


        一般不进行DTMF配置,UE在接收到DTMF数据后就会丢弃,所以听不到DTMF音。一般运营商默认不配置,需要在 overideconfig 文件中进行“DLDtmfMode=1”配置

        overideconfig 文件在设备中的路径:EFS --> efsprofiles





15:29:38.433984    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=1 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150    //工作态:DLDtmfMode=1
15:29:38.433984    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=1 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150
15:29:38.810026    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=1 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150
15:29:38.810026    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=1 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150
15:29:51.720990    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=2 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150    //空闲态:DLDtmfMode=2
15:23:32.890000    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=2 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150
15:23:32.890000    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=2 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150
15:23:46.297161    IMS RTP/Medium    [qvp_rtp_app_cmd.c   9498] DLDtmfMode=2 disableVarDjtrOpt=0, fltrAlphaVar=90minWVar=3, maxWVar=4, wVarstep=3 sldWinSize=150


        关于在overideconfig 文件中配置DTMF:

  1. 首先在设备中激活当前问题的MBN
  2. 导出设备中的 overideconfig 文件
  3. 根据导出的 overideconfig 文件,匹配代码中的 overideconfig 文件
  4. 在代码中的 overideconfig 文件中添加配置。


    *DLDtmfMode = 1

        关于 overideconfig 文件的修改,请参考 KBA-170531044543 




  1. CM通过QMI消息接收DTMF启动请求 (RIL --> CM)
  2. CM向IMS发送带内的DTMF开始发送消息 (CM --> IMS)
  3. IMS第一次发送DTMF到网络 (IMS --> NW)
  4. IMS接收DTMF发送消息并完成DTMF发送相关配置(IMS配置)
  5. CM通过QMI消息返回DTMF启动请求(CM --> RIL)
  6. IMS继续向网络发送DTMF(IMS --> NW)
  7. CM通过QMI消息接收DTMF释放/停止请求(RIL --> CM)
  8. CM向IMS发送带内的DTMF结束发送消息(CM --> IMS)
  9. IMS接收DTMF结束消息并完成DTMF结束相关配置(IIMS配置)
  10. CM通过QMI消息返回DTMF释放/停止请求(CM --> RIL)
  11. DTMF发送结束标识(IMS --> NW)
  12. IMS发送DTMF到网络的 RTP 数据包(IMS --> NW)
15:30:05.694244    QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT       Length:   49                                                                                                 //CM通过QMI消息接收DTMF启动请求
15:30:05.694219    Call Manager/Medium    [cmipapp.c   5645] =CM= CM->IMS: CMIPAPP: Send start inband DTMF for call 10, as_id 0                        //CM向IMS发送带内的DTMF开始发送消息
15:30:05.694219    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 20, end_bit = 0                        //IMS第一次发送DTMF到网络
15:30:05.694219    IMS/High               [qipcalldtmf.c    373] qipcall_start_dtmf_rpt_conf: Block call rpt ind = 0,Call Id=10, State=14, status = 1  //IMS接收DTMF发送消息并完成DTMF发送相关配置
15:30:05.695010    QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT       Length:   55                                                                                                 //CM通过QMI消息返回DTMF启动请求
15:30:05.714271    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 40, end_bit = 0                        //IMS继续向网络发送DTMF
15:30:05.735052    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 60, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.755000    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 80, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.775104    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 100, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.795313    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 120, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.815469    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 140, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.835521    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 160, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.853073    QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT       Length:   48                                                                                                 //CM通过QMI消息接收DTMF释放/停止请求
15:30:05.853073    Call Manager/Medium    [cmipapp.c   5703] =CM= CMIPAPP: Send stop inband DTMF for call 10, sub 0                                    //CM向IMS发送带内的DTMF结束发送消息
15:30:05.853073    IMS/High               [qipcalldtmf.c    418] qipcall_stop_dtmf_rpt_conf: Block call rpt ind 0. Call Id=10, State=14, status =1     //IMS接收DTMF结束消息并完成DTMF结束相关配置
15:30:05.853073    QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT       Length:   55                                                                                                 //CM通过QMI消息返回DTMF释放/停止请求
15:30:05.855339    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1                       //DTMF发送结束标识
15:30:05.875990    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.895990    IMS/Medium             [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1




