means the user must install an operating system in order for the hardware to be functional.

The term "bare metal" is commonly used to refer to custom-built PCs and barebones systems. These types of computers are ideal for PC enthusiasts, who may prefer to install their own software rather than paying extra for pre-loaded programs. A bare metal system also allows advanced users to choose a non-mainstream OS, such as a specific Linux distribution.

Web hosting companies may also offer bare metal systems to clients who wish to customize their web server from the ground up. For instance, a client may purchase a dedicated or co-located server with a specific hardware configuration. The server administrator can then install a specific operating system and web server software on the computer.

NOTE: Bare metal is sometimes used to refer to a "bare metal restore," which refers to restoring a complete computer software configuration.





76、Bare Metal Restore

A bare metal restore is a type of computer restoration process that restores the full software configuration from a specific system. It may be used to restore a computer system from a backup or simply migrate the software configuration from one machine to another.

The terms "restore" and "bare metal restore" are often used interchangeably, since they both refer to bringing a computer back to a specific state. However, a bare metal restore is unique in that it can be used to restore a specific software configuration to a dissimilar hardware configuration. For example, a bare metal restore may used to restore a Linux system to a new computer made by a different manufacturer. I can also be used to restore a complete system to a new hard drive with different partition sizes.

A bare metal restore is similar to a disk image restore, since both types of restores are used to rebuild a computer's software from scratch. However, a disk image restore simply copies the data bit-for-bit to a specific storage device. This may cause problems if the new hardware does not support certain configurations contained in the disk image. Therefore, web hosting companies and network admins often create "bare metal backups" for their clients, which can be used to perform a bare metal restore.





Bash, though typically not capitalized, is an acronym for "Bourne-Again Shell" and is named after Stephen Bourne, the creator of the Unix shell "sh." It is a command language interpreter derived from sh that can execute commands entered at a command prompt and process text file input.
Bash (bash) supports all the commands of the original Bourne shell (sh), as well as many others. It also includes features from the Korn shell (ksh) and C shell (csh), such as command line editing, command substitution syntax, and command history. Bash also supports "brace expansion," which is used to generate related text strings. This operation provides an efficient way to search for filenames and rename multiple files. Newer versions of Bash support regular expressions (Bash 3.0) and associative arrays (Bash 4.0).

Bash was originally developed by Brian Fox for the GNU Project and was released in 1989. The bash shell was initially distributed with the GNU operating system and later became the default shell for multiple Linux distributions and Mac OS X. Recent versions of Bash (versions 3 and 4) were developed by Chet Ramey and are currently published by the Free Software Foundation, the same organization that distributes the GNU operating system.

        acronym :首字母缩写

Bash虽然通常不大写,但是是“ Bourne-Again Shell”的首字母缩写,并以Unix shell“ sh”的创建者Stephen Bourne的名字命名。它是从sh派生的命令语言解释器,可以执行在命令提示符下输入的命令并处理文本文件输入。
Bash(bash)支持原始Bourne shell(sh)的所有命令,以及许多其他命令。它还包括Korn shell(ksh)和C shell(csh)的功能,例如命令行编辑,命令替换语法和命令历史记录。 Bash还支持“支持扩展”,该扩展用于生成相关的文本字符串。此操作提供了一种搜索文件名并重命名多个文件的有效方法。较新版本的Bash支持正则表达式(Bash 3.0)和关联数组(Bash 4.0)。

Bash最初由Brian Fox为GNU项目开发,并于1989年发布。bash shell最初随GNU操作系统一起发行,后来成为多个Linux发行版和Mac OS X的默认shell。Bash的最新版本(版本3)和4)由Chet Ramey开发,目前由自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation)发行,后者是发行GNU操作系统的同一组织。


  Stands for "Beginner's All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code." BASIC is a computer programming language that was developed in the mid-1960s to provide a way for students to write simple computer programs. Since then, the language has evolved into a more robust and powerful language and can be used to create advanced programs for today's computer systems.
BASIC originally used numbers at the beginning of each instruction (or line) to tell the computer what order to process the instructions. Lines would be numbered as 10, 20, 30, etc., which would allow additional instructions to be placed between commands later on if needed. "GOTO" statements enabled programs to loop back to earlier instructions during execution. For example, line 230 of a BASIC program may have an "if" clause that tells the computer to jump back to line 50 if a variable is less than 10. This instruction might look something like this:

  230 IF (N < 10) THEN GOTO 50

  More modern BASIC implementations use "while loops," which perform a series of instructions as long as a certain case is true. Newer BASIC development software also supports more data types, such as integers, strings, and arrays, for storing variables and other data. While the first BASIC development environments were strictly text-based, today's BASIC programming software allows developers to design much of their programs visually, using a graphical user interface. Some of the more popular BASIC development programs used today include REALbasic and Microsoft Visual Basic.

  robust :强大的
         clause :条款

代表“初学者的通用符号说明代码”。 BASIC是一种计算机编程语言,于1960年代中期开发,旨在为学生提供一种编写简单计算机程序的方式。从那时起,该语言就发展成为一种更强大,更强大的语言,可用于创建当今计算机系统的高级程序。
BASIC最初在每条指令(或每一行)的开头使用数字来告诉计算机处理指令的顺序。行将被编号为10、20、30等,这将允许稍后在需要时在命令之间放置其他指令。 “ GOTO”语句使程序在执行过程中可以循环回到较早的指令。例如,BASIC程序的第230行可能有一个“ if”子句,如果变量小于10,该子句告诉计算机跳回到第50行。此指令可能看起来像这样:

  230如果(N <10)然后转到50

  更现代的BASIC实现使用“ while循环”,只要满足特定情况,它就会执行一系列指令。较新的BASIC开发软件还支持更多数据类型,例如整数,字符串和数组,用于存储变量和其他数据。尽管第一个BASIC开发环境严格基于文本,但是今天的BASIC编程软件允许开发人员使用图形用户界面直观地设计其程序。今天使用的一些更流行的BASIC开发程序包括REALbasic和Microsoft Visual Basic。

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