
#to calculate column density of molecules##

#dust temperature of G168-H1 is 11.9(0.3)
#dust temperature of G168-H2 is 13.2(1.0)
import numpy as np
Td_1 = 11.9
Td_2 = 13.2
N_H2_G168_H1 = 1.4e22
N_H2_G168_H2 = 2.46e22

#astro constants
k = 1.380662e-16  # Boltzmann constant in erg/K
#molecular parameters

def CCH_column_density(W_1,W_2):
	Q_CCH_H1 = 0.290321260859*(Td_1**1.37453662016)+23.4448070114 #partition function of CCH at Td_1
	Q_CCH_H2 = 0.290321260859*(Td_2**1.37453662016)+23.4448070114 #partition function of CCH at Td_2
	nu_CCH =  87316925000 # fequency of CCH in GHz
	Sijmu_CCH = 1.42e-36 #  D**2
	Eu_CCH =  4.19269  #upper energy level of CCH in K
	N_CCH_1 = 3*k*W_1*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_CCH*Sijmu_CCH)*(Td_1/(Td_1-2.73))*Q_CCH_H1*np.exp(Eu_CCH/Td_1) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_CCH_tau_1 = N_CCH_1*(tau_1/1-np.exp(-tau_1)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	N_CCH_2 = 3*k*W_2*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_CCH*Sijmu_CCH)*(Td_2/(Td_2-2.73))*Q_CCH_H2*np.exp(Eu_CCH/Td_2) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_CCH_tau_2 = N_CCH_2*(tau_2/1-np.exp(-tau_2)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	CCH_ab_1 = N_CCH_1/N_H2_G168_H1 #abundance
	CCH_ab_2 = N_CCH_2/N_H2_G168_H2 #abundance
	print('CCH column density of G168-H1:', N_CCH_1, 'CCH abundance of G168-H1:',CCH_ab_1,'\nCCH column density of G168-H2:', N_CCH_2, 'CCH abundance of G168-H1:',CCH_ab_2)

def N2HP_column_density(W_1,W_2):
	Q_N2HP_H1 = 0.655700552358*(Td_1**1.32620289346)+73.602912042 #partition function of CCH at Td_1
	Q_N2HP_H2 = 0.655700552358*(Td_2**1.32620289346)+73.602912042 #partition function of CCH at Td_2
	nu_N2HP =  93173777000 # fequency of N2HP in Hz
	Sijmu_N2HP = 12.42e-36 #  e.s.u**2
	Eu_N2HP =  4.47161  #upper energy level of CCH in K
	N_N2HP_1 = 3*k*W_1*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_N2HP*Sijmu_N2HP)*(Td_1/(Td_1-2.73))*Q_N2HP_H1*np.exp(Eu_N2HP/Td_1) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_N2HP_tau_1 = N_N2HP_1*(tau_1/1-np.exp(-tau_1)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	N_N2HP_2 = 3*k*W_2*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_N2HP*Sijmu_N2HP)*(Td_2/(Td_2-2.73))*Q_N2HP_H2*np.exp(Eu_N2HP/Td_2) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_N2HP_tau_2 = N_N2HP_2*(tau_2/1-np.exp(-tau_2)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	N2HP_ab_1 = N_N2HP_1/N_H2_G168_H1
	N2HP_ab_2 = N_N2HP_2/N_H2_G168_H2
	print('N2HP column density of G168-H1', N_N2HP_1, 'N2HP abundance of G168-H1:',N2HP_ab_1, '\nN2HP column density of G168-H2', N_N2HP_2, 'N2HP abundance of G168-H2:', N2HP_ab_2)

def CH3OH_column_density(W_1,W_2):
	Q_CH3OH_H1 = 0.111034763298*(Td_1**1.98919651965)+45.1655975987 #partition function of CCH at Td_1
	Q_CH3OH_H2 = 0.111034763298*(Td_2**1.98919651965)+45.1655975987 #partition function of CCH at Td_2
	nu_CH3OH =  96741371000 # fequency of N2HP in Hz
	Sijmu_CH3OH = 1.61695e-36 #  e.s.u**2
	Eu_CH3OH = 6.96509 #upper energy level of CCH in K
	N_CH3OH_1 = 3*k*W_1*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_CH3OH*Sijmu_CH3OH)*(Td_1/(Td_1-2.73))*Q_CH3OH_H1*np.exp(Eu_CH3OH/Td_1) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_N2HP_tau_1 = N_N2HP_1*(tau_1/1-np.exp(-tau_1)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	N_CH3OH_2 = 3*k*W_2*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_CH3OH*Sijmu_CH3OH)*(Td_2/(Td_2-2.73))*Q_CH3OH_H2*np.exp(Eu_CH3OH/Td_2) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_N2HP_tau_2 = N_N2HP_2*(tau_2/1-np.exp(-tau_2)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	CH3OH_ab_1 = N_CH3OH_1/N_H2_G168_H1
	CH3OH_ab_2 = N_CH3OH_2/N_H2_G168_H2
	print('CH3OH column density of G168-H1', N_CH3OH_1, 'CH3OH abundance of G168-H1:',CH3OH_ab_1, '\nCH3OH column density of G168-H2', N_CH3OH_2, 'CH3OH abundance of G168-H2:',CH3OH_ab_2)

def CH3CCH_column_density(W_1):
	Q_CH3CCH_H1 = 1.02127975444*(Td_1**1.50373569361)+7.72802815444 #partition function of CCH at Td_1
	nu_CH3CCH =  102547984200 # fequency of N2HP in Hz
	Sijmu_CH3CCH = 3.37545e-36 #  e.s.u**2
	Eu_CH3CCH = 17.22542 #upper energy level of CCH in K
	N_CH3CCH_1 = 3*k*W_1*1e5/(8*(np.pi**3)*nu_CH3CCH*Sijmu_CH3CCH)*(Td_1/(Td_1-2.73))*Q_CH3CCH_H1*np.exp(Eu_CH3CCH/Td_1) #CCh column density of G168-H1
	#N_N2HP_tau_1 = N_N2HP_1*(tau_1/1-np.exp(-tau_1)) #column density of CCH with optical depth corretion
	CH3CCH_ab_1 = N_CH3CCH_1/N_H2_G168_H1
	print('CH3CCH column density of G168-H1', N_CH3CCH_1, 'CH3CCH abundance of G168-H1:',CH3CCH_ab_1)

CCH_column_density(0.69,0.45) #calculate CCH column density
N2HP_column_density(0.28,0.16) #calculate N2HP column density
CH3OH_column_density(0.3,0.44) #calculate N2HP column density
CH3CCH_column_density(0.23) #calculate N2HP column density

评论 1




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