




32、Alert Box


34、Alpha Software




38、Animated GIF















53、Artificial Intelligence





58、Assembly Language

59、Assistive Technology



Ajax is a combination of Web development technologies used for creating dynamic websites. While the term "Ajax" is not written in all caps like most tech acronyms, the letters stand for "Asynchronous JavaScript And XML." Therefore, websites that use Ajax combine JavaScript and XML to display dynamic content.

The "asynchronous" part of Ajax refers to the way requests are made to the Web server. When a script sends a request to the Web server, it may receive data, which can then be displayed on the Web page. Since these events happen at slightly different times, they are considered to be asynchronous. Most Ajax implementations use the XMLHttpRequest API, which includes a list of server requests that can be called within JavaScript code. The data is usually sent back to the browser in an XML format, since it is easy to parse. However, it is possible for the server to send data as unformatted plain text as well.

What makes Ajax so powerful is that scripts can run on the client side, rather than on the server. This means a JavaScript function can make a request to a server after a webpage has already finished loading. The data received from the server can then be displayed on the page without reloading the other content. If a server-side scripting language like PHP or ASP was used, the entire page would need to be reloaded in order for the new content to be displayed.

While you may not realize it, you have probably seen Ajax at work on several different websites. For example, search engines that provide a list of search suggestions as you type are most likely using Ajax to display the suggestions. Image searches that produce more thumbnails as you scroll through the results typically use Ajax to retrieve the continual list of images. When you click "Older Posts" at the bottom of a Facebook page, Ajax is used to display additional postings.

Ajax has helped make the Web more dynamic by enabling webpages to retrieve and load new content without needing to reload the rest of the page. By using Ajax, Web developers can create interactive websites that use resources efficiently and provide visitors with a responsive interface.

dynamic 动态的

caps 大写键;帽子

acronyms 首字母缩写

parse 解析

thumbnails 缩图;指甲盖

scroll 在电脑上移动显示(文章或图形)

retrieve 检索;恢复


Ajax的“异步”部分指的是对Web服务器的请求方式。当脚本向Web服务器发送请求时,它可能会接收数据,然后可以在Web页面上显示。由于这些事件发生在略有不同的时间,因此它们被认为是异步的。大多数Ajax实现使用XMLHttpRequest API,其中包含可在JavaScript代码中调用的服务器请求列表。数据通常以XML格式发送回浏览器,因为它很容易解析。但是,服务器也可以将数据作为未格式化的纯文本发送。




32、Alert Box

An alert box, sometimes called a message box, is a small window that pops up on your screen to warn you that your computer is about to perform an operation with potentially damaging consequences. For example, when you choose to empty the Trash or Recycle Bin on your computer, an alert box may pop up, saying "Are you sure you want to permanently remove these items?" You are then given the choice to select "OK," to delete the items, or "Cancel," to prevent the items from being removed.

Alert boxes act as a safeguard for users, preventing us from doing things we wish we hadn't. Perhaps the most common alert box is the one that pops up when you try to close a document without saving it. You'll mostly likely see an alert box with the message, "Save changes to this document before closing?" You can select "Don't Save," to discard the changes, "Save," to save the changes before closing the document, or "Cancel," to cancel closing the document and continue working on it.

Most alert boxes include the standard alert icon -- a triangle with an exclamation point in the middle -- to get your attention. However, not all alert boxes have multiple options, such as "Cancel" and "OK." For example, an alert box may show up on your screen saying a program performed an illegal operation and has unexpectedly quit. When that happens, your only option is to select "OK" and then kick your computer for quitting the program before you had a chance to save your work.

Recycle Bin 回收站

pop up 突然出现

exclamation 感叹号



大多数警报框包括标准警报图标 - 中间有感叹号的三角形 - 以引起您的注意。但是,并非所有警报框都有多个选项,例如“取消”和“确定”。例如,警告框可能会显示在屏幕上,表示程序执行了非法操作并意外退出。当发生这种情况时,您唯一的选择是选择“确定”,然后在您有机会保存工作之前启动计算机以退出程序。


An algorithm is a set of instructions designed to perform a specific task. This can be a simple process, such as multiplying two numbers, or a complex operation, such as playing a compressed video file. Search engines use proprietary algorithms to display the most relevant results from their search index for specific queries.

In computer programming, algorithms are often created as functions. These functions serve as small programs that can be referenced by a larger program. For example, an image viewing application may include a library of functions that each use a custom algorithm to render different image file formats. An image editing program may contain algorithms designed to process image data. Examples of image processing algorithms include cropping, resizing, sharpening, blurring, red-eye reduction, and color enhancement.

In many cases, there are multiple ways to perform a specific operation within a software program. Therefore, programmers usually seek to create the most efficient algorithms possible. By using highly-efficient algorithms, developers can ensure their programs run as fast as possible and use minimal system resources. Of course, not all algorithms are created perfectly the first time. Therefore, developers often improve existing algorithms and include them in future software updates. When you see a new version of a software program that has been "optimized" or has "faster performance," it most means the new version includes more efficient algorithms.

relevant  有关的

cropping 裁剪

resizing 缩放

sharpening 锐化

blurring 模糊,虚化

red-eye 红眼

reduction 还原




34、Alpha Software

Alpha software is computer software that is still in the early testing phase. It is functional enough to be used, but is unpolished and often lacks many of the features that will be included in the final version of the program. The "alpha phase" of software development follows the early programming and design stages, but precedes the "beta phase" in which the software closely resembles the final version.

Since the alpha phase is an early part of the software development cycle, alpha software typically includes significant bugs and usability issues. Therefore, while beta software may be provided to the public, alpha software is only tested internally. The alpha stage is also important for competitive reasons, as the developer may not want to disclose the new features of a software program until shortly before the release date.

If a developer is building a small application, he may be the only person who ever tests the alpha version. Larger programs, however, are often tested internally by a team of developers during the alpha phase. In some cases, multiple teams may work together on the alpha version of a software program. Once the programmers have built a working version with all the necessary features, the lead developer may decide to implement a "feature freeze," which means no additional features are planned for the current version of the program. This often signals the end of the alpha phase and the beginning of the beta stage of development.

phase 阶段,时期

unpolished 粗糙的,未经打磨的

precede 领先,在….之前

beta 即β

resemble 像,类似

usability 可用性

disclose 公开





Stands for "Arithmetic Logic Unit." An ALU is an integrated circuit within a CPU or GPU that performs arithmetic and logic operations. Arithmetic instructions include addition, subtraction, and shifting operations, while logic instructions include Boolean comparisons, such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operations.