        关键字:QMI --> voice_start_cont_dtmf

15:30:05.694244	[0x1544]	QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT
packetVersion = 2
V2 {
   MsgType = Request                              //DTMF请求消息
   Counter = 419
   Service_VOICE {
      ServiceVOICEV2 {
         voice_start_cont_dtmf {
            voice_start_cont_dtmf_reqTlvs[0] {
               Type = 0x01
               Length = 2
               cont_dtmf_info {
                  call_id = 255
                  digit = 49           //键值对应ASCALL值,这是49即数字1
15:30:05.695010	[0x1544]	QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT
packetVersion = 2
V2 {
   MsgType = Response                            //DTMF请求响应
   Counter = 419
   Service_VOICE {
      ServiceVOICEV2 {
         voice_start_cont_dtmf {
            voice_start_cont_dtmf_respTlvs[0] {
               Type = 0x02
               Length = 4
               resp {
                  result = QMI_RESULT_SUCCESS        //DTMF请求成功
                  error = QMI_ERR_NONE
            voice_start_cont_dtmf_respTlvs[1] {
               Type = 0x10
               Length = 1
               call_id {
                  call_id = 1



        关键字:Send start inband DTMF

15:30:05.694219    Call Manager/Medium    [cmipapp.c   5645] =CM= CM->IMS: CMIPAPP: Send start inband DTMF for call 10, as_id 0



        第一次发送的“持续时间(duration)"一般从20ms开始,当然也有少数从40ms开始。)。正常的数据发送的结束bit位都为0(end_bit = 0)


        关键字:Sending dtmf for digit

15:30:05.694219    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 20, end_bit = 0




15:30:05.694219    IMS/High    [qipcalldtmf.c    373] qipcall_start_dtmf_rpt_conf: Block call rpt ind = 0,Call Id=10, State=14, status = 1



        关键字:QMI --> voice_start_cont_dtmf

//DTMF按键请求响应 --- 同上
15:30:05.695010	[0x1544]	QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT
packetVersion = 2
V2 {
   MsgType = Response                            //DTMG请求响应
   Counter = 419
   Service_VOICE {
      ServiceVOICEV2 {
         voice_start_cont_dtmf {
            voice_start_cont_dtmf_respTlvs[0] {
               Type = 0x02
               Length = 4
               resp {
                  result = QMI_RESULT_SUCCESS        //DTMF请求成功
                  error = QMI_ERR_NONE
            voice_start_cont_dtmf_respTlvs[1] {
               Type = 0x10
               Length = 1
               call_id {
                  call_id = 1



        关键字:Sending dtmf for digit

15:30:05.714271    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 40, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.735052    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 60, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.755000    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 80, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.775104    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 100, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.795313    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 120, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.815469    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 140, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.835521    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 160, end_bit = 0



        关键字:QMI  -->  voice_stop_cont_dtmf

15:30:05.853073	[0x1544]	QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT
packetVersion = 2
V2 {
   MsgType = Request                              //DTMF发送结束请求
   Counter = 420
   Service_VOICE {
      ServiceVOICEV2 {
         voice_stop_cont_dtmf {
            voice_stop_cont_dtmf_reqTlvs[0] {
               Type = 0x01
               Length = 1
               call_id {
                  call_id = 255



        关键字:Send stop inband DTMF

15:30:05.853073    Call Manager/Medium    [cmipapp.c   5703] =CM= CMIPAPP: Send stop inband DTMF for call 10, sub 0




15:30:05.853073    IMS/High    [qipcalldtmf.c    418] qipcall_stop_dtmf_rpt_conf: Block call rpt ind 0. Call Id=10, State=14, status =1



        关键字:QMI  -->  voice_stop_cont_dtmf

15:30:05.853073	[0x1544]	QMI_MCS_QCSI_PKT
packetVersion = 2
V2 {
   MsgType = Response                              //DTMF发送结束请求响应
   Counter = 420
   Service_VOICE {
      ServiceVOICEV2 {
         voice_stop_cont_dtmf {
            voice_stop_cont_dtmf_respTlvs[0] {
               Type = 0x02
               Length = 4
               resp {
                  result = QMI_RESULT_SUCCESS      //操作成功
                  error = QMI_ERR_NONE
            voice_stop_cont_dtmf_respTlvs[1] {
               Type = 0x10
               Length = 1
               call_id {
                  call_id = 1


        在”DTMF发送结束配置成功”及“结束DTMF发送请求QMI响应成功”后,最后发送 3次 DTMF结束标志(end_bit = 1),跟网络再见

         关键字:Sending dtmf for digit

15:30:05.855339    IMS/Medium    [ qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.875990    IMS/Medium    [ qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.895990    IMS/Medium    [ qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1

