
  1. select distinct column1,solumu2 from table_name 删除重复值,此处distinct作用于column1,column2;
  2. select column1 from table_name where rownum <=5 返回5行数据;
  3. select column1 from table_name where rownum <=5  --注释;
  4. /* select column1 from table_name*/ 注释代码;
  5. select * from hrmsubcompany order by supsubcomid,id  按照order by后面依次排序;
  6. select * from hrmsubcompany order by 1 按照第一列排序;
  7. select * from hrmsubcompany order by 1 desc 降序排序;
  8. select * from hrmsubcompany where id<'94' and id <>'90'  单引号是字符串;
  9. select * from hrmsubcompany where ID between 1 and 93  ID在1-93之间;
  10. select * from hrmsubcompany where subcompanycode is null 返回空值,不是0;
  11. select * from hrmsubcompany where id in(1,98,103) = select * from hrmsubcompany where id ='1' or id='98' or id='103';
  12. select * from hrmsubcompany where id<'94' and not id ='90'  ID小于94但是不等于90;
  13. select * from hrmsubcompany where id like '%1'  ID末尾是1的;
  14. select * from hrmsubcompany where id like '1%1'  ID是1开头,1结尾的;(%可以表示0个,1个,多个字符)
  15. select * from hrmsubcompany where id like '_1__' ID是四位数,第二位是1;
  16. select id+tlevel from hrmsubcompany 两列数值相加;
  17. select subcompanyname ||'('||ID ||')' from hrmsubcompany ||相当于+,Oracle不支持+;
  18. select ID ,supsubcomid,ID*supsubcomid as total from hrmsubcompany  计算前两列的值,并取名total;
  19. select 3*3 as total from dual 数据库计算3*3,返回值赋值给total;
  20. select ecology_pinyin_search,upper(ecology_pinyin_search) as word from hrmsubcompany upper将小写英文转化为大写;
  21. select length(ecology_pinyin_search) from hrmsubcompany 返回字段长度;
  22. select id,sysdate,createdate,test from hrmresource where extract(year from test)=2023 提取字段类型是date的年份是2023年的;
  23. select abs(-12) as jdz from dual 返回-12的绝对值;
  24. select avg(id) as avg_id,sysdate,createdate from hrmresource group by createdate 求ID的平均值,sysdate是当前日期,和createdate是创建日期,无法实现平均值的显示,需要对createdate进行分组
  25. select count(*) from hrmresource 对表中的数据进行行数统计,不忽略null值;
  26. select count(loginid) from hrmresource 对loginid进行数量统计,忽略null值;
  27. select max(id) as max,min(id) as min from hrmresource 取值ID的最大值和ID的最小值;
  28. select min(createdate) from hrmresource 取值日期里面最小值;
  29. select sum(id) from hrmresource ID的总和;
  30. select sum(id*seclevel) from  hrmresource 两列计算后求和;
  31. select count(id),seclevel from  hrmresource group by seclevel 根据ID统计seclevel分组数量;
  32. select count(id),seclevel from  hrmresource group by seclevel order by seclevel 根据seclevel分组并排序
  33. select locationid ,seclevel from  hrmresource group by seclevel,locationid  having seclevel <='0' seclevel小于0的取值;
  34. select count(id) as total,seclevel from  hrmresource group by seclevel having count(id) <='100' having在数据分组后进行过滤(where在数据分组前进行过滤);如果不指定group by,where和having非常的相似;
  35. select * from hrmsubcompany where id in(select distinct subcompanyid1 from  hrmresource where managerid='624') SQL由内向外执行语句,先执行括号内的,然后执行括号外的;
  36. select a.lastname,b.subcompanyname from hrmresource a,hrmsubcompany b where a.subcompanyid1=b.id  定义a,b表格,使公司id相等,得出姓名和公司名称;
  37. select a.lastname,b.subcompanyname from hrmresource a inner join hrmsubcompany b on a.subcompanyid1=b.id  输出结果同36;
  38. select a.id,a.lastname,b.subcompanyname,c.jobtitlename from hrmresource a,hrmsubcompany b,hrmjobtitles cwhere a.subcompanyid1=b.id and a.jobtitle=c.id and a.id='28654' 三表联查个人信息;
  39. select * from hrmresource where id='690' union select * from hrmresource where jobtitle='709' union链接两个select语句,同时剔除重复项(id='690'在jobtitle='709'中存在);
  40. select * from hrmresource where id='690' union all select * from hrmresource where jobtitle='709' union all集合了两条语句的所有值;
  41. insert into hrmjobtitles values('9569324','数据库插入测试','数据库插入测试',null,'516202',null,null,null,null,null,null,null) 插入对应数据 但是要注意的是ID是自生成的,不会执行插入
  42. create table test1123 as select * from hrmjobtitles where jobactivityid='516202' 创建和hrmjobtitles一模一样的表单;
  43. update hrmjobtitles set jobactivityid='1111' where id='8131'  修改ID是8138 jobactivityid这个字段;
  44. update hrmjobtitles set jobactivityid=null where id='8131' 修改ID是8138 jobactivityid这个字段为空;
  45. delete from hrmjobtitles where id='8131' 删除ID为8131的行项目;
  46. create table products1127(prod_id  char(10)  not null,vend_id  char(10)  not null,prod_name  char(254)  not null,prod_price  decimal(8,2)  not null,prod_desc  varchar(1000)  null)  创建表单(字段,类型,是否为空);
  47. alter table Products1127 add time date 表单增加一列;
  48. alter table Products1127 drop column time 表单减少一列;
  49. drop table Products1127 删除表单;
  50. create view companyview as select a.ID,a.subcompanyname, a.subcompanycode,b.lastname  from hrmsubcompany a,hrmresource_0703 b where a.id=b.subcompanyid1 创建一个select后面查询的视图;
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