ALUs are designed to perform integer calculations. Therefore, besides adding and subtracting numbers, ALUs often handle the multiplication of two integers, since the result is also an integer. However, ALUs typically do not perform division operations, since the result may be a fraction, or a "floating point" number. Instead, division operations are usually handled by the floating-point unit (FPU), which also performs other non-integer calculations.

While the ALU is a fundamental component of all processors, the design and function of an ALU may vary between different processor models. For example, some ALUs only perform integer calculations, while others are designed to handle floating point operations as well. Some processors contain a single ALU, while others include several arithmetic logic units that work together to perform calculations. Regardless of the way an ALU is designed, its primary job is to handle integer operations. Therefore, a computer's integer performance is tied directly to the processing speed of the ALU.

circuit 电路;回路

instructions 指令;说明

shifting 移位

XOR 异或运算

fraction 分数

代表“算术逻辑单元”。 ALU是CPU或GPU内的集成电路,用于执行算术和逻辑运算。算术指令包括加法,减法和移位操作,而逻辑指令包括布尔比较,例如AND,OR,XOR和NOT操作。




As humans, we perceive the world in analog. Everything we see and hear is a continuous transmission of information to our senses. This continuous stream is what defines analog data. Digital information, on the other hand, estimates analog data using only ones and zeros.

For example, a turntable (or record player) is an analog device, while a CD player is digital. This is because a turntable reads bumps and grooves from a record as a continuous signal, while a CD player only reads a series of ones and zeros. Likewise, a VCR is an analog device, while a DVD player is digital. A VCR reads audio and video from a tape as a continuous stream of information, while a DVD player just reads ones and zeros from a disc.

Since digital devices read only ones and zeros, they can only approximate an audio or video signal. This means analog data is actually more accurate than digital data. However, digital data can can be manipulated easier and preserved better than analog data. More importantly, computers can only handle digital data, which is why most information today is stored digitally. But if you want to transfer video from old analog video tapes into your computer so you can edit them, you're not out of luck. You can use a digital to analog converter (DAC) to convert the analog information into a digital signal that can be recognized by your computer.

For more information on analog and digital technology, view the Help Center article.

Analog 模拟

perceive 感知;察觉

turntable (唱机)上的转盘

bump 凸起;碰撞

grooves 细槽

tape 磁带

manipulate 操作


例如,转盘(或唱机)是模拟设备,而CD播放器是数字设备。这是因为转盘从记录中读取凸起和凹槽作为连续信号,而CD播放器只读取一系列1和0。同样,VCR是模拟设备,而DVD播放器是数字设备。 VCR从磁带读取音频和视频作为连续信息流,而DVD播放器只读取光盘中的1和0。




Android is a mobile operating system developed by Google. It is used by several smartphones and tablets. Examples include the Sony Xperia, the Samsung Galaxy, and the Google Nexus One.

The Android operating system (OS) is based on the Linux kernel. Unlike Apple's iOS, Android is open source, meaning developers can modify and customize the OS for each phone. Therefore, different Android-based phones often have different graphical user interfaces GUIs even though they use the same OS.

Android phones typically come with several built-in applications and also support third-party programs. Developers can create programs for Android using the free Android software developer kit (SDK). Android programs are written in Java and run through a Java virtual machine JVM that is optimized for mobile devices. The "Dalvik" JVM was used through Android 4.4 and was replaced by Android Runtime or "ART" in Android 5.0. Users can download and install Android apps from Google Play and other locations.

If you are unsure what operating system your phone or tablet uses, you can view the system information by selecting "About" in the Settings menu. This is also a good way to check if your device meets an app's system requirements. The name "Android" comes from the term android, which is robot designed to look and act like a human.

Android是由谷歌开发的移动操作系统。它被几种智能手机和平板电脑使用。例如Sony Xperia,Samsung Galaxy和Google Nexus One。


Android手机通常带有几个内置应用程序,并且还支持第三方程序。开发人员可以使用免费的Android软件开发工具包(SDK)为Android创建程序。 Android程序是用Java编写的,并通过针对移动设备优化的Java虚拟机JVM运行。 “Dalvik”JVM通过Android 4.4使用,并被Android 5.0中的Android Runtime或“ART”取代。用户可以从Google Play和其他位置下载和安装Android应用。


38、Animated GIF

An animated GIF is a GIF file that includes multiple images or "frames." These frames are played back in sequence when the file is opened or displayed in a web browser. The result is an animated clip or a short movie.

The GIF file format includes a Graphics Control Extension (or "GCE block"), which enables a single GIF file to store multiple frames. This section also specifies the delay between frames, which can be used to set the frame rate or insert pauses at certain points within the animation. Another section, called the Netscape Application Block (NAB), specifies how many times the animation will repeat (a setting of "0" is used for infinite repetitions).

In the early years of the Web, animated GIFs were a popular way to display motion and liven up websites. They were commonly used for advertisements, such as banners and leaderboards. As Flash animations became more popular, animated GIFs became less prominent. However, animated GIFs have recently seen a resurgence on the web since they are supported by all platforms. For example, Apple's iOS does not support Flash animations, but can display animated GIFs.

Several image editing programs, such as Adobe Photoshop and GIMP, can be used to create animated GIFs. Other graphics programs can merge multiple image files into a single GIF. Some video utilities can even convert short videos to animated GIFs. While this can be useful for sharing small videos on the web, the GIF format is not as efficient as the MPEG format for storing videos longer than a few seconds.

animated 动画

sequence 序列

pause 暂停、暂歇

netscape 美国网景公司

repititions 重复

resurgence 复活,再现




可以使用多个图像编辑程序(如Adobe Photoshop和GIMP)来创建动画GIF。其他图形程序可以将多个图像文件合并为一个GIF。有些视频工具甚至可以将短视频转换为动画GIF。虽然这对于在网络上共享小视频很有用,但GIF格式不如用于存储超过几秒钟的视频的MPEG格式有效。


Stands for "American National Standards Institute." ANSI is a U.S.-based non-profit organization that works to develop and promote standards in the United States and around the world. By standardizing new products and technologies, ANSI both strengthens the United States' position in the global marketplace and helps ensure product integrity and safety.

ANSI was originally called the "American Engineering Standards Committee" (AESC), which was formed in 1918. The AESC worked with the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (now the IEEE) and several other organizations to develop engineering standards. In 1928, AESC was reorganized and renamed the "American Standards Association" (ASA). The ASA began to develop partnerships with global organizations, such as the ISO and helped promote U.S. standards internationally. In 1969, the ASA was renamed to ANSI. For the past several decades, ANSI has continued to promote both national and international standards.