3.12、IMS发送DTMF到网络的 RTP 数据包(IMS --> NW)



15:30:05.694219    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 20, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.694244    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62      //RTP包
Version = 12
Version 12 {
   Direction = UE_TO_NETWORK
   Rat Type = LTE
   Sequence = 304
   Ssrc = 1114439703
   Rtp Time stamp = 174400
   mediaType = AUDIO
   PayLoad Size = 16
   Logged Payload Size = 4
   DTMF {
      Marker = 1
      Event = 1
      End bit = 0
      Volume dbm0 = 10 dBm
      Volume DbFs = 13
      Duration = 320                                            //320开始
      High Frequency = 1209
      Low Frequency = 697
   Latency Info Present = 0
   Latency Block None {
   Rtp Raw Payload = { 1, 10, 1, 64 }
   Rtp Redundant Indicator = Original RTP Packet
15:30:05.714271    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 40, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.715010    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 640
15:30:05.735052    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 60, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.735054    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 960
15:30:05.755000    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 80, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.755001    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 1280
15:30:05.775104    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 100, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.775112    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 1600
15:30:05.795313    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 120, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.795337    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 1920
15:30:05.815469    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 140, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.815488    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2240
15:30:05.835521    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 160, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.835532    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2560
15:30:05.855339    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.856003    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2880
15:30:05.875990    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.876003    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2880
15:30:05.895990    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.896014    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2880


         Qualcomm IMS解决方案提供FR#25100支持播放接收方向DTMF事件通过 IMS -> MMODE -> QMI 报告路径,以便 OEM 可以在 AP 侧实现。已集成 FR#25100 的构建,IMS 将报告接收方向 DTMF 到模式。


  1. IMS收到DTMF的网络数据包 (NW --> IMS)
  2. IMS将DTMF信息发送到CM (IMS --> CM)
  3. CM中的call进行进行DL DTMF时间接收
  4. CM进行DTMF发送其他模块响应
15:30:05.276019    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62																									//IMS收到DTMF的网络数据包
15:30:05.296006    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
15:30:05.317045    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
15:30:05.330990    Call Manager/High        [cmtask.c  10918] =CM= CM<< IP cmd:642																			//IMS将DTMF信息发送到CM/MMODE
15:30:05.330990    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    658] qipcall_process_dl_dtmf_event: indication type = 0, call_id = 1, volume = 10, digit = 49	//CM中的call进行进行DL DTMF时间接收
15:30:05.330990    Call Manager/High        [cmdbg.c   3957] =CM= <<CM inbandevt=9 <1>																		//CM进行DTMF发送其他模块响应
15:30:05.341097    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62																									//IMS收到DTMF的网络数据包
15:30:05.360008    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
15:30:05.401042    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
15:30:05.440002    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
15:30:05.481025    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
15:30:05.490260    Call Manager/High        [cmtask.c  10918] =CM= CM<< IP cmd:643																			//IMS将DTMF信息发送到CM/MMODE
15:30:05.490260    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    658] qipcall_process_dl_dtmf_event: indication type = 2, call_id = 1, volume = 10, digit = 49	//CM中的call进行进行DL DTMF时间接收
15:30:05.490260    Call Manager/High        [cmdbg.c   3957] =CM= <<CM inbandevt=10 <1>																		//CM进行DTMF发送其他模块响应


       IMS通过RTP包与网络进行交互,在LTE产品中,RTP包是 0x1568。一般RTP包中从320开始,一次增加320,并且与发送端一一对应

        关键字:0x1568 --> DTMF


15:30:05.694219    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 20, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.694244    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 320
15:30:05.714271          IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 40, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.715010    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 640
15:30:05.735052    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 60, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.735054    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 960
15:30:05.755000    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 80, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.755001    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 1280
15:30:05.775104    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 100, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.775112    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 1600
15:30:05.795313    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 120, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.795337    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 1920
15:30:05.815469    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 140, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.815488    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 2240
15:30:05.835521    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 160, end_bit = 0
15:30:05.835532    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 2560
15:30:05.855339    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.856003    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 2880
15:30:05.875990    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.876003    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//Duration = 2880
15:30:05.895990    IMS/Medium               [qipcalldtmf.c    896] -----> Sending dtmf for digit = 49, duration = 180, end_bit = 1
15:30:05.896014    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62    	//Duration = 2880

