from __future__ import print_function , unicode_literals , absolute_import , division
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
def add_layer ( inputs , in_size , out_size , n_layer , activation_function= None ) :
layer_name = 'layer%s' % n_layer
with tf. name_scope( 'layer_name' ) :
with tf. name_scope( 'weights' ) :
Weights = tf. Variable( tf. random_normal( [ in_size , out_size] ) , name= 'W' )
tf. summary. histogram( layer_name + '/weights' , Weights)
with tf. name_scope( 'biases' ) :
biases = tf. Variable( tf. zeros( [ 1 , out_size] ) + 0.1 , name= 'b' )
tf. summary. histogram( layer_name + '/biases' , biases)
with tf. name_scope( 'Wx_plus_b' ) :
Wx_plus_b = tf. add( tf. matmul( inputs , Weights ) , biases)
if activation_function is None :
outputs = Wx_plus_b
else :
outputs = activation_function( Wx_plus_b )
tf. summary. histogram( layer_name + '/outputs' , outputs)
return outputs
真实数据(tensorboard 第二课添加)
x_data = np. linspace( - 1 , 1 , 300 ) [ : , np. newaxis]
noise = np. random. normal( 0 , 0.05 , x_data. shape)
y_data = np. square( x_data) - 0.5 + noise
with tf. name_scope( 'inputs' ) :
xs = tf. placeholder( tf. float32 , [ None , 1 ] , name= 'x_input' )
ys = tf. placeholder( tf. float32 , [ None , 1 ] , name= 'y_input' )
l1 = add_layer( xs , 1 , 10 , n_layer= 1 , activation_function= tf. nn. relu )
prediction = add_layer( l1 , 10 , 1 , n_layer= 2 , activation_function= None )
with tf. name_scope( 'loss' ) :
loss = tf. reduce_mean( tf. reduce_sum( tf. square( ys - prediction) , reduction_indices= [ 1 ] ) )
tf. summary. scalar( 'loss' , loss)
with tf. name_scope( 'train' ) :
train_step = tf. train. GradientDescentOptimizer( 0.1 ) . minimize( loss)
sess = tf. Session( )
merged = tf. summary. merge_all( )
writer = tf. summary. FileWriter( "logs/" , sess. graph)
进入cmd命令行模式切换到正确的路径 下,我的logs路径是:C:\Users\24301(\logs),括号内的不需要,cd C:\Users\24301;
输入tensorboard --logdir=logs,复制生成的网址路径,改电脑名为localhost在浏览器中打开
sess. run( tf. global_variables_initializer( ) )
for i in range ( 1000 ) :
sess. run( train_step , feed_dict= { xs: x_data , ys: y_data} )
if i% 50 == 0 :
result = sess. run( merged , feed_dict= { xs: x_data , ys: y_data} )
writer. add_summary( result , i)