By standardizing new technologies, ANSI helps both corporations and government agencies create compatible products and services. For example, when ANSI standardizes a specific type of hardware port, computer manufacturers can build machines with the standardized port and know it will will be compatible with third-party devices. When ANSI standardizes a file format, software developers can support the format in their programs, since information about the format is publicly available.

When a new standard is accredited by ANSI, it means that the standard has met the organization's requirements for openness, balance, and consensus. In other words, only standards that pass a due process of rigorous approval guidelines become accredited standards. This ensures that all standards accredited by ANSI are worthwhile for manufacturers and consumers alike.

Additional information about ANSI can be found at the official ANSI website.

Institute 协会;学院

rigorous 严格的

代表“美国国家标准协会”。 ANSI是一家总部位于美国的非营利组织,致力于在美国和全球范围内制定和推广标准。通过标准化新产品和技术,ANSI既增强了美国在全球市场中的地位,又有助于确保产品的完整性和安全性。

ANSI最初被称为“美国工程标准委员会”(AESC),成立于1918年.AESC与美国电气工程师协会(现​​为IEEE)和其他几个组织合作开发工程标准。 1928年,AESC重组并更名为“美国标准协会”(ASA)。 ASA开始与ISO等全球组织建立合作关系,并在国际上帮助推广美国标准。 1969年,ASA更名为ANSI。在过去的几十年中,ANSI继续推广国家和国际标准。





Antivirus software is a type of utility used for scanning and removing viruses from your computer. While many types of antivirus (or "anti-virus") programs exist, their primary purpose is to protect computers from viruses and remove any viruses that are found.

Most antivirus programs include both automatic and manual scanning capabilities. The automatic scan may check files that are downloaded from the Internet, discs that are inserted into the computer, and files that are created by software installers. The automatic scan may also scan the entire hard drive on a regular basis. The manual scan option allows you to scan individual files or your entire system whenever you feel it is necessary.

Since new viruses are constantly being created by computer hackers, antivirus programs must keep an updated database of virus types. This database includes a list of "virus definitions" that the antivirus software references when scanning files. Since new viruses are frequently distributed, it is important to keep your software's virus database up-to-date. Fortunately, most antivirus programs automatically update the virus database on a regular basis.

While antivirus software is primarily designed to protect computers against viruses, many antivirus programs now protect against other types of malware, such as spyware, adware, and rootkits as well. Antivirus software may also be bundled with firewall features, which helps prevent unauthorized access to your computer. Utilities that include both antivirus and firewall capabilities are typically branded "Internet Security" software or something similar.

While antivirus programs are available for Windows, Macintosh, and Unix platforms, most antivirus software is sold for Windows systems. This is because most viruses are targeted towards Windows computers and therefore virus protection is especially important for Windows users. If you are a Windows user, it is smart to have at least one antivirus program installed on your computer. Examples of common antivirus programs include Norton Antivirus, Kaspersky Anti-Virus, and ZoneAlarm Antivirus.

malware 恶意软件

rootkit 木马




虽然防病毒软件主要用于保护计算机免受病毒侵害,但许多防病毒程序现在还可以防范其他类型的恶意软件,例如间谍软件,广告软件和rootkit。防病毒软件还可以与防火墙功能捆绑在一起,这有助于防止未经授权访问您的计算机。包含防病毒和防火墙功能的实用程序通常标有“Internet Security”软件或类似软件。

虽然防病毒程序适用于Windows,Macintosh和Unix平台,但大多数防病毒软件都是针对Windows系统销售的。这是因为大多数病毒都针对Windows计算机,因此病毒防护对Windows用户尤为重要。如果您是Windows用户,则在计算机上安装至少一个防病毒程序是明智之举。常见防病毒程序的示例包括Norton Antivirus,Kaspersky Anti-Virus和ZoneAlarm Antivirus。


Apache is the most popular Web server software. It enables a computer to host one or more websites that can be accessed over the Internet using a Web browser. The first version of Apache was released in 1995 by the Apache Group. In 1999, the Apache Group became the Apache Software Foundation, a non-profit organization that currently maintains the development of the Apache Web server software.

Apache's popularity in the Web hosting market is largely because it is open source and free to use. Therefore, Web hosting companies can offer Apache-based Web hosting solutions at minimal costs. Other server software, such as Windows Server, requires a commercial license. Apache also supports multiple platforms, including Linux, Windows, and Macintosh operating systems. Since many Linux distributions are also open-source, the Linux/Apache combination has become the most popular Web hosting configuration.

Apache can host static websites, as well as dynamic websites that use server-side scripting languages, such as PHP, Python, or Perl. Support for these and other languages is implemented through modules, or installation packages that are added to the standard Apache installation. Apache also supports other modules, which offer advanced security options, file management tools, and other features. Most Apache installations include a URL rewriting module called "mod_rewrite," which has become a common way for webmasters to create custom URLs.

While the Apache Web server software is commonly referred to as just "Apache," it is technically called "Apache HTTP Server," since the software serves webpages over the HTTP protocol. When Apache is running, its process name is "httpd," which is short for "HTTP daemon."

protocol 协议

Apache是​​最受欢迎的Web服务器软件。它使计算机能够托管一个或多个可以使用Web浏览器通过Internet访问的网站。 Apache的第一个版本于1995年由Apache Group发布。 1999年,Apache Group成为Apache Software Foundation,这是一个非盈利组织,目前负责开发Apache Web服务器软件。

Apache在Web托管市场的受欢迎程度主要是因为它是开源的并且可以免费使用。因此,Web托管公司可以以最低的成本提供基于Apache的Web托管解决方案。其他服务器软件(如Windows Server)需要商业许可证。 Apache还支持多种平台,包括Linux,Windows和Macintosh操作系统。由于许多Linux发行版也是开源的,因此Linux / Apache组合已成为最受欢迎的Web托管配置。

Apache可以托管静态网站,以及使用服务器端脚本语言的动态网站,例如PHP,Python或Perl。通过添加到标准Apache安装的模块或安装包实现对这些语言和其他语言的支持。 Apache还支持其他模块,这些模块提供高级安全选项,文件管理工具和其他功能。大多数Apache安装包括名为“mod_rewrite”的URL重写模块,它已成为网站管理员创建自定义URL的常用方法。

虽然Apache Web服务器软件通常被称为“Apache”,但它在技术上称为“Apache HTTP Server”,因为该软件通过HTTP协议提供网页。当Apache运行时,其进程名称为“httpd”,这是“HTTP守护进程”的缩写。


Stands for "Application Programming Interface." An API is a set of commands, functions, protocols, and objects that programmers can use to create software or interact with an external system. It provides developers with standard commands for performing common operations so they do not have to write the code from scratch.