15:29:57.227009    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//接收消息位
Version = 12
Version 12 {
   Direction = UE_TO_NETWORK
   Rat Type = LTE
   Sequence = 260
   Ssrc = 2261344487
   Rtp Time stamp = 87680
   mediaType = AUDIO
   PayLoad Size = 16
   Logged Payload Size = 4
   DTMF {
      Marker = 1
      Event = 1
      End bit = 0
      Volume dbm0 = 10 dBm
      Volume DbFs = 13
      Duration = 320
      High Frequency = 1209
      Low Frequency = 697
   Latency Info Present = 0
   Latency Block None {
   Rtp Raw Payload = { 1, 10, 1, 64 }
   Rtp Redundant Indicator = Original RTP Packet
15:29:57.247093    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 640
15:29:57.267104    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 960
15:29:57.287081    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 1280
15:29:57.307006    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 1600
15:29:57.328016    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 1920
15:29:57.348004    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2240
15:29:57.368170    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2560
15:29:57.387013    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62		//接收结束位
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2880
15:29:57.408157    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2880
15:29:57.428256    IMS RTP SN and Payload   Length:   62
   DTMF {
      Duration = 2880




15:30:05.330990    Call Manager/High    [cmtask.c  10918] =CM= CM<< IP cmd:642
15:30:05.490260    Call Manager/High    [cmtask.c  10918] =CM= CM<< IP cmd:643

        关于IP cmd 的的说明

typedef enum cm_name_e{
  CM_IP_CALL_START_DTMF_IND,  /* 642 --> DTMF IMD sent by IMS for starting MT DTMF --> IMS发送用于启动MT DTMF的DTMF IMD */
  CM_IP_CALL_STOP_DTMF_IND,   /* 643 --> DTMF IMD sent by IMS for stopping MT DTMF --> IMS发送用于停止MT DTMF的DTMF IMD */

3.CM中的call进行进行DL DTMF时间接收

        在CM中我们可以看到来自IMS模块的消息,在消息中我们可以看到”键值(digit = 49)“


15:30:05.330990    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    658] qipcall_process_dl_dtmf_event: indication type = 0, call_id = 1, volume = 10, digit = 49
15:30:05.490260    IMS/Medium    [qipcalldtmf.c    658] qipcall_process_dl_dtmf_event: indication type = 2, call_id = 1, volume = 10, digit = 49



15:30:05.330990    Call Manager/High    [cmdbg.c   3957] =CM= <<CM inbandevt=9 <1>
15:30:05.490260    Call Manager/High    [cmdbg.c   3957] =CM= <<CM inbandevt=10 <1>


typedef enum cm_inband_event_e {

  /* -1 */
  /**< FOR INTERNAL CM USE ONLY! --> 最小值,仅供内部CM使用!*/

  /* 0 */
  /**< Send a CDMA-burst DTMF --> 发送CDMA突发DTMF */

  /* 1 */
  /**< Start a continuous DTMF tone --> 开始连续双音多频音 */

  /* 2 */
    /**< Confirm that a continuous DTMF tone is played (WCDMA/GSM/TDS only) --> 确认已连续播放DTMF音调(仅限WCDMA/GMS/TDS) */

  /* 3 */
    /**< Stop a continuous DTMF tone --> 停止连续的双音多频音 */

  /* 4 */
    /**< Confirm a that continuous DTMF tone is stopped (WCDMA/GSM/TDS only) --> 确认连续DTMF音已停止(仅限WCDMA/GMS/TDS) */

  /* 5 */
    /**< Received a CDMA-burst DTMF message --> 收到CDMA突发DTMF消息 */

  /* 6 */
    /**< Received a start continuous DTMF tone order --> 收到开始连续DTMF音指令 */

  /* 7 */
    /**< Received a stop continuous DTMF tone order --> 收到停止连续DTMF音指令 */

  /* 8 */
    /**< Received an L2 ACK for a CDMA-burst DTMF message (FEATURE_T53) --> 收到CDMA突发DTMF消息的L2 ACK(FEATURE_T53) */

  /* 9 */
  /**< Start of MT DTMF tone sent by IMS --> 开始发送从IMS接手的DTMF音 */

  /* 10 */
  /**< Stop of MT DTMF tone sent by IMS--> 停止发送从IMS接手的DTMF音 */

  /* MAX */
  /**< FOR INTERNAL CM USE ONLY! --> 最大值,仅供内部CM使用!*/

} cm_inband_event_e_type;

  • 1
  • 0
    觉得还不错? 一键收藏
  • 0




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