

package com.fang;

import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Timer;
import java.util.TimerTask;

 * @author 川川
 * @version 1.0
 * @description: TODO
 * @date 2022/1/16 13:53
public class TimerTaskTest {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        TimerTask timerTask = new TimerTask() {
            public void run() {
                while (true) {
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    System.out.println("TimerTask当前之间为:" + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()));

        Timer timer = new Timer();
        long delay = 0;
        long period = 1000;
        timer.schedule(timerTask, delay, period);




 * Copyright (c) 1999, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * ORACLE PROPRIETARY/CONFIDENTIAL. Use is subject to license terms.

package java.util;

 * A task that can be scheduled for one-time or repeated execution by a Timer.
 * @author  Josh Bloch
 * @see     Timer
 * @since   1.3

public abstract class TimerTask implements Runnable {
     * This object is used to control access to the TimerTask internals.
    final Object lock = new Object();

     * The state of this task, chosen from the constants below.
    int state = VIRGIN;

     * This task has not yet been scheduled.
    static final int VIRGIN = 0;

     * This task is scheduled for execution.  If it is a non-repeating task,
     * it has not yet been executed.
    static final int SCHEDULED   = 1;

     * This non-repeating task has already executed (or is currently
     * executing) and has not been cancelled.
    static final int EXECUTED    = 2;

     * This task has been cancelled (with a call to TimerTask.cancel).
    static final int CANCELLED   = 3;

     * Next execution time for this task in the format returned by
     * System.currentTimeMillis, assuming this task is scheduled for execution.
     * For repeating tasks, this field is updated prior to each task execution.
    long nextExecutionTime;

     * Period in milliseconds for repeating tasks.  A positive value indicates
     * fixed-rate execution.  A negative value indicates fixed-delay execution.
     * A value of 0 indicates a non-repeating task.
    long period = 0;

     * Creates a new timer task.
    protected TimerTask() {

     * The action to be performed by this timer task.
    public abstract void run();

     * Cancels this timer task.  If the task has been scheduled for one-time
     * execution and has not yet run, or has not yet been scheduled, it will
     * never run.  If the task has been scheduled for repeated execution, it
     * will never run again.  (If the task is running when this call occurs,
     * the task will run to completion, but will never run again.)
     * <p>Note that calling this method from within the <tt>run</tt> method of
     * a repeating timer task absolutely guarantees that the timer task will
     * not run again.
     * <p>This method may be called repeatedly; the second and subsequent
     * calls have no effect.
     * @return true if this task is scheduled for one-time execution and has
     *         not yet run, or this task is scheduled for repeated execution.
     *         Returns false if the task was scheduled for one-time execution
     *         and has already run, or if the task was never scheduled, or if
     *         the task was already cancelled.  (Loosely speaking, this method
     *         returns <tt>true</tt> if it prevents one or more scheduled
     *         executions from taking place.)
    public boolean cancel() {
        synchronized(lock) {
            boolean result = (state == SCHEDULED);
            state = CANCELLED;
            return result;

     * Returns the <i>scheduled</i> execution time of the most recent
     * <i>actual</i> execution of this task.  (If this method is invoked
     * while task execution is in progress, the return value is the scheduled
     * execution time of the ongoing task execution.)
     * <p>This method is typically invoked from within a task's run method, to
     * determine whether the current execution of the task is sufficiently
     * timely to warrant performing the scheduled activity:
     * <pre>{@code
     *   public void run() {
     *       if (System.currentTimeMillis() - scheduledExecutionTime() >=
     *           MAX_TARDINESS)
     *               return;  // Too late; skip this execution.
     *       // Perform the task
     *   }
     * }</pre>
     * This method is typically <i>not</i> used in conjunction with
     * <i>fixed-delay execution</i> repeating tasks, as their scheduled
     * execution times are allowed to drift over time, and so are not terribly
     * significant.
     * @return the time at which the most recent execution of this task was
     *         scheduled to occur, in the format returned by Date.getTime().
     *         The return value is undefined if the task has yet to commence
     *         its first execution.
     * @see Date#getTime()
    public long scheduledExecutionTime() {
        synchronized(lock) {
            return (period < 0 ? nextExecutionTime + period
                               : nextExecutionTime - period);




  1. 无参构造函数: 通过Timer为前缀构造一个线程
      * Creates a new timer.  The associated thread does <i>not</i>
      * {@linkplain Thread#setDaemon run as a daemon}.
     public Timer() {
         this("Timer-" + serialNumber());
  2. 第二个构造函数:传入了是否为守护线程,如果是,主线程结束后会自动结束,不需要调用cancel。
    public Timer(boolean isDaemon) {
         this("Timer-" + serialNumber(), isDaemon);
  3. 第三个构造函数:传入并设置线程的名字,然后启动
    public Timer(String name) {
  4. 第四个构造函数:可以设置线程名字以及是否是守护线程,并且启动。
    public Timer(String name, boolean isDaemon) {



  1. 安排指定任务在指定延迟后执行
    public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay) {
        if (delay < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay.");
        sched(task, System.currentTimeMillis()+delay, 0);
  2. 安排指定任务在指定时间执行,如果时间是过去,则安排任务立即执行
    public void schedule(TimerTask task, Date time) {
        sched(task, time.getTime(), 0);
  3. 安排指定的任务重复固定时间间隔执行,且在指定的延迟后开始
    public void schedule(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) {
        if (delay < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay.");
        if (period <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
        sched(task, System.currentTimeMillis()+delay, -period);
  4. 从指定时间开始,以重复的固定时间间隔执行安排指定的任务
    public void schedule(TimerTask task, Date firstTime, long period) {
        if (period <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
        sched(task, firstTime.getTime(), -period);
  5. 安排指定任务以重复固定速率执行,在指定延迟后开始
    public void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, long delay, long period) {
        if (delay < 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative delay.");
        if (period <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
        sched(task, System.currentTimeMillis()+delay, period);
  6. 从指定时间开始,安排指定任务以重复固定速率执行
    public void scheduleAtFixedRate(TimerTask task, Date firstTime,
                                    long period) {
        if (period <= 0)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-positive period.");
        sched(task, firstTime.getTime(), period);


TimerThread: 这个帮助类实现了定时器的任务执行线程,它等待定时器队列上的任务,在它们触发时执行它们,宠幸安排重复的任务,并从队列中移除取消的任务和花费的非重复任务。


  • TimerTask时调度任务的具体内容
  • TaskQueue存放要执行的TimerTask,下标越小优先级最高
  • TimerThread是Thread的扩展类,从TaksQueue中获取下标为1的TimerTask执行,并根据是否是重复任务对TaskQueue进行处理
  • Timer主要就是配置任务执行时间,间隔,执行内容,TimerThread和TaskQueue位于Timer类中。

需要注意的是:如果要用TimerTask,一定要记得使用try catch,如果遇到不能捕获的异常Timer就终止了





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