APIs are available for both desktop and mobile operating systems. The Windows API, for example, provides developers with user interface controls and elements, such as windows, scroll bars, and dialog boxes. It also provides commands for accessing the file system and performing file operations, such as creating and deleting files. Additionally, the Windows API includes networking commands that can be used to send and receive data over a local network or the Internet.

Mobile APIs, such as the iOS API, provide commands for detecting touchscreen input, such as tapping, swiping, and rotating. It also includes common user interface elements, such as a pop-up keyboard, a search bar, and a tab bar, which provides navigation buttons the bottom of the screen. The iOS API also includes predefined functions for interacting with an iOS device's hardware, such as the camera, microphone, or speakers.

Operating system APIs are typically integrated into the software development kit for the corresponding program. For example, Apple's Xcode IDE allows developers to drag and drop elements into an application's interface. It also provides a list of available functions and includes syntax highlighting for known elements and commands.

While operating system APIs have a robust set of features, other types of APIs are much more basic. For example, a website may provide an API for web developers that allows them to access specific information from the site. A website API may be as simple as a set of XML elements with a few basic commands for retrieving the information.

scroll bars 滚动条

dialog 对话,会话

代表“应用程序编程接口”。 API是一组命令,函数,协议和对象,程序员可以使用它们来创建软件或与外部系统交互。它为开发人员提供了执行常见操作的标准命令,因此他们不必从头开始编写代码。

API适用于桌面和移动操作系统。例如,Windows API为开发人员提供了用户界面控件和元素,例如窗口,滚动条和对话框。它还提供用于访问文件系统和执行文件操作的命令,例如创建和删除文件。此外,Windows API包括可用于通过本地网络或Internet发送和接收数据的网络命令。

移动API(例如iOS API)提供用于检测触摸屏输入的命令,例如点击,滑动和旋转。它还包括常用的用户界面元素,例如弹出键盘,搜索栏和标签栏,它们在屏幕底部提供导航按钮。 iOS API还包括用于与iOS设备的硬件交互的预定义功能,例如相机,麦克风或扬声器。

操作系统API通常集成到相应程序的软件开发工具包中。例如,Apple的Xcode IDE允许开发人员将元素拖放到应用程序的界面中。它还提供了可用功能列表,并包括已知元素和命令的语法突出显示。



App is short for "application," which is the same thing as a software program. While an app may refer to a program for any hardware platform, it is most often used to describe programs for mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets.

The term "app" was popularized by Apple when the company created the "App Store" in 2008, a year after the first iPhone was released. As the iPhone and App Store grew in popularity, the term "app" became the standard way to refer to mobile applications. Programs for Android and Windows Phone are now called "apps" as well.

Unlike applications for traditional PCs (often called "desktop applications"), mobile apps can only be obtained by downloading them from an online app store. Most devices automatically install apps when downloaded, which creates a seamless installation process for the user. Some apps are free, while others must be purchased. However, mobile apps are typically much cheaper than PC applications, and many are available for only 99 cents. In fact, most paid apps are less than $10.

Part of the reason mobile apps are cheaper than desktop applications is because they are often less advanced and take less resources to develop. Apps are limited to the capabilities of the mobile operating system (such as iOS or Android) and therefore may not offer as much functionality as a desktop program. For example, a word processor for Android will most likely have significantly less features than a word processing application for Windows. Most apps are designed to be small, fast, and easy-to-use. Unlike desktop applications, apps are intended to be used on-the-go and are developed to advantage of a small touchscreen interface.

NOTE: Apple released the Mac App Store in January, 2011, which offers downloadable applications for Mac OS X. In this case, the term "app" refers to desktop applications.

seamless 无缝的


当苹果公司在2008年推出第一款iPhone发布一年后创建“App Store”时,苹果推广了“app”一词。随着iPhone和App Store的普及,术语“app”成为引用移动应用程序的标准方式。 Android和Windows Phone程序现在也称为“应用程序”。



注意:Apple于2011年1月发布了Mac App Store,为Mac OS X提供可下载的应用程序。在这种情况下,术语“app”指的是桌面应用程序。


The reason this term is in the glossary is because way too many people confuse "Apple" with "Macintosh." Apple is the company that makes Macintosh computers -- not the other way around. Apple's product line includes Power Macs, PowerBooks, iMacs, iBooks, and the popular hard drive-based MP3 player, the iPod. Apple also develops a large number of software programs, such as iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie, and iDVD. Notice a pattern here?

Though most of Apple's product names now start with the letter "i", the company has a history of creative innovation. Though Apple has less than ten percent of the marketshare in the computer business, the company still manages to lead the industry in new directions. To find out the latest about what's going on at Apple Computer, check out the Apple Web site.

glossary 术语 

这个术语在词汇表中的原因是因为有太多人将“Apple”与“Macintosh”混为一谈。 Apple是制造Macintosh电脑的公司 - 而不是相反。 Apple的产品线包括Power Macs,PowerBooks,iMacs,iBooks以及流行的基于硬盘的MP3播放器iPod。 Apple还开发了大量软件程序,如iTunes,iPhoto,iMovie和iDVD。注意这里的模式?

尽管Apple的大部分产品名称都以字母“i”开头,但该公司有创新创新的历史。虽然苹果公司在计算机业务市场占有率不到10%,但该公司仍然设法引领行业走向新的方向。要了解有关Apple Computer正在进行的最新信息,请访问Apple网站。


An applet is a small application designed to run within another application. While the term "applet" is sometimes used to describe small programs included with a computer's operating system, it usually refers to Java applets, or small applications written in the Java programming language.

Unlike ordinary applications, Java applets cannot be run directly by the operating system. Instead, they must run within the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), or within another program that includes a Java plug-in. If there is no JRE installed, Java applets will not run. Fortunately, Java is freely available for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems, which means you can easily download and install the appropriate JRE for your system. Since Java applets run within the JRE and are not executed by the operating system, they are crossplatform, meaning a single applet can run on Windows, Mac, and Linux systems.

While applets can serve as basic desktop applications, they have limited access to system resources and therefore are not ideal for complex programs. However, their small size and crossplatform nature make them suitable for Web-based applications. Examples of applets designed to run in web browsers include calculators, drawing programs, animations, and video games. Web-based applets can run in any browser on any operating system and long as the Java plug-in is installed.

