# import random
# def roll_dice(number = 3,points = None):
# print('<<<<<<< ROLL THE DICE! >>>>>>')
# if points is None:
# points = []
# while number>0:
# point = random.randrange(1,7)
# points.append(point)
# number = number-1
# return points
# def roll_result(total):
# isBig = 11<= total <= 18
# isSmall = 3<= total <=10
# if isBig:
# return 'Big'
# elif isSmall:
# return 'Small'
# def start_game(balance=1000):
# print('<<<<<<<< GAME START! >>>>>')
# choices = ['Big','Small']
# bet_on = input('please enter bet_on,and < '+str(balance) +':')
# bet_on = int(bet_on)
# if balance > 0:
# if bet_on < balance:
# your_choice = input("Big or Small:")
# if your_choice in choices:
# points = roll_dice()
# total = sum(points)
# youWin = your_choice == roll_result(total)
# if youWin:
# balance = balance + bet_on
# print('The points are',points,'You Win ! and you balance is '+ str(balance) +'!')
# else:
# balance = balance - bet_on
# print('The points are',points,'You Lose ! and you balance is '+ str(balance) + '!')
# else:
# print('Invalid Words')
# start_game()
# else:
# print('sorry!you bet_on > '+ str(balance) + '!')
# else:
# print('you balance is lestest')
# print('begin again!')
# start_game()
# start_game()