During the early years of the Web, Java applets provided a way for webmasters to add interactive features that were not possible with basic HTML. However, in recent years, applets have been slowly replaced by newer technologies such as jQuery and HTML 5. Some browsers, like Google Chrome, no longer support the <applet> tag, and others, like Apple Safari, do not even enable Java by default. Since web developers cannot fully rely on Java support from web browsers, applets are no longer a common way to provide interactive content on the Web.

applet是一个小应用程序,旨在在另一个应用程序中运行。虽然术语“applet”有时用于描述计算机操作系统中包含的小程序,但它通常指的是Java applet或用Java编程语言编写的小应用程序。

与普通应用程序不同,Java applet不能由操作系统直接运行。相反,它们必须在Java运行时环境(JRE)内运行,或者在包含Java插件的其他程序中运行。如果没有安装JRE,Java applet将无法运行。幸运的是,Java可以免费用于Windows,Mac和Linux系统,这意味着您可以轻松地为您的系统下载和安装适当的JRE。由于Java applet在JRE中运行并且不由操作系统执行,因此它们是跨平台的,这意味着单个applet可以在Windows,Mac和Linux系统上运行。


在Web的早期阶段,Java applet为网站管理员提供了一种添加基本HTML无法实现的交互功能的方法。然而,近年来,applet已经被jQuery和HTML等新技术慢慢取代。某些浏览器(如Google Chrome)不再支持<applet>标签,而其他类似Apple Safari,甚至不支持Java默认。由于Web开发人员无法完全依赖Web浏览器提供的Java支持,因此applet不再是在Web上提供交互式内容的常用方法。


An application, or application program, is a software program that runs on your computer. Web browsers, e-mail programs, word processors, games, and utilities are all applications. The word "application" is used because each program has a specific application for the user. For example, a word processor can help a student create a research paper, while a video game can prevent the student from getting the paper done.

In contrast, system software consists of programs that run in the background, enabling applications to run. These programs include assemblers, compilers, file management tools, and the operating system itself. Applications are said to run on top of the system software, since the system software is made of of "low-level" programs. While system software is automatically installed with the operating system, you can choose which applications you want to install and run on your computer.

Macintosh programs are typically called applications, while Windows programs are often referred to as executable files. This is why Mac programs use the .APP file extension, while Windows programs use the .EXE extension. Though they have different file extensions, Macintosh and Windows programs serve the same purpose and can both be called applications.

应用程序或应用程序是在您的计算机上运行的软件程序。 Web浏览器,电子邮件程序,文字处理程序,游戏和实用程序都是应用程序。使用“应用程序”一词是因为每个程序都有一个特定的应用程序供用户使用。例如,文字处理器可以帮助学生创建研究论文,而视频游戏可以防止学生完成论文。




An APU is a processor that includes both the CPU and GPU on a single chip. The name “APU” was coined by AMD, which released the first APU in January, 2011.

For many years, CPUs handled all non-graphics calculations, while GPUs were only used for graphics operations. As GPU performance increased, hardware manufacturers and software programmers realized GPUs had a lot of unused potential. Therefore, they began to find ways to offload certain system calculations to the GPU. This strategy, called “parallel processing,” enables the GPU to perform calculations alongside the CPU, improving overall performance.

The APU takes parallel computing one step further by removing the bus between the CPU and GPU and integrating both units on the same chip. Since the bus is the main bottleneck in parallel processing, an APU is more efficient than a separate CPU and GPU. While this strategy may not make sense for desktop computers with dedicated video cards, it can provide significant performance gains for laptops and other mobile devices that have integrated graphics chips.

NOTE: While Intel processors are not called APUs, modern Intel architectures, such as Sandy Bridge and Ivy Bridge are designed with integrated CPUs and GPUs. These chips are sometimes called “hybrid processors,” since they contain both the central processing unit and the graphics processing unit.

hybrid 混合的】

APU是一种在单个芯片上同时包含CPU和GPU的处理器。 “APU”这个名字是由AMD公司创造的,该公司于2011年1月发布了第一款APU。



注意:虽然英特尔处理器不称为APU,但现代英特尔架构(如Sandy Bridge和Ivy Bridge)采用集成CPU和GPU设计。这些芯片有时被称为“混合处理器”,因为它们包含中央处理单元和图形处理单元。


Archie is a program that allows you to search for files available on one or more FTP servers. It was commonly used in the early 1990s, but has been replaced by standard web-based search engines and peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing services.

In the early days of the Internet, large files were often available only through FTP servers. In order to download a specific file, users would have to navigate to the appropriate directory and then find the correct file before downloading it. This made it difficult for people to locate files unless they knew exactly where they were stored on the server. Archie made it possible for users to actually search FTP servers rather than browsing through all the directories.

While Archie is rarely used today, some websites still offer an Archie search feature. You can often identify an Archie search engine by a URL that begins with "archie" rather than "www." Most Archie search engines allow you to search for filenames based on either substrings or exact matches. You can also specify if a search should be case sensitive or not. Additionally, you can use boolean operators such as AND and OR to search for multiple filenames at once.


在互联网发展的早期,大型文件通常只能通过FTP服务器获得。为了下载特定文件,用户必须导航到相应的目录,然后在下载之前找到正确的文件。这使得人们很难找到文件,除非他们确切地知道它们存储在服务器上的确切位置。 Archie使用户可以实际搜索FTP服务器,而不是浏览所有目录。



The word "architecture" typically refers to building design and construction. In the computing world, "architecture" also refers to design, but instead of buildings, it describes the design of computer systems. Computer architecture is a broad topic that includes everything from the relationship between multiple computers (such as a "client-server" model) to specific components inside a computer.

The most important type of hardware design is a computer's processor architecture. The design of the processor determines what software can run on the computer and what other hardware components are supported. For example, Intel's x86 processor architecture is the standard architecture used by most PCs. By using this design, computer manufacturers can create machines that include different hardware components, but run the same software. Several years ago, Apple switched from the PowerPC architecture to the x86 architecture to make the Macintosh platform more compatible with Window

“建筑”一词通常指建筑设计和建筑。在计算领域,“架构”也指设计,但它不是建筑物,而是描述计算机系统的设计。计算机体系结构是一个广泛的主题,包括从多台计算机(例如“客户端 - 服务器”模型)到计算机内部特定组件之间的关系。



An archive is a single file that contains multiple files and/or folders. Archives may be created by several different file archiving utilities and can be saved in one of several different formats. They may also be compressed to reduce the file size or encrypted for security purposes. The term "archive" can also be used as a verb, which refers to the process of creating an archive.

Archives are useful for consolidating multiple files and folders into a single file. They are commonly used for backing up data and transferring multiple files between users. For example, a Web developer may save all the HTML, CSS, and image files for a website in a single archive to share with graphic designer. By consolidating all the files in an archive, the developer only needs to send one file to the designer. If the archive is compressed, it will also take less time to transfer online.

In order to open the files in an archive, they must first be extracted from the archive. Compressed archives must also be decompressed before the files can be extracted. Both of these processes can be performed using a compatible file decompression utility, such as WinZip, StuffIt Expander, WinRAR, or 7-Zip. These programs support multiple standard archive formats, as well their own proprietary compressed file types.

Some common archive formats include Zip files, StuffIt archives, and TAR files. Zip files use a standard archive format that is supported by several file decompression programs. StuffIt archives are saved in a proprietary format that can only be opened using StuffIt Expander on Macintosh and Windows systems. TAR files are uncompressed archives that are typically created on Unix systems.

File Extensions: .ZIP, .ZIPX .SIT, .SITX, .TAR, .TGZ, .RAR

encrypted 加密 



要打开存档中的文件,必须首先从存档中提取它们。在提取文件之前,还必须解压缩压缩存档。这两个过程都可以使用兼容的文件解压缩实用程序来执行,例如WinZip,StuffIt Expander,WinRAR或7-Zip。这些程序支持多种标准存档格式,以及它们自己的专有压缩文件类型。

一些常见的归档格式包括Zip文件,StuffIt归档和TAR文件。 Zip文件使用多个文件解压缩程序支持的标准存档格式。 StuffIt存档以专有格式保存,只能在Macintosh和Windows系统上使用StuffIt Expander打开。 TAR文件是通常在Unix系统上创建的未压缩存档。



Stands for "Address Resolution Protocol." ARP is a protocol used for mapping an IP address to a computer connected to a local network LAN. Since each computer has a unique physical address called a MAC address, the ARP converts the IP address to the MAC address. This ensures each computer has a unique network identification.

The Address Resolution Protocol is used when information sent to a network arrives at the gateway, which serves as the entrance point to the network. The gateway uses the ARP to locate the MAC address of the computer based on the IP address the data is being sent to. The ARP typically looks up this information in a table called the "ARP cache." If the address is found, the information is relayed to the gateway, which will send the incoming data to the appropriate machine. It may also convert the data to the correct network format if necessary.

If the address is not found, the ARP broadcasts a "request packet" to other machines on the network to see if the IP address belongs to a machine not listed in the ARP cache. If a valid system is located, the information will be relayed to the gateway and the ARP cache will be updated with the new information. By updating the ARP cache, future requests for that IP address will be much quicker. While this may seem like a complex process, it usually takes only a fraction of a second to complete. If only it was just as easy to find old receipts when you need them.

fraction 分

代表“地址解析协议”。 ARP是用于将IP地址映射到连接到本地网络LAN的计算机的协议。由于每台计算机都有一个称为MAC地址的唯一物理地址,因此ARP会将IP地址转换为MAC地址。这可确保每台计算机都具有唯一的网络标识。

当发送到网络的信息到达网关时,使用地址解析协议,网关作为网络的入口点。网关使用ARP根据发送数据的IP地址来定位计算机的MAC地址。 ARP通常在名为“ARP缓存”的表中查找此信息。如果找到该地址,则将信息中继到网关,网关将传入的数据发送到适当的机器。如有必要,它还可以将数据转换为正确的网络格式。



An array is a data structure that contains a group of elements. Typically these elements are all of the same data type, such as an integer or string. Arrays are commonly used in computer programs to organize data so that a related set of values can be easily sorted or searched.

For example, a search engine may use an array to store Web pages found in a search performed by the user. When displaying the results, the program will output one element of the array at a time. This may be done for a specified number of values or until all the values stored in the array have been output. While the program could create a new variable for each result found, storing the results in an array is much more efficient way to manage memory.

The syntax for storing and displaying the values in an array typically looks something like this:

arrayname[0] = "This ";

arrayname[1] = "is ";

arrayname[2] = "pretty simple.";


print arrayname[0];

print arrayname[1];

print arrayname[2];

The above commands would print the first three values of the array, or "This is pretty simple." By using a "while" or "for" loop, the programmer can tell the program to output each value in the array until the last value has been reached. So not only do arrays help manage memory more efficiently, they make the programmer's job more efficient as well.




arrayname [0] =“这个”;

arrayname [1] =“是”;

arrayname [2] =“很简单。”;


print arrayname [0];

print arrayname [1];

print arrayname [2];


53、Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is the ability of a computer to act like a human being. It has several applications, including software simulations and robotics. However, artificial intelligence is most commonly used in video games, where the computer is made to act as another player.

Nearly all video games include some level of artificial intelligence. The most basic type of AI produces characters that move in standard formations and perform predictable actions. More advanced artificial intelligence enables computer characters to act unpredictably and make different decisions based on a player's actions. For example, in a first-person shooter (FPS), an AI opponent may hide behind a wall while the player is facing him. When the player turns away, the AI opponent may attack. In modern video games, multiple AI opponents can even work together, making the gameplay even more challenging.

Artificial intelligence is used in a wide range of video games, including board games, side-scrollers, and 3D action games. AI also plays a large role in sports games, such as football, soccer, and basketball games. Since the competition is only as good as the computer's artificial intelligence, the AI is a crucial aspect of a game's playability. Games that lack a sophisticated and dynamic AI are easy to beat and therefore are less fun to play. If the artificial intelligence is too good, a game might be impossible to beat, which would be discouraging for players. Therefore, video game developers often spend a long time creating the perfect balance of artificial intelligence to make the games both challenging and fun to play. Most games also include different difficulty levels, such as Easy, Medium, and Hard, which allows players to select an appropriate level of artificial intelligence to play against.

simulation 仿真

board games 棋盘游戏

side-scrollers 翻滚游戏





Stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." ASCII character encoding provides a standard way to represent characters using numeric codes. These include upper and lower-case English letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols.

ASCII uses 7 bits to represent each character. For example, a capital "T" is represented by the number 84 and a lowercase "t" is represented by 116. Other keyboard keys are also mapped to standard ASCII values. For example, the Escape (ESC) key is represented as 27 and the Delete (DEL) key is represented as 32. ASCII codes may also be displayed as hexadecimal values instead of the decimal numbers listed above. For example, the ASCII value of the Escape key in hexadecimal is "1B" and the hexadecimal value of the Delete key is "7F."

Since ASCII uses 7 bits, it only supports 2^7, or 128 values. Therefore, the standard ASCII character set is limited to 128 characters. While this is enough to represent all standard English letters, numbers, and punctuation symbols, it is not sufficient to represent all special characters or characters from other languages. Even Extended ASCII, which supports 8 bit values, or 256 characters, does not include enough characters to accurately represent all languages. Therefore, other character sets, such as Latin-1 (ISO-8859-1), UTF-8, and UTF-16 are commonly used for documents and webpages that require more characters.

hexadecimal 十六进制

代表“美国信息交换标准代码”。 ASCII字符编码提供了使用数字代码表示字符的标准方法。这些包括大写和小写英文字母,数字和标点符号。

ASCII使用7位来表示每个字符。例如,大写“T”由数字84表示,小写“t”由116表示。其他键盘键也映射到标准ASCII值。例如,Escape(ESC)键表示为27,Delete(DEL)键表示为32. ASCII码也可以显示为十六进制值,而不是上面列出的十进制数。例如,十六进制的Escape键的ASCII值为“1B”,Delete键的十六进制值为“7F”。

由于ASCII使用7位,因此它仅支持2 ^ 7或128个值。因此,标准ASCII字符集限制为128个字符。虽然这足以表示所有标准英文字母,数字和标点符号,但仅表示来自其他语言的所有特殊字符或字符是不够的。即使是支持8位值或256个字符的扩展ASCII,也不包含足以准确表示所有语言的字符。因此,其他字符集(如Latin-1(ISO-8859-1),UTF-8和UTF-16)通常用于需要更多字符的文档和网页。


ASP has two different meanings in the IT world: 1) Application Service Provider, and 2) Active Server Page.

1) Application Service Provider

An Application Service Provider is a company or organization that provides software applications to customers over the Internet. These Internet-based applications are also known as "software as a service" (SaaS) and are often made available on a subscription basis. This means ASP clients often pay a monthly fee to use the software, rather than purchasing a traditional software license. Some SaaS applications can be accessed via a web browser, while others operate over a proprietary secure port.

2) Active Server Page

An Active Server Page, commonly called an "ASP page," is a webpage that may contain scripts as well as standard HTML. The scripts are processed by an ASP interpreter on the web server each time the page is accessed by a visitor. Since the content of an ASP page can be generated on-the-fly, ASP pages are commonly used for creating dynamic websites.

ASP is similar to other scripting platforms, like PHP and JSP, but supports multiple programming languages. While the default ASP language is VBScript, ASP pages can include other programming languages as well, such as C# and JavaScript. However, alternative languages must be defined before the script code using the following declaration:

<%@ Page Language="C#"%>

ASP pages are part of the ASP.NET web application framework developed by Microsoft. Therefore, ASP pages are most often found on Windows-based web servers that run Microsoft Internet Information Services, or IIS. You can tell if you are accessing an ASP page in your browser if the URL has an ".asp" or ".aspx" suffix.

File extensions: .ASP, .ASPX

via 取道,经由

interpreter 解释器,注释器

ASP在IT领域有两个不同的含义:1)应用服务提供商,2)Active Server Page。



2)Active Server Page

Active Server Page,通常称为“ASP页面”,是一个可能包含脚本和标准HTML的网页。每次访问者访问页面时,脚本都由Web服务器上的ASP解释器处理。由于ASP页面的内容可以即时生成,因此ASP页面通常用于创建动态网站。


<%@ Page Language =“C#”%>

ASP页面是Microsoft开发的ASP.NET Web应用程序框架的一部分。因此,ASP页最常出现在运行Microsoft Internet信息服务或IIS的基于Windows的Web服务器上。如果URL具有“.asp”或“.aspx”后缀,您可以判断您是否在浏览器中访问ASP页面。



ASP.NET is a set of Web development tools offered by Microsoft. Programs like Visual Studio .NET and Visual Web Developer allow Web developers to create dynamic websites using a visual interface. Of course, programmers can write their own code and scripts and incorporate it into ASP.NET websites as well. Though it often seen as a successor to Microsoft's ASP programming technology, ASP.NET also supports Visual Basic.NET, JScript .NET and open-source languages like Python and Perl.

ASP.NET is built on the .NET framework, which provides an application program interface (API) for software programmers. The .NET development tools can be used to create applications for both the Windows operating system and the Web. Programs like Visual Studio .NET provide a visual interface for developers to create their applications, which makes .NET a reasonable choice for designing Web-based interfaces as well.

In order for an ASP.NET website to function correctly, it must be published to a Web server that supports ASP.NET applications. Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server is by far the most common platform for ASP.NET websites. While there are some open-source options available for Linux-based systems, these alternatives often provide less than full support for ASP.NET applications.

successor 继承者

ASP.NET是Microsoft提供的一组Web开发工具。 Visual Studio .NET和Visual Web Developer等程序允许Web开发人员使用可视化界面创建动态网站。当然,程序员也可以编写自己的代码和脚本,并将其合并到ASP.NET网站中。虽然它经常被视为微软ASP编程技术的继承者,但它也支持Visual Basic.NET,JScript .NET和Python和Perl等开源语言。

ASP.NET构建于.NET框架之上,该框架为软件程序员提供了一个应用程序接口(API)。 .NET开发工具可用于为Windows操作系统和Web创建应用程序。像Visual Studio .NET这样的程序为开发人员提供了一个可视化界面来创建他们的应用程序,这使得.NET成为设计基于Web的界面的合理选择。

为了使ASP.NET网站正常运行,必须将其发布到支持ASP.NET应用程序的Web服务器。 Microsoft的Internet信息服务(IIS)Web服务器是迄今为止ASP.NET网站最常用的平台。虽然有一些开源选项可用于基于Linux的系统,但这些替代方案通常不足以完全支持ASP.NET应用程序。


An assembler is a program that converts assembly language into machine code. It takes the basic commands and operations from assembly code and converts them into binary code that can be recognized by a specific type of processor.

Assemblers are similar to compilers in that they produce executable code. However, assemblers are more simplistic since they only convert low-level code (assembly language) to machine code. Since each assembly language is designed for a specific processor, assembling a program is performed using a simple one-to-one mapping from assembly code to machine code. Compilers, on the other hand, must convert generic high-level source code into machine code for a specific processor.

Most programs are written in high-level programming languages and are compiled directly to machine code using a compiler. However, in some cases, assembly code may be used to customize functions and ensure they perform in a specific way. Therefore, IDEs often include assemblers so they can build programs from both high and low-level languages.

assembler 汇编程序




58、Assembly Language

An assembly language is a low-level programming language designed for a specific type of processor. It may be produced by compiling source code from a high-level programming language (such as C/C++) but can also be written from scratch. Assembly code can be converted to machine code using an assembler.

Since most compilers convert source code directly to machine code, software developers often create programs without using assembly language. However, in some cases, assembly code can be used to fine-tune a program. For example, a programmer may write a specific process in assembly language to make sure it functions as efficiently as possible.

While assembly languages differ between processor architectures, they often include similar instructions and operators. Below are some examples of instructions supported by x86 processors.

MOV - move data from one location to another

ADD - add two values

SUB - subtract a value from another value

PUSH - push data onto a stack

POP - pop data from a stack

JMP - jump to another location

INT - interrupt a process

The following assembly language can be used to add the numbers 3 and 4:

mov eax, 3 - loads 3 into the register "eax"

mov ebx, 4 - loads 4 into the register "ebx"

add eax, ebx, ecx - adds "eax" and "ebx" and stores the result (7) in "ecx"

Writing assembly language is a tedious process since each operation must be performed at a very basic level. While it may not be necessary to use assembly code to create a computer program, learning assembly language is often part of a Computer Science curriculum since it provides useful insight into the way processors work.

tedious 冗长的

curriculum 课程

汇编语言是为特定类型的处理器设计的低级编程语言。它可以通过从高级编程语言(例如C / C ++)编译源代码来生成,但也可以从头开始编写。可以使用汇编程序将汇编代码转换为机器代码。



MOV  - 将数据从一个位置移动到另一个位置

添加 - 添加两个值

SUB  - 从另一个值中减去一个值

PUSH  - 将数据推送到堆栈

POP  - 来自堆栈的弹出数据

JMP  - 跳转到另一个位置

INT  - 中断进程


mov eax,3  - 将3加载到寄存器“eax”中

mov ebx,4  - 将4加载到寄存器“ebx”中

添加eax,ebx,ecx  - 添加“eax”和“ebx”并将结果(7)存储在“ecx”中


59、Assistive Technology

Assistive technology refers to hardware and software designed to help people with disabilities. Some types of assistive technology provide physical assistance, while others provide helpful aids for individuals with learning disabilities.

Examples of common assistive devices include hearing aids, wheelchairs, and prosthetics. Hearing aids amplify sound, helping individuals who have difficulty hearing. Modern hearing aids even filter out background noise and clarify speech, making conversation easier. Wheelchairs provide mobility for individuals who are unable to walk. Motorized wheelchairs provide a means of transportation for people with limited upper body function. Prosthetics can replace missing body limbs, such as arms or legs. Some modern prosthetics even allow people to control appendages, such as the fingers on a prosthetic hand.

Software designed to help individuals with physical limitations is often called "Accessibility" software. Popular operating systems, such as Windows, OS X, and iOS include several accessibility features. Some examples include:

Text to Speech - A computer can speak text for people with visual impairments. It also provides a way for mute individuals to communicate with others.

Speech to Text - Also called dictation, this feature translates spoken words into text for people who have difficulty using a keyboard. Some operating systems allow users to speak common commands such as opening or quitting programs.

Voiceover - Some operating systems can speak descriptions of items when the user selects them or moves the cursor over them.

Screen Zoom - Keyboard shortcuts can be used to zoom into different areas of the screen, increasing the size of text and images.

Display Enhancements - Inverting colors and increasing contrast can make it easier for individuals with limited vision to see the screen.

Assistive software may also be designed for educational purposes. For example, a specialized reading program may help students with dyslexia. Math tutor programs can provide a way for students to learn mathematical concepts at a comfortable pace. Memory applications can help individuals with brain injuries restore their memorization capabilities.

NOTE: While not designed as assistive technology, touchscreen devices such as tablets are commonly used as assistive devices since they provide a natural user interface.

amplify 扩大

dictation 口述,命令

dyslexia 难语症;阅读性障碍

tutor 辅导



旨在帮助有身体限制的个人的软件通常被称为“辅助功能”软件。流行的操作系统,如Windows,OS X和iOS包括几个辅助功能。一些例子包括:

文本到语音 - 计算机可以为有视力障碍的人说文本。它还为静音个人提供与他人交流的方式。

语音到文本 - 也称为听写,此功能可将语音单词转换为文本,供使用键盘有困难的人使用。某些操作系统允许用户说出常用命令,例如打开或退出程序。

画外音 - 某些操作系统可以在用户选择项目或将光标移到项目上时说出项目。

屏幕缩放 - 键盘快捷键可用于缩放屏幕的不同区域,增加文本和图像的大小。

显示增强功能 - 反转颜色和增加对比度可以使视力有限的人更容易看到屏幕。




Stands for "Advanced Technology Attachment." It is a type of disk drive that integrates the drive controller directly on the drive itself. Computers can use ATA hard drives without a specific controller to support the drive. The motherboard must still support an ATA connection, but a separate card (such as a SCSI card for a SCSI hard drive) is not needed. Some different types of ATA standards include ATA-1, ATA-2 (a.k.a. Fast ATA), ATA-3, Ultra ATA (33 MBps maximum transfer rate), ATA/66 (66 MBps), and ATA/100 (100 MBps).

The term IDE, or "Integrated Drive Electronics," is also used to refer to ATA drives. Sometimes (to add extra confusion to people buying hard drives), ATA drives are labeled as "IDE/ATA." Technically, ATA uses IDE technology, but the important thing to know is that they refer to the same thing.

代表“先进技术附件”。它是一种磁盘驱动器,它将驱动器控制器直接集成在驱动器本身上。计算机可以使用没有特定控制器的ATA硬盘来支持该驱动器。主板必须仍支持ATA连接,但不需要单独的卡(例如SCSI硬盘的SCSI卡)。一些不同类型的ATA标准包括ATA-1,ATA-2(又名快速ATA),ATA-3,Ultra ATA(33 MBps最大传输速率),ATA / 66(66 MBps)和ATA / 100(100 MBps) 。

术语IDE或“集成驱动电子设备”也用于指代ATA驱动器。有时(为了给购买硬盘的人增加额外的困惑),ATA驱动器被标记为“IDE / ATA”。从技术上讲,ATA使用IDE技术,但重要的是要知道它们指的是同一个东西。

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